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Marketing Report

I think it’s hard to make the agents comeback to East Orient with the given competitors
and new competitors. In the description of our projects in the website, that our projects & subdivisions
are high end subdivisions but it’s very contrary in what we are seeing, tall grass, pavements/pathways
are also covered in grass, unappealing entrance, & complaints from the residents. I think our description
do not live with its name or description anymore. The problem is that agents will have hard time selling
these lots if these problems still occur. I as a marketing assistant I can do is to report and work even
more but I believe this problems shouldn’t be blame only on the marketing department but also the
higher management itself is also responsible. I think the solution is to restore the beauty of the
subdivision so the clients or prospect clients will be delightful of what they will see or what their homes
gonna be like.

The numbers of active agents in Dreams are few (10) Julie Nicolas, Jhewelyn
bello,Reyvelynn Encinita Collantes, Jeanilyn May Eje Mehulio, Lyka San Pedro, Marie Carino, Loveday
Garcia, Josephine Laya, Renato Mehulio,& Catherine Ruiz.

I asked the active members about their suggestion and feedback about East Orient and anything
that will encourage everyone to improve sales. An agent replied , “Good morning sir as for me.. I think
you all did well nman you always send us updates for the property.. maybe if you can send us more units
and view of each Subdivision that we offer. so that it's easy for us to post it. so we don't have to go
there.. it will help us a lot po.”


I think having a drone marketing video in our project/subdivision will help East Orient to sell the
properties, especially in Avalon Estates , Avalon estates is a nice subdivision with a lot of natural light,
but bypassers and clients cant appreciate the view and how it looks like inside. But drone video will
show case that perspective for Avalon Estates. Having a wide aerial view of a 16 hectare land towards
the overlooking Mount Banahaw

Benefits of using drones to market real estate in real world

 Create more dramatic, compelling images. Well-designed drone camera shots not only
look incredibly professional, they can generate a sense of awe and interest that you
simply can’t get from ground-based photography.
 Create more interesting virtual tours. A camera drone can literally fly into a home
through the front door, and travel throughout every room, creating a far more natural
virtual tour than station-based photography can. Combined with a professional voice-
over sound track, virtual tours can become beautiful visual stories, rich with information
and history.
 Highlight more property features. Landscaping, pools, walking paths and back yards are
important to many buyers. So are nearby parks and schools. Aerial photos & video bring
these advantages to life.
Marketing Report

 Generate new business. Using drone videos and photos to market your properties
shows prospective sellers that you take advantage of every opportunity to make their
property look awesome – and to stand out.
 Out-market the competition. It’s a well-known fact that listings that look better and
provide more information, sell better.

Source: InfoMarket ,


I outsource information our competitors and they have their own drone. I believe East Orient Properties
Holdings owning an (8) projects/subdivision should have a very own drone or at least rent to have

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