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GEC 1: Understanding the Self | Self-care Plan | JCMG

Name: Janelle s. Villarosa Degree program, year level, and section: BSBA MM 1A

If I had the opportunity to talk to my younger self, the one in the picture I used,
there are a few things I would like to say "THANK YOU" for. Thank you for being brave
and taking risks. You were not afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new
things. It led to some amazing experiences and personal growth. Going to a far place
without your family beside you was a brave act in order to continue your secondary
education. Thank you for being resilient. Life threw challenges your way, but you never
gave up. Your determination and perseverance helped you overcome obstacles and
become stronger. Thank you for cherishing relationships. You valued the people in
your life and made an effort to nurture and maintain those connections. Your kindness
and love made a positive impact on others. And lastly thank you for staying in my heart
you may no longer me in my present time but you will always have a place to me I will
not let go the dreams you made back then and continue to reach them. You are the
first little girl that I don’t want to grow because I want you to stay to what you are in
my memories.

If I had the opportunity to talk to my younger self, there are a few things I
would like to say "SORRY" for. I'm sorry for being too hard on you at times. There were
moments when I pushed myself too much and didn't give you enough time to rest and
recharge. I should have been more compassionate and understanding towards your
needs. I'm sorry for not always believing in you. There were times when I doubted
your abilities and underestimated your potential. I should have had more faith in your
capabilities and encouraged you to dream big. I'm sorry for not taking better care of
your mental and emotional well-being. I didn't always prioritize self-care and allowed
stress and negativity to overwhelm you. And I even tried to remove your existence in
this world. I should have prioritized your mental health and celebrate and value your
small achievements. And I’m sorry if I allowed other people to threated you inhuman I
deeply apologize for these shortcomings and mistakes.
My Stressors My ways to handle stress

First and foremost, to the things that give me stress school- When I am feeling stressed, there are several ways I handle and
related deadlines and responsibilities can be quite overwhelming. The relieve that stress. First and foremost, engaging in physical activity is a
pressure to perform well and meet expectations can really add to my go-to for me. Playing volleyball helps me release tension and boost my
stress levels. mood. Taking a few moments to focus on my breath and be present in
Another major stressor for me is conflict or tension within the moment helps calm my mind and reduce stress.
relationships, whether it's with my family, and relatrives. It's never easy Listening to music and watching anime is another way I relieve
to navigate through disagreements or misunderstandings, and it can take stress. It has a powerful impact on my mood and emotions, and I find
a toll on my mental well-being. that listening to my favorite songs or watching anime helps me unwind
Financial worries or instability also contribute to my stress. and alleviate stress.
Money-related concerns can create a lot of anxiety and uncertainty ` Talking to loved ones is a significant source of support for me.
about the future. It's important for me to budget and plan my finances Sharing my feelings and concerns with my partner, trusted friends or
wisely since I already have a Lived in partner in we stay on his Parents family members provides me with empathy and perspective, helping me
house for the mean time. relieve stress.
Health concerns or dealing with illness can be incredibly These are the ways I handle and relieve stress It's essential to
stressful. Whether it's my own health or that of a loved one, it's natural find what works best for you individually and to prioritize self-care in
to feel worried and anxious during such times. order to manage and reduce stress in life.
Uncertainty about the future or major life changes can also be
quite stressful for me. It's normal to feel overwhelmed when facing big
decisions or when things are uncertain.

Dealing with negative or toxic people is something that can really

affect my stress levels.

Feeling isolated or lacking a support system can also contribute

to my stress.

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