(English) 37 - Ataque - Frontal - Desde - La - Banda Corta - Por - Sistema - Bola - Efecto (DownSub - Com)

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frontal attack by vola effect

one departure from short rail contents

division of the ball 2 into 12

parts effects in ball

one arrival points on the third rail

study of slopes and caroms on the

table it is worth remembering that the

ball effect system divides the ball into 12

parts The separation between each of

these parts is approximately 5 mm

since the diameter of the

ball is

61.5 and 60/12 is

5. We must also remember that the

ball effect system uses eight effects,

two are above the equator,

four of them In Ecuador the 4 5 6 and

s and two below the 8o and the nine this

must be kept in

mind the frontal attack is a type of

carom short long

short like the one we are seeing in the


but we can also do

it short long

long Like this

other one, an important recommendation is that

to carry out the frontal attack, ball

two should be

located within that

triangle that we are seeing. Because if it

goes outside of that, the possibilities of

error when taking the wrong ball are

many and we would hit the

long rail in the frontal attack the

arrival area on the third rail is the one we see

in green on the table from the corner

to diamond 3 of the upper long rail

to reach the Corner we

should hit a value hit four

well two ball and two defects or one

ball and three defect as we see in the

graph to go up the

short rail the shot has to be five points out

of six seven the corner It is eight and

then you have to be careful because the

shot worth nine is going to be very

close to the diamond, a value of 10

is on diamond 1 and half of the

upper value of 11 a little after

diamond 2 and the value of 12 is on

diamond 3, so we are clear that the

finest hit would be four points

for reach the Corner and the thickest

in quotes would be the 12-point one that

takes us to diamond 3 of the Superior long rail.

Something very important that we must take into

account in this type of shot is the

slope, the inclination of our ball

and the ball. two in this case that

we are seeing now if we want to

reach the seven points as there is no

inclination we could give one of the

blows that appear on the left 3 + 4

2 + 5 or 1 + they would all take us to the


yes But what happens when between between the

cue ball and the ball we attack there

is an inclination if the inclination

is that of a diamond like the case we

are seeing. Then we can no longer

shoot with seven points to reach the yes

point but rather we will do it with one


less with six points 2 cu o 1 C as

we see in the graph on the left

we can achieve the finish and in this

case the entity now acts

against us we have to increase the hit

by one point to be able to reach the seven

therefore we would need to roll with one

se effect and two of ball or a cco effect

and three of ball or even with four and

four the story is that in all

cases we are giving eight points to

get LG to the first example on the

table we need four points to

get to the Corner so we can give

three and one three spin and one ball or

two and

two carom

solved in this second case

we need five points therefore we

could give one ball and spin cu or

three ball and spin

two now We need seven points therefore we

could give four spin and

three of ball or five of spin and two of

ball or even six of spin and one of

ball in all cases we would be looking for

the point seven

nine examples but now we are looking for the

point nu therefore we have many more

combination possibilities we can

use 4 and C 3 and 6 2 and s 7 and 2 5 and 3 5

and if any of them would work for us, they would

all take us point nine, we

would have to know how to choose the most appropriate one

to leave the Red ball in the place that

interests us

And in this other one we need 11

points therefore the

combinations are also very varied 2 and nu 3 and

8 5 and

6 we can choose

any we would reach 11 they would play the

short band and

carom one more but we must keep in

mind that we need seven points but

we have a slope against a

diamond therefore we have to give eight

points it could be two and

six I apologize for having placed

the white ball on the graph to the right

of the red ball when it should be on the

left in this graph and in the next one

Thank you in this carom We are looking for

a 10 point shot but since we have

a half

diamond slope we would only have to give 9

and a half therefore we could use three

balls and 6 and a half


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