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1. What is the best way of dealing with a hazard to ensure others are not put at risk?

Tick one answer.

A. Remove it immediately
B. Leave it for others to sort out.
C. Place a barrier tape around it.
D. Display a notice or warning sign

2. Which is NOT workers best contribute to a positive safety culture in the workplace?

A. They should know how to complete work quickly if things go wrong.

B. They should report unsafe conditions after an accident has occurred.
C. They should report any unsafe conditions as soon as possible.
D. They should know the location of the first aid kit and accident book.

3. It is important to wear safety glasses at all times in the Workshop in the Design and Technology

A. True

B. False

4. The legal responsibilities of an employer with regards to health and safety include what? Tick one

A. Charging employees for replacing damaged or lost PPE

B. Providing safe systems of work for all employees
C. Taking out additional insurances for dangerous work
D. Ensuring that only one member of staff works on a dangerous job

5. What does PPE stand for? Tick one answer.

A. Protective Preventative Equipment

B. Personal Protective Equipment

C. Personal Preventative Equipment

D. People's Protective Equipment

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