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Management Information Systems (MIS)

Kushal Anjaria

Coupling 2. Performance Needs: Tightly coupled systems

might perform better for certain applications
Coupling in the context of Management Information
due to the direct interactions between
Systems (MIS) refers to the degree of direct
knowledge that one system component has about
3. Change Management: Loosely coupled
another, particularly regarding the other component's
systems are easier to modify and maintain,
methods, data, and properties. It's a concept borrowed
making them more suited to environments
from computer science and software engineering,
where changes are frequent.
where it's used to describe the interdependencies
4. Integration Needs: In cases where multiple
between modules, classes, or components of a system.
disparate systems need to work together, loose
In MIS, coupling can be understood in how business
coupling might be preferred to facilitate easier
processes, software applications, databases, and other
system components interact and depend on each other.
The idea is to manage these interactions to ensure the Effective management of coupling in MIS involves
system is efficient, flexible, and maintainable. There designing systems to balance these considerations,
are two primary measures of coupling in MIS: ensuring that the system can meet current and future
business needs while remaining maintainable and
• Tight Coupling: This occurs when system adaptable. Techniques like Service-Oriented
components are highly dependent on each Architecture (SOA), microservices, and APIs are often
other. Changes in one component, such as a used to manage coupling in modern information
database schema or a business process, require systems.
significant changes in others. While tight
coupling can lead to more optimised and faster Types of Coupling:
systems because components can directly
Data coupling, functional coupling, and control
communicate and share resources, it also
coupling are concepts related to the interdependencies
makes the system more fragile and complex to
between modules or components in a system, including
modify or maintain. Any change in one part
in Management Information Systems (MIS). These
can have a ripple effect, necessitating changes
types of coupling describe how tightly or loosely
across many system parts.
connected different parts of the system are based on
• Loose Coupling: This is characterised by
the information they exchange or the level of their
reduced dependencies among system
interaction. Understanding these concepts is crucial for
components. Each component interacts with
designing maintainable, scalable, and efficient
the others through simple, standardised
interfaces without knowing the other
components' internal workings. Loose Data Coupling
coupling is achieved through techniques like
encapsulation, interface abstraction, and the Data coupling occurs when components are connected
use of middleware. This approach increases to each other through the data they exchange. This is
the flexibility and scalability of the system, as the simplest and least restrictive type of coupling,
changes in one component are less likely to indicating a low level of interdependence. In data
require changes in others. However, it might coupling, components share data through parameters,
lead to less optimised performance than tightly data structures, or databases but do not know each
coupled systems because of standardised other's internal workings.
interfaces and protocols overhead. In MIS, Data coupling can be seen when different
The choice between tight and loose coupling in an MIS applications or subsystems exchange data through
depends on several factors, including: common formats or shared databases. For example, an
inventory management system might be data-coupled
1. Scalability Requirements: Loosely coupled with a sales processing system through a shared
systems are typically more scalable. inventory-level database. The systems interact
independently by reading from and writing to this efficient data exchange and collaboration between
shared database. components while maintaining system flexibility and
Functional Coupling
Functional coupling occurs when a component calls
another component's function, indicating a higher level Cohesion in the context of Management Information
of interdependence. This type of coupling implies that Systems (MIS) refers to the degree to which the
one module performs a function essential for another elements inside a module or component of the system
module's operation. The calling module is dependent are related to each other. It's a measure of how closely
on the functionality provided by the called module. tied or focused the responsibilities of a single module
are. High cohesion within a system's module or
In MIS, an example of functional coupling is a
component means that its tasks and functionalities are
reporting module that generates financial reports by
strongly related and focused towards achieving a
calling functions of an accounting module to retrieve
single goal, leading to more understandable,
transaction data and perform calculations. The
maintainable, and reliable systems. In MIS, cohesion is
reporting module is functionally coupled with the
an important design principle that impacts information
accounting module because it relies on the specific
systems' effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability. It
operations and functionalities provided by it.
plays a crucial role in system analysis, design, and
Control Coupling implementation phases, influencing how data,
processes, and functions are organised and integrated
Control coupling happens when one module controls within the system. Higher cohesion within system
the flow of another by passing it information on what components is generally desirable for several reasons:
functions to execute or paths to take. This type of
coupling involves one component dictating another Types of Cohesion
component's control logic or decision-making, making
Cohesion can be categorised into several levels,
it more tightly coupled than data or functional
ranging from low to high:
1. Functional Cohesion: The highest level of
In MIS, Control coupling can be observed when a
cohesion where all module elements are
central management system sends control signals or
geared towards performing a single, well-
flags to various subsystems, dictating their operation.
defined task. In MIS, an example could be a
For example, a central control system might signal a
module designed solely for generating specific
production scheduling system to initiate a specific
financial reports, where all its functions are
production run based on inventory levels or order
focused on this single task.
backlogs, effectively controlling the scheduling
2. Procedural Cohesion: This occurs when
system's operation.
elements of a module are related by the
Implications in MIS sequence of steps to be performed, often seen
in modules that handle various tasks within a
• Maintainability: Systems with lower coupling procedure. For instance, a module handling
levels (like data coupling) are generally easier user authentication might verify credentials,
to maintain because changes in one component log access attempts, and initiate user sessions.
are less likely to require changes in another. 3. Temporal Cohesion: Elements are related by
High coupling levels (like control coupling) timing, meaning they are activated around the
can make maintenance more challenging. same time but are otherwise unrelated in
• Flexibility: Systems with lower coupling are function. An initialisation module that sets up
more flexible and can more easily adapt to various system parameters and states during
changes, such as integrating or modifying new startup is an example.
• Scalability: Loosely coupled systems (e.g., Implications of Cohesion in MIS
those primarily using data coupling) are Maintainability: Higher cohesion makes a system
typically more scalable, as components can be easier to maintain because changes to one module are
added, removed, or modified with minimal less likely to impact others, and the purpose and
impact on the rest of the system. function of each module are clearer.
In designing MIS, the goal is often to minimise • Reliability: Modules with high cohesion are
unnecessary coupling to achieve a balance between often more reliable, as the tight focus on a
system integration and independence, allowing for
single task reduces the potential for errors and operations or innovative capabilities not
makes testing more straightforward. available in commercial products.
• Reusability: Highly cohesive modules are
more likely to be reusable in different parts of
the system or in different projects because they • Cost: Developing an MIS in-house can be
perform specific tasks well and with little significantly more expensive upfront,
external dependency. considering the costs for design, development,
• Understandability: Systems designed with high testing, and ongoing maintenance.
cohesion are generally easier to understand, as • Time: The development process can be
the role and function of each component are lengthy, delaying the benefits an MIS is
clear and focused. supposed to bring and potentially impacting
the organization's agility.
In designing MIS, striving for high cohesion within
modules or components, alongside appropriate • Resource Allocation: In-house development
coupling between them, is key to creating robust, requires dedicated IT staff with the necessary
flexible, and capable systems capable of evolving to expertise, which might strain resources from
meet changing business needs. other critical projects.
• Risk: The risk of project failure or overruns in
Approaches of MIS Development budget and time can be higher with custom
projects due to unforeseen technical challenges
MIS or scope creep.
Approaches Off-the-Shelf Product
In-house Product off- • Cost Efficiency: Off-the-shelf MIS solutions
development the-shelf
often come with lower initial costs compared
to custom development. The expenses are
When organizations consider acquiring a Management spread across many customers, making it more
Information System (MIS), they typically face a affordable for each.
strategic decision between developing a custom in- • Quick Implementation: Pre-built systems can
house solution or purchasing an off-the-shelf product. be deployed relatively quickly since the core
Both approaches have their advantages and development is already completed, allowing
disadvantages, and the choice largely depends on the organizations to realize benefits sooner.
specific needs, resources, and constraints of the • Reliability and Support: Established products
usually come with vendor support, regular
In-House Development updates, and a user community that can
provide insights and troubleshooting.
Advantages: • Proven Solutions: Commercial products have
• Customisation: An in-house MIS can be been tested across diverse environments and
tailored precisely to the organisation's specific use cases, potentially offering more reliability
requirements, fitting their unique processes, and a range of features that have been refined
workflows, and data management needs. over time.
• Integration: A custom-built system can be Disadvantages:
designed to integrate seamlessly with existing
systems and infrastructure, reducing • Limited Customization: While some level of
compatibility issues. customization is usually possible, off-the-shelf
• Control: The organization retains full control solutions may not perfectly fit the
over the system's features, updates, and organization's unique needs or integrate
security, allowing for adjustments and seamlessly with existing systems.
improvements as business needs evolve. • Dependence on Vendor: The organization
• Competitive Advantage: Developing a unique might become dependent on the vendor for
system that is closely aligned with the updates, support, and enhancements, which
company's strategic goals can provide a could be discontinued or might not align with
competitive edge by enabling more efficient the company's timeline or strategic direction.
• Generic Solutions: Such systems are designed
to meet the general needs of a broad market,
which might not offer the competitive
advantage that a custom-built system could
• Additional Costs: Licensing fees, subscription
costs, and costs for additional modules or
customisations can add up, potentially making
the off-the-shelf solution more expensive over
Making the Decision
The choice between in-house development and
purchasing an off-the-shelf MIS product depends on
several factors:

• Strategic Alignment: How well each option

aligns with the organisation’s long-term
strategic goals.
• Budget and Resources: The available budget
and IT resources, including staff expertise.
• Time Constraints: The urgency of MIS
implementation and the ability to wait for a
custom-built system.
• Flexibility and Scalability Needs: The system
must adapt to changing business processes and
• Risk Tolerance: Willingness to manage the
risks associated with custom development
versus dependence on external vendors.
Organisations often conduct a thorough needs
assessment and cost-benefit analysis, considering both
the short-term and long-term implications of each
approach before making a decision. Hybrid
approaches, such as customising off-the-shelf products
or using open-source platforms as a base for custom
development, can also provide a middle ground that
balances the benefits and drawbacks of both options.

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