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Here are some terms/jargons related to topography:

Aerial photograph: A photograph taken from an aircraft. Aerial photographs can be

used to map the topography of an area.
Altimeter: An instrument used to measure altitude.
Bench mark: A permanent marker used to establish a known elevation.
Contour interval: The vertical distance between two consecutive contour lines on a
topographic map.
Contour line: A line on a topographic map that connects points of equal elevation.
Elevation: The height of a point above sea level.
Geomorphology: The study of the Earth's surface features.
Gradient: The rate of change of elevation over a distance.
Hillshade: A topographic map that shows the relative relief of the land surface by
using shading.
Landform: A natural feature of the Earth's surface, such as a mountain, valley, or
Lithology: The study of the composition and structure of rocks.
Map key: A legend that explains the symbols used on a topographic map.
Orthophoto: A photographic map that has been corrected for relief displacement.
Planform: A map that shows the horizontal features of an area, such as roads,
rivers, and buildings.
Profile: A vertical section of the Earth's surface.
Relief: The difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points in an
Slope: The angle of inclination of a surface.
Terrain: The physical features of an area, such as mountains, rivers, and lakes.
Topographic map: A map that shows the topography of an area, including the
elevation, relief, and slope of the land surface.
Triangulation: A surveying method used to determine the position of points on the
Earth's surface.
These are just a few of the many terms/jargons related to topography. For more
information, please consult a textbook on topography or an online resource.

Here are some terms/jargons related to map:

Azimuth: The direction of a point from a given location, measured clockwise from
Back azimuth: The direction of a point from a given location, measured
counterclockwise from north.
Bearing: The direction of a point from a given location, measured clockwise from
true north.
Cartography: The art and science of mapmaking.
Chart: A map of a specific area, typically used for navigation.
Compass: An instrument used for determining direction.
Grid: A system of lines used to divide a map into squares or rectangles.
Latitude: The angular distance north or south of the equator, measured in degrees.
Longitude: The angular distance east or west of the prime meridian, measured in
Map: A representation of a part of the Earth's surface, drawn to scale.
Map key: A legend that explains the symbols used on a map.
Meridian: A line of longitude that passes through the North and South Poles.
Northing: The distance north of the equator, measured in degrees.
Projection: A method of transferring the Earth's surface to a flat map.
Scale: The ratio of distances on a map to distances on the Earth's surface.
Terrain: The physical features of an area, such as mountains, rivers, and lakes.
Topography: The study of the Earth's surface features.
True north: The direction of the North Pole, measured from the Earth's center.
Upright: The direction of the vertical axis of the Earth.
Westing: The distance west of the prime meridian, measured in degrees.
These are just a few of the many terms/jargons related to map. For more
information, please consult a mapmaking textbook or an online resource.

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