My Reflective Questions Revisited

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Homayoon Heidari

22 December 2023

Reflective questions about your first writing process

1. What steps did you go through to write your essay? I began by understanding the essay prompt,
conducting thorough research, and brainstorming ideas. Next, I created an outline to organize my
thoughts and arguments logically.
2. Did you have a plan in your mind for how you would structure your essay before writing? Yes, I had a
rough plan for the essay structure in mind. I aimed for a clear introduction, well-developed body
paragraphs, and a strong conclusion.
3. Did you make an outline of the key points you would include in your essay before writing? Yes, I
created an outline to identify the main arguments and supporting details. This helped me maintain
a coherent and organized flow in my essay.
4. How did you select the key points you included in your essay? I selected key points based on their
relevance to the essay prompt, the strength of supporting evidence, and their contribution to the
overall argument.
5. How did you make the decision about the order of the sentences in your essay and the organization of
your text? I considered the logical flow of ideas and the progression of my argument. Each
paragraph contributed to the overall coherence and cohesion of the essay.
6. Did you think about how much time you should spend on each part of your writing? Yes, I allocated
time for each stage of the writing process, ensuring I had sufficient time for research, drafting,
revising, and editing.
7. Did you think about your audience before writing? Yes, I thought about my audience and tailored my
language and tone accordingly.
8. Did use any external resources (material, books, websites, other people) for writing? I utilized various
9. How many false starts did you have? A few
10. How did you make decisions about using appropriate words in your essay? I carefully considered the
appropriateness of words to convey my ideas precisely. Clarity and conciseness were priorities.
11. Did you check a dictionary while writing? Yes, I occasionally consulted a dictionary for specific
terminology or to ensure accurate word usage.
12. Did you think about adjusting your time while writing? I adjusted my time allocation as needed.
13. Did you check your essay while and after writing, focusing on grammar, spelling, and punctuation? I
thoroughly checked my essay during and after writing
14. Did you monitor the coherence and cohesion of your essay? I monitored the overall coherence and
cohesion, ensuring smooth transitions between paragraphs and ideas.
15. How many times did you revise your writing? I revised my writing multiple times, refining
arguments, enhancing clarity, and improving the overall structure.
16. Did you ask your classmates and friends to read your essay and provide comments on your writing? Yes,
I sought feedback from classmates and friends to gain different perspectives and identify areas for
17. Do you think whether your classmates and friends can help you with your writing? I believe classmates
and friends can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.
18. Did you use any references or citations in your writing? No
19. How do you evaluate your writing? what is your score? I evaluated my writing based on clarity,
argument strength, adherence to guidelines, and overall effectiveness. A specific score would
depend on the assignment criteria.
20. What problems and obstacles did you experience in your writing? Common challenges included
balancing time constraints, refining arguments, and ensuring a consistent writing style.
21. How did you overcome your problems? I addressed these challenges through effective time
management, seeking feedback, and continuously refining my work.
22. What was your feeling about writing “before”, “while”, and “after” writing? Before writing, I felt a
mix of excitement and pressure. During writing, there were moments of frustration but also
satisfaction. After writing, a sense of accomplishment and a desire for improvement prevailed.
23. Did your feelings turned to be more positive or more negative from the beginning to the end?
Generally, my feelings became more positive as the writing process progressed. Overcoming
challenges and producing a well-crafted essay contributed to a sense of achievement.

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