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Zavier: Fighter (Swords/Axes)

Zavier was a policeman in Africa in an area where crime was big, he was always employee of the
month and was the best of the best, when one day he had just signed off for the day and headed
home he heard a voice, a dark and gloomy once, it told Zavier that his family have been taken
hostage and if he headed home he would be shot and instead he should take a different path today,
suddenly 2 portals appeared Infront of him, one leading outside of his house, and a second one that
sends him back to the start of the day, fearing that him and his family would die, he took the second
option, but little did he know, he just jumped into a portal to another realm and he would be stuck
there, permanently.


LVL: 1

Mana: 2/2





Crippling Blow (If you land your attack, prevent the target from moving, 2 Mana)

Helping Hand (Give an ally +5HP, 3 times per combat) Or

Better than Best! (+1d10 to all attacks for 3 turns, 2 Mana) Or

Fast Reflexes (When attacked you can roll a dc15, if you succeed you take half damage, only if you’re
using a melee weapon: Passive)

LVL: 2

Mana: 4/4


Voided (+2 to attack rolls)

Shining blade (Sword’s deal +2d8 for 4 rolls and instant kill anything at/below 15HP and you get a
bonus action to attack with your sword, 3 Mana) OR

Bleedin’ Axe (Axes deal +1d20 for 3 rolls. upon a successful hit, apply bleeding to the target for 2
turns dealing 3DMG but does not stack, while this is active axes don’t have cooldowns, 4 Mana)

LVL: 3

Mana: 8/8

Shine (Additional +3 to attack rolls)

Spinning Disk (Spin in a circle hitting everything around you for your weapon DMG +4, 2 Mana) OR

Healthy Heart (Gain 8HP every turn for 4 turns, 4 Mana) OR

Charge! (Charge towards the enemy, if you successfully hit the enemy deal 30DMG, can only be used
once per combat unless you expend 6 mana, after that, no more, can only hit an enemy once, 5

LVL: 4

Mana: 16/16


Greatness (+2d10 attack dice)

Enrage (Deal 2x DMG for 2 turns, but deal 0.5 DMG for 5 turns after, 6 Mana) OR

Conjure Shield (Summon a magic shield that will take 1 hit for you, does not stack, twice per combat,
3 Mana) OR

Defence stance (Take no DMG from any source under 15DMG until your next go, 4 Mana)

LVL: 5

Mana: 22/22


Guided (Additional +2d12 attack dice)

Bodyguard (Ally’s near you take half DMG and you receive that DMG)

Thick of the fight (Do +2 DMG for every nearby character: Passive) OR

Dominate (If you have more HP then the enemy, deal half of the MAXHP you have e.g., if you have
150 MAXHP your damage will be 75, if they have more HP, deal a quarter of their MAXHP as DMG
e.g., if they have 100 MAXHP your damage would be 25, 7 Mana) OR

Marked man (Mark an enemy, if they die within 3 turns, you gain all your HP and Mana back, if you
fail to kill them, you lose half of your current HP and half of your current Mana, twice per combat, 3

LVL: 6

Mana: 28/28


Warrior (The minimum roll you can get is a 5)

Warrior’s Hand (Repick any 2 Mana abilities or gain one from a previous tier)

Scol’ (Gain a figure behind you that looks like your father giving you another 2 attacks per turn:
Passive) OR
Manjuu’ (Attacks stun causing the target to be unable to move and they attack with disadvantage:
Passive) OR

Heistii’ (All weapons you use have double the dice e.g., if you had a weapon that deals 4d8, it now
deals 8d8, and if you crit it will be 16d8: Passive)

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