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Exercise plan: Patient: Date:

core Cello Leandri Willis Biokineticist 29th Sep 2023

Dead Bug - Bent Legs Only

Lie flat on your back. Raise your arms to 90-degrees in front of you, so
your hands are pointing towards the ceiling. Bend your knees and hips to
90-degrees. Engage your deep abdominal muscles and maintain a neutral
spine. In a controlled movement, lower your foot to the floor in a bent
knee position. Return to the start. Repeat to the opposite side. This
exercise is a core strengthening and co-ordination exercise.

Sets: 2 | Repetitions: 8


2-Point Kneeling Horizontal

Adopt a four-point position on your hands and knees. Maintain good
posture, and gently contract the deep abdominal muscles by drawing
your belly button in (towards your spine). Lift one arm in front of you, and
your opposite leg behind you. This exercise strengthens the deep core

Sets: 3 | Repetitions: 8


Rest on your forearms and your toes. Hold this position. Keep good
straight posture, and do not let your back arch too much. This is a core
strengthening exercise.

Repetitions: 2 | Time: 20 sec


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Lower Abdominal Strength 4
Lie flat on your back, with your knees bent, and hand under your lower
back. Lift both feet so your knees are pointing towards the ceiling and
your feet are off the floor. Contract your deep abdominal muscles by
drawing your belly button towards the floor, and flattening your back
against your hand. Hold the pressure against your hand while you lower
the legs to the floor, and back to the start position. Do not let the back
arch. Try to breathe normally throughout the exercise. This is a lower
abdominal and deep core strengthening exercise.

Repetitions: 5 | Time: 12 sec


Dead Bug - Legs Straight

Lie flat on your back. Raise your arms to 90-degrees in front of you, so
your hands are pointing towards the ceiling. Bend your hips to 90-
degrees, with your legs as straight as you can comfortably get them.
Engage your deep abdominal muscles and maintain a neutral spine. In a
controlled movement, lower one arm to the floor above your head, while
you lower the opposite straight leg to the floor. Do not let your lower back
arch too much, try to flatten your spine gently towards the floor. Return to
the start position. Repeat to the opposite side. This exercise is a core
strengthening and co-ordination exercise.

Sets: 2 | Repetitions: 10


Shoulder Taps Plank

Start in a press up position with your hands at a comfortable width, tap
your shoulder with the opposite side hand at a controlled pace. Bring your
hand back to the floor and repeat with the opposite hand, alternate
between each hand continuously.

Sets: 2 | Repetitions: 12


Supine Bridge Advanced

Lie flat on your back with your arms across your chest, and with your
knees bent. Squeeze your bottom muscles and lift your back upwards and
straighten one leg. Make sure you maintain good posture (do not over-
arch your lower back) and contract the deep abdominal muscles by
squeezing your tummy towards your spine. This exercise helps to
strengthen the abdominal, lower back, gluteal and hamstring muscles.

Repetitions: 12 | Time: 20 sec


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Lower Abdominal Strength 7
Lie flat on your back, with your knees bent, and hands by your side. Lift
both legs so your knees are pointing towards the ceiling and your feet are
off the floor. Contract your deep abdominal muscles by drawing your belly
button towards the floor, and flattening your back against the floor. Hold
the pressure against the floor while you try to lift your knees just 1-2cm
upwards, allowing only vertical movement of the thighs (do not let your
back arch). Try to breathe normally throughout the exercise. This is a
lower abdominal and deep core strengthening exercise.

Sets: 3 | Repetitions: 8


Dear Leandri Willis, please stop any exercise that causes pain. If you have any questions with an exercise, just
email us on Good luck and keep with it!

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