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Section C Electrics Service Manual - Side Engine Loadalls ‘Section 4 - General Information Section 2- Care and Safety Section Section C- Electrics Section E - Hydraulics ‘Section F - Transmission Section Section H - Steering Section K - Engine Section M- Electronic Data Systoms Publication No. 9803/3750-07 wy Vo cone SESE Me enn ou ott ed etl gn ani yo hye Ss Rn 0 Ta PS RST RSE ATTN Ea TS STO TT Section C - Electrics Notes: co (9803/9760 07 Section C - Electrics Contents Applications Table Fuses and Relays Introduction .. ‘Access and Location Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S1) Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S2) Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stage Boom (S3) Link Box Fuses - SD, SF Engines Link Box Fuses - SE Engines Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S1) Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S2) Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stage Boom (S3) ‘Schematics Introduction Applications 160/F 9033-1 ..... 160/F 8750-1 .. 332/C6983-1 160/F9034-1 .. 160/F 8748-1 Electrical Harness SYSTEM Introduction Related Topics. Earth Points ied Wire Numbers and Functions Harness Interconnections and Drawings ... Test Procedures Wiring Harness Repair Battery Charging SYSTEM Introduction Related Topics Specifications Operation Overview Electrical Operation and Schematics Electrical Connectors Test Procedures Alternator Introduction Related Topios Specifications sens Electrical Operation and Schematics Removal, Inspection and Replacement Dismantie and Assemble Battery Introduction ... Related Topics Specifications Maintenance ... Page No. co. a C14 ce C13 cha crs ci C18 C19 C1410 crt cat 22 C23 2.18 62.36 02-55 c271 ca 32 33 C35 soe CBT c3-182 3-156 cs C42 C43 C44 C46 C47 C48 cat C52 ca C54 05-5 C87 cet C62 C63 ~. C64 Section C - Electrics Contents Test Procedures .. Disconnection and Connection Removal and Replacement Page No. ces C87 08-4 w Section CO - Electrics Applications Important: The machine model names are NOT referred tin the topics. You must refer to the applications table for Applications Table Table the applicable machine models, Table entres shaded grey indicate a topic not included in this issue of the manual modals FTopie | Tite Variant | 540-170 | 650-140 | 540-140 | 650-170 | 535-125 Ref sar | sac | sa. | sam | Hiviz | Hiviz SAN | SAP Ci |Fuses and Relays e e je e ej; e G2 Schematies e e je e «Te 3 | Electrical Harness SYSTEM e ° e e ej, e 2 |Battery Charging SYSTEM e ° e e jefe C5 [Alternator a) e e jefe 8 _ |Battery e |e @ e «|e con 3009/9790-07 (AG-00-02) co-1 Section CO - Electrics Applications Table Page left intentionally blank coz 3000157 00-07 (NG-00-02) co-2 WD Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Introduction Fuses and Relays Introduction ‘This topic contains information for identification and location of fuses and releys, Use the information together with the electrical schematics given in the topies. ‘The fuse and relays are identified together with thelr connector numbers. The connector numbers are raferrad a in other sections of this manual 2 Access and Location ([) C1-2) = Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S1) ([) C1-3)" 3 Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S2) ((\C1-4)" 2 Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stago Boom (S3) ([)C1-5)" 3 Link Box Fuses - SD, SF Engines ([C1-7) > Link Box Fuses - SE Engines ([) 1-8) 2 Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S1) (() C1-9)" = Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S2) ([)C1-10)” 2 Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stage Boom (83) ([\C1-11)") (1) Specification variant, Make sure you refer to the correct specification ‘Table 1. Procedure and Specification Variants - Fuses and Relays Procedures, Specifications” Variant Machine Model Application T 40-140 | 550-140 | 535-125 | 535-140 | 540-170 | 550-170 sal | sac | Hiviz | Hiviz | SAF | SAM san | SAP D Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage ° e Boom (S4) (D.C1-3) 3 Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Siaga ° e Boom (82) ([}.C1-4 3 Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Siage e e Boom (83) ([)C7-5) @ Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage ° e Boom (S1) ((1C1-9) +2 Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage ° e Boom (52) ([} 61-10) = Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Siage e ° Boom (S3) (1-11) (1) The lable tists procedure and specication variants and the applicable machine models. Use the table to make sure {you refer to the correct information. 6057572001 (GOHOT) we Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Access and Location & CAUTION Fuses ‘Always replace fuses with ones of correct ampere rating to avoid electrical system damage. aeas The electrical circults are protected by fuses 1-A. The fuses are located in a fuse box inside the door. They are in four banks. Each fuse position in each bank is numbered I a fuse ruptures, find out why and rectify the fault before fitting @ new one, To access the fuses, unscrew the two fasteners and remove cover 1-B. ‘Note: Additional fuse links are fitted at tho battery positive terminal. > Link Box Fuses - SD, SF Engines (1) C1-7) and = Link Box Fuses - SE Engines (1) C1-8) ‘Access and Location c1-2 '9008/9750-07 (C-08-01) 1-2 wp Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S1) Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S1) IMPORTANT: This procedure is only applicable to some Table 2. ‘machine models. Refer tothe table atthe front ofthis topic = {or the applicable machine models. => Procedure ang [Fuse | Circuit aed Specification Variants - Fuses and Relays ((}\C1-1) us nee 1 _| Sway hydraulics 70 2 |Seare 817721106 7H | eneine ae. 4 4 __ [Air-Conditioning 2 1 [Ea ton] 11/68 200 5 [neater 2 3 12/88 tsa © indicators 70 3 HD toa] 13/CE 3a 7M 7 “ @ [Instruments 73) 4 [SR 254) 14/2 15a 9 | Steer mode selector 70 5 [BSaoa| islep 20a T0__ [Reversing alarmlighis 0 a 7 11 [Reariroof Wiper 20 6 10a] 16/a87.5A) Ta Emr wer 75 7 LE] 3A | 17/CE SA 13 (Fog light 3 a 5 14 | Dipped Beam 15 8 7.50 168| 05 15A 87-5: 15 [ain boam 2 9 |BE%10A 19 bPaRELOA 76 [Lett hand sderghte 75 1ofSFRIeA) 2obrare SA 47_[ Right hand sdeights 3 Ta | 72 Volt accessory socket 5 | re 21 3a | 31 [Gr3oa 0 -tit| Goes [20 | Spare 22|i@i0a] 32 ae : 23} sa | 3a] #D 250 22 [Fuel pump 70 23_| Transmission 5 24 i zon] 24[BE 20n a 2 25 10a] 35| 47 254 | 25 [Brake lights 70] 26/GE 10a] 36|Qq 158 POE See min _ S 27 __ [Headlight asher, hom B 27 asa) 37/F50 | 25 [Beacon 73 2alty 7.5) 2a Bafzod 23__[Interior ight, radio 70 E 30__ [Hazard lights 20 29/7 10a} 39 A é fm > ame 5 30|/A\ 20a| 40D 25a 32 | Spare I 33 [Boom workight 25 Fig 2. 34 [Roadighis 20) tsa) tans ov ston tea cng (PT z @quipment fuses). Your machine may notbe equipped with | 36_| Rear workiamps fe all the fuses shown, 37_| Spare 30 [Heated seat ace Tan 2 39 [Radio 70 [a0 [Heated windows 2% 13 BeoNRTIOET GaeOD c1-3 Ww Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S2) Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S2) IMPORTANT: This procedure is only applicable to some [Fuse Rating ‘machine mode's. Refer ‘othe table athe front ofthis topic | Noe (amps) for the applicable machine models. 2 Procedure and ‘Specification Variants - Fuses and Relays (7 C1-7) ace nae [|r Conditioning % 3 [Heater 30 1 [Ee 10] 11 [&B 204 © |[indioators 10) 2 toa] 12/@ 15a 7 |Tongitudinal Load Wiorvent Indicator 3 he S ca 3 13|GE 3a @ | insiruments 78) 4 (8 25a] 14/22 15a [3 Steer mode selector 70 re : 70 [Reversing alarmilights 10 5 |p 304) 18] 204] 1 | Rearoot Wiper 20 6/2 10a] 16/GE7.54 12_ [Front wiper 15 7 3A 17|CE 5A 3 Fog Lignt 7 at 14 Dipped Beam 18 81@ 7-54 18) & 15a 75 __ [Main beam 2 9 |EEZION 19 46 [Left hand sidelights 75 [Gs a 47 ‘Right hand sidelights 5] R104 10 lag R Gu 78 |T2 Vall accessory socket 19 [Spare a ey aa | 34 20 [Reverse Fan 70) 22 F754) a2 24 [Ignition 3 al€} sa] 33 22 [Engine shutoff solenoid (ESO3) 75 re Se 23__[ Transmission 3 24 [8 204] sa 24 | Tranemission Dump 20 25 (GS) 10a) 35 25 _|Brake lights 10 a Soo] 26 |Readighis 70 FE 104 26 H 36 Ni 7 Headiight flasher, horn 25 37 28 [Beacon 75 iB 23 Interior igh, rao 70 30 [Hazardlights 20 39 nH ‘Neutral start 30 40 32 [Cold Sian 25 fi wrvssuowerse — [33 [Boom worklight 25 Fig 3. 34 Roadlights 20 Note: All the fuses are shown (including optional 35 Front worklanps: 2a ‘equipmentfusos). Yourmachine may not be equipped with [36 | Rear workiamps all the fuses shown. a7 Load Control System [if fitted) 10 ee | Heated seat, face fan 20 Fuse [Circuit Rating] |3°_|Racio 1 No. (amps)| [40 [Heated windows 3 1__| Sway hydraulics 70 [2 __[AusaryiAtch Fyerauios 70 C14 "2009/9760-07 (0-05-01) C14 B IMPORTANT: This procedure is only applicable to some ‘machine models. Refer to the table al the front of this topic Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stage Boom (S3) Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stage Boom (S3) Fuse Circuit Rating for the applicable machine models. => Procedure and Spocification Variants - Fuses and Relays ((* Cf Ned (amps) 1 Sway 10 2 th boom extension, Stabilser log 15 332/F9414 unloader valve, Extension boost valve, Rotary isolation stch 1 [fa 100 | on serge 10 2 [Eu asa] 2 4 AeConeitoning 25 hoe 5 Heater 30 3 10A 13 6 Indicators 10 a sletaua | a 7 Load Moment indicator (LMI) 3 a8 3 inturonts 5 5 [BB 30a | 15 9 Steer mode selector 10 sl> im | 16 40 Reversing alarmlights 10 <= 11 Rearloot Wiper 20 7 |[E] 3a] 17 fag sa 12 Frontwiper 15 8 Marsa | 18 | to 15a eee = 14 Dipped Beam 18 9 lemmaton | 19 bene 10 15 Main beam 20 = a — 16 Left hand sidelights 75 10 10A | 20 104 [ag R 108 | 20 [BRIA | 47 Rohthand sidelohs 5 18 Mobile phonelcigarette lighter 15 ar [Qh 3a | at [Br 308 40 Sea 22 (My 10a | 32 g 25A eaten 2 = | 24 Stortorrolay 3 23 WO 5a | 33 | =D 250 22° Fuol pump 10 24 [Rg 2m | a4 EE 200 28 _Trnsison : 24 Transmission 20 25 (25) 10a | 35 | 7 25a 25 Brake lights 10 26 |CIE 10a | 36 [Qa t5a eee eee a =) E 27 Headlight flasher, hom 25 27 |BB asa | 37 | SIE 208 28 Beacon 75 3K Ba 29 Interior light, radio 10 28 \Yf 75a | 38 208 2 Sollee 2 29 PA 10a | 39 | £4 100 31 Neutral start 30 4 7 32 Cold stat 2% 30 20a | 40 250 A SAY 2s = coon 2s ied semen 34 Roalights 20 i 35 Frontworklamps 2 jote: Al the fuses are shown (including optional equipment uses). Your machine may not be equipped with °° Rear worklamps e all the fuses shown 37 Airconditioning 20 38 Heated seat, ace fan 20 crs se00a7SG0T SeRTH crs W Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Fuses - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stage Boom ($3) Fuse Circuit Rating No. (amps) 39 Radio 10 40° Heated windows 25 ce se0TEDOT (GORE) C16 WwW Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Link Box Fuses - SD, SF Engines Link Box Fuses - SD, SF Engines To further protect the machine wiring hamesses and electrical circults, a fuse link box is fitted as shown, Remember to check the main circuit fuses as well as the link box fuses shown on this page. Fuse Circuit Rating No. (Amps) 4 Horn, Sidalights, Hazard warning 50 lights, Beacon, Interior ight 2 Road Lights, Working Lights, Boom 80 Light 3 Sway, Auxiliary, Heater 60 SRS, Starting cirouit, Transmission, 70 Brake lights 7 Cold start grid heater (i fited)"! 150 (1) The fuse is located to the left hand side of the engine, atthe rear ofthe pod. Remove two nuts to release the fuse, Fig 6. Fig 5. Battory Positive Terminal C17 S80887S007 (Ee) ciT B® Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Link Box Fuses - SE Engines Link Box Fuses - SE Engines To further protect the machine wiring harnesses and electrical circuits, a fuse link box is fitled as shown Remember to check the main circuit fuses as well as the link box fuses shown on this page. Fuse Circuit Rating No. (amps) 1 Hom, Sidelights, Hazard warning 50. lights, Beacon, Interior light 2 Road lights, Working lights, Boom light 80 3 Sway, Auxiliary, Heater 60 4 SRS, Starting circuit, Transmission, 70 Brake lights 5 LML, Heater, Wipers, Radio, Instruments 6 Seat, Electric mirors, Healed glass 7 Engine 30 8 Engine ECU power-up (x4, iffited) 10 9 Cold start grid heater (i fitted)" 150 (1). The fuse is located to the left hand side of the engine, at the rear ofthe pod. Remove two nuts to release the fuse, \ | A |} | Fig 7. Battery Positive Terminal Fig 8. Engine Compartment cre S00aTEO-OF (60807) C18 WwW Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S1) Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S1) IMPORTANT. This procedure is only applicable to some [Relay Connector” [Cireult machine models. Refer to tho table atthe front ofthis topic | No, | for the applicable machine models. > Procedure and Specification Variants - Fuses and Rolays (7\Ci. a Parkbrake warning ight AB [2086 Sway fsolation Bi [2006 Noutral stan AB CD EF B2 [0% Engine running 1 = Ba [024 Tgntion relay 4 2D Oy F Ba 2018 Front workighis 35 [2027 [2WD park brake iexxie@n]| RR 6/2034 Air conditioning : 37 [2048 Fransmission dump Be [2001 Wo ct [e003 Boom workight G2 [20aa Steer mode o Blank j\ : ch Blank cs |20% Flasher oni Di 2006 Brake ghis ba [2020 Fuel pump 33 Blank 3a Blank 052013 Fasher uni et [2021 Tgniion relay 7 =a [2032 Reverse ave int evomea [EB [2008 Dive ea ]a017 Forward righfow Note: All the relays are shown (ncuding optonal [FX |a0T8 Forward dive ‘equioment relays). Your machine may not be equipped in oe with all the relays shown. Ei a ley 2 Fa [2009 Driveshaft Raley [eonnesor Groat Fa__[205% Reverse highlow No. aaa TI (1) The relay connector numbers are referred to in othor A2 == | 2029 Parkbrake a mS [2023 Ignition lay 3 Aa [2050 Rear workighis AS [2058 ‘Siabiiser eolation ralsefower) AB [2053 Roadights c1-9 9809/3780-07 (€-08-01) Ww Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S2) Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 3 Stage Boom (S2) IMPORTANT: This procedure is only applicable to some Table 4. machine models, Refer to the table atthe front of this topic [Relay [Ciroult for the applicable machine models. Procedure and | No, At [Neutral Start (A2__ |Parkbrake Waring Light A B | Meguat (SERS BSREE (A3__|Ignition Sj = Aa Rear Worklights 1 2D Gyles F wens TL] 2? OY Asset th [as [Rows 2@O] bel R apart ce =] Sie] Saytosaton sy (GK) [Bt [Taniton Re ons B2 | Engine Running + Qe HES fea eat 5a [Fron Wangs see A as [No Pare ae 8 [a7 — Tasman Bun aaa 7 Gt Boon WG ! ea [Net ed 8 C3 |NotUsed Ta [Rot Used @5_ [Flasher Unit Di [Brake Lighis ‘equipment relays). Your machine may not be equigped [D2 _| Steer Mode with all the relays shown, D3 [NotUsed Da [Not Used DS | Flasher Unit E__ | lanition =2_ [Reverse Dive 3 [Dive E4 _ | Forward High/Low Fi [Forward Drive 2 __| Ignition F3__[Driveshat Fa [Reverse High/Low — ito 20090750-07 (|G DPOH) 1-10 wy Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stage Boom (S3) Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stage Boom ($3) IMPORTANT: This procedure is only applicable to some [Relay [Gonnector"[Gicult machine models. Refer tothe lable a the fontof tis topic | No” | for tho applicable machine models. = Procedure and Spociication Variants Fuses and Relays (C14) [B® _ [2027 | 2WD breke 36 [2034 [Air condoning B7_|2048 | Transmission dump A D Be /2001 WD i ey S ci [2003 | Boom worklight 7s cz 2044 Steer mode WR is 3 Let hand stabliser 2 \@ Eos ca it solation ~ cs Extension boost 3 Koy a |S | [ee yzors Flasher unt : — Di [2005 [Brake ighis 4 Q& Pl as oa Se oSSiON STORY a 2 CA 03 Right hand staiser SS] Se D4 ‘Stabiliser lift unloader 5 Oa oe | 2 & a % ala De [2013 Flasher unit 6 2 YN 1/2021 Tonllon ay 7 Ez [2082 [Reverse arve 7 aly 2 = Ea |2017 | Forward highlow F2|202 ——gniton ray? Fig 11. tonnes F3. 2009 Driveshaft Note: All the relays are shown {including optional Ee 2084 Reverse hiahviow ‘equipment relays). Your machine may not be equipped with all the relays shown. Relay Connector | Circuit No. | | at _[2021 Ignition 7 a2 (2020 Parkbrake AS 2008 Tanition relay 3 2030 Rear workighis aS | 2089 Stabliser isolation (risoiower) 2033 Roadiights ‘AT [2020 Fuel pump Aa [2086 ‘Sway isolation Bi (2025 Neutral start Bz [2012 Engine running Ba |a028 Ignition relay 4 B4 [2019 Front workights (1) The relay connector numbers are referred to in other sections of this manual C144 9803/3750-07 (6-09-01) C111 Ww Section C1 - Electrics Fuses and Relays Relays - SD, SE, SF Engines 4 Stage Boom (S3) Page left intentionally blank C1-42 1900010750-07 (0-09-07) C112 WwW Section C2 - Electrics Schematics Introduction This topic contains electrical schematics for the complete system, Detailed schematics for individual systems are given throughout the manual Use the schematics together with the correct electrical harness drawings to see connector pin details. Refer to Section C. 2 Applications ([) 62-2)” 2 160/F9033-1 ([) 62-3) 2 160/F8750-1 ([) 62-18} =D 392/68989-1 ([} 2-36)" 2 160/F9034-1 ([) 62-55)") > 160/F8748-1 ([) 62-71) (1) Procedure variant. Make sure you refer to the correct procedure. C24 :9808/9760-07 (CA10-07) 2-1 Section C2 - Electrics ‘Schematics ‘Applications ‘seunpeooid joou09 eu) 0} 19/01 nos eins exew O} e/9e} eYR As/) ‘sjepowl euLYDeW eIgeoydde BY} puE sjUEWER VoReaYrDads Sys) BIE) aL (+) ‘sojpeurayos pur swiershs = won29g 0} 19;81 uojeoyyUuop! Wio}sAs ayNeIPKY 103) ‘BuBHEA woREDYIDEdS "F o1qeL ‘vonanposiut- 1 uonoag 0} J0}03 Uvopeoyuop) vorssisues) pue euiBus “oulyoew 404 suonesiddy eulysew ypa1i09 eu, nusp1 e ° zg somo owes| osvsa| as | zea) -apceaoar | io jeg dundeoo| osvsd| _as| leszO UIT FreoETOa e elle jied dundeoo| osvsa| ssas| Trea) reessoRee e e ° semuog ones] ossd| 48.08|_ (@F2OUI) FOSLANOST fecilie ieieied dundieeo| asus] ssas| (zo UF eee S Tavs | wwe | zn | aan | wys | ws | ovs | avs ovi-ses |szi-aes| ozt-0s |ori-obs |opt-oss | oz ors oneonddy epow aujoew wasks auneiphH| xoaiee5| eulBua | __wiequinn anewauag| ‘uoneouioeds ans eyeW 2-2 60515 7E0-/ (G-IU-UT) C22 Section C2 - Electrics Ww Schematics 160/F 9033-1 160/F9033-1 IMPORTANT: These specifications are only applicable to. the applicable machine models some machine models. Refer to the application table for => Applications ([) 62-2) 4 1 i { tA f 3 > 2 A 1A“ BY) Sao Fig 1. Sheet 1A re 2 Component Keys (1) 62-15) ‘3D Sheet 2A(D\C2-4)__|D Sheet 8 3) C23 S0683790-07 (16-91) C23 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F9033-1 KA 2B mal Fig 2. Sheet 2A > Sheet 14 (7) 62-3) BD Sheet3A([1C2-5) _ | Sheet 28 (1)¢?-10) Component Kays (1) G2-15) 2-4 "900319750-07 (6-10-01) 2-4 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 9033-1 o poy) eye | 3A“) Bw) Fig 3. Sheet 3A (2 Sheet 2 (G24) [D> Sheet 4A(1|C2-6) _ [> Sheet 3B([]O2-1) _ | > Component Keys (1) 02-15) C25 seonvaeaT (SIH) 2-5 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F9033-1 Fig 4, Sheet 4A BS Sheet3A (M625) |B Sheet SA()C2-7) [> Sheet 48 (1) 62-12) [Component Keys (T1 62-15) 2-6 {9800/9750-07 (6-10-01) C26 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 9033-1 a 1 5A“ 5Bw Fig 5. Sheet 5A — [DSheet 4A (C2) |B Sheet 6A(C2s) _[DSheer S8(T\C279) _[D Component Keys (C275) ca7 380315780-07 (6-100) C27 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics |) ita 6A~ 6Bv Fig 6. Shoot 6A 160/F 9033-1 (Perera Sheet 68 (TM 2-14 '@ Component Keys (7. 62-15) 2-8 '900910760.07 (6-40-04) WD Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 9033-1 Fig 7. Sheet 18, (DShetaw C2 [Shea TATHLCTT Component Keys (CET C29 ‘805/9750-07 (E10 2-9 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F9033-1 Fig 8, Sheet 28 See Sheet B( 62H) |B Sheet [CR] |] Sheet ZA(MC24) |B Component Keys (C275) c2-40 So0gA Tan OF GAOT) 2-10 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 9033-1 aye Fig 9. Sheet 38 3 Shoot 28 (1) 62-10) Sheet 4B ([ 02-72) Sheet 3A (D625) [Component Keys [1 62-15) 2-14 e037a700-07 (G-10-01) 2-11 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 9033-1 tT ial Fig 10. Sheet 4B @ Sheet 38 (C217) > Shoot $8 (162-13) (Sheet 4A (1 C26) > Component Kays (1) 62-15) e242 ‘200019760.07 (6-10-04) 2-12 Ww Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F9033-1 l 4 5 4 B a| | B/ | > | 6 > | B 5 : | pce eee Fig 11. Sheet 5B > Shoat SA(T C27) _[D Gamponent Keys (62-78) Sheet 48 (C212) | Sheet 6B (Cz C243 pooararae ar (e109) C213 wD Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F9033-1 Fig 12, Sheet 68 ones [B:Shect 68 (162-193) |B Sheet 6 (1) 02-8) [> Component Ke 02-15) cag "9008/0760-07 (¢-10-04) G2aa Ww Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 9033-4 Component Keys ‘C037 | Chassis Harness to Rear Lights Hamess [6A Connector (8 pin) (for rear lights refer to 2 Table 2. ‘C' Chassis Harness ([} C2-15) ele ‘Schematic Sheets 2 Table 3. €" Engine Harness (7) 62-15) = Table 4. ‘P’ Panel Harness ([) C2-16) Soe 2 Sheet 5A (11627) 2 Table 5. R’ Rear Lights Hamess ([} 62-17) 2 Table 6. ‘T’ Transmission Harness ([) 62-17) 2 Sheet 6A (62-8 Table 3. ‘E" Engine Harness C003 | Front Steer Proximity Switch 6A Fone | Starter Solan beat C004 | Chassis Harness to Engine Hamess 5A Enda | Anematen iy eS ‘C005 | Low Coolant Level Sensor BA, E007 | Cold Start Solenoid 5A) ‘C006 | Agglomerator (water in fuel switch) BA £008 | Engine ‘Shut-Off Sole ioid (ESOS) 5A C008 | Chassis Hamoss to Panel Harness aa E010 | Engine Oil Pressure Switch 5A ‘Connector (70 pin) £011 | Cold Start Temperature Switch 5A ‘CO10 | Transmission Temperature Sender 6A E012 | Engine Coolant Temperature Switch SA Ott [2 Wheel Steer 6A DTS | Binary Pressure Switch (Air Conditioning) [5A C012 |All Wheel Steer 6A E015 | Transmission Temperature ‘5A C013 |4 Wheel Steer 6A ‘Schematic Sheets (COTS [Crab Steer A @ Sheet 5A (62-7) C017 | Cold Start 4A axle) 027 |Horn cA c25 SaOSTaTSOT TON) C215 B Section C2 -Electrics Schematics 160/F 9033-1 Table 4.iP! Panel Hameaa, 031 | Rear Wiper Switch 2B Key to Connectors: Bs] Fas fg guna = pay Eee ~ 033 | Headlight Switch 2A F002 Hfese Box B 034 | Worklghts Switch 2A Lec acess O35 | 2/4 Wheel Drive 1A pone eee 'P036 | Beacon Switch 1A gee Newel Se alav as 'P036 | indicator Diode Gate ee eee eee Ms ‘036 |LH Headlight Connector 5B [Po0e [Ignition ¥ Relay (pina 7 Eee ae boat bearmamar i: poe eonmere ee ‘038 | Stabiliser Isolation Switch | 1B po ee 8 ‘041 | Diode Gate 2B 008 | Reverse Relay (pins 6-10) cy notre Lad 08 |igniion 2 Relay (pins 1-5) 38 aS ee = PATO ignition 3 Relay (pins 1-5) 3B Pa ees eae 7 eee are (|p nortan a 050 | Waming Lights 6 POr2 [Rear Workighis Relay (pins 6-10) [2A oe < poaee eee ee ee Es PO52 | instruments J2 3A POIs [Driveshaft Relay Th aah a Bors [Reverse High/Low Relay (pn 1-5) [48 eal blades = POTS | Forward High /Low Relay (pins 6-10) [48 pass {hear Hsu chavgeover adh - "6 | Sway Isolation Relay (pins 6- ee oe | [Re rca [ pore tHesaghis Raiay x O60 | Column Switch RH B Ls PO6i ignition Switch 3A O18 | Brakelghts Relay (pins 1-5) 7A —___— 7 OTe [Boom Worklights Relay (pins 6-10) | 1A POSE Hina Ee = P20 [Engine Running Relay (ns 1-5) [38 Poet | Baan Fase 7 020 |Parkbrake Relay (pins 6- 10) 8 eee 7 OR | Fane Hames Gras Haass [48 ee ~/ [022 | SabliserIsolaion Ralay (pins 6-10) [78 070 | Footbrake i 022 | Parkbrake/2WD Relay (pins 1-6) ___|4B 071 [Face Level Fan aR O33 |Sieer Relay a PO72 |Face Level Fan aR 026 Sway Switch =, POTS | Sereen Washer Pumps 78 027 [Ar Conditioning Swich ia POT [Heated Sereon 2m 028 | Ar Conditioning Switch 7A 07S [Front Winer —_ fe P029 | Hazard Switch 28 F080 | Auxiliary Socket 2K O30 | Roof Wiper Switch a POBi [Auxlary Sooket Mumination aa OBE [Radio ae C246 e209790-67 (10-0) e6 Bs Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F9033-1 OBE [Bade Pack 3 Talo 6. 8 Roar Lights Haross ae = Fey to Connoctors Shest OBE | Diagnose Connector a8 Pe | pois baees comes pe) |e ‘P095 | CAN Terminating Resistor 4B 6A) 7099 [CAN Terminating Roeor a Sekamate Sets Soham Sheets Shoot 68 (71 C274 |=> Sheet 1A ([) €2-3) cH ameaa (OTT Table 6.7 Transmission Homose sree ey to Connoctors Sheet ee oO [ Chaset Haress Coanedor wR a [Tota | Reverse Hah Slenad wR ae Tats __| Roverso Low Solera mR ene ae To0a [Lays Solna w ee TaG5 | Mala Soto A eee Tate | Fonrard Low Steno BS 7 Tar | Forward High Solenoid ES [08 [Treramaton i Pressure Sih [5A Ta08 [WO Soteoid BS TOTO | Speed Sensor BN Scherale Sheets B Shoot (C27) C247 '980919750-07 (0-10-01) C217 wD Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 460/F 8750-4 160/F8750-1 IMPORTANT: These specifications are only applicable to some machine models, Refer to the application table for the applicable machine models. 2 Applications (DC: C218 '900979750-07 (0-40-08), C248 1A) 1B Fig 13. Sheet 1A Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 8750-1 D Shoot ZA (162-20) [B:Shoot 24 (Dy 62-20) @ Shoot 18 (1) 62-28) '} Component Keys (T. 62-33) C249 9603/9750-07 (C-10-01) 2-19 W Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 8750-1 alas pone! > Poy PNA; 2A* 2Bw Fig 14, Sheet 24 [= Sheet A()C2-19) [> Sheet 3A (C227) [Sheet 2B (C227) | Component Keys (1) C2-33) C220 0808/9760-07 (641001) 2-20 Ww Section C2 - Electrics Schematics ‘460/F8750-1 Fig 15, Shest 3A [DSheet 2A (C2R) |S Sheek 4A (GET |B Shawl 9B (710728) [9 Component Keys (CEI) C221 280979007 (eoO-OD 2-21 Ww Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 8750-1 4A“) 4Bw Fig 16, Sheet 44 2 Shoot 3A((VC224) | Sheet SA (162-23) | D Sheat 48 (1) 62-29) _ | > Component Keys (1102-33) C222 38090780-07 (0-05) 2-22 NS Section C2 - Electrics ‘Schematics 160/F8750-1 fookd SA* 5Bw | Fig 17. Sheet 5A Pee [= Sheet 4A ([\62-22) |B Shest 6A (1) C2-24) | Sheet 5B ([\C2-30) |B Component Keys (1) 62-33) 2-23 weomarao-07 HH) 2-23 wD Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 8750-1 pow pw 6A~ 6Bw Fig 18, Sheet 6A [> Sheet 5A (TM C2-23) [> Sheot 7A (1\C2-25) | Shoot 6B([}O23i) | Component Keys (1162-33) 2-24 ‘9805/9750-07 (6-10-07) 2-24 W Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 8750-1 i 7AA~ Bw Fig 19. Shoot 7A ei [> Sheet 6A (62-24) |B Sheet 78 (162-32) /@ Component Keys (11 62-33) 02.25 SeONGTSOOT ETO C225 SY Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 8750-4 | 4A“) 1BWw Fig 20. Sheet 1B Pt (BShaat aw 6227 [> Shear ACE) Component Raye (C2 c2-26 9808/9750-07 (6100) 226 W Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F8750-1 || 2a“ 2B | zs os Fig 21. Sheet 28 [2 Sheet 18 (162-26) | Sheet 38 ([\ 62-28) | Sheet 2A (| 0220) _ | > Component Keys (1102-33) C227 98087973007 (6-10-01) 2-27 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 460/F 8750-1 Fig 22. Sheet 38 [3 Shoot 28 (702-27) 3 Sheet 4B (1) 62.20) > Sheet 3A (1) 62-27) Component Keys (1) 62-33) 2-28 '9609/5750-07 (0-10-01), C2-28 W Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F8750-1 Fig 23. Sheet 48, [2 Sheet 38 (162-28) [> Sheet 58(1102-30) |= Sheet 4A ([\02-22) |B Component Keys (T. 62-35) 02.29 weonRTECaT eIGOH C229 WD Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 8750-1 5A* 5B {ay (\Dow Doe Fig 24. Sheot 58 eed = Sheet 48 (C229) _ [> Sheot 6B ([) 62-31) (2 Sheet 6A()C223) [> Component Keys ([) 62-33) 2-30 '9609/9760-07 (C-10-01), 2-30 WD Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F8750-1 6A~ 6Bw {} Dow Gas Fig 25. Sheet 68 (DiG232] [2 Shoot 6A (D\C2-24) _ [> Component Keys (1) 62-33) 3 Shaot 58 (T6230) 2.31 2009/9750-07 (10-01) C231 Schematics 460/F8750-1 Ww Section C2 - Electrics Fig 26. Sheet 7B Shoot 6B ([} 62-31) _ |B Sheet 7A (1 C225 ani Keys (1 C233) 2-32 '9600/0750-07 (6-10-03) 2-32 ‘wB Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 160/F 6750-1 Component Keys COST | Chassis Hamess to Rear Lights Wamness [7A Connector (8 pin) 2 Table 7.'C' Chassis Hamess ([) 62-33 Tis | Extend Changeover Vale w 2 Table 8. ©" Engine Harness ([)C2-33 39 | Fork Leck Solenoid Table 8. P* Panel Harness (TY C2-24) GAG | Ful Lock Soteneta 5 2 Table 40.°R’ Rear Lights Harness (62-25) oat | Joystick isolation Valve | 2 Table 1.7’ Transmission Harness ([) 2-5) Caaz [Died Gy Cas | Exend Boost Valve 8 Table 7.‘C' Chassis Harness - key eo Sree] [O04 | Joystick Connector ny eA cout [Roane = as [Lit station Saitoh Gy ‘002 | Slabiser Harness Connecior pny [6A ee Sete vate ee ‘O03 | Front Steer Proximity Switch ex Pid | Se een Se i (004 | Chassis Hamess to Engine Hamess ]5A CONS [Ei Untoader Vane = Connector (12 pin) Schematic Sheols C05 | Cow Coctant Level Sensor BR 2 Sheet 5a (6223) 06 |Agalomerator (water in fuel switch) —_|6A 2.24 607 | Sabilse eoation valve eA ETA (1) 02-25) ‘GO06 | Chassis Hamess to Panol Hamess ]BA 2 Sheet 68 (1 62.34 Connector (70 pin) : Table 8. €" Engine Harness OG | Transmission Temperatura Sender 6A CORT | Whee! Steer Solenoid eA Foot [Seana Tarecer om le assis Harness Connector (12 pi Core [Al Whee Steer Sok aos ae . — ee E002 | Starter Solenoid Ey ce eos — es E005 [Alternator W_ 5A uel Lvel Sen : ove [rosibeel Sender BA 006 [Allemaior D+ BA aint ~suiehe = - E007 | Gold Stan Solenoid [6a jacium Switch (ar file onto a 008 | Engine Shut OF Salen (ESOS) oa S E005 [Ar Condltoning Compressor 5A GOI0 | Rear Stee: Proximily Swich eA [C020 |Load Moment indicator Transducer (Font [5A ene Ende OA Eeseue Sea) a fe ¢ EDT | Gold Star Temperature Switch A ORT | Sway eclaion Prosiniy Sach aa E012 | Engine Coolant Temperalure Swlch [BA Gaz | Sabiicer lotion Saver = ETS | Binary Prossure Swieh (Air Gaaltoning) [5A Caz3 | Chassis arses oTranonaaen ax] (EDT [BraySwter LB Hamess Connector (14 pin) E075 | Transmission Tempera aA O24 | Transmission Dump a Schematic Sheeis (6025 | Sway Hamess Conneclor @ pn) TA > Sheet 5A (11 C225 ‘C026 [Boom Work Light Hamess Connector @ ]6A [5 Sheet A (7162-24) pin) GOS [Reverse Fan Sclenovd EJ 036 | HeadightLH 38 e239 BH08780E7 [S001 62-33 we Section C2 - Electrics Schematics ‘160/F8750-1 Table 9. ‘P’ Panel Harness 026 | Sway Switch 5B Key to Connectors: Sheet | [025 | Stabiiser Lit Unloader Relay pins 1-5) 18 oot [Fuse Box A PORE [Lif eolation Relay (pins 6-10) 18 ‘P002 | Fuse Box B ‘027 | Air Conditioning Switch 5A P003 | Fuse Box C ‘028 | Air Conditioning Switch ‘5A ‘004 | Fuse Box D 'P029 | Hazard Switch 2B OOS | Neuival Star Rolay 1 1K OSD | Roof Wiper Switch 2B P00S | Neutral Start Relay 2 La ‘031 | Rear Wiper Switch 2B O06 [nition 1 Relay (pine 1-5) A POR |Foq Lght Sach oh O06 | Forward Relay (pins 6 - 70) 2A P0353 | Headlight Switch 2A [P08 | Flasher Unit 2B O34 | Workiights Switch 2A 009 [Reverse Relay (pins 6- 10) 7A UE Sa Wea Dave Sa ry 009 [ignition 2 Rely (pine 1-5) 38 POa5 Beacon Switch ey 010 [[aniion 3 Relay (pins 1-5) 36 POST | Boom Warkight Switch 2A PO10 [igntion 4 Relay (pins 6-70) 38 O38 | Siabliser Isolation Switch 18 ota [Front Workights Relay (Bins 1-8) __[2A Ua Eom Exenaion Switch ik POT2 | Rear Warlighis Relay (pins 6- 10) [2A post | Diode Gate 2 O73 | Transmission Dump Relay Es Pur [Fewer oR PO14 [Driveshaft Relay 18 043 | Heater Switch 5A POTS |Roverse High Low Relay (pins 7-5) [5B uae Column Saioh TA cl POTS | Forward High /Low Relay (pins 6-10) [58 OAS | Load Moment Indicaler UI) WB POT6 [24 Whael Diivo Rolay (pine 1-6) [2A FED | Waring Lohis TAB POT6 [Sway Isolation Relay (pine 6-10) [5B [B56T | returent TT an POIT [RH Stablcer Relay (pins 7-8) 78 Bus [paramere IE Th POI7 [LH Stabliser Relay (pins 6- 10) 78 FUSS tio Botton 3h OTB | Roof Ar Conditioning relay (pins 8-10) |5A OEE | Reverse Fan Saich 2h O78 |Headlighis Relay eh OSS | Slear Mode Changeover Switch 3 POTD [Brakelighis Relay (pine 7-8) 2A SUSE [Siser Mode EU 3 Pota [Boom Worldights Relay (pins 6-10) [2A 059 | Rear Cab Harness Connector (14 pin) | 7A P020 | Engine Running Relay (pins 1 - 5) 3B P060 {Column Switch RH 3B 020 | Parkbrake Relay pins 6 - 10) Es FO6T [ion Swlich 3A PORT | Panel Hames lo Chassis Haress [4A F082 [niion Swich 3A P022 | Stabiliser Isolation Relay (pins 6-10) [1B 06s || Paimanyirvee) Ea 022 | Parkbrake/2WD Relay (pins 1 - 5) 5B poet Eilnery ree! ES P023 | Steer Relay (pins 1-5) 3B oe Deere Ea ‘023 | Stabiliser Isolation Unloader Relay (pins |1B E970 [Footbeske, Set ES 4-10) O77 |Face Level Fan A 024 | Fourth Exiension Relay (pins 1-5) 18 O72 |Face Level Fan BA [Poza [Extension Boost Relay 76 OTS | Sereen Washer Pumps 28 C234 (9009/8760-07 (6-10-01) C2-34 ws O76 [Heated Screen Schematics ‘160/F 8750-1 Table 10. R’ Rear Lights Harness ea hala = Key to Connectors: Sheet PORE | ationy Soar * RLt_[Rear Lights Hamess Connector (pin) [7A O81 | Auxiliary Socket tiumination 2 Selene lees P85 [Radio 6 2 Sheet A(T CE2S POBE [Diode Pack 3B POST [Work Lighis 3A Sheet 'P094 | Diagnostic Connector 3B TOOT [Chassis Harness Connector (14>pin) [5A POSS [GAN Terminating Resistor 6 "7002 [Reverse High Solenoid A O86 [GAN Terminating Resistor 38 003 [Reverse Low Solenoid BA | P1i7 | Tachometer Connector 3A Toot |Layshaft Solenoid mi PHB | Boom Back Light 1A [F005 | ainshaft Solenoid 3A ‘Schematic Sheets F708 | Forward Low Solenowd 5A D Sheet 7A (C279) [7007 _ [Forward High Solenoid 5A Sheet 2A (1) C2-20 "7008 Transmission Oil Pressure Switch [5A 2 Sheet 3A (1) 62-27) T009 | 4WD Solenoid 5A 3 Sheet 44 (C222) 7010 [Speed Sensor oA > Shoot $A (1) 62-23) Schematic Sheets D Sheet TA (162-25) [3 Shoot BA (1) 2-23) 2 Sheet 1B (1) 02-26 > Sheet 6A (1G: 3 Sheet 2B (1) 02-27) [2 Sheet 38 (62-28) > Sheet 4B (1 62-28) > Sheet 5B (T) 62-30) C235 B009TEOOT (eOGD) 2-35 wD Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 332/C6983-1 332/C6983-1 IMPORTANT: These specifications are only applicable to. the applicable machine models. some machine mode's, Refer to the application table for => Applications (7) C2-2 Sheets 2 Sheet 1 - Power Distribution - Fusebox A (1) €2-37) 2 Sheet 2 - Power Distribution - Fusebox B (7) €2-38) 2 Sheot 3- Power Distribution - Fusebox C ([) C2-39) Sheet 4- Power Distribution - Fusebox D (1) C2-40) 2 Sheet 5- Immobiliser, Transmission Control ([) C2-41) = Sheot 6 - Steer Mode Control ([} 62-42) ® Sheet 7 - Stabilisers ([) 62-43) 2 Sheet 8- Worklamps, Rotating Beacon, Heated Seat, Interior Lamp ([) C2-44) 2 Sheet 9- Instruments, Warning Lamps (} C2-45) 3 Sheet 10 - Roadlemps, Reverse Alarm, Trailer Electrics (() 2-46 2 Shoot 11 - Wipers ([) 2-47) 2 Sheet 12 tight Side ([) C2-48) © Sheet 13 - Air Conditioning, Cold Start ([) 62-49) = Sheet 14-- In Cab Entertainment ([) 2-50) Sheot 15 - Splicos and Resistors ([) 2-51) C2-36 "3000/9750:07 (0-10-07), 2-36 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics 332/06983-1 (9-29 UI) si808us & ‘y xogasn- uonnquisig 49Mod - | 3904S Zz Bi 2-37 '9003/8750-07 (6-10-01) 2.37 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics '332/C6983-1 (orzo Uy sIeNs | _(es-29 UU) Shey tweuoduTOD e @ Xoqesn4- uonnquysiq somod -z 1904S “82 BI 2-38 "9803/3750-07 (C-10-01) c2-38 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 332/C6983-1 Toro U) 00s &| ‘9 xoqosn, - uonnaisisiq somod - £ 1904S “67 B14 2-39 '9009/5750-07 (6-10-01) c2-39 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics 332/C6983-1 (E29 Uy si8eus S| xogosn4 - uonngunsig somod - » 0US “OF BI 2-40 '9808/5750-07 (2-10-01) Schematics Section C2 - Electrics '332/C6983-1 (ezotswouse| TeszaUiTshoy Moye loaucg uojssiuisuesy Yostiqouu| - ¢ y994S "Je Bid, faa 2-41 '9805/9750-07 (6-10-01) 2-44 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 332/C6983-1 (929 UI) SI90US S| 2-42 '9803/8750-07 (0-10-04) 2-42 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics 332/06983-4 ue ia GeEzol) sous] (es-20U)) show wouoduIED e srosinqeis - 1 e0ys "ee Bi 2-43 '9809/9750-07 (C-10-01) 2-43 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics 332/C6983-1 (9625 LI) sBeUS S| 2-44 ‘9000/0760-07 (6-10-07) 2-44 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics 332/C6983-1 orzo swous | (ee-zo UT stay ireuodiieg =| ‘sdue7 Bujwieyg ‘squewn.asul- 6 yous "se Bla 2-45 9809/9790-07 (G-10-01) 02-45 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics 332/C6983-1 (eco UT swoIs © 2-46 (20097 30-07 (6-10-01) 2-46 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics 332/C6983-1 (gz UT s90U5 < (25°29 t)) shoy wweuodwen | ‘SHediM- 14 3994S “Le BI 2-47 '9809/9750-07 (C-10-01) 2-47 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics '332/C8983-1 Gero smeuse| (e-20 soy woucduie & 9pig 14Bny - Sioy2eUUOD ywoUNASUI- Z} Y884R “BC BIA er aalsni3 Ir ag1sni3 C2-48 '8608/3750-07 (6-10-01), 2-48 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics 332/C6983-4 ig EzD S000 2-49 '980315750-07 (G-10-07) C2-49 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 332/C6983-1 (ezo UW sous © feeees suOUIUIE HOU Ged UI YL 04S “oF BI 62-50 ‘9000/9790-07 (G-10-01) 2-50 Schematics Section C2 - Electrics '332/C6983-1 IpezoU) sways e| (es-2o UI) sXoy iuouodwoo | ‘SuOSISoY pul SoDIIds - ¢} 1994S “Ly Bid 2-51 (980315760-07 (1007) 2-51 Section C2 - Electrics Schematics 332/C6983-1 PIOUGIOS Ue OsIONDRi a ‘SS0uIeH S188, HTIWON ereie sequin] pe00 = Hu wOn ereid sequin | ¢e00) suBiHOM HA Zona very esionoi| 2600 1wBnvonn Hrd] Lome Hw8n 1888] 1800) 1S10}904U09 0} Kayy yoysos seyreun| 609. SSOUEH WBIDHOM MG, "PL O1GeL Huon see] 6200 — mara a Wins oes] IW wwSrtouewui| > 1209) dung uerswsuen| 7209 anon} ry weal av (ud 71) soizeuu09) sseWe} UOISSIUSUEL, O)sseWEH SISSeUD| 200. 220M 12084 aw uals uoneles| esaeis| 2200) wooeeg| Ov. omg Aywrxoig uoneper Aems| _4z00 someuueg ssoureH jeueaaeo| WW Jeonpsued) soveaIpul wewor peo] _0Z00) EE eenanoeumiow a AeDt yoUng Kuwncig 1898 24] 6109 peer (eay aw) young uinnoen| 9100 poses kexs] ov soos aeio| $400, | pouses feng] ay ameredue, vossuisuen| $3 zepuesrenotiena| y100] | provarog seven fens] ov (Guonpucg av) woung einssoig Keue| a3] |_ seers eum >| ¢100 roisaliS ea Aa Loum eumeiodusey qwei005 euiBua| 03 Jeais eeu itv| _z100 S5UIEH FEMS Zk OIE IM AINFEVeSWAL VERS PO veers ieeunz| 1409 Teg anse sng eaal oping ontue, vossusie | olgo] °F SWUAH VOR RIRUET TAT Jesseidwoo Guuompuen atv] 93 sues} 6900 ae (S083) provers yours eu6u3| ra eG (ozo BUH RE, TEAL prouses wes peg | Ha vojoeuvog ssewen sisseuo| va 2008, 1$10}20UU09 0} Koy} 9000) ‘SSOULEH OUIBUR a, “91 eIdeL (ua s0y0uU09 ssoweH oui6u3 0} sseuieH sissey| 7000. sosueg jene7queI00D MOI] 9D uous Aupoig 198g 104] C00 fe@uwers peo] go Hu wéupeoH| 4009 shay juauodwiog 2-52 '9009/9750-07 (C-10-01), 2-52

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