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Chapter 19

The Impact
• What is the impact of American rule on
the Filipinos- on their economy, politics,
society, and culture? United States
improved the economy and system of
government, where the Filipinos had
greater political participation and more
economic gains. The American rule
caused great marks of “colonial
mentality” and the materialistic and
individualistic ways among many
Education and the School System
• America’s greatest achievement in the
Philippine was the introduction of the
public school system.
• Overall, the public school system
increased the number of Filipinos who
knew how to read and write. In 1903,
the literacy rate was 44.2%. This rose
to 49.2% in 1918, when a second census
was taken.
• The oldest university founded under the
Americans was Siliman University in
Dumaguete City, followed by Central
Philippine University in Iloilo City. The
University of the Philippines was
founded in 1908 in Manila. Education
under the Americans advanced rapidly
and was not equaled by any other
colonizing power.
Improvement in Trade and
• In 1909, Philippine exports amounted to
60.9 million pesos. In 1910-1914, it rose
to 94.7 million pesos. In 1914-1918, the
amount of exports further increased to
177.3 million pesos, and in 1925-1930,
the exports amounted to 297.9 million
pesos. Except during World War I, from
1914-1918, Philippine foreign trade
enjoyed a favorable balance of trade.
Public Health and Welfare
• In 1901, the Americans created the
Board of Public Health, which later on
became a bureau.
• It’s duties were to construct the people
in hygiene and sanitation and to combat
the people’s ignorance and superstitions
which were the greatest enemies of
medicine and public health.
• The Americans taught the Filipinos
nutrition. Balanced diet, consisting of
large amounts of all known vitamins and
minerals was introduced.
• As a result, the Filipinos became
healthier and taller. It is estimated
that height of the average Filipino in
1900 was five feet and three or four
inches. By 1920, the average height may
be estimated at five feet and six
• In industry, the Philippines also prospered
under the Americans.
• Coconut oil mills, cigar and cigarette
factories, rope factories, fishing and fish
canning, alcohol small distilleries, and sugar
centrals were established throughout the
• More laborers were employed and Filipino
• In 1929, gold mining produced almost seven
million pesos worth of gold. In 1935, the
year of the Commonwealth, it produced
almost thirty-two million pesos worth gold.
Transportation and
• The railway line was likewise extended. In
1903, there were less than 200 kilometers
of railway. In 1935, it rose to more than
1,000 kilometers. The Manila-Dagupan
Railway, founded during the Spanish
period, was acquired by the government
and became the Manila Railroad Company.
• The line was extended to the provinces of
Northern and Southern Luzon, thereby
bringing them closer than before.
Democracy and Civil Liberties
• The American regime recognized the
equality of men before the law and right
of every man to all the freedoms-
freedom of religion, freedom of speech,
freedom of the press, freedom to
complain, and freedom to change’s one
domicle (a place permanent residence)
Political parties
• The parties then had a political platform which
Filipinos learned from the Americans.
• In time, the good as well as the bad
characteristics of the political party system in
United States were adopted by the Filipinos.
• The result of this system of political parties
was the increase in the knowledge of
government machinery and government affairs
by the wealthy and educated Filipinos.
• This kind of politics, ironically was deepened
during the time of Governor-General Harrison,
when more Filipinos came to control the
lawmaking body and government bureaucracy.
Language and Literature
• McKinley ordered that the English language be
made as the medium of instruction in all public
• Some Filipinos began to write in English.
• By 1935, many Filipino writers in English
distinguished themselves in poetry, short
stories, and essays. A few wrote dramas and
novels. Some of the poems and short stories of
Filipino writers in English were published in the
• Words like putbol (football), basketbol
(basketball), pawl (foul), boksing (boxing), bistik
(beefsteak), kendi (candy) and many others are
now part of the tagalog vocabulary.
Negative Results of American
• The Philippines became dependent
exclusively on the United States to
continue prosper economically.
• There was no real industrialization in the
hands of Filipino capital.
• Our own delicacies and heroes are no
longer appreciated. Filipino people focus
about American culture.
• Materialistic view of life has weakened the
Filipino’s communal spirit towards an
individualistic and consumerist way of life.

University of the Philippines
Siliman University
Central Philippine University
Railway Line

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