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After reading the job description, I understand the duties required by this position.

I meet the essential and desirable criteria as explained below.

Why the NHS?

After completing my GMC registration, ECFMG certification and Jordanian registration, I approached the
pivotal moment of deciding where to begin my professional journey, I conducted extensive research into
healthcare systems worldwide. The NHS stood out as an exemplar of universal healthcare, characterized
by its commitment to providing high-quality care to all, regardless of socio-economic status. I especially
reached this decision after conducting 1 month of clinical experience in the NHS.

The core values of the NHS, particularly compassion, respect, and a commitment to excellence, mirror
my own personal ethos. I believe that compassionate care is not only about treating ailments, but also
about recognizing the intrinsic worth of every individual. It is about providing solace, comfort, and a
listening ear in times of vulnerability. This empathetic approach lies at the heart of my practice, ensuring
that each patient feels heard, understood, and cared for.

Furthermore, the NHS's emphasis on inclusivity and diversity aligns seamlessly with my belief in
healthcare that transcends cultural, social, and economic boundaries. I am passionate about ensuring
that every patient receives care that is sensitive to their unique background and needs, fostering an
environment of trust and comfort.

Why Anaesthesia ?

My decision to pursue a career as a junior Anaesthesia doctor stems from a profound interest in
intricate Anaesthesia health and my commitment to providing specialized care to patients. My exposure
to diverse Anaesthesia cases at Abdulhadi Hospital has been instrumental in solidifying this career path.

Working at Abdulhadi Hospital has granted me invaluable exposure to Anaesthesia . I've had the
privilege of engaging with patients dealing with various Anaesthesia disorders, gaining hands-on
experience and honing my skills in diagnosis and treatment. This exposure has highlighted the profound
impact that precise and empathetic care in Anaesthesia can have on patients' well-being, reinforcing my
dedication to this field.

Additionally, my clinical attachment in the USA and the clinical experience in the NHS, while unrelated to
Anaesthesia , broadened my medical perspective across different specialties.

Although the experience varied, it enriched my overall understanding of various medical disciplines and
further fueled my dedication to delivering comprehensive patient care.

The intricate nature of Anaesthesia , where precision in diagnosis and personalized treatments
significantly impact patients' health and quality of life, resonates deeply with my career aspirations. The
challenge of addressing a spectrum of Anaesthesia conditions, from routine Anaesthesia procedures to
complex surgeries, motivates my passion for specialized medical care.

The collaborative and multidisciplinary approach within the Anaesthesia teams, both at Abdulhadi
Hospital and in the NHS, has left a lasting impression on me. The concerted efforts among Anaesthesia
consultants, Anaesthesia nurses, and support staff underscore the collective commitment to ensuring
optimal Anaesthesia health and patient satisfaction. This collaborative approach aligns perfectly with
my belief in comprehensive and patient centered healthcare.

My qualifications:

I am a highly qualified and dedicated medical professional with a diverse and comprehensive
background, exemplifying my commitment to excellence

in healthcare and medical education. My journey began with the successful completion of my
Foundation Year 1 (FY1) internship at the esteemed Al Khalidi Hospital and Medical Center in Jordan.
This experience provided me with a solid foundation in various medical disciplines and honed my
fundamental clinical skills.

Advancing in my medical career, I achieved a significant milestone by successfully completing Foundation

Year 2 (FY2) as evidenced by signing the Crest form. This accomplishment reflects my dedication to
continuous professional development and attaining a high level of clinical competence.

Building on this foundation, I further enriched my clinical acumen through 1 month of clinical experience
in the NHS in the United Kingdom. These experiences offered valuable insights into the intricacies of the
healthcare system and diversified my exposure to different medical practices.

Prioritizing the mastery of life-saving skills, I obtained certifications in Advanced Life Support (ALS) & an
Instructor Potential , Immediate Life Support (ILS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) from the European
Registration Council and Suturing & Basic surgical skills by The university of Jordan. These certifications
underscore my commitment to delivering high-quality emergency care and staying abreast of the latest
advancements in medical practice.

In addition to my clinical experiences, I have a deep passion for medical education, dedicating more then
6 years of both formal and informal teaching. This commitment has allowed me to refine my teaching
techniques, imparting not only academic knowledge but also fostering critical thinking and practical skills
among aspiring healthcare professionals.

Furthermore, I hold certifications from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
(ECFMG) & Member of Jordan Medical Association (JMA) , demonstrating my competence in the global
medical landscape. Additionally, I am registered with the General Medical Council (GMC), affirming my
eligibility to practice medicine in the UK.

In my pursuit of evidence-based practice, I conducted clinical audits, researches and I had Qualitative
and Quantitative research courses during my medical school, which was part of my curriculum. In
addition, I had online courses regarding data collection, methodology and the use of Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

This initiative reflects my commitment to contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge and
patient care through research and quality improvement.

In summary, my qualifications represent a holistic blend of clinical expertise, educational proficiency, and
a commitment to continuous improvement in healthcare. I am poised to bring a wealth of knowledge
and a passion for excellence to any medical setting, contributing to the advancement of patient care and
medical education.
What can I add to the team?

As a dedicated and highly skilled doctor, I bring a wealth of medical expertise and a passion for delivering
high-quality patient-centered care to the team. My commitment to evidence-based practice, coupled
with a strong foundation in clinical knowledge, allows me to diagnose and treat a diverse range of
medical conditions effectively. Additionally, I pride myself on my excellent communication skills, which
enable me to build trust and establish rapport with patients, ensuring they feel heard and supported
throughout their healthcare journey.

I am an adept collaborator, valuing the input of fellow healthcare professionals in providing

comprehensive and holistic care. My ability to work seamlessly within multidisciplinary teams is a
cornerstone of my practice, and I believe that fostering open communication and mutual respect leads
to optimal patient outcomes.

Moreover, I am deeply committed to continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest advancements
in medical science and technology. This enables me to implement innovative approaches to care,
improving both patient experiences and clinical outcomes. I am also enthusiastic about contributing to
medical education, whether through mentoring junior colleagues or participating in educational
initiatives within the NHS.

In times of crisis or heightened demand, I am poised to respond effectively, drawing upon my

adaptability and resilience to provide unwavering support to both patients and the healthcare team.
Furthermore, I am dedicated to upholding the values and principles that underpin the NHS, including a
steadfast commitment to equity, inclusivity, and delivering healthcare services that are accessible to all.

Overall, I am eager to leverage my skills, experience, and unwavering dedication to patient well-being to
contribute meaningfully to the team and to the broader mission of the NHS in providing exceptional
healthcare services to the community.

I present this statement asking for an opportunity to extend my skills through this job in the NHS. The
dream that was once an imagination is becoming a reality step by step, and the next goal to tick off my
checklist is a chance to be a part of this team.

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