Flight Coach EVOS LEGENDS (Bjorn Ong)

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Budget January 2023

Event/Project Name Flight Coach EVOS LEGENDS [Bjorn Ong]

Periode 23/01/2023 until 30/01/2023
Event/Shooting Location
Prepared by Aji Wicaksono

Budget Filled By Finance

Actual Cost
No Category DESCRIPTION QTY Month Price Total Notes Paid By Total Difference Notes
1 Other Flight Coach EVOS LEGENDS [Bjorn Ong] ( 1) ( 1) ( 1,500,000) ( 1,500,000) Ticket JKT > SG GA
2 Other Flight Coach EVOS LEGENDS [Bjorn Ong] ( 1) ( 1) ( 2,000,000) ( 2,000,000) Ticket SG > JKT GA

GR Grand Total Event / Project Expenses ( 3,500,000) 0 0

GR Total Paid by Talent Fee Form ( - ) 0 0
Total Paid by GA ( 3,500,000) 0 3,500,000
GR Total paid by Petty Cash ( - ) 0 0
Total paid by Finance ( - ) 0 0
GR Total Cash Advance ( - ) 0 0
Grand Total 3,500,000

Requested by Reviewed by Reviewed by Reviewed by

Aji Wicaksono M Refie Fakhreno Achmad Marwanto Truly Rizki Ananda

Name :
EVOS LEGENDS Manager Head Of Esports Head of Finance Operational Excellence Lead
Date : 5/Jan/2023

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