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OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ee Oxford Exam Trainer PO re eae Muy Samos ca aocrynn ar aasanTaxen sm/elt/oxfordex Helen Weale Consultant: Alla Yurchenko Oxford Exam Trainer (Orford ram Taner eoxponewsn is wero ponioworTH sto rigroysaracn 29 Tecrysanin 2 aurriicerai Moa. 1s 2018 pony exsawen Tako axrinae exianenouih aaron 2 poaysinin oan va en ayahonann. le tvmenna Orford Exar Traine slanosiase pismo B2 ria40 3 3aransoeaponeicerinas Peronvauinan 3 MOSH! cai JaranbHoesponeiicoxi pexomennauii ana isa B2 Yen pew 82 pose oo100 ne texciy Aa na KonpeTy aK 2 cTpaKTHY Te, aka Tens (eneiarinoRae roxy * wie crinaysanicn sHocaw Moan TaxD}OMipOO luavarocri Ta crowTan0cT Wo Ke sB822€ TpyaMOs roan crop, * vie wiko, netaneho svcnoamosanicn Ha MpOKE ono Tew, erpanarn cB00 ayniky 3 neBHo NpCBNeNa, aaoas peanoMai apryweNTa 33 MpOTH Tema Tiapyswin wicruv 12 posnnia. Bret sinners yi “Teva sve BOTA 8 Tap xO. KOKA? YOOK pony Heme piswmnacexrau neal re 1 Oco6wcricnacepa Noscagnenie nT Tampon amen at syerpraeocs (oa 1722) Cul a eaeheiqvociee ‘Gearin 0, avsinyanericrs posi 2), Nosomenes ‘pase (poatin 7), ngpoe croc ne (poxtin 7, Dra roxas (pom 1) Baevoriavocmnn 3 apyasun “a cnnoxracanraun (pani 1) Xo poasin 9), esiana {oxi 97210, Ocobacrcwnpiopier (pot), navn va aire. But npogect poaain5) 2okuremwcycrinocrl yGnina cbepa) Hooronvurc cepenonnue(poagnn 31912, erm antncwosvn paix poanin 4) Nogopox (poazin 8), Kynypa a wacreureoeYepani A Bes Boron {Gouin 9), Chopr apatite Beni Bpan poaan 10) Pireperypa 8 Yapaii Benin Epwrani(poain $9), 3806 waconinbopnaui e039), Morons Read the text.For questions (1-10) tm ying {get someslep! choose the corcect answer (A, 8, Co). {ive spar ofa community is important to help you avo (ee) lonely, 3 Mydad has ieverfrgoten (meet ry rm forthe fis ime buted forget (buy) her an anniversary present this year. a 4 ifyouwant. (get) the author’ autograph, See ivllmean (que for atest ou etisalat “op the chen in Grammatical multiple-choice cloze 2. ESEMIREESD Read the text For questions (1-5) choose the correct answer (A,B, Cor D). “And inthe 19705 these ear eee oe eee ended families and worksforhome a Homersimpson in The Simpsons was the frst of many dads who needed more looking* than his chien. ‘ter moving from wise dads te clueless dads todays ‘TVathers are beginning finda? with cuttng- «ge shows and elt elevslon we re geting amore "__offatherhood Now, TV series show dads who are breadwinners nurtures and great dads! The right time to get married? Nowadays young people ae waiting longer than ever before "to get marred. While there s>_ perfect age to marry its often not until peope rash thity that they are able to make suc a big commitment. Delaying marriage until thie tities people more Ceicclecoumirctsowb eres | 1 Ae, tle ck Os ‘by the time they marry, they * __ to provide financial "9 stability for their partners and children. Also, because 2 eh anced = ae they are emotionally more mature, they may also find it 4 Ataken Bade Copened replaced *___to reach a compromise when it is necessary in 5 actors Bcharacters Cdirectors D producers Ee pape See oa 2 Ano Brot ‘Crever Done 10 Aview — Blook Capproach belief {> em i Ears _y True/faise 5 Workin groups. Describe the pictures (1-3), then 1. Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. lacus lie aston ebb aS 1 Do you fe! ike part ofthe community where you os 2. you could orpenieo stink you could ack ——=— Understanding the situation ond the relationship betwoen ‘the speakers canbe helpulin interpreting alstening text. Len careful fr cues lke how people address each ‘other, whether they usefrmal ar informal language, what expressions they se. 2 QED tistentothe beginning ofa conversation Who is mma talking to? Choose the most kay answer AB Cor) What helped you decide? 3 EXEITEZETEQDEEDD Listen to the text. For statements (1-5) chooseT ifthe statement is true according tothe text, Fifi sflse. You will listen tothe text twice, TOF 1 Emma wants to find out he andmnathers community has 2. Ema says there are advanta 4. Complete the sentences with words from the box. The words all appeared inthe recording, [business common sense space Informal email: ing a friend for a favour 11 Work n small groups. Discuss the questions. 1 Doyou ever ask your friends to do you a favour? What do you usually ask them todo fr you? 2. Which favours do you mos requenty ask for? Number them 1-4, where 4s them lend you money or clot speak to someone fr you sgiveyoua lift = meet youat abus or train station 2 Match the sentence beginnings (1-4) with the correctendings (a-d). Would you ind talking to one of my fiends Could you possibly meet — you have time, could you send me Do you think you could lend me the links you mentioned? whois quite unhappy and ansous? couple of jumpers during my vist? sat the bus station? 3 Work in pairs. Read the exam task below and the ‘email written by van, an exam candidate, Discuss the questions. 1 Does vans eal include all the information needed? 22 What information does he include in adition to the pointsin the ist? You are staying in London and have ‘received this email from your English friend Ben. ‘Write an email oft least 100 words to another fiend in which you: say why you cant have Bento stay, > askyour fiend to put him up for the night, > describe Ben. eee tJ Pm coming o London an Monday 4" October because "ve got an interview the next day, and | was wondering | could stay with you that right. 'm happy 10 sleep on the sofa ft OK, us ay, an I ask somebody else Hi Aleks, | was wondering you could do me a big favour My end, ‘Ben, coming fo Landon on Monday. He's asked ihe could stay the night, but my beaters staying wih me then, 0 there wont be any room for Ben. Cou he stay the right wih you? Hes a eal rice guy ~ and he would be very happy o sleep on the sofa "nom your fat’ smal, sot fine if you dont have room, van Qe CIID 4. Workin pairs. Write a fuller description of Ben. Describe his personality and habits. 5 Read van's email again. Find and underline one Indirect question. Now put the words in the correct order to make indirect questions. 1 you/I/ they /artving? / when / be / Could / will / ask 2 seme /you /was /adice./#/ wondering /gie could /me/! 3 would /whether/ack/come/me,/1/t0/ with wanted /you 4 let yous ean /Could / know // hel? /you / me Use expressions ike those in exercise 2to make yout request more pote ‘You have received the following ‘email from your English friend, Joanna. Writean ‘email ofa least 100 words to another English friend in which you: > explain why you cant meet Joanna atthe aipor, ask fyour frend could meet her, > escribe Joanna eee = i Sorry | havent been in touch recent ve been so busy! Fm coring to Kyiv on Saturday 1" August and Im staying fora week in a youth hosel inthe ey cere, | was wondering if you might be able to meet me atthe ‘tpt ana come wth me to the Most, My High gets in {640 pm.fyou can, no problem, Janna 7 checkyourwork. D Haveyouwmen aboutal tre seinsin the tek? B Haveyou gen enough dean your desertion cfoanna? Haveyou checked your work for gamma ‘ecabuar and speling mistakes? 1 Haveyou wien tes 100 wor Conversation 11 Workin pars. Ask and answer the questions about teenagers, parents and grandparents. 1 Describe one of your pares oi andre th you? Give some What happens fy patentsfindout? 3. Have you ever had an argument with one of your break Do you agree? Why Debate 2 Workin pairs. Read the statement and the points inthe istand havea debate Deddettyous nt f you argue forthe: you are you argue against, you are Student 8 Student Aand Student 8 should make notes ch point in the lst about what you are going to say The best way to live a a family is for grandparents parents and children to live together. «relationships between family members + umber of people in the ho + housework and home repairs So bate ideas yi Picture description 3. Workin pairs. Lookat the pictures (A-C).Take turns to compare the pictures and talk about the different families. ey Ute Attitudes and behaviours 1 Workin pairs. ook atthe pictures (1-6) and answerthe questions. © What influences people's impressions of another person? © How fair are these impressions? 2. Match the correct words (a or b) with their definitions (1-7). 1 afi idea that mary people have of a particular ‘ype of person or thing 2 equalty 2 wiling toa different to yourown 2 broad-minded $99 people onthe bas of hei et 3 nationalism racism 4 the unfair reatment of people espedally women, because oftheir ge 2 ageism b sexism 5 behaving carefully to avoid oflening the feel of other people or cultures a regad bb vespete 6 anu ble disike fora person org 2 preference b prejudice 7 concemed with reducing suring and efor others 2 humanitarian fee CD 3 Complete the sentences (1-6) with verbs from the box. [bina te took rebel sand take at age do you thinkyoung people should ofan adult?” Why? pers at school? 3. How can weting patios and organizing peot 4 of atthings from 4. Work n pairs. Askand answer the questionsin ES eee Celebrations 5 fillin the gaps (1-6) inthe text with words from the box. = Calebrate decorate_festne reception tation Tooling forward sentences (1-8). 1 Some elderly people move to care/caring homes when their families can't ook after them, 2. Are you going to donate/present ary money 10 charity this month? 3. Some British schools support talented children ‘om underprivileged undeserving b3ckqyounds whose femilies cont afford tuition fees 4 This ganization is advertisng/campaignin ‘2ise awareness about child trafficking 5 The government has invoduced new socal 1eformsituleso cress unemployment. 6 Wie are current funding/ raising money to bul anew homeless shker 7. Wil'Sam offervotunteer as teaching assistant at the primary school this year? 8 Crp encouragement sponsor source of revenus for many chit 7 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. (© wha charities do you knaw in Ukraine? What do they a {© Lookat the words in bold in exercise 6, What {do you think ae the most important soa) iesues affecting Ukrainians? Why? Politics 'B Match the words in bold inthe sentences (1-6) with their definitions (a-f). 1 Deputies wil steonaly oppose these pans. 2. Qurdiscusson focuses on three main issues 3 Noone was persuaded by the arguments put forward by the president 4 Themain objective ofthis health pol public hospitals 55 Education isa top prority for our government. Jans wl face tough questions in the TV interview today y sto improve {2 make somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it 'b_acceptand deal with somethin Unpleasant € disagree strongly with somebody plan, policy et. and try to change itor prevent it from succeeding d_ give attention, effort etc to one particular subject, situation or person rather than another ‘something that you think more important ingsand should be dealt with fst that you ae tying to achieve hat isaifcutt or 9 Do you know the answers to these questions about Ukraine? Discuss in pais. 1 Whot curent the head of ate In Ukraine? 2 Isthere coalton govemmens ora single partyin 3 Who leads the governmer “4. How mary Deputies of verkhouna Rade were elected in thelast general election? '5 Which political pares form the Cppostion in Verkhovna Rad? 5 Whoisthe mayor ofyourtown orcty? 7 inthe astelecton, where was yout loca poling station? 8 How clddo youhave tobe vere ina general election? 10. Work in pairs. Take turns to answer the questions. © D0 you know anyone whos been a victim of lsctimination? hat happened? How did the ‘person deal with the situation? © Wat steps do you think could be taken to eliminate prejudices? © Wien special occasions doyour family celebrate together? What do you usualy do? ‘© Would you prefer to donate money or do voluntary work to support 2 good cause? Why? think tis important votein clections? Why2/Why not? © How does Ukraine benef from membership in intemational organizations? How do you personally benef Gon Gapped text 1 Work in pairs. Look atthe pictures (1-6) and discuss the question. buying cathe, °° amo toyoushen ) 2 Read the article ignoring the gaps. Whats frac? ‘After filingin the ops ec the whole ean check + thats esc and en to understand, + thatthe ming sentences match the tot before and ates the saps amma 3 [EUITETESID Read the text. choose from (A-H) ‘the phrase which best fits each space (1-6).There are two choices you do not need to.use. [A feed, clothe and provide healthcare B including bananas, cotton, sugar and tea € from selected independent shops D by fair-trade groups in India and Nepal E before deciding to spend their money F takeall the profits for themselves G and purchased on the high street and investment in community projects Read the text again. Choose Tifthe statements ‘true according to the text, Fifitis false. When is trade really fair? Do you ever pause to wonder, before ‘you purchase a new T-shirt or a pair of jeans, about the people who harvested the cotton ~ their working conditions and rate of pay? An increasing number of people around the world are questioning such | issues *__. Consequently, the clothing industry is beginning to take note, with | manufacturers producing and shops | selling a wide range of fair-trade items. | ‘So, how exactly can we define fair trade? Essentially, ‘fair trade’ is the label given to products when the producers have received a price that is adequate i to? for themselves and their families. Moreover, itis expected that } their working conditions meet a high | standard of health and safety regulations. | Words in context (© Ho0 important do you think clothing brands 1 buy acheap pair of jeans ifyou whether the producers received fr making it Why2/Why not However, all too often, under normal trade conditions, companies that form 6 Match the words from the text (1-5) with their the link between the producers and the | penis te-2) consumers *__. The producers are left | ‘ with an income they can scarcely survive % on and have to put up with unsatisfactory | s working conditions. : Initially, fair-trade clothing was only available *__ and websites. Now, an & Semi ea claire 5 Fes a iy undoes § Bae ee acon ena alupaiersee Ne Cla ahama raseu tives high-fashion items aimed at 16-24-year- Collocations with take olds. 80% of their products use 100% 7 Find the phrase take note in the article. What does ‘organic and fair-trade cotton, and are i itmmean? Complete the sentences (1-5) with liperagitieene aE ae isto oe i } ‘a word or phrase from the box and the verb take. eel ce acinar ti ea a aay ba oa aaciig ta aa [eon sitet torsade epee 1 ims paents_______inhis schoolwork 2. Rectuling new staff would 3 Theplayersdidnt of what the h said and lost the game, 4: Iestime we stopped talling about this - went 5 Most people nowadays paid etna fee Peer) 1 Complete the text withthe correct form ofthe verbsin brackets. Elle got an unexpected surprise whileshe *____ ead her local newspaper ast night she® (find) a photo ofa gil she s (G0) to primary schoo! with nthe photo, the ot (wear a pli uriform. What fie §__ (discover in the article astonished her. Lisa the gi fiom her school ‘ (fly) racing planes for year and she 7 already win) several ropes The Lisa that she (know) as so shy she * (sit in the back ofthe classoom hardly saying a word to anyone. How things ®@_ (change) Grammatical multiple-choice cloze the word sn the op grammatical you stil need to check completes the whe serene aloge way 2 [EENINEEDD> Read the text. For questions (1-5) ‘choose the correct answer (A, 8, Cor D). ec cn ue ee LOL L, ‘According toa recent stud, perfectionism anondae whepphes, Cen reaan psychology *__ the ciaim that perfectonists are ticking emotional time bombs > __ unrealistic desir to be perfect isa cry fr help. The most common type of this cisorder is when the person wants to become the Destin something, although he or she * the skis to o this. Another typeof perfectionism *___ by people \who think that everyone shouldbe perfect —incucing their ami a 1 Anes Cray 2 Abe made Cmaking have made 3 Awhose Bwhich Cwho Dthar 4 Aisrit possessing Cooesnt possess 5 Adispiys Cbeen displayed Bhasnt possessed Daidat possess Bisdisplayed Dadisplaying > am Lexical multiple-choice cloze 3. [SEUINEEDD Read the text. For questions (1-10) ‘choose the correct answer (A,B, Cor D). Avery angry man ‘A.S6-year-old man entered a polling station on ‘Monday, "__ a ballot box and ran aut. Then be put the Box on the street, "over it in his van and drove away. Police arested him a few minutes later, but did not confirm whether he was the * man who threw a ballot box in the river on election day in 2000, On that *__, the man wae released without being charged. Monday’ incicient occured as people in the Nove Seotis town of New Glasgow were > up to vote in Monday's national election. ‘The box was as *__as a pancake,’ said Dana Doiron, a spokesperson for Elections Canada, Despite the” local election officials managed to reconstrct the box and no ballots were lost. New Glasgow police chief Lorne Smith said the rman would be * with theft and damage to property. When asked by a police officer why he had done it, the man said he was trying to "justice for his community. Lorne Smith told Reuters, We believe it was ongoing "with the federal government that brought about such 2 reaction,’ decining to give further detail 1 Acaught — Bheld Cgabbes Dgained 2 Arn Bowie Cue Del 3 Awat — Bsimiar — Csame_—_—Dadferent 4 Accson Bercumstance Cstuaton Deawse 5 Astayng Bining §—Cseppng moving 6 Around — Bhot Cqcod iat 7 Adamage Brut injury ham 8 Athrestened Baccused — Charged responsible 9 Alcock Bind hunt Dsseek 10 Acenfcts contests challenges Dwars ET Muttiple-choice (listening for detailed understanding) ‘1. Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. @ In what ways if ary, are boys brought up fferenty to gis? © Doyouthink men sally have aire in ornotshare? © How tue isto sy that men and women think fre 2. complete the vocabulary sets (a-e) with words from the box. There are two words you do not need touse. bain. breachinner caring declson-maker uation female holiday logical male Fatlonal society stereotype timing 2 Behaviour emotional, bb The importance of upbringing school, family © Biology: ‘genes, — Gender: so, da efter, mathe, Describing gender roles: generalize Read the statements and underline the key words that hhlp youdecide what information to isten for, * Onthe fst stening, mark the answers you are sure about. + onthe second ltening, check and confirm your “answers and decide about the more dificult questions. 3 EEIELELEDEEDD Listen to the text. For ‘questions (1-5) choose the correct answer (A,B or). You wil sten tothe text twice 1 ey amples of cain 1 doesrit believe in stereotypes about male and female behaviour. Shesuggests that women ate nat good dec makers. 2 what ale nde ra ar bck B That men and women behave nad © That men and women think in the same 3, why do men and women think differently? [A Thereason isnt leat Bis because they are ifferent genetically C_i's combination of genes and upbringing, 4 According to Speaker 4 wity do gis do more ‘A. Because they think housework's important B Because thei brothers expect them to dort. Because mothers ask gto help more athome. 5 According to Speaker 5, whatis TRUE about children wien they start school? 1K Boysand gis are clearly diferent B Boys and girs learn behaviour ftom older children, Unlike gts, boys want tft in 4, Work in pars. Read the statement below. Together find three arguments for and three arguments against the statement. Women should be given mare paid holidays so they canlook after thei Include these points the cos of childcare ‘© equality between men and women rantages and disadvantages foremployers Formal letter: responding to an article (1) ‘1 Workin pairs Discuss the questions. — © 00 aduts general have a postive ora negative view of teenagers? Why? vest yourage? Do you have a beter time than ther? © How do you spend your feet youspend mosttime doing? Wy? _——— 2 Read the letter and answer the questions (1-3). what do Dear Mick, 1am writing in response to your article ‘Obsessed. ‘with themselves’ 26" July), in which you angued ‘that today’s teenagers are 80 concerned with how ‘they appear on social media that they have no ‘time to think about social issues. ‘As a 17-year-old, I fee this view doos not ‘accurately describe myself or my friends. While ‘most teenagers spend a lo: of time on soctal ‘media, many of us think about scolal issues in ‘oan to help, For example, one of my frionds volunteers at @ night shelter; another regularly visits an elderly lady to help her with household tasks. I mysolt ‘olunteer at cur lal food bank, which supplies ‘emergency fo04 to people. Finally, I would like to say that at school we study soolal issues from different perspectives. ‘As a resull of this and our experience as ‘volunteers, I believe we haves very good. Understanding cf and deop concer or, saat ‘Yours sincerely, Katharine HU 1 Whoistheleter to? 2. Does the write use informal or semfr language? 3. Inwhich paragraph dose she say why ee ie wring? 3 Complete the sentences (1-5) with the correct form ofthe verbs from the box. There is one vert» that you do not need to use. argue assure challenge emphase expect foeuson recognise 1 fee) must the statement that young people donot spect others. 2. Inmberanicl of3* January Jane Cole teenage’ shoud be glen more independence (Q° «=p 4 3 Iwouldtketo your readers that most teenagers that escrimination of ary kind is unacceptable 4 must, the importance of family relationships fo young people like myself 51 that mast eaders ofthis newspaper have children or know someone who has ‘Use semiormal language when you write othe aut ‘ofan article Usefull forms am not #m) and more formal phrases ein responseto). ‘You have read the following article Ina newspaper. Writea letter ofa least 100 words totheauthor ofthe article in which you: re goad role models Doe Serra Celebrities are a had influence lla Stone ‘What do you do when your teenager starts being rude to everyone, including her clasemates? Do you accept this a3 normal teenage behaviour or ‘ot? This i the dilemma I faced a year ago with mvy daughter. I worked out that she was copying this behaviour from a female pop star that she thought was cool. She was not the role model I wanted my daughter to have! Pop stars, footballers, film stars and onlin celebrities all ecome role models for teenagers, and not all of ‘them are good ones. Many of them talk only about thelr wealth and show no compassion for others who ‘are less well off | fear for our young people if this is ‘the kind of person they want to imitate. How wil they lear to respect others if their role models do not? 5S. Cheekyour work. J Have you written about alee points inthe ask? 1 Have you stated your response leat? Have you used approplatesem-ormal language? Have you wnten atest 100 words? SPEAKING A Conversation Picture description 3. Workin pairs. Look at the pictures (A-E) of clothes and clothes shopping, Take turns to compare the pictures and say what you think about how we consume things ‘1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about people and society. 1 Describe a fami enjoy? Expain vty hac fore saying with you, foul you take h 3 be did you celebrate your la used 2, what falertines Day or Father 66 "We should have fewer nat Why2/Why n Debate 2 Workin pairs. Read the statement and the points inthe lst and havea debate Use the intemnet to rese people in Ukcaine and other cou ferent ways these chaees help o tes tha help ho has moe charties inthe st can 10 be Student Aor. Ifyou argue for the states re Stu ou argue a3 Both Student and Stu teach pointin the list ab and what your 0 nt should make notes Everyone should donate to charities that helo ‘extremely poor people around the word XAM PRACTICE EXTRA ree EST True/false Rermember that the oder of the sentences inthe exam taskfollows the order ofthe information inthe recording. (nthe fist istening, answer the statements you ae sure (of On the second istening focus onthe statements that youmissed during the st itening. Than check al your 1 Look at the sentences in exercise 2. In what order (1-3) are you going to hear the following information (a-c)? (© hat happened at the bing 2 EEURZERO NED tistento the tex. For statements (1-5) choose Tif the statements true according tothe text, Ff it isfalse. You wil listen tothe text twice. TOF 1 Sandia doesnt work for achatty 2 asked to submit 3. Less than $0 o the participants 4 Sandraisa tall woman 5 Afterthe' blind date, Sandra went cout with her partner afer CEST Lexical multiple-choice cloze 3 [EELINEEID> Read the text. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, 8, Cor D).. ° How safe is social networking? Social networking has changes the way we Communicate with eachother We can now connect vith people "over the werlain an instant, But 'sitas good as so many people seem to think itis? Personaly speaking 've got nothing? socal networking sites if people use them responsibly However, when people share too much information about themselves, you may enc up with serious privacy >This is especialy tuo for younger users, re-teons, who may reveal more than they should They ‘may often do ths» reali tat everyone can ‘see what they've posted online not ust thee frends, Then, there's the wile question of cyberbullying ~ wee people use the sts to spread damaging *_ about someone. That” of betaviou is completly unacceptable. Sorneting Soul really be + about this know that sites °__ you to biock someone who behaves inappropriaty buts this enough’ | wes a parent, would do whatever it tok to.ensure my chiles online wb er 1 Amost Bright Ca Dall 2 Aaguinst Btowards Cbehind —_D between 3 Aces 8B Cthemes issues 4 Aas Bsuchas Csimilar = same 5 Abesides Bwithout Cothewke — Dexcept 6 Armour Bstoy Cgosip =D tale 7 Akind —-Bmethod Cline Dsystem 8 Adore —Bmade —Cproved ~—-Decommplet 9 Aadmit Bapprove Callow Deore 10 Adefence Bshelter Cover Dsslery READING Gapped text Payattentiono pronouns and sbjec-ver agreement «hooting a phasefor the mising Section For example the ‘sentence beore a gap has the pronoun he int then you now that the next parearaph should not efertoan fora she Read the first paragraph ofthe article about ‘Tomoko Sawada. Who does the missing phrase refer to: Robert De Niro or Tomoko Sawada? Why do you thinkso? ‘5 EXENINZELD Read the text. choose from (A-H) ‘the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are ‘two choices you do not need to use. [A et wishing to lose he identity BB mightbe thinking under the surface © symbolized by their uniforms based solely on how you look dressed up as 00 different people F accepting people for who they re G lasted twenty weeks oF so H.hegained weight to prepa for Witheni Informal letter/email 6 [SULIEEESD Youhaverecsiveda surprise birthday oft rom an Engh end who ves in ate ten ose ote Si wich your > thank inv fr the gf a plese cance ya Palisa niyo ciao voce ean ema fat eat 100 words Do ot wt you tame oy ats atest or other pera maar urea Wer erp ° paaaaa Raaaaaé Baas ‘Tomoko Sawadais the Robert De Niro of Japanese photography. Just as" _ nis role in Raging Bul, ‘Sawada put on five kilograms before starting her 2001 salt-porralt evies based on formal photos used in ‘wadlional Japanese match-making. Then each week she vsted a photo booth dressed as a diferent woman. Adopting low-calorie det, Sanvada gradualy dropped her aight over the course ofthe project, which = “The easiest way to change other peoples impression of yous to change your body type,’ she says. The resut is {a delightful stating series in which Sawada, 26, appears as tity ferent peoole, fom a pig ted. cocte git in a ‘green kimono to styish modem woman ina black trouser ut ‘Eventhough you are the sane person, othe peoples ‘opinion ofyou changes, "and wanted to ask wh. sha says. A cuioby gl, Sawada ha long ft unatracve andinfercrtoher thinner fiends, Spe it a tring point ‘when she stated masquerading as ileent women for en er-school assignment to make sef- portals, (Over three months in 1968 and 1989, she wert back afew huncred times to a photo booth outs a subway station In Kooe, where she ies. nts way, she assembles esspor photos ofherse*__. may have been tying to rove that what's onthe surface doesn't matter and what's Inside counts, says Saved, ‘She also did aseresin which she iitated gis known as ogyat, vino dress up n shot skins and platform soos, wih dark make-up enc blonde har. ‘Everybody orcized ‘hem asa greup for ooking strange, but gnored what each ofthe, she says ‘nhs society, young women ‘ae treated asf ther only reason for beings the youth looks, and that fades very uch Inher current sees, ‘Costume, Sava looks ot whet people's jobs, «say about thet place in society. So far she's daguisedhersef 2s ten aferent women, Inuing a nun in a habla receptionist na pink uniform a , WYO Urban and rural living 1. Lookat the pictures (1-4).Which type of place do you live in? 2 Wich ofthese words would you use to describe ach ype of place? Complete the table, Some ‘words may ft more than one type of place. Then, ‘workin pats to compare your oss. bustling charming congested industrial peaceful pctwresque provincial quit remote. cur! Sprawiing wadtensl wendy ban 5 Workin pairs Discuss which type of place you ‘thinks the best place tolive and why. 3 Match hewordsorphrses (1-8) withtheir Buying and renting ahome_ cabin ath G Read the steps to take when buying a property. 1 rent 4 sibu Choote te corectwordineach sentence (18). 2 publewanspor — —§outrs 2 Nhe 6 municoa 4 the system of buses,taing ete provided by the government or council for people to use “Bing. out how much you ean Bomow/lend. bb the partsofatown orcityfurtnestfrom iscentre ‘Decide what you creaking for in a(t) estat © anarea with private housing rather than offices, shops or factories | Salect and register with on estate ogency/otice. connected with the activities ofthe local 4 Scan the newspapers and the inlet. you see a = Sete rene anes, pmoie aceon ee 4 Lookagain at the places in exercise 1.Which type pay « depeoaieaving lcs the dal of place do the words above describe? {8 Tote out o(7 interest mongage tom me bonk to finonee your purchase. q+ om 7 Complete the text with the words from the box. amenities energy-efficient faimates housing Imainterance seltcortained_ tenancy PSC yt eae Prec tanot tose sign a contract. Make sure you are getting your money's worth! 1 1 What type of place are you looking for? you are looking for a quiet property, avoid a estates next to busy roads and motorways! ‘What kindof property can you atford? I you have tobe careful about how much you can spend, a? nat with its own entrance and ali 3 ‘mod consis probably more than you can affor. ‘Who are you going to live with? If you have to 4 ‘ove into shared accommodation, i's important that you choase somewhere both you ana your 5 be ke How close isthe property to local *_, for example, shops, cafés, parks and public 6 ‘anspor? ‘What's the ndlord/landlady lke? Does he/she ? repair things quickly? Will you have to cover all costs? Is the place equipped with appliances? ‘Unless you want to run up big electricity bil, ‘make sure it ist How much wil you pay and when? How long is ‘the contract? Does your” ‘agreement contain all this information? 12 8 Match the words (1-6) with their definitions (a-f). 1 util i 2 rent 3 communal 4 renovated 5 furnished 6 linen having beds tables, chairs et. ‘a document that requests payment for electnety, heating, wate, 036 etc shared by 2 group of people, especialy peeple who ive together sheets pillowcases etc fe money that you regularly pay sothatyou can use ahouse, room etc {repaired and decorated t look ike new °e @ Howlong hs © ssyour home pica fr: ( what are the advantages and disadvantages of Otioww family? What ate the most imaortan features that make a home comfortable to live in? Why? 9 Work in pairs. Sayifyou agree or disagree with the statements Give reasons. A set-contained fats the best azeommedation fora stud’ © The owner of fat should pay or any epais workneeded an 2 property. Ecologically-friendly living 10 Complete the questions (1-7) with words and phrases from the box compast_electity energy consumption fenerayatfcient heating non-ecyelable waste oting Is pape, plastic, meta and lass collected from your house, or do you take ittos centre? Does yourhousehold use from the local ‘Fi or do you generate your own power Fyou ‘generate your own, how do you do this? What type of 10 you usein your home (e9 central a, elecrc, coal red)? (On average, how much, does your household generat ina week? Which types of ttchen wast sit possible to 2 Does your fry do this? Why/Why not? —inyourhome In what ways can you rec (eg tun off ights)? ypat___applances do you use, any? Work in pairs. Askand answer the questions in ‘exercise 10. How ecologically-frlendly is your home? ‘Workin pairs Take turns to answer the questions. © What would you miss most ifyouhed to move toa ciferet place (eg. from thecity tothe countryside? Isthere anything you wouldrit ris? fou and your failed in your current home? Does your extended family ive near you? na, where do they ve? ur ates orisitiferent insome way?nwhat kind of accommedaton dopeople in your ea usualy ive? 1ome compared to buying one? id you feel about having ta share __ changes ‘eceny, We can new use woice conta to pause what e's waiching and* trough a ist of aval chanes. And it seems very ly that soon ou V5 wil be tet el fom the” on yourface now you are feeling. Then they wil offer sugestons of what to wach based on your. ‘Sart showers now offer personae water flow and a temperature cot foreach acu fay member with ccional parental contre ~petect orth oonagers who sty to gin the batroo Mobile phones an te Inet have ready become an important pat of our daily routine. I's very "tat ‘achnoogy wil soon conta every aspect of cur ves rom ‘ur dot oto settings of ou lactic tothirush, 1 Acficient — Beapable Cas going Dwelterganzee 2 Abed — Bstore Coad‘ bing 3 Aurelable Biwlevent Caithonest Dunbabevable 4 Ashipment Beonnection Cdelvery Deassage 5 Arespectl Bacceptable Caiferent Dimpressve 6 Abonse — Bral process DA 7 Aimpresion Beshibiion Cexgresson Dconcentation 8 Ahumou —Bmood Cpt temper 9 Avorking cheering Cdealing Dbringing 10 Apobibly Boredicably Cpossbly Diikely tn! True/false ‘L. match the people (1-4) to the pictures (A-0). 1 architect 3 estate agent 2 4 i builder 2. You willisten to an interview with Maddy Smith, aninterior designer. Look atthe itemsin exercise S. ‘What do you think Maddy is going to talk about? {a how to buy ahome that suits your personality what mistakes interior designers should avord 3. DEED tisten toan extract from the interview. ‘What room is Maddy going totalk about? 4 QEEDD Listen to the interview. Put the things Maddy talks about in the order you hear them, — A low-cost — B building work sand curtains > ‘The statements inthe exam taskare nthe samecorder as ‘the information aout them n the recording, 'Decideif a statements tru or false based only on ‘the information you hear Do not rely on your general knowledge or opinions. ‘+ ead te statements carefully before you listen so you ‘know what information you should be listening fr. 5 [UURESAGHED tsten tothe tent. for statements (1-5) choose Tif the statement is true according to the text, Ff its false. You will listen to ‘the text twice. TOF id avoid buying second: hand thi 2. You should choose: cunains ast. 3 Buy pain thats alte darker than the one you lk, 4: Getting big jobs done professionally sons and lamps donithave to De expensive, 6 Match the words (1-6) from the recording with their definitions (a-f), Use each definition only once. 1 interior 2 budget 3 tape 4 sha 5 tester 6 bedding a tainer ofa product for tying before pur bb the sheets and covers that you put on a bed, often and the pil « end your avalble money d jour with a diference in how €@ fasten something using a sticky strip of material f theinside pat of something 7 Imagine you are planning your dream home. Work inpairs. Tel each other your ideas. ;nging an appointment ‘1 Workin pairs Discuss the question @ Wry dosome house together rather than living in a unwversty nal of residence? © Wat would you need to discuss before y oshare a lator house with others? 2 Read the exam taskin exercge 6 and answer the questions (1-4). 1 Who are 2 3 Why are you 4 Aceyou gov tho oes she work"? 0 use formal or informal language? 3 Complete the sentences (1-5) with words from the box. =a eee 1 Would'6 pm.on Saturday you? Would prefer not to come in the evening, fat 3 ‘on Fiday and Saturday evenin 4 Would etter Menday or Tuesday everi foryou? 5 I could come on Saturday afternoon afer thee 4. Read the phrases and sentences (1-5). Where does ‘each appear? At the beginning (8) or the end (€) of formal email? 1 Lamynitng task 2. look forward to hearin 3. |wouldlke toinquie two 44 Please contact me if you net information 5 thope tohear fiom you seen, = 5 Make some notes next to the headings about what good tenants should do. Therent Payitontime | Lite propery —_] Theneightours Thelandlordilandiady Q> «mm ‘+ Use formal language and polite phrasesin an emallin hic you are writing to anyone who i not frend. ‘Begin your emal with Dear M/s and the persons ‘+ End your ema with Yours sincerely and your ven and. family names. tn English, your given name comes frst) You canals use Best regards or Kind egardnstead of Yous sincerely They area ite more informal and suitable for emails 6 [EUMIREESD You area student at Manchester University. You and three friends ae looking for ‘house to share together in six months time Read the advertisement and write an emall of at least 100 words to Helen Radelife in which you: cxplan why you ate interested in this propery, ‘2y wy you and your fends would be good suggest tvee times you could view the house ee Paneer ey pent This isa beautiful, spacious 4-bedroom semi-detached house in Fallows, avery poplar part ofthe ly. The house i close to many local arenes and bus routes, “The bedrooms are al larg, and each hasa double bed, tk, char, wardrobe ana chet of drawers. There are two modern bathrooms, a lounge a large kitchen anda pretty garden tthe back ofthe hake Due to excellent insulation and cenral heating he house is very warm throughout the year. 2» Gas, electricity and water bils are included. > The house is avaliable for a group of four students "Deposit: £400 per person 2 Evening and weekend viewings are avalible To arrange a viewing, please contact Helen Radcliffe at: SS 7 checkyeur wort lave you checked your work for garnma and speling mistakes? n atleast 100 weds? 1 all 1 used appropriate formal an Aas - Conversation Picture description ‘1 Workin pairs, Ask and answer the questions about 3 Workin pairs. Look at the pictures (A-B) which living in an environmentally friendly way. show attitudes to historical areas in towns and 11 Describe your home. When wast bul? What iit cities. Take turns to compare the pictures and say made of Ae any ofthe what you think about them, kinds of eneray do you use at ho 2. you could make three changes make it more envirenmental ie 3 "Most peoplecan' afr envitonmentalyfiendly 4. Have you ever bought something for your fs0, what wast? '5- Would you be prepared to have less heat me inorder prot Why net 6 tS possible to feel Debate 2. Workin pairs. Read the statement and the points inthe listand have a debate. Spe cominutes n umn to tell your er words related to homes. You cannot ‘a werd. Whaeveris speaking when the two minutes is Up s Student 8. The other student is Student A ana isagree wit the chooses whether to agree Both Student each pointin the list about what Aand Student 8 should make notes land what your opponent might 53 at you wil yin ep Student A: Begin tha debate with Sond wth an argu saying som ing that ave discussed Itisbetterto own your home rather thaa rent. * contol candoin

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