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Here is an outline of my Math lesson of grade 6 using UDL. The lesson is designed on content,
process, product and grouping.
Content: What the student needs to learn.
Process: How a student makes sense of or understand the information, ideas, skills, etc.
Product: Demonstrations of students' learning.
Learning Environment: where students are engaged in flexible group settings.

Math Lesson designed with UDL: Students will have to design a garden, house or any place they
like, determining the shapes (regular polygons, circles, irregular shapes and composite figures) for the
design and calculate the area and perimeter of the design.

Learning Targets/Expected Product: Determine geometric shapes to design and calculate the area
and perimeter

Activity Steps on UDL principles and guidelines:

The first two steps address UDL principles: multiple means of representation, the what of
learning (CONTENT).

Step-1: Anticipatory Set: Students will watch a video reviewing area and perimeter formulas. This
activity addresses UDL principle & guidelines: multiple means of representation to activate prior
knowledge; alternate auditory and visual information; and highlight big ideas. Students will create a
study guide of their choice either manually (using paper/pen) or digital (MS word or paint) including
all the formulas they have learnt.

Step-2: Model New Knowledge and Guided Practice: Students will be provided different options
for new knowledge acquaintance and guided practice. The options are 1) meeting with teacher for
mini lesson, 2) review examples from the textbook (hard copy or digital-online resources), 3)
watching video of lesson demonstration 4) visit samples for practicing problems. This activity
addresses UDL principles and guidelines: multiple means of representation–providing alternative for
auditory and visual information; multiple means of engagement.

Step-3 addresses UDL principles: multiple means of engagement (increase individual choice
and enhance relevance), how a student makes sense of or understand the information, ideas,
skills, etc (PROCESS).
Step-3: Independent Practice: Students will share the shapes used in the design and will work
independently practicing some problems by finding the areas and perimeters of the shapes used in the
Lesson Plan with Constructivist Approach

Step-4 addresses UDL principle: multiple means of action and expression – providing ways to
students to respond, make choice of media for communication, support planning and strategy
development, how a student makes sense of or understand the information, ideas, skills, etc.
(Learning Environment where students are engaged in flexible group settings).
Step-4: Cooperative Learning Groups: Students will work in small groups to complete the design
of the project provided with different options for their creation- tangible model, creating a blue print,
video, skit, song, or PowerPoint presentation. UDL principles addressed in the activity are multiple
means of engagements that vary levels of challenge and foster collaboration.

As observed and studied, UDL supports inclusive classroom setting. UDL strategies and methods
encourage development of expert learners though personal engagement and motivation. It is noted
that the principles of constructivism (individual learners construct the meaning of their own learning)
are implemented in UDL lesson plan. During the lesson, students are put in Vygotsky's ZPD to
scaffold their understanding (observed in step 1 & step 2 of the lesson) from the videos that are
provided as initial information of support, and there by completing parts of the tasks individually, and
finally completing the collaborative task applying each ones' understanding to abstract thinking. Peer
Collaboration is applied through Cooperative groups where each student has assigned opportunities,
working with peers through shared social interactions. Students are engaged in experiential learning
to real-world environments in relevant contexts of learning. Focusing on solving real-world problems,
problem-solving techniques, producing the product, adjusting instructional goals and objectives are
observed in step 3 & step 4. The assessment strategies and tools used during the lesson facilitate
students as evaluating tools for their self-analysis to formulate their own meaning and to peer assess.
During peer assessments, students learn and develop while engaged in interactions with others.
Students are provided with open ended tasks which enable them to interpreting lenses of the world on
their own, sharing their own point of view, and opinion of others while working on a common ground
collaboratively (in spite of diversity).


Weselby, C., (2020). What is Differentiated Instruction? Examples of How to Differentiate

Instruction in the Classroom. Resilient Educator. Retrieved from
McFarland-McDaniels, M. (n.d.). How to organize a classroom for diverse learners. Classroom.
Retrieved from
Lesson Plan with Constructivist Approach, (2009). Multiple Intelligences. Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Multiple
Intelligences. Retrieved from
CAST. (2021). About Universal Design for Learning. Retrieved from: CAST: About Universal
Design for Learning

Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning theories: An educational perspective (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Retrieved from:

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