The Influence of Teachers Motivation On Learners Performances

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An Assignment Submitted to the School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Course Unit; BREM 2201: RESEARCH






Identification of the Problem:

In 2020, a PTA report showed that teachers at Kitgum Parents Primary School in
Kitgum District have been motivated by improving the work environment, with comfortable
spaces and team-building activities, addressing concerns of dissatisfaction. Prompt salary
payments were addressed. Celebrating student achievements through events involving
teachers reinforces the connection between their efforts and positive outcomes (Deputy Head
Teachers Report 2021). In addition to that, the establishment of mentorship, programs for
newer teachers, and providing regular feedback and evaluations contribute to professional
growth. Flexible work arrangements can address concerns related to absenteeism, and
fostering positive community relationships showcases teachers' contributions beyond the
classroom. These strategies collectively aim to create a motivated teaching staff at Kitgum
Parent Primary School, ultimately benefiting student academic performance and overall well-
being ( Headteacher Kitgum Parents Primary School in Kitgum District)

Statement of the problem

Despite the essential role of motivated teachers in the promotion of a positive learning
environment, there is a growing concern about the potential impact of teachers' motivation on
the academic performances of learners at Kitgum Parents Primary School in the Pandowong
Division of Kitgum municipality. The problem is misidentified by observable inconsistencies
in academic achievements among learners coupled with indicators such as high teacher
turnover, absenteeism, and reports of dissatisfaction among educators. The research
investigates the potential impact of teachers' motivation on the academic performances of
learners at Kitgum Parents Primary School in the Pandowong Division of Kitgum
Municipality. The identified problem stems from inconsistent academic achievements, high
teacher turnover, teacher absenteeism, and reports of dissatisfaction among educators. The
study aims to address these issues by examining the variability in academic performances, the
relationship between teacher turnover and learner outcomes, the impact of teacher
absenteeism, and the specific factors contributing to teacher dissatisfaction. By comparing
these aspects with neighboring schools, the research seeks to provide comprehensive insights
that can inform effective strategies for enhancing the learning environment and academic
achievements at Kitgum Parents Primary School.
Research Objectives

1. To find out the influence of teachers' motivation on the academic performances of

learners at Kitgum Parents Primary School in the Pandowong Division of Kitgum
2. To examine the variability in academic performances at Kitgum, parents' Primary School
Kitgum municipality
3. To find out the impact of high teacher turnover at Kitgum, parents Primary School
Kitgum municipality
4. To evaluate the influence of teacher absenteeism and lack of engagement at Kitgum
Parents Primary School Kitgum municipality

Research Questions

1. What is the extent of variability in academic performances among students across

different classes and grades at Kitgum Primary School?

2. How has the history of teacher turnover at Kitgum Parent Primary School affected the
quality and continuity of education?

3. To what extent do teacher absenteeism and lack of engagement in classroom activities

correlate with the academic performances of learners at Kitgum Primary School?

The Variables to be studied

The variables to be studied are described in the conceptual framework below ;

Figure 1 below shows the relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable.

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Effect of teachers’ motivation Overall academic progress of the

learners .
 Levels of motivation,
 factors contributing to motivation,
 aspects influencing job satisfaction among

Research Design

This study will based on descriptive design with both quantitative and qualitative
research methods. The explanatory research method will help to illustrate the information on the
potential impact of teachers' motivation on the academic performances of learners at Kitgum
Parents Primary School in the Pandowong Division of Kitgum Municipality. The major goal of
using this design is to describe the nature of the situation, Data presentation will be in the form
of tables and hence hard statistical analysis is to be used since it is quantitative. Qualitative will
be in the form of explaining different phenomena the way they are.

Target Population

The study will target 20 teachers from Kitgum Parents Primary School in the Pandowong
Division of Kitgum Municipality. These teachers will be selected purposively to participate in
the research. The researcher will purposefully select 100 learners from five(5) different class
levels in Kitgum Parents Primary School. Learners from various class levels will be chosen to
ensure a representative sample, and their maturity level will be considered to ensure they can
provide reliable information.

Instruments for Data Collection

Develop a structured questionnaire to gather quantitative data on teachers' perceptions of

their motivation. Include Likert-scale questions to measure levels of motivation, job satisfaction,
and factors influencing motivation. Also, incorporate open-ended questions for qualitative
insights into specific motivational factors. Conduct semi-structured interviews with a subset of
teachers to delve deeper into their experiences, challenges, and suggestions regarding motivation.
This qualitative method allows for a nuanced understanding of individual perspectives

Method of data collection

The study on the influence of teachers' motivation on learners' academic performance at
Kitgum Parents Primary School will employ a mixed-methods approach. Quantitative data will
be collected through structured survey questionnaires distributed to 20 teachers and 100 learners,
focusing on variables such as motivation, job satisfaction, and academic performance. Data
collection will predominantly rely on questionnaires due to several factors. Firstly, the large
number of participants makes it a practical and cost-effective solution. Secondly, the research
aims to gather both quantitative and qualitative data, which questionnaires can effectively
accommodate (Kothari, 2004).

The instrument will be structured into three sections: A, B, and C. Section A will gather
personal information (bio-data). Section B will consist of objective questions. Finally, Section C
will invite suggestions from respondents through a combination of open-ended and closed-ended
questions. For closed-ended questions, a 4-point Likert scale will be used, offering response
options of Strongly Agree (4), Agree (3), Disagree (2), and Strongly Disagree (1).

Method of Data Analysis

The study will delve into both quantitative and qualitative data to uncover the connection
between teachers' motivation and students' academic success. Quantitative data, gathered through
surveys and academic records, will be analyzed using statistical software like SPSS. Descriptive
statistics like means and variances will paint a picture of key variables like motivation levels and
performance. Inferential techniques like correlation and regression will pinpoint potential
relationships and their significance.

On the qualitative side, interviews, focus groups, and open-ended responses will be
transcribed and organized. By employing thematic analysis and categorizing data into
meaningful codes, recurring themes and insights around teacher motivation and its impact on
student experiences will be brought to light. This two-pronged approach promises a
comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between teacher motivation and student

Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age


Smith, J. A. (Year). Motivating Teachers for Enhanced Classroom Performance. Journal

of Education Research, 25(3), 123-145. doi:10.1234/jer.2023.4567

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