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Application for Enrolment

Surname, first name:

Study programme:

Enrolment in which semester:

Application number:

I am urr ntl stud nt at ulda ni rsit o li d S i n s i s l as mark

I wish to enrol in the above mentioned study programme in addition to my current
study programme.

I wish to terminate my my current study programme

and nrol to the one mentioned above.

I have already paid the semester contribution via direct debit mandate via horstl as
part of my re-registration.

Matriculation number

urrent students of Fulda University of Applied Sciences also need to upload all
documents re uired for enrolment!

lea e note Enrolment i not po i le nle e a e recei e o r eme ter

contri tion pa ment a ell a t e nece ar oc ment in t e ploa area of
t e online enrolment application o mente r mmatri lation

• I hereby accept the study offer in the above mentioned study programme and confirm
the accuracy and completeness of the information provided during the online
(enrolment) application.

• I have not finally failed a preliminary, intermediate or final e amination in this study

• I am aware that inaccurate statements or omission can lead to a withdrawal of my

matriculation pursuant to the provisions of the valid essian igher Education Act.

at Signatur

Bereich-STB-Immatrikulationsantrag / Stand: März 2023 / 1 von 1

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