LAS6 Q2 Impromptu

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Department of Education

Schools Division Office of Quezon City

Novaliches High School


Name of Student: _______________________________________ Date Received: __________

Section: _______________________________________ Date Accomplished: __________
Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ Score: __________

LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET ON Delivering an Impromptu Speech


Learning Competency with Code

ENWC-llb-13.2: Deliver an impromptu speech on an issue employing the techniques in public
General Directions/Instructions
Read and follow the directions for each activity carefully and correctly.

A. Answer the survey taken to find out if you have a stage fright.
1. How often do you have to stand in front of the people?
Every day – 1
A few times a week – 2
Monthly – 3
A few times a week – 4
2. How bad do your nerves get?
Not bad at all – I love the spotlight! – 1
I get few butterflies, but it’s not that bad – 2
I get nauseated and feel like I’m going to be sick – 3
I feel paralyzed – 4
3. Do you have any rituals to help you calm down before presentation/performance?
Yes, I do some breathing exercises or mediation – 1
Yes, I get moving physically – 2
No, I’m too nervous to concentrate on anything else – 3
No, I’m too sick for the presentation – 4
4. Have you ever had an energy drink to calm your nerves before a presentation/performance?
Yes, every time – 1
Yes, but just when I’m more nervous than usual – 2
No, never – 3
No, but I’ve thought about it – 4
5. Has picturing people in their underwear worked for you?
Yes, every time – 1
Yes, most of the time – 2
Seldom – 3
Not at all – 4
6. A week before your presentation, how often do you practice your presentations/ performances?
Twice a day – 1
Once a day – 2
Just a couple of times when I remember – 3
I intend to practice, but I get so worried that I cancel it – 4
7. Do you use any type of notes during your presentation/performance?
Yes, always – 1
Yes, only when I feel I need them – 2
No, I can just memorize some cue words – 3
No, I can do a speech even without it – 4

1 | English 10
Add the number corresponding tour answers and check the degree of your stage fright.

1-7 Always knows how to handle oneself in front of the crowd

8-14 Occasionally knows how to handle oneself in front of the
15-21 Often struggles in front of the crowd
22-28 Dreads to be in front of the crowd

B. Complete the following famous sayings, proverbs, or quotations.

1. To err is human, _________________________. – Alexander Pope
2. ____________________ or give me death. – Patrick Henry
3. People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered, __________ – St. Teresa of Kolkata
4. The more you give, _____________. – Holy Bible
5. I came, I saw, _____________. – Julius Caesar
6. Where there is hatred, _______________. Where there is injury, faith. ____________, faith. And
where there is despair, ________. – St. Francis of Assisi
7. Ask not what your country can do for you, ___________________. - John F. Kennedy.
8. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; ________________. – from The Little Prince (Antoine
de Saint-Exupéry)
9. Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. ___________- Eleanor Roosevelt
10. That this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government ___________,
___________, ____________, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln


Lilly Walters said,” The success of your presentation will be judged not by the knowledge you send
but by what the listener receives. Thus, an effective speaker and an efficient speech delivery is necessary
to let the audience receive the right message.

A. Four ways of delivering a speech: Impromptu Speech, Reading a Manuscript, Memorized or Prepared
Speech, and Extemporaneous Speech.

Impromptu Speech is a speaking method with little or even without advanced preparation. It is
done if a person is asked to speak “off the cuff” or at the “spur of the moment.” Since it is done in ad lib,
impromptu speakers are inclined to be more conversational to their audience. They tend to speak more
directly and more convincingly to their audience. Accordingly, a more “genuine” speech is produced.

Nevertheless, speaking impromptu may lead one to have difficulty thinking and even organizing what to
say, thus, the speech may be repetitive. Also, missing important idea in the speech may result. Overlooking
some key point is a problem of impromptu speech.

B. Guidelines in Speaking Impromptu

1. Relax. It sounds hard to calm down if called to deliver a speech impromptu. However, simple
drills to keep the nerve calm like drinking a glass of water before standing up front, focusing on your
breathing, counting backward or squeezing your handkerchief or pen is helpful. Some research has shown
that unmanaged nervousness during speech will create a chaotic or problematic speech no matter how
prepared a speaker is.

2. Do not be in a hurry. Words may not be rushed. Speaking must still be at a normal rate,
otherwise, running out words may result. Employment of pauses at the beginning and in various intervals
may be helpful.

3. Deliver the speech using a template. An impromptu speaker does not have the luxury of time
to prepare; so, it is important that if he/she is called to stand and deliver a message, he/she must have a
structure in mind on how and what to say.

2 | English 10
The following framework may work using any topic.

a.) T.A.S.S. (Thesis, Argument, Support, Summary) A speaker may start by clearly stating
the major viewpoint that he/she wants to tell the audience. Then, he/she may share the reason behind
such viewpoint. Next, he/she may share an incident like observations, experiences, or predictions that
reinforce the contention. Finally, he may synopsize or restate the points presented.

b.) I.A.D.C. (Issue, Advantages, Disadvantages, Conclusion). A speaker may start the speech
by determining the main issue or contention of the topic of the speech. If the subject given is too generic,
the speaker may tell the audience the major concern he/she will address. Then, a discussion of advantages,
values, merits and disadvantages, demerits, drawbacks can be done. To end, the speaker may wind up with
judgment on the issue or a question that the audience will answer.

c.) 5 W’s. (Who, What, When, Where, Why) Another way of delivering a speech is by
answering the five basic questions. Who are involved? Who started the subject matter? What are the goals?
What should be done? When should it start? Where must it start? Why should it be done?

4. Review when there is nothing to say. There may be times in the middle of the speech that the
impromptu speaker cannot think of anything to say. It is suggested that he/she summarizes what has been
said. Most likely, he/she could think of something to say toward the end of the summary.

C. Essentials in Speech Preparation

1. Exact subject of the speech must be identified. The topic must be clear and well-defined.
2. All possible and available references on the subject of the speech must be explored.
3. The type of audience must be considered.
4. The speech must be outlined.

5. The speech must be written.

a. Use metaphors, imagery, and analogies. Avoid clichés like sleep like a log,
raining cats and dogs, time flies, wolf in sheep’s clothing, barking up the wrong tree, in broad daylight,
b. Use effective repetition like “Love the Lord with all of your heart, with all of your soul
and with all of your might.”
c. Use parallel structure like “Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding
at something that doesn’t really matter.”
d. Use climactic order like “Never flinch, never worry, never despair.”
e. Use politically correct words.
Before Christ (B.C.) = Before the Common Era (B.C.E.)
Aῆo Domini (A.D.) In the Year of Our Lord = Common Era (C.E)
Dirty Old Man = chronologically gifted individual
Garbage collector = sanitary personnel
Janitor = maintenance officer
Murderer = termination specialist
Drug addict = chemically challenged
Young criminal = children in conflict with the law
Inmate = person deprived of liberty
Blind = vision impaired
f. Observe correctness in mechanics (grammar, unity, coherence, emphasis).
g. Avoid fillers or general expressions. These make the speaker’s point weak and

3 | English 10


• I think that… • well
• um • You know… • okay
• uh • What I’m trying • so
• ah to say is… • like
• • You see..
hmm • basically
• I mean/ You
• uh, uh • actually
know what I
• uhm mean? • literally
• I believe… • seriously
• or something… • hopefully
• stuff like that • probably
• kind of… • possibly
• • quite
• reasonably


A. Directions: Write TRUE or FALSE accordingly.

_____ 1. One disadvantage of impromptu speech is missing an important point since the delivery is done at the spur
of the moment.
_____ 2. Impromptu speech is a more “genuine” speech since it is done in ad lib.
_____ 3. Impromptu speakers speak more directly and convincingly to their audience.
_____ 4. Impromptu speakers may miss important idea and the speech sound may be repetitive.
_____ 5. An impromptu speaker has the luxury of time to prepare.

B. Directions: Given the following topics, surf the net and gather five (5) possible quotations, proverbs, maxims, or
even related stories for the speech.

The Power of Traditional vs On Friendship

Social Media Virtual Learning
1. _______
1. _______ 1. _______ 2. _______
2. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______
3. _______ 3. _______
4. _______
4. _______ 4. _______
5. _______ 5. _______
5. _______

C. Directions: Choose from among the topics listed in B and write a speech. Use the quotations you have
searched about the topic you have chosen.


If you were given a chance to deliver a speech in front of your fellow youth, what topic/issue would you
like to talk about? Why?


Dapat, Jose Rizal O. et al (2016). Oral Communication in Focus. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Prepared by: Mrs. Narcisa E. Diga

4 | English 10

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