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Quarter 3

Advantages and Disadvantages

of using Geothermal Energy

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy;

2. enumerate the signs of an impending volcanic eruption; and
3. realize the importance of the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.
In your previous lesson, you have learned about geothermal energy. To
refresh your understanding of the concepts about geothermal energy, answer this
simple review.

Direction: A. Fill in the missing word/s to complete the paragraph. Use the choice
box given below.

Geothermal power plants use (1) to produce electricity from

geothermal (2) , the underground pools of hot water found a few miles
or more below the (3) . The steam spins a (4) that
activates a (5) , which produces electricity.

steam earth's surface reservoirs generator turbine


Advantages and Disadvantages of using Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy affects human lives in many ways. It has a great role to
make our way of living sustainable and provide us a quality life. Despite its
importance, we should consider its advantages and disadvantages.


Geothermal energy is renewable; it can be accessed and harvested anywhere

in the world. The geothermal reservoirs found within the Earth are naturally
replenished, making it both renewable and sustainable.

Geothermal energy is more environmentally friendly for keeping a low carbon

footprint. Pollution associated with geothermal energy is relatively minimal
compared to the use of fossil fuels.

There is no fuel requirement because geothermal energy is a naturally

occurring resource.


Once a geothermal powerplant has been built there will be a great chance to
spend more on the different processes, facilities, and tools to be used in this site.
It poses some environmental problems
because there are still other gases stored deep
within the Earth which are released into the
atmosphere during digging. It may also require
proper supervision to maintain its stability and
sustainability considering geothermal fluids
contain low levels of toxic materials that need to
be disposed of.

Being situated in the areas near
volcanoes, it would be inevitable for always
having a danger of volcanic eruption. Putting up energy-projects.html
a geothermal power plant may give rise to minor
earthquakes as a result of digging. But the
implications of these earthquakes are relatively
minor because the site is away from population

Signs of an Impending Volcanic Eruption

Before a volcano erupts, it shows

warnings. These warning signs are being
observed and monitored by volcanologists in
the PHIVOLCS- Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology. energy-projects.html

Notable warning signs of volcanic eruption might include:

 increase in the frequency of felt earthquakes in the area
 noticeable changes in the chemical content of water in the hot springs such
as composition and acidity.
 the size of the cracks in the ground increases allowing steam to escape
 withering of plants and vegetation in the areas around the volcano
 increase in the temperature of hot springs and crater lakes within the area of
the volcano
 changes in the color of steam emission from white to gray


Module No 9: Activity No. 1: PROS AND CONS

Learning Competency:
1. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy.
2. Enumerate the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.
3. Realize the importance of the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.

Learning Objective:

1. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy.

Direction: Write PROS if the statement shows the advantage of using geothermal
energy and CONS if it shows a disadvantage.

1. A sustainable source of energy.

2. There is always a danger of volcanic eruption.
3. It may release some harmful gases.
4. It is environmentally friendly.
5. No fuel is required.

II. List down 5 advantages of using geothermal energy in the fingers of thumbs-up
and 5 disadvantages in the thumbs-down.

Closure: Based on the activity, how does geothermal energy affect humans?

Module No 9: Activity No. 2: Signs Matter!

Learning Competency:
1. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy.
2. Enumerate the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.
3. Realize the importance of the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.

Learning Objective:
Enumerate the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.
Direction: List down 5 signs of an impending volcanic eruption in the ash cloud of
the given diagram.

Guide Questions:

1. What government agency monitors the signs of an impending volcanic eruption?

2. How do people respond to the signs of an impending volcanic eruption?
3. As a student, what will you suggest to be safe for a future disaster like volcanic

Closure: Based on the activity, cite some definite signs that volcano is about to erupt.


Summing up your learnings acquired from this module, answer the task
Direction: Fact or Fake: Write FACT if the statement is true, and FAKE if it is
incorrect. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. Geothermal energy is a renewable source of energy.
2. There is a fuel requirement in the geothermal energy.
3. Geothermal energy does not require proper supervision to
maintain stability and sustainability.
4. Withering of plants and vegetation in the areas around the volcano is
one of the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.
5. The increase in the temperature of hot springs and crater lakes within
the area of the volcano may happen before the volcanic eruption.
Module No 9: Activity No. 3: Signs are important!
Learning Competency:
1. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy.
2. Enumerate the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.
3. Realize the importance of the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.

Learning Objective:

Appreciate the importance of the signs of an impending volcanic eruption.

The pictures above show the effects of volcanic eruptions. Further effects are
the destruction of crops and vegetation, death of humans and animals, and
deterioration of water quality. The devastating effect as shown in the pictures is
similar to the effects brought by the volcanic eruption of Taal Volcano that happened
last January 12, 2020.

Guide Questions:
1. What should be done to lessen the damage brought about by the volcanic
2. What is the importance of being informed about the signs of an impending
volcanic eruption?
3. Write down 3 things that you have done during Taal volcano eruption last
January 12, 2020?

Closure: Based on the activity, is it necessary to know the signs of an impending

volcanic eruption? Why?

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements is the advantage of using geothermal energy?

A. It is more expensive
B. Low carbon footprint
C. It requires proper supervision
D. It requires to maintain sustainability

2. What makes geothermal energy environmentally friendly?

A. It has low carbon footprint
B. There is no fuel requirement
C. It is a sustainable source of energy
D. It can be accessed anywhere in the world

3. In what way a geothermal powerplant may pose an environmental problem?

A. It is a sustainable source of energy.
B. It is adaptable to many different conditions.
C. It may give rise to minor earthquakes as a result of digging.
D. It can release small amounts of greenhouse gases such as hydrogen sulfide
and carbon dioxide.

4. What government agency is responsible for monitoring volcanic activities and

provides warning signs of an impending volcanic eruption?

5. Which of the following is a sign of an impending volcanic eruption?

A. Heavy rainfall
B. Shortage of food
C. Strong wind and thunderstorms
D. Changes in the color of steam emission from white to gray

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