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Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6033


III B. Tech I Semester, Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Common to Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering & Civil Engineering)
Date: 15 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Recall the importance of Government and Judiciary in Indian Constitution. 3M

b) Outline the major objectives of Indian Constitution with examples. 3M
c) Illustrate the major committees of constituent assembly. 3M
d) Outline the basic structure of Indian Constitution. 3M
e) Relate the significance of Social justice, Political Justice and Economic Justice in Preamble. 3M
f) Classify about Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in Preamble to Indian Constitution. 3M
g) Illustrate the importance of Right to Information Act. 3M
h) Summarize the importance of right to constitutional remedies. 3M
i) Interpret the significance of Fundamental Rights. 3M
j) Infer the major objectives of Jan lokpal Bill and its importance to public. 3M

2. a) Explain the time line formation of Constitution of India. 7M

b) Explain the formation of Constituent Assembly of India. 7M
c) What factors have influenced Indian leaders to develop the Indian Constitution? 7M
d) Identify the significance of judiciary in Indian Constitution. 7M

3. a) List out the powers of the Governor under the Constitution. 7M

b) Inspect the ideals and aspirations incorporated in the constitution of India Drafting
c) Make the importance of Constitution and Government the Indian Constitution. 7M
d Motive the brief study of Dr. B.R Ambedkar in drafting Indian Constitution. 7M

4. a) Make use of parts and schedules in Indian Constitution. 7M

b) Identify the salient features of Constitution and Judiciary in Indian Constitution. 7M
c) Mark the importance of the Unity and Integrity in Indian Constitution. 7M
d) Explain in detail about soverignity, socialist, secularism in Indian Constitution. 7M

5. a) List out in detail about the salient features of Right to Information act. 7M
b) Explain the salient features and the importance of implementing of Jan lokpal bill. 7M
c) Prioritize the salient features of Anti Defection law in the light of 91st constitutional 7M
d) Identify the significance of Right to education act in eradicating the illiteracy in India. 7M

6. a) Analyze the impacts of violating the Freedom of speech in Indian Constitution. 7M

b) How do Citizens of India make use of Right to Equality in Indian Constitution? 7M
c) Right to freedom is one the most fundamental rights assured by the Indian Constitution. 7M
d) Examine the salient features of Right against exploitation as mentioned in Indian 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6182


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 13 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) What is meant by air pollution? List the Primary air pollutants. 3M

b) What are the effects of ozone depletion? 3M
c) Write a difference between spot and continuous sampling. 3M
d) Make clear the purpose of ambient air sampling. 3M
e) What are the factors affecting the selection of control equipment? 3M
f) What are the advantages of electrostatic precipitators? 3M
g) How do automobiles affect air pollution? 3M
h) What are the major indoor air pollutants? 3M
i) Define the term ‘Air Quality Index. 3M
j) Define air quality standards. 3M
2. a) Explain the classification and properties of air pollutants. 7M
b) Explain the effect of air pollution on human beings. 7M
c) Write short note on: 7M
i. Green house effect
ii. Acid rain
d) Sketch and explain different kinds of plumes depending upon different environmental 7M
conditions (any four).
3. a) Define the term air sampling and explain the basic considerations to be made during air 7M
b) Summarize the methodology for the analysis of particulate matter. 7M
c) Write a note on Collection of Gaseous Air Pollutants. 7M
d) Describe the methodology for the analysis of Sulphur Dioxide. 7M
4. a) Explain the various options to control Particulate emissions. 7M
b) Explain different scrubbers with neat diagram. 7M
c) Explain with the help of a diagram, the principle of an electrostatic precipitator. 7M
d) Explain the general methods for control of Nitrogen Oxides emissions. 7M
5. a) Explain the emission controls and standards for automobile pollution. 7M
b) Explain the strategies to control automobile pollution. 7M
c) Explain the control of noise pollution. 7M
d) Enlist various sources for respective indoor air pollutants. Also discuss control measures for 7M
the same.
6. a) Write about air quality index and limits. 7M
b) Explain how zoning is implemented as method of air pollution control efforts. 7M
c) Explain the salient features of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. 7M
d) Examine the functions and necessity of conducting Environmental Impact assessment and 7M
air quality.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6511


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 01 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions
1. a) Define Machine Learning. 2M
b) Define Entropy and Information gain. 2M
c) What are the difficulties in estimating the accuracy of a hypothesis? 2M
d) State Bayes theorem. 2M
e) Identify the challenges of clustering algorithm. 2M
f) Write a Find-S algorithm. 3M
g) Give any real world example of decision tree representation. 3M
h) How does the deviation between sample error and true error depend on the size of the 3M
data sample?
i) Why Naïve Bayes is best for classification? 3M
j) What is Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering? 3M
2. a) Define concept learning and discuss with example. 5M
b) Describe the Candidate–Elimination algorithm. Explain its working, taking the enjoy sport 5M
concept and training instances given below.
Example Sky Air Temp Humidity Wind Water Forecast Enjoy Sport
1 Sunny Warm Normal Strong Warm Same Yes
2 Sunny Warm High Strong Warm Same Yes
3 Rainy Cold High Strong Warm Change No
4 Sunny Warm High Strong Warm Change Yes
c) Describe the Logistic regression technique with an example. 5M
d) Describe the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning techniques with a 5M
proper example.
3. a) Illustrate with a diagram the decision tree representation for the concept of play tennis. 5M
b) Discuss the effect of reduced Error pruning in decision tree algorithm. 5M
c) What is Random forest? Explain with example. 5M
d) Point out the appropriate problems for Decision tree learning. 5M
4. a) Explain about Confidence Intervals for Discrete-Valued Hypotheses. 5M
b) How do you compare the performance of two learning algorithms? Explain. 5M
c) Describe a general approach for deriving confidence intervals. 5M
d) Define the terms: 5M
i. Sample error
ii. True error
iii. Mean
iv. Variance
v. Standard deviation
5. a) Illustrate the importance and use of Naïve Bayesian learning method in the classification of 5M
text documents.
b) Illustrate Naïve Bayes classifier with an example. 5M
c) Explain the differences between lazy learning and eager learning. 5M
d) Discuss about k-nearest neighbor algorithm for classification purpose. 5M
:: 2 ::

6. a) Explain about k-means clustering algorithm with an example. 5M

b) Illustrate about Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering algorithm. 5M
c) Explain about DBSCAN- center based approach for classification of points. 5M
d) Describe the k-mediods clustering with an appropriate example. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6512


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology)
Date: 03 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define big O notation. 3M

b) Define the terms Best case, Worst case, and Average case time complexities. 3M
c) Define the minimum spanning tree problem. 3M
d) Differentiate feasible solutions and optimal solutions. 3M
e) What do you mean by Dynamic Programming? 3M
f) What is the principle of optimality? 3M
g) Define the general method of Back Tracking. 3M
h) State Graph Coloring Problem. 3M
i) Explain the different strategies of branch and bound. 3M
j) Define branch and bound technique. 3M
2. a) Develop an algorithm for quick sort and derive its time complexity. 7M
b) Write an Algorithm for merge sort and trace 60, 50, 25, 10, 35, 25, 75, 30. 7M
c) Outline an algorithm to find the maximum and minimum using dived and conquer. 7M
d) Discuss Strassen's matrix multiplication and derive its time complexity. Multiply the 7M
following two matrices using Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication Algorithm.
6 8 2 5
A    B   
9 7 3 6

3. a) Find the optimal solution for the following fractional Knapsack problem. n=4, m = 60, 7M
W={40, 10, 20, 24} and P={280, 100, 120, 120}
b) Write the problem statement for job sequencing with deadline? Let n=5, profits (10, 3, 33, 7M
11,40) and deadlines (3, 1, 1, 2, 2). Find the optimal sequence of execution of job solution
using greedy algorithm.
c) Compute the Minimum Spanning Tree and its cost for the following graph using Kruskal’s 7M
Algorithm. Indicate each step clearly.

d) Write Kruskal’s algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree and Analyze its complexity. 7M
4. a) Using Dynamic Programming, find the fully parenthesized matrix product for multiplying 7M
the chain of matrices< A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 > whose dimensions are <30X35>, <35X15>,
<15X5>, <5X10> and <10X20> respectively.
b) Find the optimal solution to the knapsack instant n=7, m=15 using dynamic programming. 7M
Object 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Weight 10 5 15 7 6 8 3
Profit 2 3 5 7 1 4 1
:: 2 ::

c) Find the all pair shortest path for the given graph. 7M

d) Solve Travelling Salesman problem for the following graph using Dynamic Programming 7M

5. a) What is the central principle of backtracking? Apply backtracking to solve the below 7M
instance of sum of subset problem S = {5, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18} d = 30.
b) Write an algorithm to find Hamiltonian Cycles in given graph. 7M
c) Illustrate N Queen’s Problem using Backtracking to solve 4 Queen’s problem 7M
d) Construct state space tree for graph color where n=3(vertices) and m=3(colors). 7M
6. a) Differentiate between deterministic and non-deterministic algorithms with an example. 7M
b) Identify a non-deterministic algorithm for searching and sorting. 7M
c) Explain the classes of NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems 7M
d) Solve the following instance of the knapsack problem using the branch and bound 7M
technique for W-15.
i Pi wi
1 10 2
2 10 4
3 12 6
4 18 9
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6551


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions
1. a) Differentiate between discrete and continuous attributes. 3M
b) Mention any three applications of data mining. 3M
c) What are the similarity between concept description and cube-based OLAP? 3M
d) Differentiate between data warehouse and DBMS. 3M
e) What is meant by Market basket analysis? 3M
f) Explain the join & prune step in apriori algorithm. 3M
g) How are decision trees used for classification? Why are decision tree classifiers so popular? 3M
h) Why do we use ensemble method? Name some examples of ensemble methods. 3M
i) Discuss the qualities of good clustering algorithm. 3M
j) How can we find dense regions in density-based clustering? How does DBSCAN quantify 3M
the neighborhood of an object?
2. a) Describe the steps involved in data mining when viewed as a process of knowledge 7M
b) Explain Strategies for data reduction. 7M
c) Explain Various Data Mining Functionalities with an example. 7M
d) Suppose that the data for analysis includes the attribute age. The age values for 7M
the data tuples are (in increasing order):
13, 15, 16, 16, 19, 20, 23, 29, 35, 41, 44, 53, 62, 69, 72
i. Use min-max normalization to transform the value of 45 for age onto the
range [0,1]
ii. Use Z-Score normalization to transform the value 45 for age where the standard
deviation of age is 20.64 years
3. a) Differentiate between oltp and olap. 7M
b) Explain the multi-tiered architecture of data warehouse. 7M
c) Which are the three data warehouse models? 7M
d) Discuss star schema with an example. 7M
4. a) Write pseudo-code for Apriori algorithm and discuss. 7M
b) Discuss the benefits of the FP-tree structure. 7M
c) Discuss about FP-growth algorithm for the following given example 7M
{M,O,N,K,E,Y} {D,O,N,K,E,Y} {M,A,K,E} {M,U,C,K,Y} {C,O,O,K,I,E}, Support= 60 %, Confidence
= 80 %.
d) Explain quantitative association rules based on statistical inference theory. 7M
5. a) Write decision tree induction algorithm for classifying data tuples. 7M
b) Why is naïve Bayesian classification called “naïve”? Briefly outline the major ideas of naïve 7M
Bayesian classification.
c) What is Bayesian belief network? Explain. 7M
d) Brief k-nearest-neighbor classification algorithm given k, the nearest number of neighbors, 7M
and n, the number of attributes describing each tuple.
6. a) Discuss major clustering approaches with an example. 7M
b) Explain k-means method. Discuss its strength and weakness. 7M
c) What is partitioning algorithms? Discuss. 7M
d) Explain hierarchical clustering and extensions to hierarchical clustering. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6602


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Date: 06 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define DOM. 2M
b) What is a Bootstrap container and how does it work? 2M
c) What is Generic Servlet class? 2M
d) Mention the advantage of JSP over servlets. 2M
e) Mention the built in function that is used to sort an array element in PHP. Give example. 2M
f) List the different ways to display the result in JavaScript. 3M
g) Expand XSLT. Give any two significance of XSLT. 3M
h) What is a JDBC driver and how many JDBC drivers are available? 3M
i) List any three attributes of page directive. 3M
j) List the different types of comment lines in PHP. 3M
2. a) Explain the following HTML tags 5M
i. Anchor tag
ii. img tag
iii. Frame tag
b) Explain Array as object in JavaScript with at least four methods. 5M
c) Write the JavaScript code to validate 5M
i. USERNAME which accepts only alphanumeric, should not start with the number
ii. PASSWORD which should be the combination of alphabets, numbers, special
characters(@, . , _)
d) What is CSS? Explain different types of CSS with example. 5M
3. a) Discuss Bootstrap table and various classes that can change the appearance of the table. 5M
b) What is ResultSet Metadata and why should you use it? 5M
c) Explain valid and well formed XML document. 5M
d) What is the difference between statement and prepared statement? Give an example 5M
4. a) What is cookie? Explain how to set a cookie. 5M
b) What is webserver? List the uses of web server. 5M
c) Highlight the main advantage of SerletConfig. List the different methods of Servletconfig 5M
d) With a neat diagram, explain the different life cycle methods followed by a servlet. 5M
5. a) List any four JSP action elements along with their syntax and purpose. 5M
b) What is the need for JSP directive? Explain the three directive tags. 5M
c) What are scripting elements? Explain the scriptlet tag with an example code. 5M
d) With a neat diagram explain the major phases of JSP life cycle. 5M
6. a) Design a PHP page that displays the user information. The user can customize the page 5M
dynamically by setting the page background color, font size, font color.
b) Explain the for loop construct with syntax and an example code. 5M
c) Write the PHP code to perform the following: 5M
i. Select the employees who belong to CSE Branch
ii. Update the salaries of employees of CSE dept with 3.5% of their basic salary
d) Differentiate between variables and constants in PHP. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6603


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Date: 08 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Write down the generic process framework that is applicable to any software project / 2M
relationship between work product, task, activity and system.
b) What is Scrum? 2M
c) Why is it so difficult to gain a clear understanding of what the customer wants? 2M
d) What are the elements of design model? 2M
e) Define Cohesion & Coupling 2M
f) Define a software myth? List out the types of software myths? 3M
g) What are the prototyping approaches in software process? 3M
h) What are the elements of Analysis model? 3M
i) State Characteristics of SRS document 3M
j) List out the components of a Software Design Model? 3M
2. a) Explain umbrella activities establish a architecture for software engineering work. 5M
b) Explain waterfall process model with merits and demerits. 5M
c) What is the use of software development process models? Explain. 5M
d) Explain the Evolutionary and Incremental Model. What are the Advantages and 5M
3. a) What are the Characteristics of Agility? 5M
b) Briefly explained about Agility Principles. 5M
c) Explain about Agile Frameworks. 5M
d) Explain about Agile process Models. 5M
4. a) With suitable example explain the functional and non-functional requirements 5M
b) Explain about Elicitation Techniques in detail 5M
c) Briefly describe scenario-Based Modeling. 5M
d) Explain the software requirement analysis and modeling. 5M
5. a) Explain the basic concepts of software design 5M
b) What are the design principles? Explain in detail 5M
c) How do we assess the quality of a software design? 5M
d) Briefly describe about Design Model. 5M
6. a) What is software architecture? Describe in detail different types of software 5M
architectural styles with illustrations.
b) Discuss the steps involved in analyzing the architectural deign. 5M
c) Explain about Architectural context diagram for the SafeHome security function. 5M
d) Explain about an Architecture Trade-Off Analysis Method. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6034


III B. Tech I Semester, Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology &
Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML))
Date: 15 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Write a few traditional methods of curing common cold and cough using ingredients from
b) Write the definition of ‘Traditional Knowledge’ and the need to study this subject. 3M
c) Define copyright and trademarks. 3M
d) Describe TKDL and its role in the protection of traditional knowledge. 3M
e) Explain Aryabhatta’s contribution to science. 3M
f) Interpret the benefits of organic farming. 3M
g) Identify a few home remedies that you have tried during the pandemic. 3M
h) Summarize the significance of traditional knowledge in medical system. 3M
i) State what role should the government take to promote Indian traditional art at the 3M
international market?
j) Illustrate the architectural magnificence of any monument that you have visited in India. 3M

2. a) Discuss the nature of traditional knowledge and write briefly about Traditional Ecological 7M
Knowledge(TEK) and Traditional Technical Knowledge(TTK).
b) Demonstrate the importance of traditional knowledge and the need for protecting it. 7M
c) Examine the characteristics of Traditional Knowledge. Substantiate with the help of 7M
examples - Neem, Turmeric and Basmati rice.
d) Analyze the importance of Indigenous Knowledge. Give your understanding of Indigenous 7M
Knowledge versus Traditional Knowledge.

3. a) Defend how TKDL protects traditional knowledge? Substantiate with suitable examples. 7M
b) Demonstrate how IPR protects plant varieties. 7M
c) Relate your opinion on how to preserve Traditional Knowledge with the help of legal 7M
d Summarize the threats of traditional knowledge. 7M

4. a) Compare your understanding of traditional knowledge and modern science. Illustrate the 7M
difference between traditional agriculture and modern agriculture.
b) Illustrate any three significant scientific discoveries contributed by India other than 7M
c) Examine briefly the farming systems in India. 7M
d) Outline your understanding of traditional knowledge and modern science and appraise 7M
the scope of Traditional Knowledge in Engineering?

5. a) Explain AYUSH and identify the role of government in promoting AYUSH. 7M

b) Demonstrate the general benefits of yoga and how effectively does it help our lifestyle. 7M


c) Examine the traditional medicines practiced in India and explain any two traditional 7M
medicine systems in relation to the contemporary world.
d) Discuss briefly the history and development of Yoga in India. 7M

6. a) International market has great demand for Indian art, Discuss. 7M

b) Examine in detail any two folk paintings of India. 7M
c) Illustrate the handicrafts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. 7M
d) Distinguish how the people of India and the government can contribute in promoting 7M
handicrafts both at national and international level.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6183


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Date: 13 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) How do you differentiate hazard and disaster? 3M

b) Write a short note and give examples of natural and man-made hazards. 3M
c) Draw disaster management cycle. 3M
d) What do you understand by the word relief? 3M
e) What is capacity building in disaster management? 3M
f) Immediate response is required in disaster and why? 3M
g) What is the use of survival kits? 3M
h) Write a short note on disaster management. 3M
i) What is the use of disaster management act in India? 3M
j) As an individual what is your role in handling various disasters. 3M
2. a) Explain in detail the vulnerability profile of our country. 7M
b) Define vulnerability and discuss the process of vulnerability analysis. 7M
c) Discuss various types of natural disasters in India and highlight their effects. 7M
d) Write a short note on man induced hazards briefly. 7M
3. a) Write a short note on major initiatives for disaster preparedness in India. 7M
b) Write about the provision of immediate relief measures to disaster affected people? 7M
c) Discuss about the concept of crisis management. 7M
d) List the various environmental disasters with suitable examples. 7M
4. a) Explain structural and non-structural mitigation measures for various types of disasters. 7M
b) Discuss in brief the concept of capacity building. 7M
c) How do you make use of legislative support to handle disasters at state and national level? 7M
d) Mention the various steps of strengthening capacity for reducing risks. 7M
5. a) Discuss in brief about the safety norms and survival kits in disaster management. 7M
b) How mass media can be helpful in disaster management? 7M
c) Explain the coping strategies of disaster in detail. 7M
d) How industrial safety plans should be implemented? 7M
6. a) List the various strategies for disaster management planning. 7M
b) Identify the steps for formulating a disaster risk reduction plan. 7M
c) Categorize the role of state and district management plans. 7M
d) Explain the organizational structure for disaster management in India. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6510


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Information Technology)
Date: 08 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Differentiate between unicast, multicast and broadcast communication. 3M

b) Classify the following examples into LAN, WAN or MAN: 3M
i. Alarm network of city fire department
ii. A network of all ATM machines, in a country, for some bank
iii. A bunch of students playing Counter Strike in the same room
c) Explain about flooding. 3M
d) Show the Ethernet frame format. 3M
e) Why IPV6 is preferred over IPV4? 3M
f) How Congestion occurs in a network? 3M
g) What is the significance of URG and PSH flags in TCP header? 3M
h) List any three applications for which TCP is required as a transport protocol. 3M
i) Present the information contained in a DNS resource record. 3M
j) Write about Application layer and its services. 3M
2. a) Explain the functionalities of different layers of TCP/IP protocol suite. 7M
b) Describe the coaxial cable with a neat diagram. What inference can you make with the 7M
concept of twisting in the twisted pair cable?
c) Compare OSI and TCP/IP reference model. What are the reasons for the lack of OSI model’s 7M
d) Distinguish between guided and unguided transmission media. Illustrate the uses of 7M
electromagnetic spectrum for communication.
3. a) Discuss the approaches used for error detection in Networking? 7M
b) Explain the three strategies used in CSMA/CA collision avoidance. 7M
c) What is pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA? Consider the delay of both at low load. Which 7M
one is less? Explain your answer.
d) How error correction is handled at different layers in an IP network? 7M
4. a) Explain any two congestion control algorithms? 7M
b) With an example, explain the function of link state routing protocol? 7M
c) Explain about IPV6? Compare IPV4 and IPV6? 7M
d) Consider the network shown in Fig 1. Compute the shortest path from C to other nodes 7M
using link state algorithm. Also update the forwarding table of node C.


5. a) Explain the TCP connection management finite state machine. 7M

b) Discuss the Syndrome Created by the receiver. Explain the Clark’s solution to overcome it. 7M
c) Differentiate between UDP and TCP protocols. List out the applications for which UDP is 7M
preferred over TCP.
d) Discuss TCP’s slow start and additive increase polices for handling congestion. 7M

6. a) Write about importance of SNMP? 7M

b) Discuss the types of DNS records? 7M
c) Write your understanding on File Transfer protocol? 7M
d) Describe the role of a DNS on a computer network with reference to its components? 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6605


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Information Technology)
Date: 06 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define Android Virtual Devices (AVD). 2M

b) What is a fragment in Android? 2M
c) What is difference between view and widget in android? 2M
d) List any four types of animation supported in Android? 2M
e) Define and List the Characteristics of SQLite database? 2M
f) List out Android SDK features. 3M
g) Why are layouts important when developing an app on Android? 3M
h) List all the attributes to develop a simple button. 3M
i) What is AndroidManifest.xml file and why do you need this? 3M
j) List the various options provided by the android system to store the application data 3M
2. a) How to create Android Virtual Devices? Explain various types of Android applications. 5M
b) Compare Android OS and IOS in app development. 5M
c) Discuss about the role of swift programming in iOS application development. 5M
d) Explain the Android app development process with a neat diagram. 5M
3. a) Discuss about the life cycle of Fragment with a neat diagram. 5M
b) Explain in detail about Constraint and Table Layouts in Android. 5M
c) Discuss about controlling orientation of the activity in detail. 5M
d) Explain the types of fragments in Android. 5M
4. a) List the different input controls for making choices. Demonstrate with a code snippet the 5M
usage of Radio Button.
b) Demonstrate Date Picker and Time Picker with their methods. 5M
c) Demonstrate the usage of Progress Bar and Rating Bar with examples. 5M
d) Implement an Android app for a simple calculator to perform addition, subtraction, 5M
multiplication and division of two integers entered using two Edit Text fields. Consider
buttons for +, -, * and /. Write activity Java file and draw the layout.
5. a) Explain the Dialog boxes supported in Android with their usage. 5M
b) Develop an Android application to demonstrate the process of sending an E-mail in 5M
Android. Write Activity java file for it.
c) Develop a sample code to create a simple media player application for playing audio files in 5M
d) Demonstrate the process of sending SMS in Android. Write Activity java file for it. 5M
6. a) Briefly discuss about deploying APK Files in Android. 5M
b) Demonstrate with Code Snippet the usage of Shared Preferences. 5M
c) Create a user registration application that stores the user details in a database table. 5M
d) Demonstrate how to perform Update and Delete operations in SQLite with an example 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6664


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) What are the various CSS styles when you designing a page? 3M
b) Classify various control structures and functions. 3M
c) What are the different applications of RPA? 3M
d) What are the different RPA tools? Explain briefly. 3M
e) Specify the usage of While activity in RPA. 3M
f) What are the different types of variables in RPA? 3M
g) List the types of RPA Bot. 3M
h) Name the frame work used in software automation testing. 3M
i) What are the various debugging tools in automation? 3M
j) How to catch errors while doing automation? 3M

2. a) Write a note about .net framework architecture. 7M

b) How to build a data table? Explain. 7M
c) Differentiate HTML and XML in detail. 7M
d) Explain in brief about SDLC. 7M

3. a) Differentiate Automation and RPA. 7M

b) Explain UiPath technology used in RPA. 7M
c) Explain components of RPA with neat diagram. 7M
d) List and explain the benefits of RPA. 7M

4. a) Generate a Fibonacci sequence using UiPath studio to code robot. 7M

b) With respect to UiPath studio, what Flowcharts are and when to use them? Discuss your 7M
response with comparison between sequence and flowcharts.
c) Explain the following control flow activities: 7M
i. The Do While activity
ii. The For each activity
d) Explain the following control flow activities: 7M
i. The Assign activity
ii. The Delay activity

5. a) Explain various advanced data scrapping techniques. 7M

b) How we can extract the data from excel? Give brief details. 7M
c) Explain various data tables in RPA. 7M
d) How we can extract the data from PDF. Give brief details? 7M

6. a) Discuss the UiPath debugging activities. 7M

b) Briefly explain email automation. 7M
c) Explain various strategies to solve the issues in RPA. 7M
d) Name two scripting standards which you will consider during automation testing. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6707


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML))
Date: 01 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Name a few packages used for data management in R. 2M

b) What does the data() and ls() function help with? 2M
c) What is frequency in statistical terms? 2M
d) Write the formula for logistic regression. 2M
e) What is rpart() function in decision tree? 2M
f) Explain installed.packages() function in R. 3M
g) What is a decision tree? What represents the node and edges in a decision tree? 3M
h) What is hypothesis space search? Which search is used by ID3 algorithm for hypothesis 3M
space search?
i) What is entropy? What is the formula of calculating information gain? 3M
j) What do you mean by an attribute-value pair? State the uses of an attribute-value pair. 3M
2. a) Discuss three popular packages in R Language. 5M
b) Explain double, complex and raw data types in R. 5M
c) Explain numeric, integer and character data types in R Language. 5M
d) Discuss mtcars dataset column names, summary (mtcars) and str(mtcars) functions. 5M
3. a) With an example explain expression, variables and functions. 5M
b) Interpret in-built string manipulation functions with example statements. 5M
c) Explain the following with syntax and example with reference to vectors in R: 5M
i. Sequence Vector
ii. Vector Access
d) Explain the following with syntax and example with reference to lists in R: 5M
i. Create a list, ‘emp’ having three elements, ‘EmpName’, ‘EmpUnit’ and ‘EmpSal’.
ii. Retrieve the names of the elements in the list ‘emp’
iii. Retrieve the values of the elements in the list ‘emp’
iv. Retrieve the value of the element ‘EmpName’ in the list ‘emp’.
v. Add an element with the name ‘EmpDesg’ and value ‘Software Engineer’ to the list,
4. a) Describe Percentiles and Quartiles with example for a dataset. 5M
b) Explain skewness of data and kurtosis with example. 5M
c) Discuss mode and histogram with example. 5M
d) Explain measures of central tendency. 5M
5. a) Explain regression and its variants with suitable diagram. 5M
b) With syntax explain generalized linear model and its major components. 5M
c) Write a brief note on Logistic regression and its uses. 5M
d) What is the difference between the logistic and logit functions? 5M
6. a) Discuss terminologies associated with a decision tree. 5M
b) Explain the steps in ID3 Algorithm. 5M
c) Draw a decision tree for bank loans or iris data set. 5M
d) How to calculate entropy and information gain to build a decision tree? 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6708


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML))
Date: 03 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define a classification task. 2M

b) Define under fitting in a model. 2M
c) What are the applications of neural network? 2M
d) List two architectures of Convolution neural network. 2M
e) Define hidden state in recurrent neural network. 2M
f) Compare neurons with biological neurons. 3M
g) Why a model should be a balanced fit? 3M
h) Define a neural network model. 3M
i) Define convolution layer in convolution neural network. 3M
j) Give formula for calculating output in recurrent neural network. 3M
2. a) Give the architecture of Deep Learning Neural Networks. 5M
b) Discuss Deep learning for classification task? 5M
c) Explain stochastic gradient descent for deep learning. 5M
d) Discuss perceptron’s in neural networks. 5M
3. a) Discuss L2 regularization techniques. 5M
b) Discuss sigmoid and tanh activation functions. 5M
c) Discuss L1 regularization techniques. 5M
d) Discuss Relu and softmax activation functions. 5M
4. a) Explain feed forward neural network with example. 5M
b) Explain regularization techniques in deep networks. 5M
c) Discuss hyper parameter tuning methods with example. 5M
d) Explain activation functions in neural networks. 5M
5. a) How Convolution neural network classify hand written digits. 5M
b) Why Convolution neural network used over feed forward neural network? 5M
c) Discuss convolution operation on input image. 5M
d) Discuss pooling layer in convolution neural network. 5M
6. a) Give architecture of recurrent neural network with example. 5M
b) Explain seq2seq in Recurrent Neural Networks. 5M
c) Discuss Long Short term memory architecture with block diagram. 5M
d) Discuss problems with short term memory. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6709


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML))
Date: 06 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) What are alternatives of Java Script? 2M

b) What are the uses of DTD? 2M
c) List the drivers in JDBC API. 2M
d) What are the Interfaces of Javax.Servelet.http packages? 2M
e) Mention different scripting elements in JSP. 2M
f) How does CSS work? 3M
g) Mention GIT features. 3M
h) What are the advantages of JDBC? 3M
i) What are the classes of Javax.Servelet.http packages? 3M
j) Draw the JSP MVC architecture. 3M
2. a) What are frames, frameset in HTML? Explain with example. 5M
b) Write a script that reads an integer and determines and displays whether it is odd or even 5M
c) Define the term “List”. Give the different types of lists. 5M
d) How to use class name in cascading style sheets. 5M
3. a) What are the goals of XML? 5M
b) Clearly explain the advantages of XML Schemes over DTD’s. 5M
c) What is a GIT? and Also explain the installation procedure of GIT. 5M
d) Distinguish DOM and SAX. 5M
4. a) How to use JDBC API to call Stored Procedures? Explain. 5M
b) What are the benefits of Prepared Statement over Statement? 5M
c) Discuss the four types of JDBC drivers. 5M
d) Explain steps to get Database connection in a simple java program. 5M
5. a) What are the limitations of servelets? How JSP overcome these problems. 5M
b) How does server side programming differ from client side programming? 5M
c) Discuss how servelets can be used to extend a web server’s functionality. 10M
6. a) Discuss about the features of JSP pages. 5M
b) Discuss various implicit objects in JSP. 5M
c) How does a Servlet communication with a JSP page? Explain. 5M
d) What is Bean? Discuss how to create beans in JSP. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6281


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 13 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) What are the basic features of an EV? 3M

b) What is the need for electric and hybrid electric vehicles? 3M
c) Interpret the operation of Hybrid drive train. 3M
d) Give the advantages of Series-Parallel combination of HEV. 3M
e) Interpret the SRM Drive Converter. 3M
f) Identify the applications of SRM motors? 3M
g) List the Key Battery management technologies. 3M
h) Give the advantages of Li-Ion Battery. 3M
i) Define the term E-mobility. 3M
j) Illustrate the Concept of E-mobility business in Electric Vehicles. 3M
2. a) Compare Capital and Operating Cost of Electric Vehicles to IC Engine vehicles. 7M
b) Compare the Scenario of EV Technology at Early 1980 and 1990 with Recent EV and HEV 7M
with respect to:
i. System and characteristics
ii. Power consumption
c) Explain the Major electrical components and choices for an EV system with the help of 7M
neat block diagram.
d) Compare the efficiencies of complete EV process and ICEV process in detail. 7M
3. a) What are the types of Hybrid electric Vehicles? Explain. 7M
b) List out the advantages and disadvantages of HEVs. 7M
c) Explain in detail the architecture of the Series HEV. 7M
d) Explain the series parallel configuration of HEV with help of block diagram. 7M
4. a) With neat diagram explain the Brushless DC motor. 7M
b) Explain construction and working of Switched reluctance motor. 7M
c) Discuss modes of operation of SRM Drive. 7M
d) Compare BLDC and SRM motor Drives. 7M
5. a) Explain the characteristics and working Lithium-ion Battery. 7M
b) What is Battery Management system and What are the primary functions of Battery 7M
Management system for an EV battery?
c) With neat diagram explain construction and working of Lead-Acid battery. 7M
d) Describe the present Automotive Battery requirements of Electric Vehicles. 7M
6. a) What are the different challenges faced by EVs in replacing the IC Engine based vehicle in 7M
b) Compare between Connected mobility and Autonomous mobility. 7M
c) Discuss in detail about the EVs Infrastructure system and social dimensions of EVs. 7M
d) What are the driving factors forcing the growth of EV Transportation in India. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6411


III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February - 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 01 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) What is uniform quantization? 2M

b) Discuss about the different noise effects in Delta Modulation? 2M
c) How are the Joint Entropy and the conditional Entropies of two random variables X and Y 2M
are related?
d) Illustrate the importance of Hamming distance and calculate its value for two code words 2M
11100 and 11011.
e) Explain the significance of H(X/Y) of a communication system where, X is the transmitter 2M
and Y is the Receiver.
f) What is discrete memory less channel? 3M
g) Draw the PSK and FSK wave form for the input sequence 1101101. 3M
h) A discrete source generates two symbols with probabilities 0.9 and 0.1. Calculate Entropy? 3M
i) Explain the error detection and correction capability of Hamming codes. 3M
j) What is the significance of Trellis Diagram? 3M
2. a) With a neat block diagram, explain the various elements of a digital communication 5M
b) A voice frequency signal band limited to 3 MHz is transmitted with the use of the DM 5M
system. The pulse repetition frequency is 30,000 pulses per second, and the step size is 40
mV. Determine the maximum possible speech signal amplitude to avoid a slope overload.
c) Obtain the expression for output signal to quantization noise power ratio in the case of 5M
PCM system
d) With neat sketch explain the principle and operation of DPCM transmitter and receiver? 5M
3. a) Explain the method of generation and detection of BPSK signals. 5M
b) Derive a general expression for probability of error of BFSK. 5M
c) Design QPSK transmitter and receiver for binary data transmission. 5M
d) Consider a Binary Data 1011100011, transmitted using DPSK system. Show that the 5M
reconstructed data is independent of choice of extra bit.
4. a) An analog signal band limited to 10KHz is quantized in 8 levels of a PCM system with 5M
probabilities of 1/4,1/5,1/5,1/10,1/10,1/20,1/20 and 1/20 respectively. Find the entropy
and the rate of information.
b) Develop Shannon Fano code for five messages with their probabilities given below. 5M
Calculate the average number of bits/message and efficiency.
Message X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
probability 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/16


c) Explain the following: 5M
i. Entropy and its properties
ii. Average Information
iii. Mutual Information
d) A channel has the following characteristics: 5M
Message X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
probability 1/3 1/3 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/3 1/3

Find H X ,H Y ,H X,Y 

5. a) Explain Matrix description of linear block codes. 5M

b) Consider (7, 4) linear code whose generator matrix is given below: 5M
i. Find all code vectors of this code
ii. Find the parity check matrix for this code
1 0 0 0 : 1 0 1
 
0 1 0 0 : 1 1 1
G   
0 0 1 0 : 1 1 0
 
0 0 0 1 : 0 1 1
c) Find code words using systematic cyclic codes for (7,4) code for the data input of 5M
1010,1101 with g  x   x 3  x  1 .
d) Draw the encoder for a(7,4) cyclic Hamming code generated by the generator 5M
polynomial, g  x   x 3  x 2  1 and find the code word for the data input of 1011.

6. a) Construct (2, 1, 3) convolutional encoder with generator g1=( 1 1 0), g2=( 0 1 1),draw the 10M
state diagram, tree diagram and trellis diagram to generate code vector.
c) What are the different methods of decoding of convolution codes? Explain with 10M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6412


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 03 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) List any two applications of a microcontroller. 2M

b) Name the I/O ports of 8051 microcontroller. 2M
c) Write the full form of ARM. 2M
d) Give the use of Pointer Register. 2M
e) Present use of microcontroller in smart card access control system. 2M
f) Depict the interrupts in 8051. 3M
g) Compare C and Embedded C. 3M
h) Present the versions of ARM. 3M
i) Focus on PSR instructions in ARM. 3M
j) Focus on Load store instructions. 3M
2. a) Emphasize on the flag and IE registers of 8051. 5M
b) Detail about timers operation of 8051 microcontroller. 5M
c) Illustrate the architecture diagram of 8051 microcontroller. 5M
d) Determine the internal RAM structure of 8051. 5M
3. a) Frame a program using 8051 to blink 8 LEDs connected to port 1. 5M
b) Create embedded C program to read switches and operate LEDs. 5M
c) Create an 8051 program to read from port 2 and transfer it to port 3 continuously. 5M
d) Create a program to loop an operation using embedded C. 5M
4. a) Describe the architecture of ARM processor. 5M
b) Analyze the register set of ARM processor. 5M
c) Interpret the types of interrupts with respect to ARM processor. 5M
d) Depict the pipeline operation of ARM family of processors. 5M
5. a) Outline about Data processing instructions. 5M
b) Interpret about branching instructions. 5M
c) Analyze the software interrupt instructions in ARM. 5M
d) Justify the conditional instructions with example. 5M
6. a) Analyze about hardware architecture of digital camera. 5M
b) Interpret about working of Intruder alarm. 5M
c) Analyze about engine control unit. 5M
d) Interpret any one case study in ARM interface. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6552


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) The cipher text if “GODISGREAT” with Caesar cipher k=7 is _______. 3M

b) Define rail fence technique. Give an example. 3M
c) Compare stream cipher and block cipher with example. 3M
d) What are the weaknesses of DES? 3M
e) Define Euler’s Totient Function. Determine f(37). 3M
f) Write a note on Chinese remainder. 3M
g) What are the properties a digital signature should have? 3M
h) List any three hash algorithms. 3M
i) Describe SSL session and the SSL connection. 3M
j) What are the reason PGP widely used? 3M
2. a) Differentiate between active and passive attacks, with suitable examples. 7M
b) Encrypt the following text using Hill cipher technique with the key matrix: 7M
Key : [5 7
9 4]
Plain text : COMPUTER
c) Briefly explain the following security services with CIA triad: 7M
i. Confidentiality
ii. Integrity
iii. Availability
d) Give the different rules for encrypting two letters at a time using playfair cipher algorithm. 7M
Using the same, find the ciphertext for the following message:
M = “Network Security”
Key = “Cryptography”.
3. a) With a neat diagram, explain the Substitute byte transformation in AES. 7M
b) Briefly discuss the Strength of DES. 7M
c) Explain in detail the key generation in AES algorithm and its expansion format. 7M
d) Explain the Chinese Remainder theorem. 7M
4. a) Explain the format of the X.509 certificate. 7M
b) How man in middle attack can be performed in Diffie Hellman algorithm. 7M
c) State and explain the principles of public key cryptography? 7M
d) Alice and Bob agreed to use RSA algorithm for the secret communication. Alice securely 7M
choose two primes, p=5 and q=11 and a secret key d=7. Find the corresponding public key.
Bob uses this public key and sends a cipher text 18 to Alice. Find the plain text.
5. a) Discuss the various requirements for a Cryptographic Hash Function H. 7M
b) With a neat diagram, explain the generic model of digital signature process. 7M


c) Discuss the various requirements for a digital signature based on the properties and 7M
d) List the properties of hash function and explain the significance of each. 7M

6. a) Explain in PGP message transmission and reception with a neat diagram. 7M

b) Explain in detail the operation of Secure Socket Layer in detail. 7M
c) Write brief note on Web Security. 7M
d) Explain the operational description of PGP. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6710


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML))
Date: 08 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) List out the advantages of optical fiber over twisted and coaxial cables. 3M
b) What is the difference between broad casting and multicasting? 3M
c) Differentiate with error correction and error detection in Data link layer. 3M
d) Define channel allocation problem in Data link layer. 3M
e) List the services of Transport layer protocols. 3M
f) Give the packet format of IPV4. 3M
g) What are the responsibilities of Transport layer? 3M
h) Describe Flow Control and Buffering in Transport Layer. 3M
i) List the services of Name servers. 3M
j) Give the importance of SMTP protocol in email communication. 3M
2. a) With neat diagram explain the services of OSI model and layers. 7M
b) List the features of connection-less and connection oriented networks. 7M
c) Compare the TCP/IP and OSI model protocol stacks. 7M
d) List the features of any two wired communication medium. 7M
3. a) Explain briefly about the Persistent and Non-persistent CSMA protocols. 7M
b) Describe in detail Media Access Control sub layer protocol. 7M
c) Explain selective repeat sliding window protocol. 7M
d) State and explain dynamic channel allocation problem and its solutions. 7M
4. a) With an example explain the Dynamic routing algorithms used in computer networks. 7M
b) What are the reasons for congestion? What are the problems with congestion? 7M
c) Explain the concept of Link State Routing algorithm. 7M
d) Explain the prevention polices of congestion. 7M
5. a) With neat diagram explain the TCP Connection establishment phase. 7M
b) List the elements of Transport protocols. 7M
c) Give the format of UDP Datagram and explain the fields. 7M
d) Discuss the Connection termination phases in TCP with neat diagram. 7M
6. a) What is electronic E-mail? Describe in brief about the two architectures of Email. 7M
b) Write short notes on the following: 7M
i. DNS
ii. SNMP
c) Describe web mail. Explain SNMP in detail. 7M
d) Explain how Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) Works. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6211


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 01 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Explain the control characteristics of IGBT. 2M

b) Name important semiconductor devices employed in power electronics. 2M
c) What is the displacement factor when a thyristors in full bridge and half bridge controlled 2M
rectifier are triggered at firing angle of α.
d) Write different control strategies that are used to in choppers. 2M
e) What are the functions of freewheeling diodes in controlled rectifier? 2M
f) What are the gate signal requirements of thyristors for voltage controller with RL loads? 3M
g) short notes on Four quadrant rectifier.
Write 3M
h) is mean by latching current and holding current?
What 3M
i) What is mean by commutation? What is the type of commutation technique employed in 3M
step up and step down cyclo converter?
j) A 3-phase bridge inverters feeds a star connected load. For 1800 mode, rms switch (SCR) 3M
current is 10A. What would be the rms switch current, if it is operating in 1200 mode?

2. a) Discuss the Base Drive Control of Power BJT. What’s the need for isolation of Base circuit? 5M

b) A string of series connected thyristors are to withstand a DC voltage of 16kV. The 5M

maximum leakage current and recovery charge differences of the thyristors are 10mA and
100µC respectively. The derating factor for the steady state and transient voltage sharing
are 20%. For a maximum steady state voltage of 1000V. Determine: i) The steady state
voltage sharing resistance R for each thyristor. ii) The transient voltage capacitance C, for
each thyristor.
c) Derive an expression for the anode current of thyristor with the help of two transistor 5M
d) Explain switching characteristics of MOSFET. 5M

3. a) Explain the operation of single phase full bridge controlled rectifier with RL load with neat 5M
circuit diagram and wave forms. Derive the expressions for average and RMS output
b) A 1-Φ full bridge controlled rectifier is connected to a RL load. An input source voltage of 5M
230V 50Hz is applied and thyristors are triggered at a firing angle of 60 0. Find average
output voltage and output current, RMS output voltage in case of load resistance R=5Ω and
L=8mH. Assuming that load current is ripple free.
c) Explain the operation of single phase half bridge controlled rectifier with RL load with neat 5M
circuit diagram and wave forms. Derive the expressions for average and RMS output
d) Explain the effect of source inductance on the performance of rectifiers. 5M

4. Explain
a) the operation of 3 phase half controlled rectifier with R load under continuous modes of 10M
operation. Derive the expression for RMS and Average output voltages.
:: 2 ::

c) With neat circuit diagram and waveforms explain the operation of single phase AC voltage 6M
controller with RL load. Also explain why output voltage cannot be controlled for a firing
angle α < ø .
d) A single phase ac voltage controller is operated from a single phase supply of 250 sin 314t. 4M
A load resistance of R=10Ω is connected. If it is required to obtain an rms output voltage of
50% of maximum possible output voltage calculate the delay angle alpha. Also calculate
peak inverse voltage.

5. a) With the help of a neat diagram and relevant wave forms explain the operation of single 5M
phase cyclo converter.
b) Explain the principle of operation of mid-point type cyclo converter for stepping up of the 5M
given input frequency.
c) With circuit diagram and waveforms explain the operation of step-up chopper. Obtain an 5M
expression for output voltage.
d) A step-up chopper has input voltage of 220V and output voltage of 660V. If off time of 5M
thyristor chopper is 100μsec. Find ON-time of chopper. If ON-time is halved for constant
frequency operation, find new output voltage.

6. a) Explain the operation of 1ϕ full bridge inverter with R-L load? Drive an expression for 5M
output RMS voltage.
b) With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the operation of 1800 mode of 5M
three phase inverter with star connected resistive load.
c) What are the parameters that indicate quality of an inverter? Define all of them. 5M
d) Give a comparison between the different methods of controlling voltage in the case of 5M
1-phase inverter.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6212


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 03 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) What is meant by per unit Value of any Quantity? 3M

b) Define impedance diagram and reactance diagram? 3M
c) What is the necessity of load flow studies? 3M
d) Compare GS and NR methods? 3M
e) What are the applications of series reactors? 3M
f) What is an asymmetrical fault and how can it be analyzed? 3M
g) Analyze the significance of the Input-output performance curve of Thermal power plant. 3M
h) The incremental cost characteristics of two generators delivering 200 MW are: 3M
IC1 =2.0+0.01P1and IC2 =1.6+0.02 P2. Obtain the values of generation P1 and P2 for
economic operation.
i) List the merits of PI controller in load frequency control. 3M
j) Draw the complete block diagram of load-frequency control of an isolated power system 3M
combining turbine, generator, governor, and load.
2. a) Explain PU system representation. And also explain advantages of PU system. 7M
b) Determine Ybus using singular transformation. 7M
c) Explain Bus incidence matrix (YBus) with example. 7M
d) A 100MVA, 33KV 3 phase generator has a sub transient reactance of 15%. The generator is 7M
connected to the motors through a transmission line and transformers as shown in bellow
Fig. The motors have inputs of 30MVA, 20MVA, and 50MVA at 30KV with 20% sub
transient reactance. The 3-Ф transformers are rated at 110MVA, 32KVΔ/ 110 KV Y with
leakage reactance 8% . The line has a reactance of 50  . Selecting the generator ratings as
base quantities in the generator circuit, draw the impedance diagram with all impedance
marked in per unit.

3. a) Explain the Newton-Raphson method of load flow studies using rectangular coordinates? 7M
b) Compare of different load flow methods 7M
c) Describe the load flow solution with and without P-V buses using G-S method. 7M
d) Give the classification of buses used for load flow studies. 7M
4. a) Compute the fault current and voltages for a Line-to-Line fault. 7M
b) The sequence voltages in the red phase are as under: ER0 = 100 V; ER1 = (200 − j100) V; ER2 = 7M
− 100 V. Find the phase voltages ER, EY and EB.
c) Why do we use reactors in the power system? Discuss their advantages. 7M
d) A 3-phase, 11 kV, 25 MVA generator with X0 = 0·05 p.u., X1 = 0·2 p.u. and X2 = 0·2 p.u. is 7M
grounded through a reactance of 0·3 Ω. Calculate the fault current for a single line to
ground fault. Assume any missing data.
:: 2 ::

5. a) Develop the coordinate equations for optimal scheduling of thermal generation including 7M
b) The fuel inputs per hour of plants 1 and 2 are given as 7M
F1 = 0.2 P12+ 40 P1 + 120 Rs. per hr
F2 = 0.25 P22 + 30 P2 + 150 Rs. per hr
Determine the economic operating schedule and the corresponding cost of generation if the
maximum and minimum loading on each unit is 100 MW and 25 MW, the demand is 180
MW, and transmission losses are neglected. If the load is equally shared by both the units,
determine the saving obtained by loading the units as per equal incremental production
c) The incremental fuel cost of two plants are: 7M
IC1 = 0.07P1+ 15Rs/MWh
IC2 = 0.08P2+ 11 Rs/MWh
The loss coefficients are given in the following matrix:
 0 .0 0 2  0 .0 0 0 4 
B   MW

  0 .0 0 0 4 0 .0 0 2 4 
For the value of incremental cost of received power λ = Rs 25/MWh, find the economically
scheduled generation of both plants.
d) The fuel cost functions for three thermal plants are: 7M
F  0 .4 P  10 P  25 R s. / h
1 1 1

F  0 .3 5 P  5 P  20 Rs. / h
2 2 2

F  0 .4 7 5 P  15 P  35 R s. / h
3 3 3

The generation limits of the units are:

30 M W  P  500 M W

30 M W  P  500 M W

30 M W  P  250 M W

Find the optimum schedule for the load of 1000 MW.

6. a) Draw the block diagram of load frequency control of a two-area control system. 7M
b) Explain the proportional plus integral control for load frequency control for a single area 7M
c) Explain the concept of “control area” in the load frequency control of a power system. 7M
d) Write the necessity to keep the frequency constant. With neat block diagram explain 7M
Speed governing system with necessary equations.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6382


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Common to Information Technology & Civil Engineering)
Date: 13 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) List the most common materials used for 3D printing. 3M

b) Extract about Rapid Prototyping (RP) technologies. 3M
c) Define the fundamental principle of stereo lithography process. 3M
d) Compare BJ (Binder Jetting) and MJ (Material Jetting). 3M
e) List the materials for FDM. 3M
f) What are the drawbacks of FDM process? 3M
g) Define Sintering. 3M
h) List the benefits of LENS. 3M
i) What are the destructive testing methods of 3D printed parts? 3M
j) Mention the importance of AM in tooling industry. 3M
2. a) Discuss the steps followed in rapid prototyping process. 7M
b) Describe the role of 3D printing in product development. 7M
c) Discuss the evolution of RP systems indicating the history and their growth rate in the 7M
industrial sector.
d) Discuss about photo polymerization. List its variant processes and their applications. 7M
3. a) Sketch and explain material jetting AM process. 7M
b) What are the technical challenges regarding binder jetting AM process? 7M
c) Sketch and explain binder jetting process. 7M
d) Explain evolution of material jetting process. 7M
4. a) Describe the working principle of fused deposition modelling and list the advantages and 14M
disadvantages over SLA process.
c) Discuss the recent advancement achieved in bio-printing process. 7M
d) Explain the path control techniques in extrusion based processes. 7M
5. a) Explain WAAM process with a neat sketch. 7M
b) Explain EBM process with a neat sketch. 7M
c) Sketch and explain SLS process. 7M
d) Discuss LENS process with a neat sketch. 7M
6. a) Explain the application of RP in defense field. 7M
b) Explain thermal techniques to improve the property of 3D printed parts. 7M
c) Explain any two types of non-destructive testing of 3D printed parts. 7M
d) What is the significant role of 3D printing in production of medical devices? 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6413


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 08 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions
1. a) Mention any two applications of machine learning. 2M
b) Write the formula for Covariance. 2M
c) Mention the uses of supervised learning. 2M
d) Give the need of pre processing. 2M
e) What is confusion matrix? 2M
f) List any three image transforms. 3M
g) Define mean and variance. 3M
h) Define precision, recall and F1 score. 3M
i) What is clustering? Give an example. 3M
j) How training performance evaluation is done? 3M
2. a) Detail about fundamental steps in image processing. 5M
b) Present the types of machine learning in brief. 5M
c) Briefly explain image segmentation techniques. 5M
d) Represent types of color models in image processing. 5M
3. a) Discuss the following: 5M
i. Image Negative
ii. Contrast stretching
iii. Bitwise slicing
iv. Power-Law (Gamma) Transformations
b) Find SVD for the matrix 𝐴 = 2 2 5M
−1 1
c) Discuss Discrete probability Distribution functions? 5M
d) the following data , Use PCA to reduce the dimension from 2 to 1 5M

Features Example1 Example2 Example3 Example4

x 4 8 13 7
y 11 4 5 14
4. a) Frame a scenario to analyze Naïve Bayes Classifiers. 5M
b) Illustrate the ID3 algorithm for training examples given in table below. Here the target 5M
attribute is play. Find the root node of the decision tree.

:: 2 ::

c) Compare: 5M
i. Single variable linear regeression and multivariable linear regression
ii. Linear regression and logistic regression
d) State the reasons for overfitting of data and provide at least one solution for addressing 5M
overfitting problem.
5. a) Analyze about data transformations. 5M
b) Interpret about challenges in unsupervised learning. 5M
c) Analyze the effect of pre-processing on supervised learning. 5M
d) Explain the procedure for K-means clustering. 5M
6. a) What are the types of cross-validation? Explain in detail. 5M
b) Explain simple grid search method. 5M
c) Explain any three evaluation metrics. 5M
d) Explain how over fitting can be prevented. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6414


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 06 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define Radiation Resistance of Antenna. 3M

b) Relation between HPBW and Resolution. 3M
c) Define Array Factor. 3M
d) What is Binomial array? 3M
e) Mention applications of Loop Antenna. 3M
f) If the space between the turns of a loop in helical antenna is infinite then it is known as? 3M
g) Mention the types of feeding in Micro-Strip Antenna. 3M
h) Mention different antenna feed systems for parabolic reflector antenna. 3M
i) Define Critical Frequency. 3M
j) Define virtual height. 3M
2. a) Explain the Radiation Mechanism of an Antenna with Diagrams & equation? 7M
b) Write short notes on: 7M
i. Antenna Effective aperture
ii. Radiation pattern
c) Explain various field zones of an antenna and give the disadvantages of Near field? 7M
d) Derive the Relation Between Beam Area & Directivity and Explain the importance of BWFN 7M
in communications.
3. a) Draw the radiation pattern of two element Isotropic Point Sources fed with equal 7M
amplitude and equal phased spaced λ/2 apart.
b) Explain the Principle Pattern Multiplication & Draw the pattern for 8-point sources? 7M
c) Derive Array factor of N-isotropic Point sources of equal magnitude and spacing. 7M
d) Derive the angles of minima & Maxima of major lobe in Array of Two point sources with 7M
unequal amplitude and any Phase.
4. a) Explain the Construction of Helical Antenna with neat Diagrams and Derive the Pitch angle 7M
of helical antenna.
b) Derive the Axial Ratio of Helical antenna in Normal Mode of Radiation? Mention the 7M
applications of Helical antenna .
c) Explain the working of Yagi-uda antenna. 7M
d) Explain the operation of Log-periodic antennas. Mention its applications. 7M
5. a) Explain about Micro Strip Patch Antenna. 7M
b) Explain the working principle of Parabolic Reflector? And explain different feeding systems 7M
used as primary source in this antennas and explain the importance of diameter and Focal
Length of the antenna?
c) Explain working principle of Cassegrain antenna & Mention its advantages over parabolic 7M
d) Explain the Measurement of gain by Using direct Comparison Method with neat diagrams. 7M


6. a) Explain the structure & different Layers of Atmosphere with neat diagrams. 7M
b) Derive the expression for Refractive index of the Ionosphere. 7M
c) Explain wave bending mechanism in the Ionosphere. 7M
d) Write Short notes on: 7M
i. LOS
ii. Ground Wace Propagation
iii. Skip distance
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6652


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Information Technology)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) What is horizontal and vertical retrace? 3M

b) What do you mean by scan conversion? 3M
c) What is the need of homogeneous coordinates? 3M
d) Briefly describe the 2D transformations. 3M
e) Differentiate parallel projection from perspective projection. 3M
f) Define Projection. 3M
g) Define radiosity. 3M
h) What are object space method? 3M
i) Define computer graphics animation. 3M
j) Write the features of Raster Animation. 3M

2. a) Differentiate between Raster scan and Random scan systems. 7M

b) Describe in detail about the DDA scan conversion algorithm? 7M
c) Explain Bresenham's line drawing algorithms. 7M
d) Explain in detail about video display devices. 7M

3. a) Explain in detail the Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm with an example. 7M

b) Compare between window port and view port. 7M
c) Discuss about matrix representation and homogeneous coordinates 7M
d) Write a generalize note on polygon clipping algorithm. 7M

4. a) Describe Clipping of lines in a 3D coordinate system. 7M

b) Explain the basic transformation in a three dimensional coordinate system. 7M
c) Describe the 3D reflection and shear transformations. 7M
d) What is Projection? Discuss about orthogonal Projection? 7M

5. a) Describe hidden surface removal with Back-Face detection method. 7M

b) Explain depth sorting algorithm. 7M
c) Describe the Ray- Tracing algorithms. 7M
d) Discuss Z-buffer algorithm? 7M

6. a) Explain the Design of Animation Sequences. 7M

b) Explain the importance of Motion Specification 7M
c) Explain general Computer-Animation Functions. 7M
d) Explain the components in the architecture of OpenGL. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6312


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 01 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define gyroscopic couple. 2M
b) What is the function of a clutch? 2M
c) What is mean by fluctuation of energy? 2M
d) What is mean by balancing? 2M
e) Define the term “Co-efficient of Fluctuation of speed”. 2M
f) Define the following terms relating to governors: 3M
i. Stability of governor
ii. Isochronism
g) Give an expression for power lost in friction in case of collar bearings. 3M
h) Define sensitiveness of a governor. 3M
i) Define the terms: 3M
i. Primary balancing
ii. Secondary balancing
j) Difference between undamped and damped vibration. 3M
2. a) Explain various terms used in gyroscope and derive an expression for gyroscopic couple. 5M
b) An aeroplane flying at 220 km/h turns towards the left and completes a quarter circle of 5M
60 m radius, The mass of the rotary engine and the propeller of the plane is 450 kg with a
radius of gyration of 350 mm. The engine speed is 2000 rpm anti-clockwise when viewed
from the rear. Determine the gyroscopic couple on the aircraft and state its effect.
c) Discuss the gyroscopic effect on ship during pitching. 5M
d) A four-wheeled trolley car has a total mass of 3200 kg. Each axle with its two wheels and 5M
gears has a total moment of inertia of 34 kg-m2.Each wheel is of 480 mm radius. The
centre distance between the two wheels of an axle is 1.4 m. Each axle is driven by a motor
with a speed ratio of 1:3. Each motor along with its gear has a moment of inertia of 18 kg-
m2 and rotates in opposite direction to that of axle. The centre of mass of the car is 1m
above the rails. Calculate the limiting speed of the car when it has to travel around a curve
of 275 m radius without the wheels leaving rails.
3. a) A shaft has a number of a collars integral with it. The external diameter of the collars is 5M
400 mm and the shaft diameter is 250 mm. If the intensity of pressure is 0.35 N/mm 2
(uniform) and the coefficient of friction is 0.05, estimate : 1. power absorbed when the
shaft runs at 105 r.p.m. carrying a load of 150 kN ; and 2. number of collars required
b) Determine the maximum, minimum and average pressure in plate clutch when the axial 5M
force is 4 kN. The inside radius of the contact surface is 50 mm and the outside radius is
100 mm. Assume uniform wear.
c) Explain the working of internal expanding brake. 5M
d) A bicycle and rider of mass 100 kg are travelling at the rate of 16 km/h on a level road. A 5M
brake is applied to the rear wheel which is 0.9 m in diameter and this is the only resistance
acting. How far will the bicycle travel and how many turns will it make before it comes to
rest ? The pressure applied on the brake is 100 N and μ = 0.05.

:: 2 ::

4. a) Define coefficient of fluctuation of energy and coefficient of fluctuation of speed. 5M

b) The turning - moment diagram for a petrol engine is drawn to a vertical scale of 1 mm to 5M
5 N-m and a horizontal scale of 1 mm to 1o. The turning moment repeats itself after
every half revolution of engine. The areas above and below the mean torque line are +
305, - 710, + 50, - 350, + 980 and - 275 mm2 . The rotating parts amount to a mass of 60
kg at a radius of gyration of 175 mm. Calculate the coefficient of fluctuation of speed if
the speed of the engine is 1250 rpm.
c) Derive an expression for the equilibrium speed of porter governor 5M
d) A governor of the Proell type has each arm 250 mm long. The pivots of the Upper and 5M
lower arms are 25 mm from the axis. The central load acting on the sleeve has a mass of
25 kg and the each rotating ball has a mass of 3.2 kg. When the governor sleeve is in
mid-position,the extension link of the lower arm is vertical and the radius of the path of
rotation of the masses is 175 mm. The vertical height of the governor is 200 mm.If the
governor speed is 160 r.p.m. when in mid-position, find:
i. length of the extension link
ii. tension in the upper arm
5. a) A, B, C and D are four masses carried by a rotating shaft at radii 100, 125, 200 and 150 10M
mm respectively. The planes in which the masses revolve are spaced 600 mm apart and
the mass of B, C and D are 10 kg, 5 kg, and 4 kg respectively. Find the required mass A
and the relative angular settings of the four masses so that the shaft shall be in
complete balance.
c) Deduce expression for variation in tractive force, swaying couple and hammer blow for 5M
an uncoupled two cylinder locomotive engine
d) The three cranks of a three cylinder locomotive are all on the same axle and are set at 5M
120°. The pitch of the cylinders is 1 metre and the stroke of each piston is 0.6 m. The
reciprocating masses are 300 kg for inside cylinder and 260 kg for each outside cylinder
and the planes of rotation of the balance masses are 0.8 m from the inside crank. If 40%
of the reciprocating parts are to be balanced, find:
i. The magnitude and the position of the balancing masses required at a radius of 0.6 m
ii. The hammer blow per wheel when the axle makes 6 r.p.s
6. a) 5M

Derive an expression for natural frequency of free longitudinal vibrations.

b) Distinguish between longitudinal, transverse and torsional vibrations. 5M
c) Define: 5M
i. Free vibrations
ii. Forced vibrations
iii. Damping
d) A rotor has a mass of 12kg and is mounted midway on a 24mm diameter horizontal shaft 5M
supported at the ends by two bearings. The bearing are 1m apart. The shaft rotates at
2400rpm. If the centre of mass of the rotor is 0.11mm away from the geometric centre
of the rotor due of a certain manufacturing defect, find the amplitude of the steady
state vibration and the dynamic force transmitted to the bearing. E = 200GN/m2.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6313


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 03 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Write the tool signature for a single point cutting tool. 2M

b) What are the operations performed on slotter machine. 2M
c) Differentiate between drilling and boring. 2M
d) Explain unilateral tolerance system with a neat sketch. 2M
e) Differentiate between roughness and waviness. 2M
f) Discuss the variables affecting tool life. 3M
g) Write any two cutters used in milling operation. 3M
h) Give the specifications of a grinding wheel in detail. 3M
i) Define the types of fits with neat sketches. 3M
j) What is Coordinate measuring machine? 3M
2. a) Differentiate between orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting with sketches. 5M
b) Discuss briefly the following tool materials (i) cast alloys (ii) carbides. 5M
c) Cast iron is being machined at a cutting speed of 300 m/min with a tool rake angle of 12 0. 10M
The width of the cut and the uncut chip thickness are 3 mm and 4 mm respectively. If the
average value of co-efficient of friction between the tool and the chip is 0.6 and the shear
stress of the work material is 500 N/mm2, determine chip thickness ratio, shear angle,
cutting force, thrust force and resultant force.
3. a) Distinguish between turret lathe and capstan lathe. 5M
b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the parts of a planer machine. 5M
c) With the help of a neat sketch explain the parts of a shaper machine. 5M
d) With the help of a neat sketch explain the parts of milling machine. 5M
4. a) What are the different types of drills used? Explain any one of the drill bits. 5M
b) Explain principle parts of a horizontal boring machine with a sketch. 5M
c) With a neat sketch, explain the working of centreless grinding. 5M
d) Explain the tool and cutter grinder with a neat sketch. 5M
5. a) Calculate the limits and tolerances for a hole and shaft pair, the basic size is 100 mm dia 10M
and hole with tolerance grade 8 and the shaft with tolerance grade 6. The assumptions
i. Upper deviation of shaft is -16D0.44
ii. Fundamental tolerance unit, i = 0.45 D + 0.001D
iii. Diameter steps are 80 – 100 mm
Follow hole basis system
c) Differentiate between unilateral and bilateral tolerance systems. 5M
d) Explain the Taylor’s principle applied in limits. 5M


6. a) With the help of a neat sketch explain the working principle of Taylor Habson Talysurf to 5M
measure surface roughness.
b) Name the different alignment tests to be performed on a lathe machine and explain any 5M
two of them in detail.
c) Name the different alignment tests to be performed on a drilling machine and explain any 5M
two of them in detail.
d) Explain the construction and working principle of a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) 5M
with a neat sketch.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6383


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 13 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Outline the term Degrees of freedom in Robots. 3M

b) Mention the industrial applications of Robots. 3M
c) What is the basic function of a robot sensor? 3M
d) Mention different types of actuators used in Robots. 3M
e) Define homogeneous co-ordinates. Write the homogeneous transformation matrix for 3M
rotation about OY axis.
f) Explain forward transformation. 3M
g) Point out the requirements of robot work cell. 3M
h) Identify the functions of machine interface. 3M
i) What are the applications of service robots? 3M
j) List out the few robot applications in manufacturing. 3M
2. a) Briefly explain about open loop and closed loop control system. 7M
b) Discuss in detail, factors considered while selection and design of grippers. 7M
c) With a neat sketch, explain the functions of basic components of a robot. 7M
d) Explain in detail about robot configurations. 7M
3. a) Compare hydraulic, pneumatic and electric actuators. 7M
b) Explain the features of electrical actuators used in robots with advantages. 7M
c) With suitable sketch and citing appropriate application explain: 7M
i. Optical proximity sensors
i. Velocity sensors
d) What are the uses of sensors in robotics? 7M
4. a) Explain the need for homogeneous transformations. Write the homogeneous 7M
transformation matrix for rotation abut x, y and z axis respectively.
b) Discuss briefly the steps involved in D-H convention. 7M
c) With a block diagram explain trajectory planner. 7M
d) Explain the types of robot programming methods. 7M
5. a) With a neat sketch explain mobile robot cell. 7M
b) Explain the role of interlocks in workcell. 7M
c) Discuss different types of errors in manufacturing. 7M
d) Discuss different approaches used to determine cycle time and analyze a robot cycle with 7M
6. a) Discuss the different military applications of robots. 7M
b) Explain how robots are used in medical applications. 7M
c) Discuss about space applications of robots. 7M
d) Mention and explain how robots are useful in hazardous and remote applications. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6415


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 08 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Explain how low pass RC circuit acts as an integrator? 2M

b) What are the applications of Bistable multivibrator? 2M
c) Define Slew Rate. What causes the slew rate? 2M
d) List the basic building blocks of a PLL. 2M
e) Classify DAC’s on the basis of their output. 2M
f) What is the ‘tilt’ applicable to RC circuits? Give an expression for tilt. 3M
g) Why Monostable multivibrator is called gating circuit? 3M
h) Draw an op-amp circuit whose output is V1+V2-V3-V4. Explain. 3M
i) Define capture range, lock-in range and pull-in-time of PLL. 3M
j) What are the applications of ADC and DAC? 3M
2. a) Define non-linear wave shaping. List out the names of nonlinear wave shaping? 5M
b) Analyze the response of a low pass RC circuit for square wave input signal. 5M
c) Analyze the response of a High pass RC circuit for step input. 5M
d) A RC low pass circuit has R=1.5kΩ and C=0.2µF. What is the rise time of the output when 5M
excited by a step input?
3. a) Explain the operation of Astable Multivibrator with neat sketch. 5M
b) What is self-biased bistable multivibrator? Explain the operation of Bistable multivibrator. 5M
c) Explain the operation of Monostable multivibrator with neat sketch. 5M
d) Design a fixed bias bistable multivibrator using Ge transistors having hFE(min)=50. VCC=10V 5M
and VBB=10V, VCE(sat)=0.1V, VBE(sat)=0.3V, IC(sat)=5mA and assume IB(sat)=1.5IB(min)
4. a) What is input bias current and explain how it can be reduced? 5M
b) Draw the circuit of ideal Integrator. Derive the expression for output voltage. What is the 5M
defect in the circuit?
c) Describe the working of practical differentiator circuit. Derive the expression for output 5M
d) Explain the operation of Schmitt Trigger with neat diagram. 5M
5. a) Analyze the 555 timer circuit which is operated in Astable Mode. 5M
b) With block diagram, explain the operation of IC 565 PLL(monolithic PLL). 5M
c) Draw and explain the circuit of Monostable Multivibrator using 555 timer. 5M
d) Draw and explain the principles and description of individual blocks of PLL in detail. 5M
6. a) Draw the circuit diagram of weighted resistor DAC and explain its operation in detail. 5M
b) Design a two-bit flash type ADC. 5M
c) With a neat diagram, explain the Successive Approximation converter in detail. 5M
d) Explain the operating of R-2R DAC with example. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6554


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Information Technology)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Why do we need Artificial Intelligence? 3M

b) What are the types of AI? 3M
c) What Is Machine Learning, and How Does It Relate to AI? 3M
d) Why Is Image Recognition a Key Function of AI? 3M
e) What is constrain satisfaction problem 3M
f) What is planning agent in AI? 3M
g) What is an Artificial neural network? 3M
h) Give two examples of inductive learning. 3M
i) What are the different components of the Expert System? 3M
j) What are imperfect decisions? 3M
2. a) Explain the Heuristic Search Techniques. 7M
b) Write the concepts of optimization problems, local minima and global minima. How these 7M
are obtained by hill climbing search algorithm?
c) Show the working of the Minimax algorithm using Tic-Tac-Toe Game. 7M
d) What are the Examples of AI in real life? 7M
3. a) Explain in brief about the issues in representation of knowledge? 7M
b) What is Problem Solving Agent? 7M
c) What are knowledge based agents? Explain. 7M
d) What are inference rules involving quantifiers? Explain. 7M
4. a) Write about the nature of environments. 7M
b) Explain the basic representations for planning. 7M
c) Describe the differences and similarities between problem solving and planning. 7M
d) What is a partial order planning? Explain. 7M
5. a) Discuss the Bayesian Belief networks with an example. 7M
b) What is learning from observations? Explain. 7M
c) Differentiate between single layer feed forward and multi layered forward networks. 7M
d) Explain in brief about Deduction method of learning? 7M
6. a) What are the prominent features of an expert system? 7M
b) Difference between AI, ML, and DL. 7M
c) Explain Alpha – Beta Pruning. 7M
d) Write some expert system tools. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6609


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 06 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) List and describe different types of operators? 2M

b) How can we create an instance of a class in java? 2M
c) How do you set the path for a package? 2M
d) Differentiate between ArrayList and LinkedList. 2M
e) What is the difference between a Choice and a List? 2M
f) Can you access non static variable in static context? 3M
g) List the different string class constructors. 3M
h) Give the use of super keyword with an example. 3M
i) How can you handle exceptions in Java? 3M
j) Give the life cycle of an applet. 3M
2. a) What is JVM? Why Java called the Platform Independent Programming Language? 5M
b) Explain the importance of ‘this’ keyword in java with an example program. 5M
c) Explain briefly about String class and discuss various methods in String class with an 5M
d) What is method overriding? Explain with an example program. 5M
3. a) Define Class and Object. Show the syntax to define these in java. 5M
b) Discuss about method overloading and constructor overloading with an example. 5M
c) Write a java program to check whether given string is palindrome or not. 5M
d) Discuss about various techniques of parameter passing with an example program 5M
4. a) Explain the usage of abstract classes and methods? With an example programs. 5M
b) Differentiate interface with abstract class and write a Java Program to demonstrate 5M
extending of interfaces.
c) Discuss various types of inheritance with an example each. 5M
d) Write a Student class in STD package and Grade class in GRD package which is available in 5M
STD package. Student class should have properties like name, rollno, four subject marks i.e
M1, M2, M3, M4, total and grade attributes. Parameterized constructor has to initialize
name, rollno and four subject marks. setGrade() method to set the grade , getTotal() to set
the value for total field and it will return total marks, display() method to display the
student information. Grade class should have member called total, getGrade() method.
Value for the total field is set by the Constructor of the grade class, getGrade() method will
return the grade for the students based on total. Based on the above information, write
StudentResults class by importing above two packages.
5. a) What is synchronization? Obtain a solution to the producer-consumer problem using 5M
b) Write a Java Program for performing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 5M
i. Your program must have try, multiple catch blocks and finally block.
ii. Your program must throw Arithmetic Exception, Input Mismatch Exception and Array
Index Out Of Bounds Exception.
:: 2 ::

c) Write a java program to create two threads from main such that one thread calculates the 5M
factorial of a given number and another thread checks whether the given number is prime
or not.
d) How checked exceptions are different from un-checked exceptions. Write a java program 5M
to demonstrate handling an exception in Java using try, catch and throw keywords.
6. a) What is an applet? How do we pass parameters to an applet? Explain with an example 5M
b) Write a program for drawing rectangle where the two diagonal end points of rectangle are 5M
specified by mouse clicking.
c) Explain about any four AWT components in Java. 5M
d) Write a program for handling Key Board Events using Key Listener interface. 5M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6110


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 01 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define factor of safety. Why the partial safety factor is more for concrete when compared 3M
to steel?
b) Explain under reinforced section with sketch. 3M
c) Write the conditions required to satisfy for no shear, minimum shear and shear 3M
reinforcement in the design of beams.
d) Explain the need of torsional reinforcement. 3M
e) Classify one way and two-way slabs. 3M
f) Sketch the bending behavior of the one way and two slabs. 3M
g) Classify the three different types of columns based on loading. 3M
h) Explain effective length and unsupported length. 3M
i) will we prefer isolated, combined and raft foundations? 3M
j) are the various types of stair cases? 3M
2. a) A rectangular reinforced concrete section having a width of 250 mm is reinforced with 7M
steel bars of 2-28 mm and 2-25 mm at an effective depth of 700 mm. Use M20 grade
concrete and Fe 415 steel. Calculate the moment of resistance of the beam.
b) A reinforced concrete beam of 250 mm width and 500 mm over all depth is provided with 7M
4 bars of 20 mm diameter with an effective cover of 40 mm. Determine the moment of
resistance of cross section. Use Fe 415 grade steel and M20 grade concrete.
c) Design a reinforced concrete beam of rectangular of section which is reinforced at tension 14M
side by using the following data:
Effective span = 4 m.
Working live load = 5 kN/m.
Use grade of concrete as M25 and grade of steel as 500.
Calculate the main reinforcement.
Sketch the reinforcement details.
3. a) Design the reinforcement for the 300mm x 500mm beam subjected to the factored shear 14M
force of 200 kN, ultimate bending moment of 100 kN.m and ultimate torsional moment of
50 kN.m. Provide the suitable diameter and spacing for the beam. Use M20 grade
concrete and Fe 415 steel. Sketch the reinforcement details.
c) Design the shear reinforcement needed for a factored shear force of 250kN in an RC beam 14M
of 250mm wide and 500 mm effective depth. The beam is reinforced with 1500 mm2
tension steel. Use M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade of steel. Provide Vertical stirrups.

4. a) Design a rectangular slab of size 4 m x 9 m subjected to a live load of 3 kN/m2 and Floor 14M
finish of 1 kN/m2. Use grade of concrete as M20 and grade of steel as 415 N/mm2. Sketch
the reinforcement details.
c) Design a square slab of 4m x 4m subjected to a live load of 2 kN/m2, Floor finish of 1 14M
kN/m2.Use grade of concrete as M20 and grade of steel as 415 N/mm 2. Sketch the
reinforcement details. Egde condition: Interior Panel.
:: 2 ::

5. a) Design a short axially loaded column of length 3m and dimensions 400mm x 400mm to 14M
safely withstand a factored axial load of 2500 kN. Assume M 20 concrete and Fe500 steel.
Draw the longitudinal and cross-sectional details neatly.
c) Design the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement in a rectangular column of size 300 x 14M
500 mm subjected to an axial load of 1200 kN and unfactored moment of 120 kN.m and
100 kN.m with respect to the major and minor axis, respectively. Assume M25 concrete
and Fe415 steel. Assume clear cover depth as 50mm. (Show reinforcement details - not to
6. a) A reinforced concrete column of 400 x 400 mm supports an axial service load of 1000 kN. 14M
The SBC of the soil is 200 kN/m2. Assume depth of footing as 825 mm, cover = 50mm.
Adopt M20 grade and Fe415 steel design a suitable footing for the column. Sketch the
reinforcement details.
c) Design a flight of dog-legged staircase in a room of size 3.3 x 5.2 m. Consider the live load 14M
as 3kN/Sq.m, floor finish as 1.5 kN/Sq.m, room height as 3.6 m. Adopt M25 grade
concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6111


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 03 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Briefly describe the principle of a tipping bucket rain gauge. 3M

b) Outline the conditions in which the Arithmetic mean method can be used for the 3M
estimation of missing rainfall data.
c) State the limitations of unit hydrograph. 3M
d) Compare runoff generation capacity from a fanshaped and fern shaped catchment. 3M
e) Define the terms: 3M
i. Maximum Probable Flood
ii. Design Flood
iii. Time of Concentration
f) What are the causes of flood? 3M
g) State Darcy's law. 3M
h) Classify and briefly describe the different types of aquifers. 3M
i) List the advantages of Drip Irrigation System. 3M
j) Define the terms: 3M
i. Field Capacity
ii. Permanent Wilting Point

2. a) With the help of a neat sketch, explain various processes of hydrologic cycle. 7M
b) The isohyets for a storm which occurred over a drainage basin of area 950 km 2 yielded the 7M
following information.
Calculate average depth of rainfall.
Isohyets (mm) 85-75 75-65 65-55 55-45 45-35
Area between isohyets in km 125 236 264 175 150
c) Explain the important points while selecting site for rain gauge station. 7M
d) The annual rainfalls at 7 rain gauge stations in a basin are 54, 90, 72, 45, 27, 81 and 63 cm 7M
respectively. How many additional gauges are required, if it is desired to limit the error to
only 10%.
3. a) Explain the infiltration capacity curve with the help of Horton’s equation. 7M
b) A 10-hour storm rainfall occurred over a basin, reporting the following rainfall depths: 7M

Time (hour) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rainfall (cm) 2 2.8 6.5 8.2 3.7 1.5 5 10 1.2 1.1

Determine the average depth of hourly rainfall excess for the basin of area 90 hectares.
The basin consists of three areas: A1, A2, and A3 having φ indices as:

Area designation A1 A2 A3
Area (hectares) 20 60 10
φ (cm/h) 6.1 2.9 1

c) Summarize the Unit Hydrograph theory, along with its assumptions, applications. Illustrate 7M
the components of runoff and hydrograph with the help of diagram.
d) Find ordinates of unit hydrograph from the given storm hydrograph ordinates. Area of 7M
basin is 32 sq. km.
Time (h) Total Discharge (cumecs) Base flow (cumecs)
2 6 0
4 8 2
6 10 4
8 16 5
10 28 8
12 42 10
14 60 11
16 52 9
18 43 7
20 25 6
22 15 3
24 8 1
4. a) Describe various structural methods adopted for control of floods 7M
b) Route the following flood hydrograph through a river reach for which K= 4 h and x=0.25. 7M
At the start of inflow flood, the outflow discharge is 10 m3/s.
Time (h) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Inflow (m /s) 10 20 40 80 120 150 120 60 50 40 30 20 10
c) Estimate the maximum flood flow for a catchment of area 40.5 km 2 by using appropriate 7M
empirical formula, if it is located in:
i. Western Ghat Area, Maharashtra
ii. Gangetic plain
iii. In the Cauvery delta, Tamil Nadu
Also, find the peak discharge for the area by maximum world flood experience.
d) The mean annual flood of a river is 800 m3/s and the standard deviation of the annual flood 7M
time series is 180 m3/s. What is the probability of a flood of magnitude 1000 m3/s occurring
in the river within next 8 years? Use Gumbel’s method and assume the sample size to be
very large.
5. a) Explain with the help of sketches various types of wells 7M
b) For a confined aquifer, derive the expression of discharge based on steady radial flow to 7M
a well.
c) Derive an expression for discharge (Dupit’s Formula) for a well in unconfined aquifer 7M
considering steady radial flow into the well.
d) Explain the Darcy’s law for well hydraulics, along with its assumptions and limitations. 7M
6. a) Discuss in brief the benefits and ill effects of irrigation. Draw the diagram of contour 7M
farming and furrow method.
b) Discuss the various types of irrigation efficiencies. 7M
c) Enumerate the various methods of irrigation. Describe sub-surface and sprinkler irrigation 7M
method in detail.
d) An irrigation canal has gross commanded area of 80,000 ha out of which 85% is culturable 7M
irrigable. The intensity of irrigation for Kharif season is 30% and for Rabi season 60%. Find
the discharge required at the head of the canal if the duty at its head is 800 hectares /
cumecs for Kharif season and 1700 hectares / cumecs for Rabi season.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6314


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 06 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Draw p-v and T-s diagrams for Carnot cycle. 3M

b) State the reasons for modifying the Rankine cycle for operation of steam engines. 3M
c) What is the function of a steam nozzle? 3M
d) Explain various types of nozzles. 3M
e) Mention two differences between impulse and reaction turbines. 3M
f) Write the advantages of steam turbines over steam engines. 3M
g) Define the term 'degree of reaction' as applied to a reaction turbine. 3M
h) Write a note on Parsons reaction turbine. 3M
i) Write a note on sub-cooling and superheating in vapour compression system. 3M
j) Draw the T-S and P-H diagrams for vapour compression system with wet condition. 3M
2. a) Explain with the help of neat diagram a regenerative cycle. Derive also expression for its 7M
thermal efficiency.
b) A simple Rankine cycle works between pressures 28 bar and 0.06 bar, the initial 7M
conditions of steam being dry saturated. Calculate the cycle efficiency, work ratio and
specific steam consumption.
c) Discuss the effect of boiler pressure, superheating and reducing condenser pressure on 7M
Rankine cycle efficiency.
d) A turbine is supplied with steam at a pressure of 32 bar and a temperature of 4100C. The 7M
steam then expands is entropically to a pressure of 0.08 bar. Find the dryness fraction at
the end of expansion and thermal efficiency of the cycle.
3. a) Discuss the effect of friction during the expansion of steam through a convergent- 7M
divergent nozzle when the steam at entry to the nozzle is saturated. Assume the pressure
of steam to be initially same.
b) Dry saturated steam at a pressure of 15 bar enters in a nozzle and is discharged at a 7M
pressure of 1.5 bar. Find the final velocity of the steam, when the initial velocity of the
steam is negligible. If 10% of the heat drop is lost in friction find the percentage reduction
in the final velocity.
c) Derive an expression for maximum discharge through the nozzle for steam. 7M
d) Dry saturated steam at 10 bar is expanded is entropically in a nozzle to 0.1 bar. Find the 7M
dryness fraction of the steam at exit. Also find the velocity of steam leaving the nozzle
when: 1. Initial velocity is negligible 2. Initial velocity of the steam is 135 m/s.
4. a) What do you understand by the term 'friction' in an impulse turbine? How does it affect 7M
the combined velocity triangle?
b) A steam jet enters the row of blades with a velocity of 375 m/s at an angle of 200 with the 7M
direction of motion of the moving blades. If the blade speed is 165 m/s, find the suitable
inlet and outlet blade angles assuming that there is no thrust on the blades. The velocity of
steam passing over the blades is reduced by 15%. Also determine power developed by the
turbine per kg of steam flowing aver the blades per second.

:: 2 ::

c) Describe a relation for the power developed by an impulse turbine. 7M
d) The blade speed of a single ring impulse blading is 250 m/s and nozzle angle is 200. The 7M
heat drop is 550 kJ/kg and nozzle efficiency is 0.85. The blade discharge angle is 30 0 and
the machine develops 30 kW, when consuming 360 kg of steam per hour. Draw the
velocity diagram and calculate axial thrust on the blading.
5. a) Define the following as related to steam turbines: 7M
i. Blade efficiency
ii. Stage efficiency
iii. Turbine efficiency
b) The following data refer to a particular stage of a Parson’s reaction turbine. 7M
Speed of the turbine = 1500 rpm,
Mean diameter of the rotor = 1 meter
Stage efficiency = 80 percent
Blade outlet angle = 200
speed ratio = 0.7
Determine the available isentropic enthalpy drop in the stage.
c) For 50% reaction turbine show that = and =. 7M
d) The outlet angle of the blade of a Parsons turbine is 200 and the axial velocity of flow of 7M
steam is 0.5 times the mean blade velocity. If the diameter of the ring is 1.25 m and the
rotational speed is 3000 rpm. Determine:
Inlet angle of blades
Power developed if dry saturated steam at 5 bar passes through the blade whose height
may be 6 cm. Neglect the effect of blade thickness.
6. a) Draw the layouts of a vapour compression refrigerating system. State the function of 7M
each of the component and show the thermodynamic processes on a pressure-enthalpy
b) An ammonia refrigerator produces 30 tonnes of ice from and at 00C in 24 hours; The 7M
temperature range of the compressor is from 250C to -50C. The vapour is dry saturated it
the end of compression and an expansion valve is used. Assume a coefficient of
performance to be 60% of the theoretical value. Calculate the power required to drive
the compressor. Latent heal of ice = 335 kJ/kg.
c) Explain with the help of schematic diagram vapour compression refrigeration system. 7M
d) Explain the effect of super heating with the help of T-S and P-H diagrams on the 7M
performance of vapour compression system.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6315


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 08 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) What are factors affecting fatigue strength. 3M

b) Explain S-N Diagram? 3M
c) Define welding and write advantages over riveted joint 3M
d) Explain any two types of failure in riveted joint. 3M
e) Differentiate between a cotter joint and a knuckle joint? 3M
f) Define a cotter. Why is it tapered? 3M
g) What are the functions of key? How are the keys classified? 3M
h) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Muff coupling? 3M
i) What is meant by eccentric loading of springs? 3M
j) Explain surging in spring. 3M
2. a) List and explain the factors required to be taken into account for the selection of 7M
b) A mild steel shaft of 50 mm diameter is subjected to a bending moment of 2000 N-m and a 7M
torque T. If the yield point of the steel in tension is 200 MPa, find the maximum value of
this torque without causing yielding of the shaft according to:
i. The Maximum principal stress
ii. The Maximum shear stress
iii. The Maximum distortion strain energy theory of yielding
c) What is endurance limit? How to estimate the endurance limit of standard specimen? 7M
d) A simply supported beam has a concentrated load at the centre which fluctuates from a 7M
value of P to 4 P. The span of the beam is 500 mm and its cross-section is circular with a
diameter of 60 mm. Taking for the beam material an ultimate stress of 700 MPa, a yield
stress of 500 MPa, endurance limit of 330 MPa for reversed bending, and a factor of safety
of 1.3, calculate the maximum value of P. Take a size factor of 0.85 and a surface finish
factor of 0.9. Assume other data if required.
3. a) Explain the procedure for designing a longitudinal joint for a boiler. 7M
b) Two plates of 10 mm thickness each are to be joined by means of a single riveted double 7M
strap butt joint. Determine the rivet diameter; rivet pitch, strap thickness and efficiency
of the joint. Take the working stresses in tension, shearing and crushing as 80 MPa, 60
MPa and 70 MPa respectively.
c) Design a double rivet but joint with 2 cover plates, design of equal width for longitudinal 14M
joint of the boiler of 1m.The boiler subjected to steam pressure 2MPa the rivet pitch is to
be same in all rows and zig-zag riveting used to be used. The allowable stress in tension
shear crushing are 124, 93, 180Mpa. Assume that the rivets in double shear are 1.875
times stronger than single shear.
4. a) Design and draw a cotter joint to support a load of 30 kN. The material used is carbon 14M
steel for which the following allowable stresses may be used. The load is applied statically.
Tensile stress = 50 MPa; shear stress = 35 MPa and crushing stress = 90 MPa.
c) Design a knuckle joint to connect two mild steel rods which transmits a tensile force of 14M
25 kN. The safe working stresses for tension, shear, and crushing are 100 N/mm , 60
N/mm2, and 160 N/mm2, respectively.

5. a) A line shaft is driven by means of a motor placed vertically below it. The pulley on the 14M
line shaft is 1.5 metre in diameter and has belt tensions 5.4 kN and 1.8 kN on the tight
side and slack side of the belt respectively. Both these tensions may be assumed to be
vertical. If the pulley be overhang from the shaft, the distance of the centre line of the
pulley from the centre line of the bearing being 400 mm, find the diameter of the shaft.
Assuming maximum allowable shear stress of 42 MPa.
c) Design a protective type of cast iron flange coupling for a steel shaft transmitting 15 kW 14M
at 200 r.p.m. and having an allowable shear stress of 40 MPa. The working stress in the
bolts should not exceed 30 MPa. Assume that the same material is used for shaft and
key and that the crushing stress is twice the value of its shear stress. The maximum
torque is 25% greater than the full load torque. The shear stress for cast iron is 14 MPa.
6. a) A closely coiled helical spring is made of 10 mm diameter steel wire, the coil consisting of 14M
10 complete turns with a mean diameter of 120 mm. The spring carries an axial pull of 200
N. Determine the shear stress induced in the spring neglecting the effect of stress
concentration. Determine also the deflection in the spring, its stiffness and strain energy
stored by it if the modulus of rigidity of the material is 80 kN/ mm2.
c) A helical compression spring made of oil tempered carbon steel, is subjected to a load 14M
varies from 400 N to 1000 N. the spring index is 6, and the design factor of safety is 1.25. if
the yield stress in shear is 770 MPa and endurance stress in shear is 350 MPa. Find:
i. Size of the spring wire
ii. Diameter of the spring
iii. Number of turns of the spring
iv. Free length of the spring. The compression of the spring at the maximum load is 30
mm. the modulus of rigidity of the spring material may be taken as 80 kN/ mm2
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6451


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) What is the meaning of pooling? 3M

b) List out the popular layers in neural networks. 3M
c) Brief on temporal reuse. 3M
d) Write a short note on weight sharing. 3M
e) State the use of scalability. 3M
f) Compare pooling and unpooling with an example. 3M
g) Highlight about throughput and latency. 3M
h) Present the short note on data flow taxonomy. 3M
i) List out memory efficient architectures. 3M
j) Distinguish accuracy and energy trade off. 3M
2. a) Conceptualize the CONV layer and FC layer. 7M
b) What do you mean by Convolutional Neural Network? Find the output feature map for given below 7M
input and kernel.
8 9 6 5 4
9 8 5 5 3
1 2 3 4 5
4 4 6 8 6
3 5 4 5 7

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
c) Compare AI, ML and DL. 7M
d) Represent the attributes connections within and between the layers. 7M
3. a) Using an example detail about Gauss matrix computations. 7M
b) Represent the Strassen’s matrix multiplication in kernel. 7M
c) Detail on any two design metrics. 7M
d) Present the power consumption concepts. 7M
4. a) Analyze about temporal and spatial reuse. 7M
b) Justify the functions of temporal and spatial architectures. 7M
c) Analyze about Dataflow taxanomy. 7M
d) Interpret about hardware considerations for DNN. 7M
5. a) Analyze about compact network architectures. 7M
b) Frame the operations of Pruning with an example. 7M
c) Evaluate the requirements of state of the art neural networks. 7M
d) Interpret about systolic array of deep CNN architectures. 7M

:: 2 ::

6. a) Analyze about run time evolutionary algorithms. 7M

b) Depict the functions of neuromorphic computing. 7M
c) Justify the operations of energy efficient hardware design methodology for neural 7M
d) Analyze about optimizing DNN architectures with model compressions. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6581


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 13 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define Data Types in Java. 3M

b) List the types of operators used in java. 3M
c) Distinguish between abstract class and concrete class. 3M
d) Why string class is considered as immutable? 3M
e) List the different types of inheritance in Java. 3M
f) Give the syntax of using super keyword in Java. 3M
g) Differentiate between thread and process 3M
h) List the Hash table constructors. 3M
i) Define Threads. Give the hierarchy of Java Threads. 3M
j) What are ArrayList? Give the syntax of creating an ArrayList. 3M
2. a) Does Java support multi way selection statement? Justify your answer. 7M
b) Write a java program to print the following pattern. 7M
7 8 9 10
c) What is type casting? Explain different types of type casting with an example for each. 7M
d) How do you create and initialize a two dimensional array in Java? Write a java program to 7M
print sum of the elements in the matrix.
3. a) Write a program demonstrate String.Tokenizer class methods. 7M
b) Write a note on Method overloading and Constructor overloading. 7M
c) Write a Java program to compare two string objects. 7M
d) Explain the following Java concepts: 7M
i. Final key word
ii. Abstract classes
4. Can
a) inheritance be applied between interfaces? Justify your answer. 7M
b) How to define a package? How to access, import a package? Explain with 7M
c) What is the difference between a class and interface? Write a program in java to illustrate 7M
the implementation of multiple inheritance through interfaces.
d) Explain about java access specifiers with example. 7M
5. a) Explain the Java Thread life cycle. 7M
b) Explain the methods of Java Thread class. 7M
c) Write a Java program to create Multiple Threads using Thread class / Runnable interface. 7M
d) Explain with syntax the methods related to Java Thread priorities. 7M
6. Write
a) a program which stores a list of strings in an ArrayList and then displays the 7M
contents of the list.
b) What are the various layout managers used in Java? 7M
c) Write a program to demonstrate various keyboard events with suitable functionality. 7M
d) Describe about various components in AWT. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6084


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Common to Information Technology & Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML))
Date: 13 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Who is an entrepreneur? 3M
b) What are the types of entrepreneur on the basis of functional characteristics? 3M
c) Define a financial institution. 3M
d) What are the services provided by SIDO? 3M
e) Who are women Entrepreneurs? Give examples. 3M
f) Highlight 3 women entrepreneurs in India list out their ventures. 3M
g) Describe the project completion report. 3M
h) Illustrate project life cycle. 3M
i) What is NSIC bring out its objectives? 3M
j) Describe Entrepreneurial training. 3M
2. a) “Entrepreneurship isn’t easy” Why? Bring out the barriers that make it difficult. 7M
b) Illustrate the business model adopted by a leading Indian entrepreneur of your choice. 7M
c) Elaborate on the theories of Entrepreneurship. 7M
d) Explain the qualities that makes an entrepreneur unique. 7M
3. a) Elucidate the Institutional support provided to promote entrepreneurship in India. 7M
b) Describe the role of EDII in promoting entrepreneurship. 7M
c) Describe the functions of DIC. 7M
d) Write a note on SIDBI. Explain how SIDBI promotes entrepreneurship. 7M
4. a) Describe the role and importance of women entrepreneur. 7M
b) Compare the growth of women entrepreneurs in India and the developed countries. 7M
c) What are the factors influencing the women entrepreneurs? 7M
d) Women entrepreneurs are facing more problems than men entrepreneurs. Justify the 7M
5. a) Demonstrate various steps in project selection process. 7M
b) What is the optimum utilization of resources? Explain its role in project management. 7M
c) What is project financial analysis and explain steps involved in this analysis? 7M
d) Discuss the various sources of project financing. 7M
6. a) Discuss about the role of PMKVY in entrepreneurial development. 7M
b) Write down the process of formal training programme to inculcate entrepreneurial 7M
c) How you can differentiate training for new and existing entrepreneurs? 7M
d) What is training? Is training essential to inculcate entrepreneurship among 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6112


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 06 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define Void ratio and Porosity 2M

b) Determine the coefficient of permeability from the following data: 2M
Length of sand sample = 25 cm
Area of cross section of the sample = 30 cm2
Head of water = 40 cm
Discharge = 200 ml in 110 s
c) What is an isobar diagram? 2M
d) What is degree of consolidation? Where it is used? 2M
e) What are the shear parameters? 2M
f) If the volume of voids is equal to the volume of solids in a given soil sample, find void 3M
ratio and porosity.
g) What are the different compaction equipment’s used in the field? 3M
h) A load 1000 kN acts as a point load at the surface of a soil mass. Estimate the stress at a 3M
point 3 m below and 4 m away from the point of action of the load by Boussinesq’s
formula. Compare the value with the result from Westergaard’s theory.
i) Differentiate between normally consolidated and over consolidated soils. 3M
j) Explain the basic differences between a box shear test and a triaxial shear test for soils. 3M
2. a) Compose a relation for γsat with G, γw and e. 5M
b) A soil sample has a total unit weight of 16.97 kN/m3 and a void ratio of 0.84. The specific 5M
gravity of solids is 2.70. Determine the moisture content, dry unit weight and degree of
saturation of the sample.
c) Determine the times (t) required for particles of diameters 0.2, 0.02, 0.01 and 0.005 mm 5M
to fall a depth of 10 cm from the surface in water. Given: μ= 8.15 x 10-3 poises, G = 2.65.
d) The laboratory tests on a sample of soil gave the following results: w n =24%, wl = 62%, 5M
wp = 28%, percentage of particles less than 2 μ = 23% Determine:
i. The liquidity index
ii. Activity
iii. Consistency and nature of soil
3. a) How to determine the coefficient of permeability in a laboratory method by falling head 5M
b) Determine the average coefficient of permeability of in the horizontal and vertical 5M
direction for deposit consisting of three layers of thickness 5m, 1m and 2.5m and having
the coefficient of permeability of 3x10-2 mm/s, 3x10-5 mm/s and 4x10-2 mm/s
respectively. Assume the layers are isotropic.
c) Explain briefly the factors affecting permeability of soil. 5M
d) Determine the effective stress at a depth of 8 m below the ground level. The water table 5M
is at 3m below ground surface. The water content of the soil above water table is 10%.
Take G = 2.68, e = 0.6. Neglect capillary flow.

:: 2 ::

4. a) Derive an expression for the vertical stress at a point due to a point load, using 5M
Boussinesq’s theory.
b) A circular area on the surface of an elastic mass of great extent carries a uniformly 5M
distributed load of 120 kN/m2. The radius of the circle is 3 m. Compute the intensity of
vertical pressure at a point 5 metres beneath the centre of the circle using Boussinesq’s

c) Explain the various factors that affect the compaction of soil in the field. 5M
d) Describe the proctor compaction test in detail. 5M
5. a) Define the terms: (i) Coefficient of compressibility, (ii) Coefficient of volume change, (iii) 5M
Compression Index,(iv) Expansion Index, (v) Recompression Index.
b) In a consolidation test on a soil, the void ratio of the sample decreased from 1.05 to 0.9 5M
when the pressure is increased from 150 kN/m2 to 350 kN/m2. Determine the coefficient
of consolidation if the coefficient of permeability is 6 x 10-8 cm/s.
c) Explain in detail the concept of Terzaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory. 5M
d) A clay layer 4 m thick is subjected to a pressure of 55 kN/m 2. If the layer has a double 5M
drainage and undergoes 50 % consolidation in one year, determine the coefficient of
consolidation. Take Tv = 0.196. If the coefficient of permeability is 0.020 m/year,
determine the settlement in one year.
6. a) Classify shear tests based on drainage conditions. How are these conditions realised in 5M
the field
b) A particular soil failed under a major principal stress of 300 kN/m2 with a corresponding 5M
minor principal stress of 100 kN/m2. If, for the same soil, the minor principal stress had
been 200 kN/m2, determine what the major principal stress would have been if (a) φ =
30° and (b) φ = 0°.
c) What are the merits and demerits of tri axial test? 5M
d) Calculate the potential shear strength on a horizontal plane at a depth of 3 m below the 5M
surface in a formation of cohesionless soil when the water table is at a depth of 3.5 m.
The degree of saturation may be taken as 0.5 on the average. Void ratio = 0.50; grain
specific gravity = 2.70; angle of internal friction = 30°. What will be the modified value of
shear strength if the water table reaches the ground surface?
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6113


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 08 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer All Questions

1. a) List the different modes of transportation and give an example for each. 2M
b) Define Super elevation with suitable equation? 2M
c) Define spot speed and time-mean speed. 2M
d) Write the significance of flakiness and elongation indices in road aggregates. 2M
e) Explain radius of relative stiffness? 2M
f) What are Jayakar committee recommendations? 3M
g) What are the different types of transition curves? 3M
h) Draw the speed, flow and density relations? 3M
i) What are various layers of flexible pavements? Draw neat diagram. 3M
j) Explain ESWL concept. 3M
2. a) Compare the first and second 20 year road development plans. 5M
b) Explain the factors affecting the highway alignment. 5M
c) Explain the various engineering surveys to be conducted for designing a new highway 5M
d) Write the road classification based on different criteria. 5M
3. a) Explain the important factors which control the geometric elements of highways. 5M
b) Define Sight distance. Analyze the stopping sight distance on a highway at a descending 5M
gradient of 2% for a design speed of 80 kmph. Assume other data as per IRC
c) Enumerate the importance of providing a good shoulder to a carriageway. 5M
d) The speed of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 70 and 40 kmph respectively on a two 5M
way traffic road. The average acceleration during overtaking may be assumed as 0.99
m/sec2. Calculate safe overtaking sight distance.
4. a) Discuss about different types of traffic signs with suitable figures. 5M
b) Enumerate the different methods of carrying out traffic volume studies. 5M
c) Calculate the safe speed limit for regulation and speed to check geometric design speed 10M
elements from the following spot speed data:
Mid speed (kmph) 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95
No. of vehicles 0 12 19 38 33 25 16 13 5

5. a) Discuss the steps involved in the construction of subgrade of national highway (NH) along 5M
with the applicable quality control tests.
b) Enumerate the general mix design approach for bituminous mixes. 5M
c) Discuss the major limitations of Crumb-rubber modified bitumen. 5M
d) List out tests on bitumen. Explain the procedure of any one test on bitumen. 5M
6. a) Compare various types of pavements. 5M
b) Compute the equivalent radius of resisting section of 30cm slab, given that the radius of 5M
contact area of wheel load is 20cm?
c) Design of flexible pavements by IRC 37-2018 for the following assumptions, CBR 10%, 10M
construction period 2 years and PCU 1500.
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6453


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Give various Definitions of Computer Vision. 3M

b) What are the goals of computer vision? 3M
c) Explain Wavelet? 3M
d) What is mathematical morphology? 3M
e) Define Gabor filter? 3M
f) What is GLCM? 3M
g) Define minimum distance classifier? 3M
h) What is the principle of RF? 3M
i) What are the applications of Machine learning algorithm? 3M
j) What is gesture recognition? 3M
2. a) Describe the Radio metric quantities? 7M
b) Explain Geometric 2D Transformations? 7M
c) Describe the image sensing pipeline? 7M
d) Explain the mathematical model of the image formation? 7M
3. a) Explain DCT image transformations? 7M
b) Describe frequency domain filtering? 7M
c) Explain pixel connectivity and point operations? 7M
d) Explain image segmentation? 7M
4. a) Explain Sobel and Prewitt in edge detection? 7M
b) Explain Harris corner point detectors? 7M
c) Explain Robert and Canny in edge detection? 7M
d) Explain Hessian corner point detectors? 7M
5. a) Explain the clustering process for image segmentation? 7M
b) Write a note on PCA algorithm and template matching? 7M
c) Describe Gaussian classifier and minimum distance? 7M
d) Explain the supervised clustering with SVM? 7M
6. a) Explain medical image segmentation? 7M
b) Explain Face and facial recognition? 7M
c) In detail discuss about the object tracking? 7M
d) Discuss about the challenges in medical image segmentation? 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6454


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Differentiate between the data flow models of communication. 3M

b) Identify the topology and explain in brief. 3M

c) List out the three categories of switching networks. 3M
d) What is DSL? Mention the set of technologies in DSL. 3M
e) Topologize the various noisy channel ARQ protocols. 3M
f) Generate a chip sequence using default Walsh table. 3M
g) Write the IEEE standards for Ethernet, wireless LANs and Bluetooth. 3M
h) Compare unicast and multicast destination addresses. 3M
i) Mention three important transport layer protocols. 3M
j) Application of UDP. 3M
2. a) What is a topology? With relevant sketches, explain the four basic topologies of computer 7M
b) With a neat sketch illustrating various layers, Explain the function of each layer in the ISO- 7M
OSI reference model
c) Compare simplex, half duplex and full duplex modes illustrating the same with neat 7M
d) With a neat sketch explain TCP/IP protocol. 7M
3. a) With relevant sketches, explain the three phases in a virtual circuit network. 7M
b) With a neat sketch, Explain the four components of a packet switch. 7M
c) With a neat sketch, Explain the concept of Point of Presence (POP) in a telephone network. 7M
d) Explain how cable network can be used for data transmission? 7M

4. a) Analyze the sender and receiver site algorithms and With relevant sketches illustrating the 7M
design and flow diagram, explain the Stop-and-wait protocol for noisy channels.
b) With a neat diagram explain CDMA technique. 7M
c) With relevant figures, evaluate the vulnerable time for collision and throughput for slotted 7M
d) Compare TDMA and FDMA. 7M
5. a) Explain with neat diagram wireless LAN IEEE 802.11 architecture. 7M
b) Justify that Bluetooth is an adhoc network architecture. 7M
c) Compare 10Base5, 10Base2, 10BaseT, 10BaseF categories of standard Ethernet. 7M
d) Illustrate in detail the addressing mechanism in IEEE 802.11. 7M
:: 2 ::

6. a) Explain any three types of extension headers. 7M

b) With neat sketches, explain the dual stack and tunneling strategies. 7M
c) Explain IPV6 with a neat sketch illustrating the datagram format. 7M
d) Differentiate between connection less and connection-oriented services. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6662


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Computer Science and Engineering (AI&ML))
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) What is SEO? Explain briefly. 3M

b) Write short notes on Content Management. 3M
c) What is PPC? Explain briefly. 3M
d) Explain briefly about CRM platform. 3M
e) What do you mean by tagging a photo? How do we tag photo on Facebook? 3M
f) What is Instagram? List the advantages of using Instagram. 3M
g) What are different metrics of Youtube Analytics? 3M
h) What are the objectives of LinkedIn campaigns? 3M
i) What is e-mail marketing conversion rate? How to calculate it? 3M
j) State the common challenges of cost control. 3M

2. a) Compare and Contrast Digital Marketing with Traditional Marketing. 7M

b) What are the various digital marketing channels available in today’s business world? 7M
Explain any two in detail.
c) Elaborate on website design and website content along with its advantages. 7M
d) Analyze the trends and benefits of Digital marketing. 7M

3. a) Write short notes on social media marketing. 7M

b) Define CRM and explain its components in detail. 7M
c) What is Web Analytics? Explain the process of Web Analytics? 7M
d) Explain IDIC Model of CRM in detail. 7M

4. a) Explain the relevance of following concepts in today’s digital world 7M

i. Facebook
ii. Instagram
b) Explain in detail how to integrate Instagram with a website by considering an example. 7M
c) What is the Facebook Ad? How do you create a Facebook Ad? 7M
d) Discuss about optimization of Instagram profile in detail. 7M

5. a) What are LinkedIn campaigns? How do you create campaigns on LinkedIn? Give an 7M
b) Explain how Youtube analytics helps the business to market its goods better. 7M
c) Discuss about Youtube Advertising and explain briefly about different types of Youtube 7M
Advertising with examples.
d) How to create Youtube business account? Explain step by step. 7M

6. a) Explain about E-Mail Marketing plan briefly. 7M

b) Write short notes on Digital Marketing Budgeting. 7M
c) Explain the various types of e-mails in e-mail marketing. 7M
d) What is the significance of Cost estimating and Cost budgeting in Digital marketing? 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6252


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define concentration ratio of a solar collector. 3M

b) What is beam and diffused radiation? 3M
c) Differentiate terrestrial and extra-terrestrial solar radiation? 3M
d) What is meant by solar green house? 3M
e) What is Tip Speed Ratio? Mention its significance. 3M
f) What are liquid bio fuels? 3M
g) Comment on the origin of geothermal energy. 3M
h) Explain the basic principle of Tidal Power. 3M
i) What are the Limitations in DEC? 3M
j) Write the principle of fuel cells. 3M
2. a) What are the reasons for variation in solar radiation reaching the earth and that received 7M
outside the earth atmosphere?
b) Explain the working of Pyrheliometer with the help of neat sketch. 7M
c) Explain in detail about the Flat plate Collectors and give its advantages and 7M
d) Enumerate different types of concentrating collectors and also list out advantages and 7M
3. a) Differentiate between sensible and latent heat storage systems with diagrams. 7M
b) Draw the schematic diagram for Solar Pond based electric plant along with its working. 7M
c) Describe the layout and working of a solar cooling system. 7M
d) Explain the principle of solar photovoltaic power generation. 7M
4. a) List out the site selections considerations for wind power plants. 7M
b) What is anaerobic digestion? Briefly explain the process and its applications. 7M
c) With the help of neat block diagram, describe the operation of wind energy conversion 7M
d) Wind at 1 standard atmospheric pressure and 15°C temperature has a velocity of 7M
15 m/s. The turbine has a diameter of 120 m and its operating speed in 40 rpm at max.
efficiency calculate:
i. The total power density in the wind system
ii. The maximum obtainable power density assuming efficiency as 40%
iii. The total power produced
5. a) What is the current status of geothermal energy in India? 7M
b) Draw the line diagram and explain the working of open OTEC cycle. 7M
c) Explain the principle of geothermal Power Plant. 7M
d) Explain the closed cycle OTEC plant and list out the major problems associated OTEC. 7M
6. a) Explain the Principle, construction and working of Thermoelectric power generator 7M
b) Justify the need for direct energy conversion. 7M
c) Explain the working operation of the fuel cells. 7M
d) With a neat block diagram, explain the components of electric vehicles. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6254


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) List the needs of Smart Grid in Power system. 3M

b) List out the Challenges of Smart Grid. 3M
c) What is smart metering concept. 3M
d) State remote control features of smart metering. 3M
e) What is smart grid network architecture? 3M
f) What are the QoS requirements? 3M
g) What is decryption with example? 3M
h) What is the impact of cyber security on the smart grid? 3M
i) Explain the significance of IOT in smart grid. 3M
j) What is the advantage of IOT based metering over smart metering. 3M
2. a) Explain about smart grid 2.0 in detail. 7M
b) Explain the fundamental Components of Smart Grid Design. 7M
c) Explain about architecture of smart grid. 7M
d) Explain about importance of sensors and working of Phasor Measuring Unit in smart 7M
3. a) With block diagram explain smart meter architecture. 7M
b) Explain theft and fraud control in smart grid. 7M
c) Give comparison between Smart meter and conventional meters. 7M
d) Explain the concept of Smart energy Meters. 7M
4. a) Explain in detail about the role of HAN in smart grid. 7M
b) Explain in detail about the role of FAN in smart grid. 7M
c) Explain in detail about the role of WAN in smart grid. 7M
d) Explain in detail about the role of BAN in smart grid. 7M
5. a) What are the types of cyber security standards? 7M
b) Analyze the communication technologies used in Smart Grid. 7M
c) Explain the different layers of smart grid communication. 7M
d) How data is authenticated in digital signature? 7M
6. a) Analyze the Smart grid applications in generation level of Smart Grid. 7M
b) Analyze the IoT based smart grid monitoring system? 7M
c) Write a short note on Driving factors of IoT for smart grid. 7M
d) Write a short note on IoT-based Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS). 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6351


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) State the importance of hybridization factor. 3M

b) List the Functions of Carburetor. 3M
c) What is main purpose of fuel spray system in CI engine? 3M
d) State the advantage of fuel supply system for SI engines. 3M
e) State the advantage of cooling systems. 3M
f) State the working principle of magneto coil ignition system. 3M
g) Mention the advantages of Braking System. 3M
h) Mention the Objectives of Suspension System. 3M
i) Define caster and camber. 3M
j) What are the different types of springs used in suspension system? 3M

2. a) Explain the engine components of an Automobile. 7M

b) Explain the drive trains of an automobile. 7M
c) Explain the hybrid vehicle systems with a neat sketch. 7M
d) Differentiate between turbo charger and supercharger. 7M

3. a) With a neat sketch explain the working of a simple carburetor. 7M

b) Discuss the concept of MPFI systems. 7M
c) With a neat sketch explain the working of nozzles in CI engines. 7M
d) Explain the fuel supply system of an automobile with a neat sketch. 7M

4. a) With a neat sketch explain Electronic Ignition System. 7M

b) With a neat sketch explain working of thermostat cooling system. 7M
c) With a neat sketch explain the working of Magneto ignition system. 7M
d) Explain the following: 7M
i. Radiators
ii. Thermostat valve

5. a) Explain the working of sliding mesh gear box with neat sketch. 7M
b) Explain the working principle of single plate clutch with neat sketch. 7M
c) Explain in detail with neat sketches about Hotchkiss drive and torque tube drive. 7M
d) Explain the hydraulic braking system with neat sketch. 7M

6. a) Describe the working of front independent suspension system with neat sketch. 7M
b) Explain the working of a telescopic type shock absorber with a sketch. 7M
c) Explain any one steering mechanism system with neat sketch. 7M
d) Explain with the help of simple diagram the different types of steering geometry. 7M
Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6151


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions

1. a) Define Influence Line Diagram and give any two uses of Influence Diagram. 3M
b) State Muller Breslau Principle. 3M
c) Write expressions to compute rotation factor and displacement factor. 3M
d) Compute the rotation factors for the continuous beam shown in Fig.1. 3M

e) Write the procedure of stiffness matrix method to solve kinematically indeterminate 3M
f) Formulate the stiffness matrix for the continuous beam shown in Fig.2. 3M

g) Why the stiffness method is so popular compared to flexibility method? 3M
h) Differentiate between Degree of static and kinematic indeterminacies. 3M
i) What are the various forms of forces acting on a truss? Explain with a neat sketch. 3M
j) State Castigliano’s first theorem. 3M

2 a Two wheel loads of 16 kN and 8 kN at a fixed distance apart of 2 m cross a beam of 10 m 14

. ) span. Draw the influence line for bending moment and shear force at a section 4 m from M
the left abutment and also find the maximum bending moment and shear force at that
c) Four wheel loads of 6, 4, 8 and 5 kN crosses a girder of 20 m span, from left to right with 14
6 kN load leading. The spacing between the loads in the same order are 3m, 2m and 2m. M
Using influence lines, calculate the S.F. and B.M. at a section 8 m from the left support.

3. a) Determine the support moments at A, B, C and D for the continuous beam by using 14M
Kani’s method. Draw BMD Diagram.


:: 2 ::

c) Determine the support moments at A, B, C and D for the frame by using Kani’s method. 14M
Draw BMD Diagram.


4. a) Analysis the continuous beam by stiffness method EI is constant. 14


c) Analysis the continuous beam by stiffness method EI is constant. 14


5. a) Analyze the continuous beam shown in Fig.7 by flexibility matrix method. 14M

c) Analyze the continuous beam shown in Fig.8 by flexibility matrix method. 14M


6. a) Analyze the truss in Fig.9, by theorem of least work, and find all the bar forces. Assume 14M
the top chord members AB, BC and CD have twice the area of cross-section of the other
bars which have the same section.

:: 3 ::

c) Determine forces in all the members of redundant truss shown in Fig.10. For all 14M
members AE is constant.

Hall Ticket No: Question Paper Code: A6154


III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, February – 2023
(Regulations: VCE-R20)
(Civil Engineering)
Date: 10 February, 2023 Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 100
Answer All Questions
1. a) List any three social aspects of watershed management. 3M
b) What are the objectives of Watershed Management? 3M
c) Explain the effect of erosion on land fertility. 3M
d) What are the consequences of soil erosion? 3M
e) Define runoff and list out the factors affecting runoff. 3M
f) Write the short notes on preparation of action plan. 3M
g) What are the various types of rain water harvesting? 3M
h) What are the components of rainwater harvesting structures? 3M
i) What are the effects of erosion on land capability? 3M
j) Write a short note on land grading operation. 3M
2. a) Define stream order and stream length in watershed management. 7M
b) Write a short note on the importance of management. 7M
c) Write a short note on sustainable integrated management of watershed. 7M
d) List out and explain the factors affecting watershed management. 7M
3. a) Explain Universal soil loss equation for predicting the soil loss. 7M
b) Detail explanation on the factors affecting soil erosion. 7M
c) What is meant by term erosion? Explain the causes of erosion. 7M
d) Explain in detail about the erosion caused by water. 7M

4. a) Explain various methods used for runoff calculation. 7M

b) Detail explanation on the rapid rural appraisal in watershed management. 7M
c) A flood of a certain magnitude has a return period of 40 years. Determine: 7M
I. The probability of exceedance
II. Probability of the flood of magnitude equal to or greater than the given magnitude
i. at least once in 10 successive years
ii. two times in 10 successive years
iii. once in 10 successive years
d) A small watershed consists of 4.2 km2 of cultivated area with C=0.22, 5.8 km2 under 7M
forest with C=0.12 and 2.8 km2 under grass cover with C=0.32. The water course, 3.4 km
in length has a fall of 35m. The intensity-frequency-duration relation for the area may be
78𝑇 0.22
expressed by the following relation.𝑖 = (𝑡+12)0.45 where, i is in cm/hr, T is in years and t
is in minutes. Where T is 40 years, compute the peak flow using rational method.

5. a) List out the various artificial groundwater recharge techniques. Explain about induced 7M
infiltration method.
b) What are the basic steps to begin the process of rainwater harvesting? 7M
c) Describe the subsurface techniques of artificial recharge of ground water. 7M
d) Explain in detail about the classification of rainwater water harvesting systems. 7M

:: 2 ::

6. a) List out the problems of degraded land and explain them in detail. 7M
b) Explain in detail about the classification of land capability. 7M
c) Mention the techniques used for reclamination of saline and alkaline soils and explain 7M
d) Write a short note on management of agricultural and forest land. 7M

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