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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Young Adult Stroke Prediction using

Machine Learning
Dr. M. Sindhuja1 Vivek Kumar2
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty at SRM Institute of Science and Technology Student at SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Chennai, India Chennai, India

Shivam Singh
Computer Science and Engineering
Student at SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Chennai, India

Abstract:- Air This study aims to tackle the increasing II. SIGNIFICANCE
prevalence of strokes in young adults by utilizing state-of-
the-art machine learning methods for predictive modeling. The growing prevalence of strokes in young adults poses
Contrary to commonly held beliefs that strokes mostly a challenge to current health norms, highlighting the necessity
affect older individuals, there is a noticeable change in the for novel predictive models to comprehend and tackle this
demographics, which requires the development of new unforeseen demographic pattern.
and creative approaches for detecting and intervening in
the early stages. Machine learning, a powerful technique  Timely Intervention:
in the field of artificial intelligence, is on the verge of Prompt identification is essential for efficient stroke
transforming stroke prediction by integrating various prevention and treatment. The predictive capabilities of
datasets that include medical records, lifestyle factors, and machine learning have the ability to detect persons at risk of
genetic information. The resulting prediction model aims strokes in their early stages, enabling prompt interventions
to uncover intricate patterns and unique risk variables and reducing the severity of the strokes.
related to young adults, offering a comprehensive insight
that goes beyond traditional risk assessments. The main  Comprehensive Risk Assessment:
goal is to create an advanced prediction model that allows Traditional risk assessments frequently fail to consider
for the early detection of persons with a high risk of the many factors that contribute to strokes in young adults.
strokes. This would enable prompt and individualized The capability of machine learning to examine varied datasets
treatments to reduce the impact of strokes in this allows for a comprehensive and tailored evaluation of risk,
unforeseen and vulnerable population. This research aims incorporating factors such as medical history, lifestyle
to provide significant insights into preventative decisions, and genetic predispositions.
healthcare, promoting a proactive approach to tackling
the specific issues presented by strokes in young adults. The objective of the created prediction model is to offer
healthcare practitioners valuable insights to customize
I. INTRODUCTION preventive efforts on an individual basis. medication
practitioners are able to conduct specific interventions, such as
There has been an increasing worry in recent years lifestyle changes or medication therapies, depending on
regarding the occurrence of strokes among young adults, a individual risk profiles.
group that is often believed to have a lower likelihood of
experiencing such cardiovascular events. In light of the  Healthcare Resource Optimization:
increasing incidence of strokes in this demographic, it is Enhanced comprehension of stroke prediction using
imperative to develop novel strategies for predicting and machine learning can facilitate the more effective distribution
mitigating these events. Machine learning, a very effective of healthcare resources. By identifying individuals with a
computer technology, has demonstrated significant potential greater susceptibility, resources can be allocated towards
in accurately forecasting health outcomes. Machine learning preemptive interventions, potentially mitigating the total
algorithms can utilize various data sources, such as medical strain on healthcare systems.
records, lifestyle factors, and genetic information, to examine
patterns and detect risk factors that may contribute to the  Promoting Proactive Healthcare:
incidence of strokes in young adults. The objective of this The research enhances the field of preventive healthcare
research is to investigate and create a predictive model using by integrating cutting-edge technologies. The use of machine
machine learning techniques. The ultimate aim is to identify learning into stroke prediction acts as a paradigm for utilizing
individuals at risk early and accurately, allowing for timely technological progress to improve early identification and
interventions and personalized preventive strategies for this intervention approaches in several health fields.
unforeseen and vulnerable group.

IJISRT24FEB324 335

Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The project intends to promote a proactive healthcare IV. SCOPE
paradigm by treating strokes in young adults, which involves
moving the focus from reactive therapy to proactive risk The application of machine learning for predicting
>management. This transition has the capacity to enhance the strokes in young adults has a wide-ranging impact and
overall health results and quality of life for young adults who encompasses multiple areas within the healthcare field. The
are vulnerable to strokes. following are crucial elements that emphasize the extensive
range of this undertaking:
 Interdisciplinary Perspectives:
The research's interdisciplinary nature, which combines The main focus is to identify stroke risks in young
medical knowledge with machine learning expertise, individuals at an early stage, allowing for prompt and specific
promotes collaboration between healthcare practitioners and therapies. Through the utilization of machine learning
data scientists. The collaborative approach is crucial in order algorithms, healthcare providers can detect nuanced patterns
to develop comprehensive solutions that tackle the intricate and risk factors that could be overlooked when employing
and diverse difficulties related to predicting strokes in young conventional methods.
adults users.
 Personalized Healthcare:
III. CHALLENGES Machine learning enables the creation of predictive
models that consider personalized factors, such as genetic
 Data Quality and Availability: predispositions, lifestyle choices, and distinct medical
Acquiring datasets that are both accurate and extensive, histories. This individualized technique improves the accuracy
covering a wide range of parameters including medical of risk evaluations and enables customized preventive
records, lifestyle decisions, and genetic information, might measures.
pose difficulties. The prediction model's performance may be
compromised by data that is incomplete or erroneous.  Data Integration and Analysis:
The scope encompasses the integration of various
 Interdisciplinary Collaboration: datasets, such as electronic health records, genetic
Facilitating efficient communication and collaboration information, and lifestyle data. Machine learning algorithms
between medical practitioners and data scientists presents a can efficiently assess the abundant information available,
difficulty in bridging the gap. Achieving alignment between yielding a thorough comprehension of the complex elements
the prediction model and medical expertise, while still that contribute to strokes in young people.
meeting clinical criteria, necessitates a collaborative effort
from both domains.  Research and Innovation:
The use of machine learning in the prognosis of strokes
The interpretability of machine learning models, promotes continuous research and advancement. The ongoing
particularly deep learning algorithms, might be impeded by improvement of algorithms and integration of new
their intrinsic complexity. It is essential to build trust and technologies contribute to a constantly changing environment,
facilitate effective implementation by comprehending and staying up to date with breakthroughs in healthcare and data
elucidating the model's predictions to healthcare science.
professionals and patients.
 Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
 Ethical Considerations: The scope entails the collaboration among healthcare
The utilization of delicate health data for predictive experts, data scientists, and technology. This interdisciplinary
modeling gives rise to ethical considerations pertaining to approach promotes the transfer of knowledge, guaranteeing
patient confidentiality and informed permission. To address that machine learning models are in line with medical
these concerns, it is crucial to implement strong data expertise and ethical standards.
protection mechanisms and ensure adherence to ethical

 Dynamic Nature of Health Data :

The nature of health data is dynamic, meaning that
health-related elements such as lifestyle choices and medical
problems can change over time. Modifying the predictive
model to accommodate these changes and ensuring its
continued relevance over long periods present notable

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
V. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Take into account the incorporation of recurrent layers,
such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), to effectively
capture temporal dependencies.

 Input Format:
Encode the ECG signals as input features for the neural
network. This may entail generating spectrograms, employing
wavelet transforms, or utilizing raw time-domain data

 Training the Model:

Utilize the training dataset to train the deep neural
network. Tune model parameters through the optimization of
hyperparameters, such as the learning rate and regularization

Supervise the performance on the validation set in order

to avoid overfitting.

 Evaluation of the Model:

Assess the generalization performance of the trained
model by evaluating it on the test set. Employ criteria such as
accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and area under the
receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) to
evaluate binary classification.

 Explanation:
Improve the interpretability of the model by including
approaches such as layer-wise relevance propagation or
attention mechanisms to identify the specific components of
the ECG signals that have the greatest impact on the
classification outcome.

 Optimizing the Model:

Refine the structure and parameters of the model by
leveraging performance data and insights acquired during the
Fig 1 System Architecture and Design
evaluation process.
 Data Collection and Preprocessing:
 Verification using Clinical Expertise:
Acquire a meticulously selected collection of
Engage in collaboration with healthcare professionals to
electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, guaranteeing a diverse and
verify and analyze the model's predictions. This stage
accurate sample of young individuals. Perform signal
guarantees that the model conforms to clinical requirements
preprocessing on the ECG signals to eliminate noise, baseline
and boosts its usefulness in real-world situations.
drift, and artifacts. Normalize the data to guarantee uniform
input characteristics.
 Factors to Consider During Deployment:
Take into account the operational setting and possible
 Data Annotation:
constraints. Verify that the model is capable of making
Label the ECG signals with binary annotations
predictions in real-time and can adjust to changes in input
indicating the presence or absence of the specific condition of
interest, such as a heart anomaly.
 Ethical Considerations:
 Data Partitioning:
Discuss the ethical implications associated with
Partition the dataset into training, validation, and test
maintaining patient confidentiality, obtaining informed
sets to expedite the processes of model training, tweaking, and
consent, and ensuring the appropriate handling of health-
related information.
 Architecture of the Model:
Create a deep neural network architecture specifically
tailored for the classification of ECG signals. Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs) are frequently successful in
collecting spatial patterns in time series data, such as
electrocardiogram (ECG) signals.

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The goals of using machine learning for stroke Overall, the utilization of machine learning for
prediction in young adults include enhancing early detection, forecasting strokes in young individuals signifies a crucial
intervention, and overall healthcare outcomes. The following progression in the field of healthcare, providing a
are the primary goals related with this undertaking: revolutionary method for early identification, tailored
therapies, and enhanced public health results. This
 Improve Early Detection: undertaking is motivated by the acknowledgment of a rising
Create machine learning algorithms capable of prevalence of strokes in the younger population and the
accurately detecting minor patterns and risk variables linked constraints of conventional risk evaluation techniques. The
to strokes in young people, allowing for earlier and more effort faces several hurdles, including those related to data
precise identification compared to conventional approaches. quality, ethical considerations, the requirement for
interdisciplinary collaboration, and user acceptance.
 Enhance Predictive Accuracy: Nevertheless, these obstacles are confronted with equally
Enhance the accuracy of stroke predictions by utilizing strong prospects that emphasize the potential for beneficial
advanced computational methodologies to assess a wide range transformation in healthcare methodologies. The prospects
of datasets, such as medical records, genetic information, and extend beyond the individual level to have an impact on
lifestyle data. global health initiatives, so contributing to the reduction of
healthcare inequities and enhancing accessibility across varied
 Develop Personalized Risk Assessments: populations. Attaining scalability and accessibility can result
Generate prognostic algorithms that consider in widespread acceptance and a substantial improvement in
personalized variables, including genetic predispositions, the allocation of healthcare resources.
lifestyle decisions, and distinctive medical histories, to deliver
customized risk assessments for young adults. Nevertheless, the effective integration of machine
learning in stroke prediction requires a focused endeavor to
 Enable Timely Interventions: tackle obstacles such as ethical concerns, user adoption, and
Empower healthcare practitioners to proactively adherence to regulations. Interdisciplinary collaboration is
intervene based on machine learning predictions, enabling crucial for connecting healthcare practitioners and data
prompt and focused preventive efforts to decrease the scientists, promoting a mutual understanding and joint
occurrence and severity of strokes in the young adult dedication to responsibly utilizing these technologies.
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