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1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sbelum Anda bekerja
3. Kerjakanlah soal Anda pada lembar jawaban
4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien
5. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum dikumpulkan

Choose the correct answer ! Contrary to the girl’s opinion, the other
student was glad with it. He said that he
Text for no. 1-4 didn’t mind with the new rule because
Aladdin –The Movie wearing a cap and tie will make the students
On Saturday, November 11, 1992, Walt looking great and like real educated persons.
Disney released its animated feature movie, The second said that it wasn’t big problem.
Aladdin, across the country. Since then, it has He was sure that the students would wear
gone to become the highest-grossing animated them proudly. They would surely be used to it
movie ever produced. any way.
In this animated musical version of the
classic story from the Arabian Nights, Aladdin 5. The text belong to………….
survived by his wits on the streets of Arabian city a. opinion d. description
of Agrabah, Meanwhile, Prices Jasmine, the b. narration e. explanation
Sultan’s daughter, longed to make her own c. discussion
choices, especially about whom she would marry.
These two met when the princes run away from 6. The generic structure of the text is…
the palace and Aladdin rescued her in a crowded a. Statement, orientation, conclusion
marketplace. Unluckily, their budding romance b. Issue, argument, conclusion
was cut sort by when he was captured by the evil c. Orientation, argument, recommendation
Jafar, who recognized the boy the ‘diamond in d. Orientation, complication, resolution
the rough’, needed to retrieve a magic lamp and e. Issue, orientation, recommendation
the bonus inside the magic lamp from a cave in
the desert. Aladdin, however, ended up with a 7. “……..the other student was glad with it.” The
lamp and the bonus inside – a genie who could word “it” refers to....
grant his tree wishes. a. she d. school
b. he e. new rule
1. What is the text about? c. a cap
a. Aladdin- The diamond
b. the story of Arabian Nights 8. What is the new rule ?
c. Aladdni - The Movie a. students must follow flag rising ceremony
d. Aladdin and Jasmine b. students must be educated persons
e. Aladdin- The Arabian nights c. students must not come late
d. students must wear cap and tie
2. What is the social function of the text ? e. there is no new rule in the school
a. To entertain
b. to review the movie 9. “One of them showed her annoyance…..”
c. To tell about the movie The underlined word is closest in meaning
d. critique works of art to …….
e. To explain about the movie a. responsibility d. applause
b. displeasure e. response
3. What kind of movie Aladdin ? c. agreement
a. Animated musical film
b. animated action film 10. the statement is true according to the
c. Animated Comedy film text ….
d. Animated science fiction a. There is no new rule in the school
e. Horror comedy film b. All of the students agree with the new rule
c. he was not sure that the students would wear
4. What is the second paragraph telling us about? them proudly
a. The background information d. wearing a cap and tie will make the students
b. the recommendation and appraisal looking great and like real educated persons
c. The summary/plot/synopsis of story e. wearing cap and tie was not only suitable for a
d. the conclusion of the movie flag rising ceremony
e. The judgement, opinion about the movie
text for no 11-15
Text for no 5-10
The students were discussing the Fixing the Headstone
school’s new rule that all the students must Once, there were two men walking home
wear cap and tie. after a Halloween party. They decided to take a
One of them showed her annoyance. She said shortcut through the cemetery just for laughs.
that wearing cap and tie was only suitable for Right in the middle of the cemetery they were
a flag rising ceremony. So, she was against startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from
the rule. The first student gave the reasons the misty shadows.
that they would feel uncomfortable and hot. Trembling with fear, they found an old
Moreover, the classrooms were not air man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at
conditioned. one of the headstones.

“Holy cow, Mister,” one of them said after Camp Spirit Moon: They are all dead!
catching his breath, “You scared us half to death, Everyone is a ghost. And Harry and Alex are
we thought you were a ghost! What are you the only people alive. Lucy then tells Harry
doing working here so late at night?” she needs to get away, and that she needs to
“Those fools!” the old man grumbled. “They take over his body. Harry refuses, and fights
misspelled my name!” off Lucy and wins. Harry soon finds out Elvis,
Taken from:
Alex’s best friend, attempted to do the same
11. How many men were walking through the thing to Alex. As the book ends, the ghosts
cemetery? are fighting for Harry’s soul.
a. Two men d. Three men Adapted from:
b. Four men e. Five men
c. Six men 16. How does the story begin?
a. Harry and Alex are searching Camp Spirit
12. What made them shocked when they were Moon.
walking through the cemetery? b. Harry and Alex plan to go camping in
a. The serene of the cemetery Camp Spirit Moon.
b. The darkness of the cemetery c. It begins with Harry and Alex which go to a
c. A tap-tap-tapping noise summer camp.
d. The howling of wolfs d. It begins with Harry and Alex Find dead
e. A man passing the cemetery in rush. body in Camp Spirit Moon.
e. It begins with Harry and Alex meet Lucy.
13. Who did they find in the cemetery?
a. A villager 17. How do Harry and Alex begin noticing
b. Their friend something strange in the camp?
c. The guard of the cemetery a. They see Lucy take a bake-hot dog from
d. An old man the fire with bare hand.
e. The maker of a tombstone b. They find some kids play a very dangerous
trick and don’t get hurt.
14. What did the old man do at that night? c. They see a head falls of.
a. He made a tombstone for someone. d. They find a boy hurting himself with a stick
b. He corrected his name written on his but he doesn’t get hurt.
tombstone. e. They play a dangerous game.
c. He was just passing through the cemetery.
d. He had just attended a Halloween party. 18. What does Lucy want from Harry?
e. He was just making a devotional visit to a a. Lucy wants to be Harry’s girl friend.
grave. b. Lucy wants to die.
c. Lucy wants to sit with Harry.
15. “The old man grumbled”. The word grumble in the d. Lucy wants Hary’s soul to get.
sentence is similar in meaning to … e. Lucy wants Harry to refuse her.
a. smile d. attract
b. persuade e. think
c. complain

text for no 16-18

Text for no. 19-21
Ghost Camp: A oosebumps Novel
Member of parliament Quits over hotline to
The story is told by Harry Altman. Harry,
along with his brother Alex, go to a summer Fortune Tellers
camp called Camp Spirit Moon. And then, the
horror begins. Have you ever paid a large telephone bill? How
The kids at Camp Spirit Moon are weird. much was it? Were you shocked? But have you
They play these terrible tricks, and they look ever thought of paying a 90-million-rupiah
like. they would hurt, but somehow it doesn’t telephone bill? What a lot of money it is! It’s very
affect them! The first “trick” is when Lucy, a large!
camper, sticks her hand in are to pick up a On Thursday a Norwegian politician in
hot dog. The next trick is a boy gets a ten- Oslo that h would not be seeking reelection in the
foot pole stuck in his foot, and feels nothing! next legislative election the following year after
Finally, a girl’s HEAD falls off! he had been forced to pay a large phone bill that
Lucy wants to get alone with Harry. Harry he had made for calls to fortune tellers.
suspects that they are just friends, and Lucy David Khaen spent several hundred
wants to talk. Lucy tells Harry the TRUTH of thousand Norwegian krone o the calls in recent
years. However, two months ago, hos phone bill

came to 48,000 krone (about USD 107.62) he c. He had a handful of nuts
spent twice as much as his parliamentary d. He helped himself put a handful of nuts
colleagues. e. He wanted to leave the grocery
His calls became to frequent because he 24. Why didn’t Frankie take the nuts himself?
could not stop consulting to fortune tellers. Khaen Because…….
stated that ‘a large part’ of his expenses had been a. He didn’t like the nuts
spent on ‘conversation with psychics and fortune b. He wanted to take by himself
tellers’ for hours about his political career as a c. He wanted the shopkeeper take it
member of Norwegian parliament. d. He didn’t want the nuts
“I really regret it”, he said in his press e. He had taken the nuts
release. He also promise to reimburse the 25. The following statement are true
excessive coast in his bill. except…
19. The purpose of the text is…. a. Frankie’s hand was bigger than the
a. To entertain/amuse the reader shopkeeper’s
b. To inform an unusual or amusing incident b. Frankie’s mother was making some
c. To share an unusual or amusing incident purchases in a grocery store
d. To tell the story in the past with c. Frankie was a five-year-old-boy
unpredictable/funny ending d. Frankie shook his head
e. To describe something e. Frankie was a smart boy

20. Who was David Khaen ? Text for no. 26-30

a. A Norwegian Parliament One Million Houses Project
b. A Fortune Teller Tue, March 17, 2015, 7.02 a.m.
c. A Norwegian Politician I refer to an article tittle “Government to
d. A Psychics start building 1 million housing units” (the
e. A Writer Jakarta Post, March 12).
The Government’s program to build 1
21. What problem did he have? million houses for low income people is very
a. Consulting to fortune teller much welcome, a move that is long overdue.
b. legislative election For such a program, state-owned housing
c. Norwegian krone developer PT Perumnas president director
d. stop consulting to fortune tellers Hilmawan said his company planned to build
e. forced to pay a large phone bill 33,500 low-cost houses and operate low-cost
apartments in 2015.
Yes, it is definitely possible to build
text for no. 22-25 33,500 units, but where and how on earth did
Frankie’s Reason the low-cost apartments come into the
picture? Are they already built or not ?
Frankie, a five-year-old-boy, stood Next, given a target to build 1 million
beside his mother, who was making some houses over five years (average 200,000
purchases in a grocery store. houses per year ) I question how this big
Suddenly , the shopkeeper told him to help number of houses can be built on time on
himself to a handful of nuts. But Frankie shook early basis- also, on the basis that each
his head. house has at least two comfortable
“Why, what’s the matter?” asked the bedrooms, a sitting room, kitchen, toilet and
shopkeeper . “Don’t you like nuts?” two front/back yards (everything small in
“Yes,” replied Frankie. size) ?
“Well, go ahead and take some.” IF Himawan wishes to fulfill the
Frankie hesitated, whereupon the government plan, he had better think hard what
shopkeeper himself put a handful in Frankie’s he should do fist, considering that there is also
pocket. When they had left the shop, his backlog of houses not yet built.
mother turned to her little son and asked, Talking is easy; getting the work started is
“Why did not you take the nuts yourself, another thing, while achieving the final result is
when the kind man asked you?” the absolute factor.
“Because his hand was bigger Rather than relying on traditional work
than mine!” Frankie replied methods and pitched with unforeseen disruptions,
22. The text belong to… I suggest that Himawan makes the effort to
a. Narrative speed up all the processes by ascertaining how
b. Spoof China and Singapore can build 25 – 30 story
c. Descriptive offices residential apartments using only three
d. Anecdote months to complete per block.
e. Report I know what the answer are, but it’s
23. What did Frankie do? people like Himawan who should see things for
a. He waited her mother in a grocery himself firsthand, rather than behaving like an
b. He made purchases in a grocery armchair president director and blowing hot air.

Thank you for your help.
Putra Giok
Your sincerely,
26. How many plans apartment will be built
in 2015 ? 31. When does Nurida want to begin her stay at
a. 200,000 low-cost houses Agusta Hotel ?
b. 33,500 low-cost houses a. December 20 d. December 24
c. 25-30 low-cost houses b. December 22 e. December 25
d. 1 million houses c. December 23
e. 30,500 low-cost houses
32. What kind of room does she reserve ?
27. Who is a president director of PT a. a room for one person
Perumnas? b. a room with two queen-sized bed
a. Hermana d. Putra Giok c. a room near the pool
b. Himawan e. Hirawan d. a room with a view of the park
c. Hermawan e. a room near the beach

28. The following statements are true, 33. “….. I understand that your hotel is just
except… two blocks from there”.
a. The Government’s program to build 1 million The word “there” refers to …
houses for low income people a. Convention center
b. PT Perumnas planned to build 200,000 low- b. Augusta Hotel
cost houses c. Her House
c. PT Perumnas planned to build 33,500 low- d. The Restaurant
cost houses e. The pool
d. each house has at least two comfortable
bedrooms, a sitting room, kitchen, toilet and 34. How can the hotel inform her ?
two front/back yards a. By letter d. By phone
e. Himawan had better think hard what he b. By E-mail e. By note
should do fist c. By herself

29. What did the company plan ? 35. How far is the hotel from convention center?
a. built on time on comfortable houses a. One block d. four blocks
b. start building 1 million housing units b. two blocks e. five blocks
c. built on time on c. three blocks
d. build 33,500 low-cost houses and operate
low-cost apartments in 2015. 36. Tom : Who has cleaned this class ?
e. getting the work started Tuti : Rini
Bagas : What ?
30. How many houses are built per year ? Tuti : I said that Rini ... it.
a. 200,000 d.33,500 a. has cleaned d. had cleaned
b. 25-30 e.1 million b. is cleaning e. cleaned
c. 30,500 c. cleans

From : Nurida 37. Are you nuts ? We … into an accident.

E-mail : a. may have ridden
To : Augusta Hotel b. should have driven
E-mail : c. might have taken
d. could have gotten
I need a single room with a queen sized e. would have been
bed for four nights, from December 20-23. Do
you have a room available then? I will be 38. if I had brought my raincoat, I … wet in the rain.
attending a conference at the convention a. might have been
center and I understand that your hotel is b. shouldn’t have been getting
just two blocks from there. Please confirm c. wouldn’t have gotten
this for me as I don’t want to have to walk far d. could have gotten
of deal with cabs. And do you have a pool e. mustn’t have been
and a weight room? Is there a restaurant
located in or near the hotel? Please answer 39. I will pass the test if I…hard.
my questions by phone 667-8598-4545. a. studies d. studying

b. studied e. had studied
c. study

40. …….. by mosquitoes, we wish that we hd made

hotel, not campsite, reservation.
a. eat d. eats
b. ate e. eated
c. eaten


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