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Rodríguez system contents measures in the

cabin value of the ball 3 when it is

close to the upper long rail

Rodríguez system and caroms on the

table we remember that the ball

effect system divides the two ball into 12 parts and

the effects that we can

give vary from the two to the nu

points we also have to remember the

value of the wedding 2s depending on the

distance at which it is located. That ball

in the

right corner the values are appearing

above and we remember it from

previous videos they vary from 1 to

12 the value of the ball one also

depends on whether there is a slope

when shooting the vola

two if the slope is in favor we have

to subtract points and if it is against

we add until now to solve hut

we took into account two distance the

distance of the red ball distance one

and the distance of the point that we thought we would

find distance do in this case They are

9 and 4 point 13 we roll with 13 point and we

find that the carom has been

failed this calculation error will be

resolved by the
Rodríguez system to solve this carom

We now take into account two measurements, the

distance of the red ball and the distance

between balls two and

three. If we add up, we need a hit of

11 points. In addition, the system also

gives us a reference.

If the distance between balls is two

diamonds, we must reach the band.

cut a height of two half

diamonds we will see it with some cases

more value of the red ball four points

distance between balls three

points as the white ball has no

slope we only need a hit

of seven points and the Ball has to

go up one and a half diamonds now which is

exactly half of the distance between

balls in this new case value of the

red ball There are six points and the distance

between balls is four points as there is no

slope we give a stroke of 10

points plus the reference since the

separation is of four diamonds the

rise on the short rail of the

White ball is up to diamond two 4 half

diamonds we execute and

solve a new case of the

Rodríguez system value of the red ball would be 9

-1 8 because it is one point below one

diamond below and the separation

between balls is three, therefore 8 and 3

with 11 points would also solve the

reference point to the short rail

since the separation between balls is three,

it would be in the diamond 1 and a

half new

case value of the red ball 4 -1 would be

three points and the distance between balls

is 4 diamond therefore

it would be seven points but since we have

a slope against one The hit

should be eight points and the

reference on the rail cuts the diamond

two in this case the value of the red one

would be 9 -

2 therefore we have seven points and the

distance between balls would be three

diamonds therefore 9 - 2 7 and 3 10 there

is no slope we will shoot with 10 points in

this case we have put approximately

a quarter of a ball and effect

seven let's see now some caroms on


table in this first one the value of the red

is eight points and the distance between

balls is one point therefore we need

a hit of nine points the reference

will be diamond
05 above the one in the lower right corner

in this other The distance or

value of the red ball is eight points

and the separation between balls is two

points, therefore we need a hit of

10 points. The reference will be the diamond

one on the short

right rail. Third carom, we move

the yellow ball further away. The red one is

the same or points but the separation

is already three points, therefore

we need a stroke of 11 and the

reference on the short rail will be

1 and a half since the distance between the ball

is three, the reference is always

half of that

next distance gambola value of the red 8o

points and distance between balls four

points The hit is therefore 12 points there is no


therefore the reference will now be on

diamond two of the

short rail that will be our point

to reach a

new carom we have a value of the

ball 2s of six points a distance

between balls of two

therefore there is a slope against sorry

in favor of 1 6 2 8 - 1 7 with seven

points carom the reference one

diamond above in the

short in this the value of the yellow is

four points and the distance is

six therefore we have 6 4 10 the

reference on the short band since

there is a distance of six diamonds

it will be in the first diamond above that

is three diamonds from the

lower corner in this other The value of the

red is four points, there is no

slope and the distance between balls is

four, therefore we have a stroke of 4 and

48. The reference will be diamond 2 of


short rail and in this value of the red, two


distance between balls. From six diamonds

we already have eight but we have a

slope in our favor, therefore we must

subtract the value of that slope, which is


points, therefore we only shoot with six

points and the reference on the

short band is going to be the third

diamond since that It is half of the

six diamonds that sorry about the six

diamonds, yes well said that there are between

ball two and

three we will throw Well with a hit of six


and carom



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