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Government Polytechnic Pen

Capstone Project :
Empowering The Blind With

Smart Technology

Project Guide : Mrs. S.M. Patil

1 Introduction

2 Block Diagram and disscription

3 Advantages,Disadvantages
Future Scope
Blindness is the most severe form of visual impairment. In 2010, it was estimated that
285 million people were visually impaired of whom 39 million were blind. 90% of
visually impaired people live in low and middle-income countries,Actually, most of
the engineering tools aimed to help impaired patients rely on the use of canes.these
canes are technologically developed,lots of problems are still questionnable, weither
their dimensions, the need to be handled all the time the high possibility of getting
broken if hitting something hard, the difficulty to detect road humps and bumps and so
on.Thus, the aim of this work is to develop low cost, high accuracy smart shoes for
blind and visually impaired people.
Block Diagram Of Smart Shoes
Block Diagram Of Smart Glasses
Block Diagram Of Stick
Description Of Block Diagram
In this project, we are making a smart glasses, Shoes and stick/cane .This is very
important for peoples who are blind. In this project, we use various components like
ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino nano, resistor, capacitor, vibrating motor, buzzer, battery and
some wires for connection.
Arduino Nano and Ultrasonic senser plays main role in this project. Arduino nano is an
open-source breadboard-friendly microcontroller board based on the Microchip
ATmega328P microcontroller (MCU).
An ultrasonic sensor is an electronic device that measures the distance to an object using
ultrasonic sound waves. It works by emitting ultrasonic sound waves, and converting the
reflected sound into an electrical signal.
A buzzer is a small device that converts electrical signal into a sound signal.
A vibration motor is a compact, coreless DC motor that generates and transmits mechanical
vibrations. The main purpose of a vibration motor is alert the user without sound.
Need -
1 Help blind people reach their destination independently.

2 Help blind people and people who have vision difficulties.

3 Help blind people better understand the path they are moving in.

Application -
1 The smart shoe technology offers a long - term solution for
the blind people to independently walk on roads.

2 Smart Stick can help detect obstacles above knee level and more
importantly help navigate around large building.
1 The smart shoe will help the Blind person to reach his destination

2 This system offers a low cost, reliable, portable, low power

consumption and robust solution for navigation with obvious short
response time.

1 These solutions still have many disadvantages for example; They can't
detect obstructions that are hidden but very dangerous for the blind
such as downward stairs, holes etc.
Future Scope
1 GPS can help blind people to get source and destination route information.
2 Finding the exact position will be easy with GPS in case of emergency.

3 Finds the shortest and the best path with real time co-ordinates.

In the proposed project will be developing three different systems the
first one being the smart shoe and the second one being the smart glasses
and third is smart stick.We will integrate these three modules and make
them work in tandem in order to eliminate the disadvantages caused by
the existing systems such as low area coverage, energy issues, false
alarms etc.
Thank you

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