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Engineering economics is a branch of economics that Annual mileage = 18000

applies economic principles and methods to the analysis and Repair shop = every 3000 miles
evaluation of engineering projects. It helps engineers to make Manual = every 6000 miles
decisions about the optimal use of resources, such as materials, Oil & filter change cost = 33
labor, time, and money, to achieve the desired goals and objectives.
Engineering economics also considers the economic feasibility, ? = money saved if service is performed every 6000 miles
profitability, and sustainability of engineering solutions


18000mi/3000mi = 6
 Develop the alternatives 6 x $33 = $198
 Focus on the differences
 Use a consistent viewpoint Manual suggestion cost:
 Use a common unit of measure 18000mi/6000mi = 3
 Consider all relevant data 3 x $33 = $99
 Make risk and uncertainty explicit
 Revisit your decision $198 - $99 = $99

Therefore, the customers can save about $99 dollars’ worth of

III. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS PROCEDURES service if they follow the car manual’s suggestion compared to the
repair shop’s recommendation
 Problem recognition, definition, and evaluation
 Development of feasible alternatives
 Development of the outcomes and cash flows for each
a. Problem Definition: The problem is to determine the most cost-
 Selection of criterion effective and efficient method for producing a newly designed drill
 Analysis and comparison of alternatives bit, given the constraints of budget, time, and environmental
 Selection of preferred alternative considerations.
 Performance monitoring and post evaluation of results
b. Key Assumptions:
- The old machine can be modified to meet production
BRAINSTORMING - McDonald Inc. will deliver the new machine on time.
- The budget set aside for the start-up is sufficient.
Nominal Group Technique involves a larger group of
participants who work together to generate, reduce, rank, and agree c. Alternatives:
on the best ideas. Classical Brainstorming involves a smaller group - Modify the existing machine in-house.
of participants who work individually or in pairs to generate as many - Have McDonald Inc. modify the existing machine.
ideas as possible without judging or criticizing them. - Purchase a new machine from McDonald Inc.

d. Evaluation Criterion: The alternatives will be evaluated based on

cost-effectiveness, time to readiness, and environmental impact.

e. Risk Factors:
- In-house technicians may not be able to modify the machine as
they have never done this type of modification before.
- The old machine's cooling system is not environmentally safe.
- McDonald Inc. might not deliver the new machine on time.
f. Nonmonetary Considerations: IX. PROBLEM 5
- Environmental impact: The old machine's cooling system is not Given:
environmentally safe. Oil mileage increase = 1%
- Reputation: Dependence on an external company (McDonald Assuming annual mileage = 50000 miles
Inc.) might affect Greenfield Industries' reputation. Without Dynolube
Gasoline cost = $4.00
g. Post audit: This could involve reviewing the actual costs and Ave. car mileage = 20mi/gal
benefits after a certain period of operation, comparing them with the
projected costs and benefits, and analyzing any discrepancies to Dynolube cost = $19.95
improve future decision-making processes.
a.) Without Dynolube:
50000mi/20mipg = 2500 gal
VII. PROBLEM 3 2500 gal x $4.00 = $10,000

a. Sunk Cost are those that have occurred in the past and has With Dynolube:
no relevance to estimates…… 20mpg x 1.01 = 20.2 mi
b. Opportunity Cost are incurred because of the use of limited 50000 mi/20.2 mpg = 2475.2475 gal
resources...... 2475.2475 gal x $4.00 = $9900.99
c. Fixed Cost are unaffected by changes in activity level over
a feasible range of operations……. $10000 – $9900.99 = $99.01
d. Variable Costs, in total, change in relation to the quantity of
output or other measures of activity level $99.01 saved with the use of dynolube
e. Incremental Costs refers to the additional costs that will
result from increasing…… b.) Since dynolube is a one-time additive
f. Recurring Costs are those that are repetitive and occur $99.01 - $19.95 = $79.06
when goods or services……..
g. Direct Costs can be reasonably measured and allocated to Therefore, it would be financially beneficial to use this
a specific output…… product in your automobile.
h. Nonrecurring Costs are not repetitive even though the total
expenditure may be cumulative……. X. PROBLEM 6

VIII. PROBLEM 4 a.) Given:

10,000 item
a. Opportunity Cost of Buying a New Car: The opportunity Fixed price = $ 8.50
cost of buying a new car is the potential return you could
have earned by investing the money either in the high-tech 10,000 x $8.50 = $85,000 total cost
firm’s common stock or in the three-year certificate of
deposit at the local bank. In other words, it’s the forgone b.) Given:
potential earnings from these investments. 10,000 items
Direct Materials = $5.00
b. Opportunity Cost of Investing in High-Tech Common Stock: Direct Labor = $1.50
The opportunity cost of investing in the high-tech common Overhead = $3.00
stock is the certain return you could have earned by putting
the money into a three-year certificate of deposit with a ($5.00 + $1.50 + $3.00) x 10,000 = $95,000 total cost
local bank or the utility you could have derived from buying
a new car. It’s the forgone potential earnings from the Based on these calculations, it would be more cost-effective to
certificate of deposit or the enjoyment from the new car. purchase the items as it would save the company around $10,000
compared to manufacturing the items.

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