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Amazon product hunting criteria as per

September 2021
Sorting of revenue is no more part of this
Reviews: 3 sellers at least in top 10 must be
having reviews less than 400.
Revenue: out of top 10 sellers 5 or 6 should
be generating the monthly revenue of
7000$ or above.
Average price: the average selling price of
the product should be $11.99 - $39.99.
When we talk about top ten the average
should be 70% means at least 7 sellers must
match your price criteria.
Competing product: when you search a
keyword on Amazon it shows you the result
on the top left corner of Amazon
dashboard. In the form of 1-48 for the 1000
results for particular keyword. So the less
the competing keyword is the more suitable
the product is for you. At least the
competing score for a keyword should be
less than 2000.
Search volume: the search volume should
be more than 10000. This can be checked
through helium 10 and jungle scout.
Confirm by using both of these tools. If the
search volume is above 10000 on both the
jungle scout and helium 10 than the
product is good for you.
Amazon as a seller: here it is important to
check the Amazon’s dominancy. This is
important to check and reason to this is
that we can’t compete with Amazon. So if
we are looking for top 10 sellers Amazon
should not be there as a seller more than 3
times. If Amazon itself is there being a seller
more than 3 times it will be a trouble for us.
Brand domination: a brand should be there
in top 10 sellers for more than 3 times. If
you see same sellers listing for more than 3
times in top 10 than it is considered as
brand dominancy.
Google trends: the Google trend graph
should be above 25 for past 3 years earlier
we were looking for past 5 years but now
we are looking for trends above 25 for
maximum period of time over past 3 years.
This you can check through
‘’’’ also you can check
this through jungle scout option ‘’search
trends’’. So simply click on it and it will
show you the trends.
Seasonality: a product should be seasonal
means does not belong to any season like
summer or winter or any other season. For
example hand gloves the sales are high in
winter but are less in summers. Similarly
the cotton caps the sales are high in
summer but nobody bothers it in winters.
Product should be evergreen means that
they should be in demand 12 months of the
Weight: the weight of the product should
not be more than 3.5 lbs or 1.58 kgs.
Because is the weight and dimensions are
big than Amazon will charges you special
fees and it will reduce your margin. So the
weight must be below 3.5 lbs or 1.58 kgs.
We can also check weight from jungle
Rating: average rating of the products in
top 10 sellers should be above 4.2. When
we talk about average about top 10 we
mean that at least 70% of or 7 sellers must
be having rating above 4.2 or 4.2.
Value edition: we have to make our
product unique by adding value suppose if
there is a seller and he is selling mouse for
$18 and you also want to sell the mouse so
you can sell but by adding value. You can
offer a small item like mouse pad with that
under the cost of $1. This will make u
unique and it will attract the buyer.

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