Education Loan Agreement Bank

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You are on page 1of 25 | Documents Applicable For Pageno. 1 | Main Agreement for Education loan ‘Al Cases 3 2 | Deed of guorentee CCoses wherein a guarantor Is token 9 3 | Affidavit All Cases Ware 4 | Demand Promissory Note Al Cases 16 5 | D.P. Note Delivery cum Waiver letter All Coses iA 6 Indemnity bond All Coses 20 7 | Dedaration AN Coses 2 8 | Ust of documents submited Wher property is token os security 2 9 | Disbursement Request Form AN Cases 23 EDUCATION LOAN AMOUNT AS MENTIONED IN THE SCHEDULE AGREEMENT ‘This ogreerent is made atthe place & date menfoned in he schedule atached hereto between boomers) whose narele is/ are mentioned in the sched otached hereto of ONE PART and the AXS Bork Ud, 0 body comport, incorported under the Companies Ac, 1956 ond having is Registored Ofice and Cental Office of Ahmedabad ond Mun respectively through tt brarch al he place as mentioned inthe Schedule (hereafter called the Bank} ofthe Second Part The expressions “Borower’ and the ‘Bank, unless repugnant fo the conte, shall ince their rnspocive hain, mpresntaties, veces, exocuon, adminshatos and assigns, Whereas fhe Bonowers) has / have requested ANS Bank ik. fo provide him / them / i such loan amount os mentioned in he schedule fay ITS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOLOWS 1. Detitions ond Intepretcton 1.1 Inthis Agreement, he following eapiolized words sll have the folowing meaning: "Agreement mens the Education locn amount os mentioned inthe schedule. Agreement "Bork! means AXIS Bank lid, o Company incerporcted under The Companies Act, 1956 and « Banking Company within he meaning of the Banking Reguiation act, 1949/and having its egstred ofc if he Guoranlor hod ot oll fines been solely lable & pefom the acid obligations To gie eft to this Guarantee, the Bank may actos though the Guarantor were the principal Borower to the Bank for ol payments

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