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frontal attack by ball spin 2

long rail exit contents division of

ball 2 into 12 parts

effects on ball 1 points of arrival

on third and fourth

rail caroms on the table

we briefly remember that the ball we

have to divide it into 12 parts

knowing that the Its diameter is

61 millimeters when divided into 12

parts, each of these parts measures

approximately 5 millimeters. This

will help us to take balls. We

also remember that we can give eight

different effects: 2 and 3 are

above the Equator

4 5 6 and 7 on the same Equator

and 8 and 9 below it,

we also remember that the

arrival zone on the third

rail is the one we see in green

depending on the amount of ball and

spin we use, if we use

four points we will reach the Corner

If we use 5

to the first diamond of the Band short 6

to the second

to the third

8 to the Corner
the 9 we have it very close to diamond 1

the 10

in the one and a half

the 11 past the 2


the 12 in diamond 3 of the Band long


Here we see a frontal attack starting

from diamond

0 from the corner and attacking diamond

C of the short rail

we can see that there is an

opposite slope of two diamonds

so if we want to make a

carom like this reaching 7 points

we should hit it 9 points our shot

had to be 7 + the two we

needed for the phase one, therefore we

could hit a three and six,

four and five or 5 and 4 among others

if we changed the location of the

Red ball to the White ball still in the same


it would be an attack from the corner to

diamond 3 but there we have a difference

of four points since from the

second diamond the half diamond is

considered as a whole one

to make the same carom as before

reaching point 7 we should Well,

hit seven plus four points, that is,

11, we

visualize the carom

and think about hitting it two plus nine or three

plus eight or five plus six, among others.

We have to be clear, then, that

starting from the corner or the corner and

attacking the different red balls that

we see we will have to make compensations

in each case if we attack the highest ball

the compensation would be four

points to reach any other

point of the upper short or long band

if we attack the second three points

compensation to the third two points and at

the first one point

we can now see that from the corner the

compensation to attack the red ball

is two points

but if the White ball moves forward on the

long rail

That is, if it is placed on the line of the first

diamond we must increase one point plus

the compensation

if we go to the second diamond we shoot

from there the compensation is already two

points more

in the next one it would be 3 and so

until the last ball that we see in this

case that would need a compensation Sorry

a compensation of 6 points over the

two that we already had to attack

conclusion every carom is the product of

the sum of three numbers the first is

the compensation for the position of the

red ball which in this case is three


the second is

the number that corresponds to the

separation between the starting diamond

of the white and the corner which in this

case are four points and the third is the

number we want to reach which is

seven points the sum is 14 points

therefore we stretch with 8 + 6 in this case

we have a compensation for the ball 2

of two points due to the

white situation a compensation of four points

and to make the carom we need to

reach point 7 on the third rail the

sum gives us 7 and 4 11 and 2 13 Therefore

we will shoot with effect 7 and half a

new ball carom and we need for the

position of the ball 2

4 points

for compensation of the cue ball

almost four points

and for the position of the arriving ball

five points

we therefore have 4 + 4 + 5 13 points

therefore we could shoot with a half ball and

spin 7

carom solved

new case compensation for Volador of

one point the compensation for the

situation of the white ball

we see that it is 5 and a half points

and the arrival point that we are looking for is

point 7

we add the three amounts and it gives us 13

and a half points we act Well, with half a

ball and seven and a half spin, a little

below the 7 spin between the 7 and the 8,

fourth and last example,

we look for compensation for ball 2, which

would be three points

for the departure of the white, which

we would also have three points since He does it

from diamond 3 and for the height of the ball

five points the sum Well, it would be 11

points and we could attack with 7 and 4

among other ways, of course.

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