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Ryan: Polymorpher (Spears/Tridents)

When Ryan was young, he was bullied for being wimpy and nerdy and nobody liked him, one day he
decided he had enough and got to work using home-made laboratory in his dads garage, he worked
day and night skipping school, barley remembering to eat and drink and not before long, he had
done it, Ryan made a machine that would turn him into a “Man”, Ryan hopped into the machine,
turned the knob from man, to manliest man then pressed the big flashing button labelled ‘ON’, all
had seemed to be working, Ryan started to grow muscles and chest hairs when suddenly the
machine started to rumble and tear, Ryan reached for the off button just a little too late, the
machine blew up destroying the garage, granting him the power to morph at will, but also trapped
him in another realm, permanently.


LVL: 1

Mana: 3/3





Razor Fingernails (+1d6, 1 Mana)

Dog Ears (Hear more, 2 turns, 1 Mana) OR

Grip Feet (Grip to walls and be immune to slipping, 2 turns, 1 Mana)

LVL: 2

Mana: 5/5


Natures Bubble (Cast a bubble containing a biome of your choice around anything, lasts for 3 turns, 3
Mana) OR

Tentacle Arm (2d8, whip an enemy, 2 Mana)

LVL: 3

Mana: 10/10


Wings (Hover a few meters above the ground, lasts 4 turns, 5 Mana) OR

Worm-anise (Turn someone into a worm for 2 turns, 5 Mana) OR

Bull Horns (Gain bull horns that deal 2d12 and knocks people down, lasts for 3 turns, 4 Mana)

LVL: 4

Mana: 15/15


Camouflage (Turn invisible for 3 turns, 7 Mana) OR

Steel Skin (Take 3d12 less DMG for 2 turns, 6 Mana) OR

Equalise (Touch someone and take 50% of the HP they have and keep it for yourself, this allows you
to go over you max, once per combat, 12 Mana)

LVL: 5

Mana: 20/20


Spider Legs (Gain Spider-Legs from behind your back, allowing you to entangle people in it, or attack
them with them 8d12, until the end of combat, Incompatible with Wings, 12 Mana) OR

Medusa Head (Snakes grow out of your head allowing you to petrify anyone close to you, for 2 turns,
incompatible with Bull Horns, until the end of combat, 12 Mana) OR

Gods Sacrifice (Touch an Ally and give them +75HP and +30 Mana and +6d10 to all attack rolls
permanently, your MAXHP is taken down by 35 and your MAXMANA is Halved with a minimum of 1,
can only be used once) OR

LVL: 6

Mana: 25/25


Forgi’ (All de-buffs don’t affect you at night: Passive) OR

Sneaa’ (Regen 2 Mana per turn: Passive) OR

Gjnol’ (Your Max HP increases permanently when using health potions if you go above your MAXHP
up to +5MAXHP per potion: Passive)

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