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Good morning all of you, with great respect and pleasure I welcome you all for
today’s assembly.

I am ………………….And my co-anchor …………………….. Will take you

through this assembly on behalf of 4B.If you think positively, you will become
positive, with this note let us start.

 Showing respect and being truthful are the two most important
indicators of character.
The theme of todays assembly is “Give Respect and Take Respect”


Tamil Thai Vazhthu…

We will begin our day with a prayer that purifies our soul and fills our mind and
body with divine energy and positive thoughts. I would like to request our
school’s prayer group to come forward for it and start today’s prayer. I request
you all to sing it with them.

School prayer

The prayer has filled us with positivity.

Now it is time for the pledge which is the best way to show our love and respect
for our nation and humanity. I would like to call ……………….. for the pledge
and request you to take a pledge after him.


One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another
has to say. Herecomes ……………………………. to say a good thought.
Thank you ………………..
Next up, I would like to call _________ for saying a couplet from thirukkural.
Thank you…………………………….

The best way to stay updated about the world is news reading. We must be
aware of the current happenings around us and the only way to do so is through
news reading. Now I would like to request …………….to read today’s news

Thankyou ………………

A quiz is one of the best ways to show your knowledge and I am sure it is
going to be an interesting activity. You all are going to enjoy it. I would like to
call ……………… to engage us with quiz.

Thank you……………………………..

We all love to hear amazing things that takes place in all walks of life around
the world. Football is like life. It requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work,
sacrifice, dedication, and respect for authority." I
invite………………………….to give some facts about football

Thank you…………………………..

Don't treat people how they treat you. Teach people how to treat you.I invite

………….. to deliver today’s speech.


Education is not what a person learns but what he becomes. With a grateful
heart, we thank you all and take your leave and wish you all a very nice day
ahead.Here we come to the concluding part of our today’s morning school
assembly with the national anthem. School attention .NATIONAL ANTHEM.

School stand at ease .School disperse

Speech – Adhin

Facts - Neerthigan

Quiz- Amirthan

Thought of the day – Atcharan

Thirukkural – Madhuvarshini

Thought of the day

 Respect is like a boomerang, it always comes back to you.

 “Friendship is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have
to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone,
but if you don’t have trust, the friendship will crumble.” –

Good morning, everyone.

Today, I would like to talk to you about the importance of respect.
Respect is a sign language that conveys what you feel for the other person in a
simple and positive way. There is a saying that goes, “treat others the way you
wish to be treated”, and if you wish to be Respected it is important that you also
treat others with equal Respect.
“Respect is a two-way street; if you want to get it, you’ve got to give it.” -R.G.
Risch. In daily life, we use the term "respect" frequently. But what does it
mean? It denotes a respect for someone's worth or quality.

First and foremost, self-respect is vital. You won't be able to earn the respect of
others if you don't respect yourself. Second, we ought to respect our seniors at
all times. Our teachers and parents deserve our respect. We appreciate them
because of their age, experience, and contribution to our way of life and society.

Third, we must uphold the laws that govern our nation. Respect for our national
flag, national anthem, government, and other aspects of our country is crucial.
Finally, I want to add that if we all work together with mutual love and respect,
our nation will have a lot of opportunities.

There are many ways to show respect. We can show respect through our words,
our actions, and our body language. Here are a few examples:

 Using kind and polite language

 Listening attentively to others
 Avoiding interrupting others
 Being honest and trustworthy
 Keeping our promises
 Helping others when we can
 Respecting other people's property
 Respecting other people's opinions, even if we disagree with them

Let us all make a commitment to show respect to everyone we meet. Let us

create a school community where everyone feels valued and included. Thank

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