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Getting Started with Goal Setting

Step 1: Identify a Goal

My Term 1 goal is:

I would like to get better at math, I would specifically like to improve my grades and, improve my
task initiation to complete any tasks related to math. Such as worksheets, homework and
summative that I must study for. My grades in grade 7 ranged between a 3,4, and 5 so in term 1 of
grade 8 I would like to try to raise my grades to 5s and 6s.

I must check that my goal is SMART!

Yes, my goal is specific as I have identified the features that I must improve on the most.

My goal is attainable, if I put in the hard work then hopefully, I will be able to complete my goal.
My goal is realistic as it is attainable, and it is possible to reach.
Time phased?

What resources, if any, will I need to acquire this goal?

To raise my math grades, I will use resources to help me such as, after class if I don’t
understand something, I will. Make sure to self-study at home. I will also print out extra math
worksheets related to the topic in class for me to study so I can become stronger at the subject.

Why is this goal important to me?

This goal is important to me because I would like to raise my confidence in math. A lot of the
time I am very unconfident about my math skills and often hesitate if I am right or not when
studying. I find it embarrassing in class when I must answer a question, but I get it wrong in front
of the whole class.

What are the benefits to me for reaching this goal?

The benefit of reaching this goal is that I will hopefully be able to raise my confidence in one of my subjects which I
am weakest at.

Who will I share my goal with for feedback and to help keep you on track?
I will share my goal with my parents, they will help me stay on track to reach my goal.

What will I do to celebrate when I reach my goal?

Adapted from:
Colorado Education Initiative
Health Skills Models:
Step 2: Create an Action Plan

Goal Start Date: Goal End Date:

Required resources:

Steps I Will Use to Reach My Goal: Place a checkmark next to each step once it is completed:

Measurable steps to the Starting What do I need? Did I Why not?

goal and achieve it? What is my
completion solution?

• Remember I can make adjustments and changes if required.

Step 3: Reflection

Did I reach my goal? YES NO

If I reached my goal, what were the things that I did to make it possible for me to reach it?
I reached my goal, as

If I did not reach my goal, why didn’t I?

Did I have to change anything while I was working on my goal?

How did this goal benefit my academic life?

By trying to achieve this goal I learnt that …

One area in which I could have improved was …

Considering the ATL skills, one or two important ones that I used or developed while working
towards your goal were …

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