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range (THAILAND) LTD. the K system The Monogroup system was developped as early as 1968 by the FREYSSINET INTERNATIONAL Orga- nization. The K Range described in this brochure comprises the most recent improvements made to this type of anchorage system to satisfy the most demanding standards. It allows a very great variety of prestiessing forces over a range up to 10,200 kN at breaking load. The Monogroup K system combines the method of anchoring by individual jaws that has been proved reliable by experiments on the single strands, with the technique of simultaneous tensioning. ‘The work of quality control that FREYSSINET car- rigs out at all stages of manufacture of anchorages, meets the most severe specifications, particularly those of the nuclear, offshore, liguified gas and other industries. FREYSSINET INTERNATIONAL has also developed design and site quality assurance procedures in conformity with the requirements of all the mejor international control authorities and committees. This combination offers the design engineer the advantage of being able to select a number of compact tendons of great or of low strength. These tendons can be tensioned in one operation and are suitable for all prestressed structures, for example, nuclear reactor containment vessels for which very big tendons are needed, or building floor siabs or thin walls that only require units of low force. PS ae FREYSSINET INTERNATIONAL carried out in its testing center and in official laboratories, a pro- gram of exhaustive tests in order to demonstrate the conformity of all the ‘K’ range anchorages with the specifications laid down in the principal natio- nal standards such as French regulations for appro- val of prestressing processes, British Standards BS 4447, A.C.I. code 301, etc. basic components All anchorages are designed to the same principles, varying only in size and num bers of strands. Each consists of a mal Jeable cast iron (or fabricated) guide Incorporated in the structure which dis- Iriputes the tendon force into the concrete end block. On the guide sits the anchorage block, into which the strancs ‘are anchored by means of three-piece iaws, each locked into tapered note. To achieve the maximum static and dynamic security in the tendon, each hole Is drilled at its correct angle in relation to the tendon pattorn and all kinks and ‘unwanted deviations in tendons are avot ded The anchorage guide is provided with an accurate and robust method of fixing and aligning the tendon, as itis provided with Substantial shulter fixing holes and, at Its opposite end, a firm screw-type fixing Jacking anchorages for the sheath. In adaition it incorporates 4 large front-access grout injection point which, by its careful Iransition design, 8 Blockage-free. Couplers [An economic rango of couplera has been designed for simple assembly on site The irst-stage tendon Is steseed and anchored in the normal way, using stan dard equipment, and the dead-end of the second tendon is assembled around it, Using swaged sleeves on each strand te afford. maximum seourily. The coupler assembly is enclosed in a conical casing which has a grout access point for ‘Second stage grouting Blind end anchorages The normal anchorago can bo usod in accessible dead-end positions, but for situations whore the anchorages are to {bo cast into the concroto, or are inaces: sible, a range of Blind'end anchorages ie provided. Swaged enchorages are derived from the jacking end anchorages and are provided with swadged sleeves for positive ancho- Fage of the strands embedded in the concrete. They are used when the pre ‘Siressing force Is nesded immediately bohind the anchorage in inaccessible locations. A more economical rango of bonded ‘anchorages can bo used, bul requires ‘more length to develop Its full prest sing force. ‘A compromise between the above types uses bend length and posilive anchoring by swadged sleeves, Tho K range jacks are centre-nole rams of the hydraulic double-acting type witn fixed cylinder and moving piston. The attachment of the stranc to the jack 's performed by specially designed wide- angle, multi-use jaws, which are sall- releasing on completion of jacking, ‘The system of ramming the perma anchorages Is by elther a retaining plate ‘or mechanical rubber springs which educe the scatter of anchorage pullin values to a minimum. {hydraulic ramming nosepiece is alter- natively available. An automatic strand gripping and hydraulic ramming front pull model is also available 3 K range jacks steel characteristics The introduction of Super Strand repre- sents a significant development for the Prestressed Concrete industy. It has hig- her breaking load than normal Strand without. sactificing any of the other mechanical properties. Higher strength strand means an initial ving In material costs, and fewer strands in a prastressed member rosult ina further saving due to lower handling costs. Any prestossing socl. stessed_ and ‘embedded in concrete loses a part of its initial tension as time goes by, This loss, known as "stress relaxation”, must of ‘course be taken into account in the des- ign of presiressed structures. Any reduc: tion in the amount of relaxation losses, will substantially improve the of the seed tandons, Low relaxation" steels give a relaxation loss not greater than 2.5 % (after 1,000 hours, at 20° Ci68"F), when Initially loa- ded ai 70 %e of specitied minimum brea king strength. Normal. stress relieved steols exhibit, In comparison, losses of around 7 % Main characte: ware] 125 | 98 ovo | 16 260 | 120 i ec ovo | 73 369 | v7 33a vaeare | Mee} standard ie os"- 115 15.2 139 1.090 232. 52.2 197 44.3 Men | ost-ts | 15.2 139 1.090 246 55.3 209 47.0 tionom | 12 |ae-ns| 129 | 100 o7es | 16 418 | 158 955 "e678 sor | (zo [am-ne| 157 | 460 ee French Standard ‘83-14 quater fase. 4 closely follows the Euronorm 1386-73, British Standerd 8S 5895-1980 also for lows the appropriate sections of Euro horn 138-5-79, = Standard grade contorms with Euro- orm Standard grade 1770 MPa for V2 and Standard grade 1670 MPa for 06” Example of elongation curves = Super grade conforms with Euronorm Super Grade 1860 MPa for V2" Super Grade 1170 MPa for 08". Example of relaxation curves tendon forces The K sags hao boon designed for use Ih ll existing gradoo of strand and In Joricular those posseasing tho highost Botormanco charactorstics, "asch ae fhous”"compiying. withthe’ Euranorm Super Grace Srv should of course refer tothe spocific funufaclurer'a, characteristics for the For all anchorage systems listed, indivi- ual or groups of strands may be omitted to optimise the system. However, it should be borne in mind that tendons. containing the maximum number of strands possible for any particular anchorage represent the most officiont Use of that anchorage. {ype of strands specifiod or used for any particular structure: neminal breaking Strength, eross-eections! area, rolaxa ton, ete: Cable forces (kN) EURONORM 138-6/79 ASEM. A 416/80 Grade 1770 Grade 1860 | Super grade 1860 | Grade 250 Kk Grade 270 K voo% | 0% | 100% | 80% | 100% | 80% | 100% | 80% | 100% | 803% riaa [oe | 1211 | 960 | 1302 | tos | 1121 | 807 | 1286] 1020 1963 | 1574 | 2076 | 1661 | 2230 | 1786 | 1901 | 1537 | 2204 | 1764 311s | 2493 | 3207 | 2600 | a5a4| 2027 | a042 | 24a | 3490| 2792 4aze | a5ae | 4671 | 3737 | sozz| sors | 4923 | 3450 | 4960] 368 6063 | 4854 | 6401 | 5121 | 6882 | 5508 | 5924 | 4739 | e797 | 5438 020 | 7216 | 9515 | 7612 | 10230 | 8184 | B06 | 70% | 10104] 808s Grade 1670 Grade 1770 | Super grade 1770 | Grade 250K Grade 270 K os | 742 | 984 | 7a7 | 1050| 48 | 955 | 692 | 1043| saa 62a | 1200 | 1722 | 1378 | 155 | 1484 | 1514 | 1211 | 1895] 1260 27es | 2207 | 2082 | 2362 | 3180 | 2544 | 2506 | 2077 | 3128| 2602 4408 | 3526 | 4674 | 3709 | 5035 | 4028 | 4110 | 200 | 3953 | 3962 264 | 501 | esa | 5314 | 7155 | 5724 | seo | 4672 | 7039] 5631 asm | seer | ate | 7202 | se0s | 7eea | 8003 | aoe | o6as| rviz Choice of jacks UNTS [100] K 200] K 350 | K 500 | K 700 [K 1000 7K1a 5 TEKS 19K 13 KS SIRS 55K 13 TRE, The jacks markad** ara sultable for the optimum TRIS WKS 13K ** Optimal choice 5 * Optional choice: use with the anchorage units shown in the tab Furthermore each jack can be equipped to fit tho unchorage units of smaller size marked* ase it Ie necoseary to design tho anct recesses according to the size of the use (s6e table page 9). jacking anchorages Tra pean pate ig mae einer of cs Te cea TBR or of voted steel Th can = Se eae ton of tc oF panicular pe. | ’PE A — with plate and trumpet ae ccoetiygen erequreier tat fhe work ine inty te withstand ow tenporatute) or cay be of greater se Weirditld'n Geecentee wile a hae tr the tondon ard with fou holes or netohes fer soeuing to te formers and also for oarig Tis eopte: ood the prov eaten’ protelten oop te compsted Dr sueny srevete made’ of stool pale or Wwing it to bm secured against the bearing plate The beating plate and the trumpot are bull in belore conereting. The bearing plata i encuring to the formwork by bolts br threaded rods and secures the trumpet cellar firmly against it, The sheath is it- ted to the trumpet and waterproofing is Provided by adhesive tape or 3 heal- —— _| The “Trumplate” is made ot arki3a| 19K 15A| 65 | 65 | 97 | 218 | 352 | 930] 970 | 100 | 456 iron ands notened to allow it to be secu- tad fo the formwork by screws, wasners j fang nuts. Itprovides tne functions of both | 37K 13A | 27K 15A | 75 | 78 | 117 | 252 | 440 | 400 | 450 118 | 470 Sirumpet anc ofa Dealing plate and may | fave one oF mote transtet Surtaces. Jhearchor biock ise! ts circular andis | 86K 19A| 97K 154 | 70 | 95 | 143 | a20 | 440 | 495 | 495 | 125 | «a0 Giilad with conical holes flu out on | onventrc citclos I is made of Carbén: All dimensions in millimeters Stoel and may be heat treated. The lawalwedgeo are mode of alloy otco! wich Ig machined, case-haidened. and : Whoered to provide tne necessary our. | '¥Pe A’ — with trumplate fave haranes. SIA Ne tn te j = The anchorage block with its jaws Is unt TYPE ki mounted at the time of tensioning of the | efela}/nlilil|k tendon. | ~—___ixi uittvre fate }el1}o]n)iflilk 7K 19 | 4K15A’ | 20| 50] 65| 79] 120] 190| 170 | 170 | 85 wkasa’] 7K 15 | 180] 55] 75] 91 | 140 | 258 | 220 | za5 | 90 eK 1aa'| 12k 15A'| 205 | 63] 90 | 106 | 162 | 300 | 260 | 260 | 95 arkisa’|i9K1s.a'| 400] 65 | 110 | 126 | 218 | ase | a5 | ais | 100 Ail dimensions tr millimetere blind end anchorages When @ presiressing tendon can be ten ~ Sioned from one end only, a dead end | type B — with plate and trumpet anchorage can be used at the other ond. When the anchorage is manually blooked typo A or A’ anchorage can be Used; tho anchoring are driven in by sledgahammer. " mterisioned end of the tandon is not accessible during work of tensioning, 8 buried and fixed anchorage must bs Provided and the tendon is then put in 108 before conereting The end of gach stvand is provided with ‘a ewagod sloove that is fitted by 2 swa ging Jack When the preetressing force is needed immediately behind the anchoring point, anchorages B or B' are used, these are Gerived {rom standard anchorages & or A" When thie is nol 89, tis possible to luse anchorages that are much more eco: nomial The strands are anchored by a combina: tion of band over the free length and the TNE alel=l[el?leltli Tels land anchorage. Intype NE anchorages, the ends of the [ 7K13.B'| 4K 18B'| 120| — | 51| 65| 79| 120) 170| 170 | 195) — stands are unwound in the form of bulbs. [2K 49.8] 7K 186'| 10 | — | 88| 75] 91 ale that can be laid out as a square or a [12K { rectat “ TK 138/12 K 168 205] — | 63| 90] 106 170 | — In type NE" anchorage, each strand is [27K 19.8'[19k 188'| 400] — | 65 | 110] 176 380 | = fitted with a swagsd sieeve that bears on eee a force distribution plate. The strandsare | 27K 138 | 19K 1968! — | 65 65 | 97 | — 240 | 485, all held in place by springs or retaining [ a7K 138 | 27K 168] — | 75 78 | 117| — | 230 | 470 Piet 35K 136| 97K 158] — | 70) 95| 133] — 245 | 406 All dimensions in millimeters type NE — with bonded strands ab a o> = J y ext ou Qh, unavec| e [ t | o | m | t |[unrtve a[n]t “713 ne] 370| 70 | 170 | 190 | 1280] | 4K 19 NE] 90 | 210 | 850 42K 13 NE| 360] 190 | 310 | 270 |1280|| 7 K 15 NE 210 | 20 | 1300, 19K 19 NE| 470] 190 | 310 | 390 [1280] |12 K 15 NE| 300 | 380 [1300 27K 13 NE| 670] 220 | 470 | 430 |1280| [19 K 15 NE| 70] 230 | 980 | 470 | 1300 37K 43 NE|_870] 310 | 570 | 430 | 1680] |27 K 15 NE| 10] 260 | 570 | 510 | 1700 '55 K 13 NE| 1170] 960 | 670 | 560 [1980] |37 K 15 NE] 1050] 370 | 690 | 510 [2000 Ril dimensione In millimeters couplers ‘The first phase tendon employs the nor ‘mal anchoring elements. ‘The secand phase tendon is anchored by ‘waged slaeves that bear on the coupling piece. 4 casing Is placed over the whole assem- phase anchorage. The flexible seal pla- ‘Ged between tHe two paris provides the following functions: = waterproating during concreting and grouting, Tipreveniion of transier of forces through te casing when the coupling zone is deformed under the tension of the coupler. The casing is terminated at the other end by a trumpet that prorides connection with the second:phase tendon sheath. head. ees, th type C’ — with trumplate type C — with plate and trumpet UNIT TYPE 2)>lel]‘]*|']1]'|™] pla 7Ki9C | 4K 1SC [190] — | 65| 79 | 190] 170, 170] — | so0]205| oo wk isc] 7K 156 |180| — | 75| 91| 254 | 220) a36| — | 660/230] 78 19K 190 | 12K 15C | 205| — | 90] 106] 300] 260 | 250/ — | 690] 248) 93 jerk 196" | 19K 186" | 4001 — | 110] 126] s52 [316] a15] — | evo] axa] 110 a7 136 [19K 15¢ | — | @ | 97| — | 352/330 a70| 455/ 910/ 313/173. = __[ereise | — | 75 [7] — | «40 | 400) 450] 470) 1010] 308] 133) Ail dimensions in millimeters The, stcond phase tendon le connected to the previous one by automatic single — Sranesypien k sytem cl cetenen | type Cl — with plate and trumpet Tinge allows coupling strand by strand wit no breakin the continuous routing Of the strands, In particular at the back Of the jawo of the primary anchoring 80 a }L Type R junction device | type C’l — with trumplate These are junction deve are also called mobile couplers, UNIT TYPE ej¢djelt h i i ple t Instalted betore tensioning of tendon, 7TKIZCI] 4K 1SCI| 50 | 65] 65] 79] 190 | 170 | 170 | 140 | 870! 835) wKiser| = | 85 | 75| 75 | 91 | 254 | a0 | 205 | sas [220] 1175, =| PRIS] 85 | 75 205 | 159 | 920] 75 TK 1901 | TKISCr] 6 | 60 300 | 260 | 260 | 188 |1300| 1240 27K 1361] 19K 15CI] 65 | 110 352 [215 | 315 | 2aa [1950] 1270) each, strand of the primary, tendon is | Fark igi [19K 1.61 | «6 [110] 07] — | ee] 20] a70] a4 [1200] i270 Stine secondary tendon by an automate | [37K TSG [27 K 15.1 [ re [rao] wr | — [ao | ao | a0 | 278 | 1a 100 single-strand coupler, similar to that used | [ss x [a7 K 151 | 95 | 140] 14s | — | 40 | 495 | 495 | 356 [1610] 1500. for the Cl and Cl coupler {All dimensions in millimeters: detailing and reinforcement 6 bro als 216b,) a a iF ‘The minimum distances between ancho- ages "a" and the minimum distance "b fom the nearest free edge are given for Bconcrere strength leve's The minimum spacing “a" must be combined with a distance between a'>a Inthe orthagonat ditection to provice for feech anchorage a rectangular distribu: tion ates that satisfies te conditions aa'2 3b" ~ mil The reinforcament of the anchorage zones basically provides "bursting rein- forcement”, and applies to structures with misimum number of bars such thatall the enforcement in the end-diock ‘one, toa depth 20, corresponds to a fninmum steel percentage of 1 % ineacn Girection perpendicular to the presties- ng axis. ‘This ype of reinforcement must be adap- ted to particular cases whenever there is. a group of anchorages or a risk of crac- the Doundary of the end-biock independent small-size reintorce- ment cages must then be replaced by Continuous reinforcement of equivalent ‘rosesection. End block. reiniorcement ‘must also meat the provisions of national All dimensions in millimeters ‘design coves. 9 Anchorage centers - edge clearences Recesses unit TPE a}a}elo TKS z20| — | — [70 Wek 13 270 — | — | 10 19K 13 300) = = [10 27K 19 370 420] 40 | 10 a7 K 13 90] 20 | 30 Ed 20 [30 Ail dimensione In millimeters fok= sharactoritie breaking strength er 20. AO? 4 i — | —— ol-Lezsle Lao Local reinforcement SPIRAL UNIT TYPE Sole oda 7K13 200] 50 [300 2K 13 [12 [280] 50 [300 19K 19 | 14 [280 60 [360 2KS 6 | 16 | 440] 65 [380 aK 43 7 [18 [540] 70 [490 25K 13 [20 [eto] 70 [560 stressing Overall dimensions of jacks | (anak TeRe untree Te [Te[@] 1 ]T]e]*] | 100 [LK13|_ = [22 [ano] — [a 700 (20a) 22/195) —_ [4K 15 [532 [z00| — [290] 700 200] 22/195) 7x 18 4 K 15 | 68 anole) 350) ao [2017520 x 200 [22K 13] — [a7 [zolaolaol eon [a0 rez0 177448 | 642 [2001220|260|aoo [230 175)200, Toop RERIB TK 5 [2502700 90 7am) 19 K 19112 K 16] 747 260)270|140| 900 [270|175|250 am OK 19,12 K 1592828015 so0' sa Bar K 19/19 K 15] 940 250°910|515 1000|510| 1601320 vero PK 13119 K 15 906 assez so en 5570 [ar K 19/27 K 16) 647 [260'3¢2|620|000[ 300 1009 (2K 19)27 K 15) {1012|2505co|720)1165|410) 124438) a5 K 19137 K-15] 286 [230300720] 1000[«10| — | —| KF 500 [27 K 19)10 K 16[1081/250'360|565) 410 [sa0)aas) 35a] Ail aimensions in miimeters Tensioning sequence ' += Placing Front-pull jack Order in which jack and facesosories are placed, 1.1 Front-pull jacks aj anchor block with jaws ) bearing ring ¢} blocking plate 9} friction ring 9} strand positioning plate ‘jack 1.2 Rearpull jocks {| anchor block with jawe bj rubber springs (it used) 6} proceure plato 4) jack 9} rear anchor block with reusable jaws 2.— Proparation for strossing Fixing of strands to the tompora anchor block by means of re-usable jaws. 3 — Stressing Pumping into the tenai (P) to the pressure corres te the required force in the cable. 3.1 Front-pull jacks Hydraulic blocking ot anchorage jaws. 32 Rearpull jacks ‘Tha rubber springs ensure that Jaws block uniformly, 4 — Draining and removal of jack ‘Opening the tension circult Pumping into the blocking/raturn ‘rout (R) to drain oil from the tension chamber. Removal of jack ‘and accsescries, Stressing equipment MAP 2V standard Hydraulic tensioning pumps strand pusher + Blectical motor driven hydraulic pumps wo nyaraulic circuits controlled by * Two speed electric strand pusher eee or 1060 an 2.40 mis se coaloning steal ¢ Electrical motor 7608 000 rom = blocking and ratuen elreult + Equipped for 13 of 15 mm strands: sd + flamote control P6M pump P7M pump + Flee strang guide + Output 25-4 min Cutout 0.8 min ‘Weight 600 kg + Maximum pressure 690 bare Maximum pressure 680 bars S Wolght 240 kg s Tank capaelty 281 S Waight 65 ko tensioning jacks Swaging jack + Hydraulle dauble-action centrahale jacks + Hydraulic swaging jack = Strands inclvidually anchored {Ete slonve for 18nd 18m . Strancs K range jacks KF range jacks # Maximum pressure 700 bars —tearend temporary anchor block — frontend temporary anchor block Extruding force 520 KN —Gptional hydrauite blocking —hyaraulic blocking device In te S Walght &7 ka nosepinca nose Jacks characteristics Masimum foe kN] 1120 | 2065 | 3065 “Tension cyl awa vem] 203.4 | 318 | +90 "Return ey. area com} 65.9) 732 | 4523 Masirrum pressure bat] 50 | 625 | 600 Soke ‘mm 200 | 250 | 250. (Maxirram diameter mn] ‘390 | 440 | 508 Length closed om ‘402 | soo | 718 otal weight a] poe |_s28 | 740. All mensions 17 milimeters. 4 design data ‘The data submitted below complies with the FiP-CEB code for conerete structures, For more precise and more thorough calculations, the reader should reter to the Information bulletins tssued by tne COMITE EURO-INTERNATIONAL” DU ETON and their appendices or national Gosign codes, Determination of the final prestressing force Ina tendon must aliow tor the losses of tension resulting trom the following factors: = 08808 due to friction of tne tendon in its cuct — losses aue to instantaneous Getormation of the concrete during a non-simulianeous "tensioning Several tendons (elastic oss) — losses due to snchorage pullin losses due to Gelerred concn shrinkage — l03508 due to concrete creep Slosses due to relaxation of the prestressing steel In most cases, simply take losses at time 1, (start of tensioning) and to{long term). Ih the particular case ot constuction with parilalprestressing phases, consice fatlon must be given to losses at a given time ""t". Appendix (@) of the FIPCEB. ‘code gives instructions for calculation 1— Losses due to friction in duct Ata pointon the tendon distance (x) from the jacking anchorage, the stress in the staal fe given by COOLEY’s law: 1, = stress at point of anchorage (=O) «= friction coetficient of tendon in duct (in Radian”) ‘@ = Sum of angular deviations over the distance (x) (in Radian) K = unwanted angle of deviation trom ine theoretical profile, expressed par Unit of length (in Radian/metre) XX = distance from anchorage to calculation point (in metre) The following fs a table for 4 in the absence of information relating particu larly to the project oF to th egulations applicable: VALUES OF (n Ragan ae ca sana gpectaat | aaBacs | aynoewed | worcaed oe aes erate [eerie | ovorec | os reonguvarized | 9207/00 025 023 pongahanized | 9 1a j028 0” 020 seizes | oe/aae 020 ox wamaneed, | onaraze 078 016 rurg.areah | _oanrave 078 unbonded sincs | 0.09/0.07 0.05 Wobbie cositicient (K) basically depends on tho accuracy with which the theoretical prolile ig achieved, the accuracy their supports and to the workmanship. the rigidity of the ducts and to the simplicity of the tendon profi (00% radim. This figura must be adapted to the diameter of the ducts, to the distance between The average value of K 2— Losses due to instantaneous concrete deformation ‘A tendon that le already tensioned and anchored in the conctrate is affacied by tie shortening at the cenerete dud te later tensioning of the other tendons. Wt ie eitfcult to ealculate tha resulting las of prestressing force which is slight WWean be compared to a uniform loss ‘carrespending to the fraction (e-12n of the tolal instantaneous deformation of the conerate The following formulas give the loss of stress in ths 1 = number of tensioning stagoe eq = instantenous strain of concrete cue to the total prestressing forces: E, = modulus of elasticity of steel — average js 195 x 107Pa E, ‘of prestressing tendons (in Pascal) when stressed (in Pascal) instantenous longitudinal modulus o! elasticity of concret @,, = permanent presiressing ‘orce in concrete estimated at centre of gravity 12 3 — Losses due to anchorage pull-in During lock at! of strands into the ancho- ages, tho. jaws move an average cis. Ao, fones th given fa We Sete Lee ks The loss of stress In the sieel at the “without | —_wih A anchorage point after the pullin of Jawa units sic * T ig given by the form. 3 [7mm ‘mm an, 20%? us Sam Som a imum distance ot effect of the 0 1 the loss of elongation, the ‘maximum a 5 Stora in the tendor at the anchotage {Incnorage pullin ( metre), drops from a, to 0. = - *" € = anchorage pull-in {in me Bebtorererte iction effects he 12081 4, con bo asoure in most canon that the Es = modulus of Of lendon alfected by IRIs 1085 1s miedo iiction is lingar. On this. Pascal) to the stance assuption, the formula below gives the 4g, = loss of ‘istance fat the alatance x in Pascal) 4 — Losses due to creep and concrete shrinkage 111s alificut to resotve this problem pre cisely and in most cases, approximate [Sharacterstc.stenathot 4.4, | 12| 16 | 20 | 25 | 90| 35| 40 | 45 | so igagtadiahgetematon modus. | 26 [27] 20 [20.5] 92 [20.5] 39 | 36 | ar [U= perimetorin contact wih | humid aimosphere aimaaphere Etmespror ‘outage ovine ‘Ac =section of concrete (nm) |__(ra hum 769%) | (el. hum. 55 9) rifle emension ae [anal | age [anal [ge fof the structure we _| <02m | 508m | 02m | >Gom 1 = Concrete sural ove to stvinkage [COEFFICIENT OF CREEP: — GZ, = permanent compression stress in | age of concrete when “* “concrete at centre of gravity of | loadad: the prestressing tendons: young (3-7 days) a7 24 38 29 (in Pascal date (7-60 days) 22 19 30 25 oettcient of creep Bid 60 days) 14 17 17 20 deterred jongitusinal modulus of | SHRINKAGE: e,. Samal TICS | meal [anos Gelormation of concrate si | age of concrete‘ tne te 28:doys tm Poseat ‘when effect of snkage Iscensieres: young (1-7 9875) oz | o2 | os | os Thule (7-60 days) oz | o21 | ose | o30 21d > 00 days) ore | 020 | o19 | 026 5 — Losses due to steel relaxation Relaxation is the loss of tension in highly: tensioned. steel that is maintened at constant length, ‘The suppliers gives figures for relaxation of the strand (see page 4) after ‘ooo nours, for €0 Ye, 70"% and 80 % of the characteristic breaking load. tis possible 10 interpolate intermediate tensioning values proportionally, with ‘acceptable accuracy. The table below gies 2 few average figures. for relaxation of prestressing mids alter 1000 hours". Values of @ (ea TOT ee ae stabilized strands (A) 2145 13 In order to take account of the Interac: tHon of losses due fo shrinkage and craea ff the concrete and relaxation of stecl, a Feducing cootficient ts simply applied 10 the loss duo to relaxation aldre. ‘The following, in simpli form, inai- ates the 1098 of stress In the stock Os, = effective 1088 due to relaxation (in Pascal) 9, = inttisl tension of prestressing ndans at the relevant point (in Pascal) @ = nominal relaxation (%) Ag,.., = stress losses dus to creep and shrinkage already calculated (in Pascal) {t's possibie to approach the problem of interaction between shrinkage, creep and relaxation mere precisely. The reader may fefer to the appendix of the FIP/CEB. ‘Code, Dut the above simpiitiea formula Ison the sate side ‘The loss at time (1) greater than 1000 howe ean be ealeulated trom the om: (ia) ing precise information. bo, B= 020, AFRICA EGYPT reyivet tore Te: 202) 2036995 / Teton: 0.2 3488297 ‘SOUTH AFRICA Tela: 2-11) 316 AMERICA ‘ARGENTINA roy 5.8 Tas 541) 3949770 Teotan(54.1)3982213 BRAZIL STUP- Freyssne ta Ta 9.20 sertese Tela (35 21) 0087 CANADA, repaint mide Montes Teh 814 garoree Totnes (1518) neso052 COLOMBIA STUP de Celombia DBogeta Ta 71) 2674103 / 294706 Teta (57.1 6100099 EL SALVADOR SSI, 5.A de CV. La Lbertad Te: 502) 278:0755270-4608 Teton (509) 278-0445, GUATEMALA, Prsforaodos Teneo, S.A Gaatsraia Ta: 2) 202081 Telex: (502) 282481 MEXICO Frenne de Mexico Side Maxi0 0. Te: 25) 2807000 Teas (52.5 2550165 PERU STUP del Perv. Lima Td 1.9 asnans2 Teta (5.1) 48971 UNITED STATES CS Spmil Sructres, Ine. Mansssne “a (708492000 Teota (1708) 3698000 ASIA HONG KONG Freystine! Hong Kong i Kowloon Tong. Kowloon Tot se 2roenaee Toten: 5) 303264 Freppinet Consraton Asie Wancnal- Hong Hong, Tel ese) 24360099 otra: 82) 28580211 INDIA the Fraysioe Prestressed Concrete co, Usd sonay ol 22) 49011207 aaz1141 Toletae: 92.22) 4996218 INDONESIA PT feysinl Toto echnolegy onan Tel: (2.21) 000-0019 / 90-0222 Telefax = 62.20) 10.9881 JAPAN XK Kyolute Kogen Concrete Shinke Co, Und Telyo Tel 61.29) 2571-6551-4 Tele 1813) 3574-0710 KOREA (South) Frese! Korea Go, 1 Seoul Tal: 2.0 s1s4862/ 4169/4104 Tolar 22) 8158185 KUWAIT Tel: 685) 5635088 Toute 65) Sessa Beyrouth Tel: (6611) 400818 Tota 961.1 822620, MALAYSIA Freyssne BSC (Ml Sdn the Kala Lamp Tet: 60:9 7828560 Tottax 0.)7815850 PAKISTAN, Feeyatine Pakinon co. (Pa) id Tat: 2.29) 271000-2 Telefax: 902.2 2050460, PHILIPPINES: Trey! Philippine In Tat (2 ossanerssreran Teles: 69.2) 6559170, ‘SAUDI ARABIA Riyadh Tot (B56) seo “lean: 66.1) 4690862 SINGAPORE PSC Freya (5) Pe Led Sionopore Tot (65) 2700607 Tlatax: 5) 2729800 TAIWAN, “el (0862) r470277 Tella: 8062) Teo8058 ‘THAILAND Fraysunat (Thailand) 44 Bangkok Tol: (662) 2686088 -90 Teletax (68.2) 2808091 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES °. ve gt.) ses Tolan: 7.4) 270604 VIETNAM Freyssinet Iervationa et Ge Tot: 4 wz616 Tolan: (64.4) 261718 {reyssine! Inereaional e Ge He Chi Minh ie Tol (4.8) 8295228 / 8293100 Tella (248) 8229808 OCEANIA AUSTRALIA ‘sires Freyssnet Phy Ud Syeey ToL: 61.2) 967 aa0ea “Toedax: (612) 96745967 EUROPE BELGIUM EINE Viveorde Te -(922) 2520740 Tat 2.2) 2520049 DENMARK NS Skendinoria, Speendeton Tt (asea aouzs Toot 4542) 401249 FINLAND (OF donaibetont AB “el 5m 90844559 FRANCE Freyssinet international et Ca ‘vetuy Tet G9 194698915 Tedetax: 6 340oTET6 Freysinet France Nord Coigires Ye: (09) 130198199 Telok (2) 130618547 Freyssinet Fronce Sud Greens Tel: (9 442227200 Teltan: (53) 442327216 Pe 71400 Saint Ray Tet 9 385071515 aot: (9) 308421510 GERMANY SH Beehatachnic Gb Sei e079) 90860 Toon: 40.71) 060068 CREAT BRITAIN, PSC epee! Ud Tate. 768) espaae wlan: (43.789) 685470 HUNGARY anaon Freya “er 1861) 1800804 Teton: (0-9) 2081510 TAL Feeyiseat well CESAR Spa. “Tel: 386) 6a80z922 “elt: (990) 6873998 Teena t. Mian Tet (99.2) 48 005663 / S94 Telotx: 0.2) 4817181 MACEDONIA Mel Sherje “Tel Foletax: (9.99 736618 a NETHERLANDS: Vindinveen Tet 1 260m aot (01-10) 2620152 NORWAY [IS Skondinevise Epercloteng Share Ta 477 si0r7e POLAND, Frayatnat ternational & Ce Vorsew Ta: a aaa06e Telex 40.22) 430000 PORTUGAL Armolreysiet Tek: 1.1) 7184098, Telefax (251.1) 7164051 RUMANIA Freyrom 5A. Tek: 0.) zenzecerz203980 Tetras (401) 2200581 ‘SPAN Froyasine 5.8, Tel: 4) s5s9087 Teta: (3.1) 559080» 596 2278 SWEDEN AL Skordinavisk ‘Spoennbeteng| Maine Tel: 48.49 981 400 SWITZERLAND Freysinet SA. Moucon Te:: 4121) 9054602 Teton (4.21) 9051101, TURKEY Freysos ‘Ntunz0d0 etal Te:: 90216 s4czz02 32545 Toetax (00.216) se00086 Freyssinet 15th Floor, Sethiwan Tower, 139 Pan Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand. Tel : (66 2) 2666088-90 Fax : (66 2) 2666091

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