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Dear August T,

I am excited about the prospect of collaborating with you to refine and enhance your essay,
leveraging my extensive expertise in essay editing. Allow me to showcase my skills through a
brief demonstration on a sample excerpt from your essay:

Original Passage:

"The impact of climate change on our environment is a significant concern. It's effects are felt
across the globe, leading to various consequences such as rising sea levels, extreme weather
events, and the loss of biodiversity."

Edited Passage:

"The impact of climate change on our environment is a significant concern. Its effects are felt
across the globe, leading to various consequences such as rising sea levels, extreme weather
events, and the loss of biodiversity."

Changes Made:

Corrected "It's" to "Its" for proper possessive usage.

Ensured subject-verb agreement by changing "effects are" from "effects is."

Key Highlights of My Editing Skills:

1. Grammar Precision:

In the edited passage, I addressed grammatical nuances, ensuring that each sentence adheres to
proper grammar rules. This precision extends to the entire essay, guaranteeing grammatical
accuracy throughout.

2. Clarity Enhancement:

The goal of my editing is to enhance the clarity of your ideas. I make adjustments to sentence
structures and phrasing to ensure that your message is communicated effectively, as
demonstrated in the refined passage.
3. Consistent Style:

Maintaining a consistent writing style is crucial for academic essays. I ensure that your writing
style remains cohesive and in line with academic standards, contributing to a polished and
professional final product.

4. Attention to Detail:

The meticulous changes made in the sample passage represent my commitment to detail. I
leave no stone unturned in the editing process, catching even subtle errors to present a flawless

I am confident that my skills and dedication to excellence make me the ideal candidate to
elevate the quality of your essay. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your
academic success.

Thank you for considering my application. Feel free to reach out for any further discussion or

Best Regards,

Erni Roswanti

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