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Roles and Responsibilities in Monarchy

Learning Objective: To analyze the roles and responsibilities of the king and his
Keywords: Monarchy, Roles, Responsibilities.
Cross Curricular Link (CCL): History, Political Science, and Sociology.

Made by: Abdelrahman Mohamed & Wasel Aziz – 11A

Starter Activity
Watch the
video carefully
& share your
views on what
the video has
examples as
The King's Roles and
- Leadership:
• The role of the king in a monarchy is paramount, serving as the central
leader and decision-maker.
• Historical examples, such as King Louis XIV of France, showcase effective
leadership in consolidating power and implementing policies.
- Governance and Law:
• The king is responsible for maintaining governance and upholding laws
within the kingdom.
• The balance between a king's authority and the need for a just legal
system is crucial for societal stability.
- Protection and Defense:
• A crucial responsibility of the king is to protect the kingdom and lead
military forces.
• Challenges, such as maintaining security in historical monarchies,
highlight the multifaceted role of the king.

Portrait of Henry VII of England

The Subjects' Roles and
▪ Obedience and Loyalty:
• Subjects in a monarchy have a duty to obey the king and show loyalty to
the monarchy.
• The historical context of loyalty emphasizes its impact on societal stability.
▪ Contributions and Taxes:
• Subjects contribute to the kingdom's resources through responsibilities like
paying taxes.
• The challenges of taxation and its impact on the relationship between the
king and subjects reflect societal dynamics.
▪ Service to the Kingdom:
▪ Subjects are expected to serve the kingdom in various capacities.
In a few decades, it will have been 1000 years since King William I
▪ Societal expectations of individuals in historical monarchies highlight the of England, the infographic showcases how the once subjects
collective responsibility for the well-being of the kingdom. leant from their predecessors and were able to fill in their
positions while teaching the next generation as well
Balancing Power in Monarchy
▪ Checks and Balances:
• Historical examples demonstrate the existence of checks and balances in monarchies.
• The distribution of power is designed to prevent abuses and ensure stability within
the kingdom.

▪ Revolt and Rebellion:

• Instances of revolts or rebellions against the monarchy signify challenges to
established power.
• Factors leading to social unrest and the consequences of challenging the established
order are critical to understanding historical dynamics.

▪ Evolution of Monarchies:
• Roles and responsibilities of kings and subjects evolved over time in historical
monarchies. Depiction of Mansa Musa, ruler of the Mali
Empire; known for his wealth and generosity
• The transition from absolute monarchies to constitutional monarchies reflects
and known for improving the economy and
changing societal needs. education and an example of this is Timbuktu.
Differentiated Tasks
Kindness Keen: How did historical monarchies maintain order
and stability through the roles of the king?
SDG Link: Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - Discuss how
the king's roles contributed to maintaining peace and order.

Genius Gebs: In what ways did subjects influence the decision-

making of the king in historical monarchies?
SDG Link: Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities - Discuss how subjects'
roles influenced power dynamics and addressed inequalities.

Wisdom Wiz: How did the evolution of monarchies impact the

roles and responsibilities of both the king and subjects?
SDG Link: Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - Discuss
the societal impact of evolving governance structures
Extended Task
Question: How did the roles and responsibilities in historical
monarchies contribute to the development or decline of societies?
Take a few minutes to outline their responses and then share in a
group discussion.

Essay Style Content:

Discuss the impact of roles and responsibilities on societal
Explore how the balance of power influenced stability, innovation,
or decline.
Connect responses to broader societal impacts and the achievement
of SDGs related to peace, justice, and community development
(Goal 16).
Reflection Questions:

• What aspects of monarchy governance surprised you the most

during this analysis?
Encourage participants to reflect on surprising insights and share their thoughts with
the group.

• How can the principles discussed today contribute to the SDGs?

Facilitate a discussion on the broader impact of understanding historical governance
structures on global goals.
Thank You!
We hope you learnt something from this lesson and understand the reasons
of the common occurrence of monarchy especially in the early ages and
throughout Europe and in other parts of the World and how vital a King or
Queen is to the survival of a civilization.

Depiction of Mansa Musa, ruler of the Mali Empire in the 14th century

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