Reflection About Simon Sinek Talk About Leadership and Create Personal

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After watching the video on “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” by the inspirational speaker
Simon Sinek. Also known as a Fascinated of the great leaders of the world and
Simon Sinek has managed to codify how inspiring leaders and organizations think, act and
communicate. He teaches graduate classes in strategic communication at Columbia University
and is the author of three books, including the bestseller Start With Why: How Great Leaders
Inspire Everyone to Take Action, which is the focus of this TED Talk. Having written multiple
books about leaders who make an impact in the world, companies, and politicians with the
capacity to inspire makes Sinek a very experienced and knowledgeable person. He has also given
presentations about leadership to companies and organizations such as Microsoft, the United
States Military, and other government agencies. All these facts build his credibility and make
him a suitable person to talk about what it takes to be a successful leader. Shortly after his first
book entitled “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” was
released, he was invited to give a Ted Talk. The purpose of this speech was mainly educational.
Simon Sinek believes he found the reason why some of us are successful at what we do and why
others aren’t and he wants to share his discovery with the world. At this point, his audience is the
entire world. His speech has been watched over 30 million times by people all over the world,
making it one of the most successful speeches given on TED. By now many people around the
world know about the Golden Circle. All these thanks to a man who found a way to put together
a presentation about a complex topic and made it simple and easy to understand for all of us.
Then in his talk, Sinek presents his idea of the "Golden Circle" which he calls "a naturally
occurring pattern”, grounded in the biology of human decision making and that explains why we
are inspired by some people, leaders, messages, and organizations over others. Therefore, I have
realized while listening to the inspirational speaker , Sinek, that we have been inspired by some
people's experiences because we want to be inspired by their stories. But not because we want to
listen but because we want to learn something from it.
Toward the start of his speech, Sinek begins by asking a few vital questions. I consider he does
this to get his crowd occupied with his speech, catch the audience members' consideration, and
give them a review of what he will discuss during his speech. Moreover, Sinek also said that “the
Golden Circle is similar to a target with three rings and Starting with the outer ring and leading
to the center ring, the section is labeled as the What, How, and Why.” So I can also say that the
words of Sinek are so much wisdom to realize because as I have realized over and over while
listening to Sinek talk. I can tell that some leaders do not know “Why they can be a good model
to others or why they must do the right thing to do” Instead some leaders are prepared to do the
“What things and How to do”. That’s why some individuals will believe in the leaders who are
deserving to believe in like a leader who knows his/herself that she/he was worth it to trust with.
Because if the leader shows how great his/her passion or his/her purpose so the individuals will
ensure that they are not wasting their trust with anyone. To back up his speech, Sinek offers three
main examples of successful leaders and organizations. He uses Martin Luther King as an
example of a successful leader, the Wright brothers, and Apple. One of the examples of a
successful organization he uses is Apple. He talks about Apple as a company and how they are
so successful at what they do. This is a perfect example because most of us know about Apple.
An example is the reasons or supporting information used to support a claim. This makes it easy
for the audience to follow the speaker. Proving examples such as this one helps to support the
claims the speaker makes. In this case, he claims that Apple is so successful because they think,
act and communicate from the inside out. He argues, “all the great inspiring leaders and
organizations in the world, whether it’s Apple or Martin Luther King or the Wright brothers,
they all think, act and communicate the same way. And it’s the complete opposite to everyone
else.” He later gives an example of how Apple communicates, Sinek mentions, “Here’s how
Apple communicates. ‘Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in
thinking differently.

The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed,simple to
use, and user-friendly.As we go forward, I have also been inspired by what Sinek said that
“Inspired leaders and the inspired organizations, regardless of their size or industry all think, act
and communicate from the inside out.” Because Sinek is trying to tell us that if we believe
someone we must know how true they are to themselves. Because it is somewhat like we want to
believe them because we want to and because they believe themselves that they can be an
inspirational one to others. Also, it is like that we want to buy their product not because they
want us to buy but because we believe them. Consequently, Sinek also said this line that “The
goal is not to hire people who need a job, it’s to hire people who believe what you believe.” So I
can all say to this line that if we want to have a stable job we must believe ourselves that we can
find a job that is worth working with. And not just for the sake of applying for it but because of
your passion to work for their company because they have a good vision and mission that makes
your life enlighten and you want to believe that one day you will become a successful person
together with the company whom you work with. Like Sinek said, it is like finding people who
genuinely care about the company’s mission that can change the company culture from one that’s
driven by a desire to earn more money to one that’s fueled by loyalty and passion. Because in our
world today, believe it or not, they are few people who showed loyalty and passion to their work
that they will work for the company with blood and sweat and tears that makes us rare because
some people worked just for the sake of earning and some people are seeking for their living
because if they have no job how could they live on this cruel world they had.

And that’s their belief, in short, we have a different perspective in our lives on how we handle
things to have a better life. But if we share with others what we believe I surely assure that
people will attract us because we showed them what we are trying to believe or maybe they can
inspire our story also. Furthermore, Sinek also says that “ Leaders hold a position of power or
authority but those who lead inspire us.” So I also truly agree with this line because as I have
observed with some people that one who leads the right path is someone who believes to follow
not because they have to but because they want to follow. That they want to follow not because
of who leads but because for themselves and they are just inspired by the story of the other. Like
with this line of Sinek that Not all people who have a position or title of authority are true

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