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U N I T1 ' " E - R E C R U I T M E N T

Onlinerecruitment: theservicesof companiessuchasMonster,

world's largestonline recruitment
Internet,outsidetheir own web do-
mains.Tech-sav\T. younger-Beneration
individuals now entering the job
Shoppingfor talent zo to speedup the applicationprocess.
group,they areusingonlinetechnology
market spend much of their lives
This allows candidatesto find out online and expect recruiters to be
in a virtual world detailsaboutthejob they areapplying
for and completethe first stagesof F
Forcompanies. thismeansengaging
by Sarah Murray the application. 65 in the online social networkingthat
C Oneimpoftantpart of this processis plays such an important part in the
onlinetesting.Takinga practiceteston way youngrecruitsinteractwith their
a corporatewebsitemeansan individ- peers.As well as social networking
ual can measurethemselvesagainst sites,virtual worlds such as Second
the standards of thecompanyin areas Life also provide opportunities to
:o such as numeracy,for example.For engageprospectivecandidates, whose
companies,thesetestscan weed out 'avatars'(inventedonline characters)
inappropriatecandidatesbefore they can interactwith thoseof the compa-
haveevenstartedthe applicationpro- ny's employees.
cess.And for graduates, they savetime G Much of the real powerof the Inter-
:s and money.If they don't measureup, net in recruitment exists in these
they can withdraw from the process externalsites.wherecompanies can
without having to spend time on build an employer brand and tap
application forms or travelling to into potentialrecruitsby engagingin
anothercity. issuesabout which theseindividuals
D It is importantfor companiesto fol- arepassionate. This meanscompanies
low up with automatedfeedbackon needto establisha presencein every-
A Since2007, Ernst & Young'srecruit- the tests,however.Candidateswho do thing from chatroomsto blogs.
ment strategyhas included a pageon well in practice tests and receive H But while someforward-thinking
Facebook.On the site,job candidates instant feedback telling them that 85 companies aredoingthis,manyrecruit-
canmeetstudentsgainingwork experi- +s they'veexceededthe standardrequire- ershaveyetto tapinto theseaudiences.
'Organisationsare a bit unsureat the
ence,participatein opinion polls and mentsfind that very encouraging,and
join discussiongroups,whosetopics so tendto stick with the companyand moment of how to take advantageof
cover everythingfrom psychometric continuetheir application. this,' says Emma Parry, Research
testingto working in China. E However,the web offers more than Fellow at CranfieldSchoolof Manage-
B However, the accounting firm's so automatedform filling, particularly ment. 'But it's somethingthey'll have
l0 move into social networking is only when it comesto identifying the best to do in the future because,for this
oneexampleof thewaycompanies can talentamongthegraduate community. generationof recruits,that'sthe way
usethe web to attracttop talent.Some Traditionally, companiesthought they communicate.'
companieshaveextendedtheir useof abouthow to find the right candidate.
the Intemetin the recruitmentprocess ss Today,however,they think abouthow
and are using web tools very effec- the right candidatecan find them -
tively. As well as making use of the by ' settingup shop'in otherpartsof the

Searchingfor information
1 Lookat thesereasonswhy employersparticipatein socialnetworkingsites.Tick (/) the ones
mentionedin the article.
1 to attract
toptatent 4 to tap into potentialrecruits
2 to havefunplayingon Second
Life 5 t o l e a r nm o r ea b o u tw o r l di s s u e s
3 to buildanemployer brand
2 Lookat thesereasons withcompanies
Tick(/) theonesmentioned
in thearticle.
1 to develop'avatars' 4 to meetinterns
2 to improvetheircomputer
skitls 5 to participate polls
in opinion
3 to joindiscussion
книга выложена группой

tr Word
Findthreewordsin paragraphs A andB of the articlewhichfoltowthe wordrecruitment
resultingphraseswith theirmeanings.
1 recruitment
t ....... a) a setof companies whosejob it is to helpemployers
p........ b) a planfor recruiting
2 recruitment newemployees
9........ c) a seriesof stepswhichresultsin thehiringof newemployees
3 recruitment

tr families
1 Complete
the chartwith wordsfromthe article.

2 Complete
the chartwiththe corresponding

verb noun
to attract
to extend
to withdrawfrom
to followup
to receive

g Wordpartnerships
1 Matchtheverbsandverbphrases(1-8)with the nounphrases(a-h)to formwordpartnerships
relatingto the useof onlinetechnology process.
in the iob application
1 to use a) inappropriatecandidates
2 to complete b) webtoolsveryeffectively
3 to followupwith c) a practicetest
4 to findout d) timeandmoney
5 to weedout e) detailsaboutthejob
6 to take f) thefirststagesoftheapplication
7 to save g) againstthestandardsofthecompany
8 to measure themselves h) automated feedback
1 belongto the candidate
Decidewhichactionsin Exercise andwhichbelongthe company.
Oneofthemappliesto both.

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A-Cto complete
1 We havejust spenta monthworkingout our for the comingyear.We planto take on
3 0 g r a d u a t eas n dw i l l r e c r u i t h e ma l l o n l i n e .
2 W e a r e a v e r y p o p u l a r c o m p a n y t o w o rl nk f a
o cr .t , w e w e r e v o t e d o n tehoef t o p - t e n . . . . . . . . l a s t y e a r .
3 S o m ec o m p a n i easr e u s i n go n l i n ew e b t o o l st o a l l o wp o t e n t i arle c r u i t st o . . . . . . . .t h e f i r s ts t a g e so f t h e i r
4 P r a c t i ctee s t se n a b l ep o t e n t i aal p p l i c a n ttso . . . . . . . . t h e m s e l v easg a i n stth e s t a n d a r dos f t h e c o m p a n y .
5 O n l i n et e s t sa l l o we m p l o y e rt so w e e do u t. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . s. o t h a tt h e yd o n ' tw a s t et i m eo r m o n e yv i s i t i n g
the companyfor testsand interviews.
6 S o c i anl e t w o r k i n cga nb e a g r e a tw a yt o . . . . . . . .t o p t a l e n t .
7 l t i s a n i m p o r t a npt a r to f a c o m p a n y 'tsa s ko f b u i t d i n ga n e m p l o y ebr r a n dt o a p p e atl o p o t e n t i a l

g expressions
Choose foreachwordorphrase
thebestexplanation fromthearticle.
1 '...whosetopics covereverythingfrompsychometrictestingto ...' ([ines6-8)
a) mathematical tests
b) testswhichmeasurepersonalityand attitudes
2 ' areassuchas numerocy...'(lines29-30)
a ) s k i l tw i t h n u m b e r sa n d m a t h e m a t i c s
b) abitityto readnumbersaccurately
'... can weedout inappropriatecandidates...'(tines
3 37-32)
a) selectsuitablecandidates
b ) e l i m i n a t eu n s u i t a b l cea n d i d a t e s
'lf they don't measureup, ...'(tine
4 lS)
a ) a r e n ' tb i g e n o u g h
b ) a r e n ' tc o m p e t e net n o u g h
'Tech-sovvy, younger-generation individuals...'(lines59-60)
a ) w i t h s p e c i a l i st e
t c h n i c asIk i l l s
b) knowtedgeable aboutand ableto use moderntechnology

mentioned andseeif anycompanies youknowof areusingthemto interact
Describethewaysin whichtheyaredoingthis.
of anycompaniesyouknowof andfindoutif theyprovideonlineservices
Completea practice
testor twoandseehowyoumeasure up.

книга выложена группой

Thisunitlooksat thewaycompanies
find newones.

1 Describe
waysin whichcompaniesfindnewbutexperienced employees in yourcountry.
2 Canyouthinkof anyotherwaystheycoulddo this?Explain

the mainpoints
thearticle pageandanswer
ontheopposite thesequestibns.
1 Whoareemployers increasingly
usingto findotherexperienced employeesfortheircompanies?
2 Whatis thebenefitfortheemployee whorefersa potential recruit?
3 Whichfeatureof modernlifehasencouraged emptoyers to followthisrecruitment
4 Givetwoexamples fromthearticleof onlinesocialnetworking communities.
5 Whatarethebenefits forthecompany?
5 Whereis thisrecruitmentstrategy
morecommon, Indiaor the UK?
7 Arethereanypotential disadvantagesin recruiting
emptoyees viapersonaIreferrals?
8 WhatInternet
resource provide
do someemployers for employees
whowantto referfriendsand
job candidates?

Readthe articleagainandsaywhetherthesestatements aretrue (T)or false(F).Correctthe falseones.
ldentifuthe partof thearticlethatgivesthisinformation.
1 Companies onlyaskpeoplewhostitlworkforthemto lookfor newrecruits.
2 lndianemployers save75 percentof theirrecruitmentcoststhroughpersonaI referrals.
3 Emptoyees whobringnewrecruits to a company areusuatlyrewarded witha job promotion.
4 Themostanemployee canmakefroma UKemployer personal
fora successful referral
is f2,000.
5 Jobcandidates whohavebeenreferred go
bya frienddo notneedto throughthesametestingano
interview process asotherjob candidates.
6 lt is bestif a companydoesnotteltthepeopleresponsible forselecting
nameof thepersonwhohasreferred job candidate.
a specific
7 lt canbea goodideafora company to waituntila newrecruithassuccessfully workedforthecompany
forsometimebeforepayinga bonusto thepersonwhorecommended them.

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