Class 10 Chemistry CBSE - SET II

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Edudigm test

Subject: [Chemistry]
Full Marks: 30 Time: 50 Minutes
● Write your Name, Class, and School at the top of your answer script.
● Put page numbers for all the pages.
● Answer all the questions in the question paper.

A. Objective Type Questions – Each question carries 1 mark

1) Lanthanides and actinides are recognised as
a) s- block element
b) d-block element
c) f-block element
d) p-block element

2) C3H8 belongs to the homologous series of:

a) Alkynes
b) Alkenes
c) Alkanes
d) Cycloalkanes

3) When hydrogen chloride gas is prepared on a humid day, the gas is usually passed through the
guard tube containing calcium chloride. The role of calcium chloride taken in the guard tube is to
a) absorb the evolved gas
b) moisten the gas
c) absorb moisture from the gas
d) absorb Cl– ions from the evolved gas

4) Hydroxide turns phenolphthalein solution:

a) Pink
b) Yellow
c) Colourless
d) orange

5) The most ionic compound in periodic table is :

a) Sodium chloride
b) Potassium chloride
c) Magnesium chloride
d) Caesium chloride

6) Amalgam is an alloy of
a) Copper and Tin
b) Mercury
c) Lead and Tin
d) Copper and Zinc

B. Short Answer Type Questions – Each question carries 2 marks

7) The atomic numbers of three elements X, Y and Z are 3, 11 and 17 respectively.Explain the process
of transplantation.
8) Why is Plaster of Paris stored in a moisture-proof container?
9) Define the term structural isomerism’. Draw the structures of possible isomers of butane, C4H10
10) Why are ionic compounds crystalline solids and soluble in water?
11) An element ‘X’ displaces iron from the aqueous solution of iron sulfate. List your observations if the
element ‘X’ is treated with the aqueous solutions of copper sulfate, zinc sulfate and silver nitrate.
Based on the observations arrange X, Zn, Cu and Ag in increasing order of their reactivities.

C. Long Answer Type Questions – Each question carries 3 marks

12) A carboxylic acid (molecular formula, C2H4O2) reacts with an alcohol in the presence of an acid
catalyst to form a compound ‘X’. The alcohol on oxidation with alkaline KMnO4 followed by
acidification gives the same carboxylic acid C2H4O2. Write the name and structure of (i) carboxylic
acid, (ii) alcohol and (iii) the compound ‘X’ How does expired air different from inspired air?

13) State three points of difference between Mendeleev’s Periodic Table and Modern Periodic Table.
14) An element ‘X’ displaces iron from the aqueous solution of iron sulphate. List your observations if
the element ‘X’ is treated with the aqueous solutions of copper sulphate, zinc sulphate and silver
nitrate. Based on the observations arrange X, Zn, Cu and Ag in increasing order of their reactivity’s.

D. Cased Study Based Questions – Each question carries 5 marks

15. The term atomic size refers to the radius of an atom. The atomic size may be visualised as the
distance between the centre of the nucleus and the outermost shell of an isolated atom. The atomic
radius of hydrogen atom is 37 pm (picometre, 1 pm = 10–12m).

a) What is the trend of atomic size when moving from left to right?
b) Arrange the following atom in increasing order of their atomic size: B, Be, O, N, Li, C
c) Why does the atomic size increases down the group?
d) Which of the elements has greater atomic size: Li or K?
e) Metals are electropositive or electronegative in nature?

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