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ST.THOMAS COLLEGE OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT (Growth & development BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT (a) Weight: + Gains 150 to 210g/week or 550-680g/month for first 6 months. + Gains 90 to 150g/week or 300-350g/month for second 6 months. * Birth weight doubles at 5-6 months (approx.9-10 Kg * Birth weight tribles at 1 year (approx.9-10 Kg (b) Length/Height * Increases 2.5 cm/month-first 6 months * Increases 1,2Sem/month-second 6 months * Average length at 6 month 65 cm * Average length at | year 74 om * 50% increasesin birth leng ((e) Head circumference * Increases 1.5 em/month-first 6 months * Increases 0.5 em/month-second 6 months is 43 cm at 6 month & 46 cm at 1 year(33% (4) Cheast circumference * Head circumference equals chest circumference by the end of | he e * Anterior fontanel closes by 12 to 18 months(approx. 14 month) * Posterior fontanel closes by 6 to 8 weeks (1 Detition é First primary teeth erupts are lower central incisors at approx.6 to 8 months of age No.of Deciduous teeth(1 1/2 yra= age in [Sino [Growth & development Ta dle [__|months-6 At the end of | yr 6 to 8 teeth are present !2 months-partial head contril months-rolling over (supine to prone) 7 months-sitting with support Ti __|9:month holds small object like pellet (pincer grasp) 9 months-creeping 10month-standing with support * 11 month-walking with support 12 month-walking with support - [Fine motor development 1 month-hands held closed 12 month-hands held open 4 month-graps a rattle /ring and carries to mouth = 5 month -reaches out to an object and hold it with both hands '7 month-holds the object with crude grasp fron plam (palmar grasp) [8 month -transfer from one hand to another SENSORY DEVELOPMENT Vision: ‘ /Birth- visual acuity 20/100-20/400 4 weeks-tear glands begins to function and follows a range of 90 6-12 weeks-binocular vision begins at 6 week,well established at 3 months & doll's eye disappears 12+ 20 weeks :able to fixate at 1.25 om block 20- 28 weeks-develops colour ,preferences,hand & eye co-ordination 28- 44 weeks -can fixate at very small object,depth perception begins. 44-52 weeks-visual acuity:20/40- [20/60 follows rapidly moving objects PSYCHO-SOCIAL DEVELOPMENE Sence of trust Vs Mistrust 7 Trust:1 st 6 months) i *Concept of mutual regulation between ‘and infant especially as it applier te feeding,must be established infant is trust her. }* Trust allows infant a feeling of physical comfort security. * Unable to differentiate from self from mother. [2 nd 6 months: * An infant recognize and responds to others. * Infants also learns to bite. e * Stranger anxiety develops. /Mistrust: When people speak to the infant ina harsh tone or are sudden and spasmodic in their movement,the infant becomes frightened and may begin to mistrust otherseg. Tension and =H in marital relationship. V_|PSYCHO-SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT Oral stage * The source of bodily pleasure is concentrated in zones around the muco-cutaneous junctions. * Oral dependentoral passive stage(1 st 6 months)-sucking * Oral aggressive stage (upto | year)-bitting and sucking as the At menas of gratification. VI |SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Stage 4 :Primary faith(undifferentiated) During early years,the infant forms an attachment to parents that develops trust,hope,and autonomy as result of the give and take relationship. 'VII_|INTELLECTUAL OR COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT ISENSORE-MOTOR STAGE(birth to 24 months) Infant progress from reflex behaviour to simple repetitive acts to imitative acts. ‘Sub stage I:birth to 1 month) Biologic reflexes ‘Sub stage II: (Imonth to 4 months}—~ » Primary circular reactions Activities such as sucking or grasping became intentional g that elicit certain responses(sucking thumb béster than fist) Infants see and their that belong to the same experiences become mentally co-ordinated e.g stops crying when hears mother’s voice, ‘Sub stage III: (4 month to 8 month) Secondary cireular reactions |Grasping,holding now become shaking,bangingé pulling. Inew processes of human behaviour-imitation(sounds & gs play and affect (out of sight,out of mind) ‘Sub stage IV:(8 month to 12 months) (Co-ordination of secondary schemas and their application t new situations, Infants begin to discover that hiding an object does not mean that it is gone but removing an abstacle will reveal the object. Begins to associate symbols with events e.g bye-bye means {going out for work. MORAL DEVELOPMENT. ‘Pre conventional morality (0 to 7 yrs) Stage O (0 to 2 yrs)-" The good is what I like and want" LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Language mile stones Expressive Age Social smile 2 months 4 months ‘5 months 6 months ‘8 months Babbles Dada/Mama non specific Specific J 10 months 1] months First word Second word z 12 months 2 months 3 }4 months Orients to votce 5 months Orients to bell 9 months Looks directly at bell : 9 months Understands " no" 10 months Play gestures games 12 months Follow one step command with gestures _ Play: * Solitary play * On looker play * Sense pleasure play

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