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Anal Bioanal Chem (2006) 384: 1331–1340

DOI 10.1007/s00216-005-0249-5


J. Sanz-Landaluze . L. Bartolome . O. Zuloaga .

L. González . C. Dietz . C. Cámara

Accelerated extraction for determination of polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons in marine biota

Received: 19 September 2005 / Revised: 17 November 2005 / Accepted: 18 November 2005 / Published online: 25 February 2006
# Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract A rapid and simple method is proposed for Introduction

determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in
complex matrices such as marine biota. The method uses Development of human activity has always been closely
sonication, by means of an ultrasonic probe, as a new tool for associated with different water resources but, unfortu-
assisted extraction, coupled with reversed-phase liquid nately, anthropogenic activity has often resulted in chem-
chromatography (RP-LC) with fluorescence detection (FL) ical contamination of these resources. Lately mankind has
for determination of 16 US EPA priority PAH. Separation become aware of the potential long-term adverse effects of
and detection of the 16 PAH were complete in 45 min by RP- these chemicals in general and their potential risks for
LC with a C18 column and acetonitrile–water gradient aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in particular. Several
elution. Multivariate optimisation of the variables affecting national and international organizations (ONU, WHO, EU,
extraction (ultrasound radiation amplitude, sonication time, USEPA …) have classified some PAH as among the most
and temperature of the water-bath in which the extraction hazardous and persistent organic pollutants originating
cell was placed) was conducted. The accuracy of the method from a wide variety of natural and anthropogenic sources.
was determined by analysis of a certified reference material PAH are a class of hydrophobic organic contaminant
and comparison of the results obtained with those from comprising two or more fused benzene rings [1]. High
another method (microwave-assisted extraction and GC– molecular weight PAH (e.g. benzo(a)pyrene) are known to
MS). The new technique avoids the main problems be carcinogenic and di and triaromatic compounds have
encountered in the determination of PAH in complex been shown to be narcotic to marine organisms [2].
matrices such as marine biota, and no clean-up step is Quantification of these compounds enables better under-
necessary. The method was applied to determination of PAH standing of their behavior and, for example, the level of
in estuarine biota samples from the Urdaibai estuary (Biscay, contamination of a site and its remediation after an oil spill
Spain). can be followed quantitatively [3]. Quantification of PAH
in complex matrices, for example environmental samples
Keywords PAH . Extraction . Ultrasonic probe . and petroleum, can be difficult, because many compounds
Biota samples can interfere during the analysis.
There is, therefore, a basic need for reliable analytical
procedures for determination of these pollutants to correctly
monitor their distribution in time and space. The best methods
for analysis of PAH are high-performance liquid chromatog-
raphy (HPLC) coupled with fluorescence (FL) or with UV
absorbance detection or gas chromatography (GC) with mass
J. Sanz-Landaluze . L. González . C. Dietz . C. Cámara (*) spectrometric detection (MS). These two separation–detec-
Department of Analytical Chemistry, tion steps were chosen as US Environmental Protection
Faculty of Chemistry, University Complutense de Madrid, Agency (EPA) methods 8310 and 8100, respectively [4].
Ciudad Universitaria,
28040 Madrid, Spain To characterize PAH in solid matrices such as biota, an
e-mail: extraction step is required before the analysis; many well
established extraction techniques are commonly used for
L. Bartolome . O. Zuloaga isolation and analysis of PAH and similar organic com-
Department of Analytical Chemistry,
Faculty of Technology, pounds. Traditionally, Soxhlet extraction has been used for
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, solid samples and liquid-liquid extraction for aqueous
644 P.K., 48080 Bilbao, Spain samples. These techniques have inherent disadvantages,

however, for example the large volumes of organic solvents 2977), to validate the procedure. The sample-preparation
required; they are also time-consuming and involve multi- procedure developed was then used to assess the extent of
step processes that always risk loss of some analytes [5–7]. contamination of oysters and mussels collected along the
Supercritical-fluid extraction (SFE) [8–10], pressurized Urdaibai estuary (Biscay, Spain). Urdaibai is a protected
liquid extraction (PLE) [11, 12], microwave-assisted extrac- estuary, situated in a rural area, which in 1984 was declared
tion (MAE) [10, 13], ultrasonic assisted extraction [10, 14], Reserve of the Biosphere by the United Nations for the
and subcritical water extraction [10, 15] have been devel- Education, Science, and Culture Organization (UNESCO).
oped as alternative techniques to replace classical extraction
methods. All these methods reduce time consumption and
the volumes of solvent required, but have the disadvantages Experimental
of high investment and maintenance costs of the instruments,
especially for SPE, ASE, and MAE. For evaluation of PAH Cleaning procedures
in biota Soxhlet is, even nowadays, the principal extraction
technique, especially for routine studies [16–18]. Very few All laboratory ware and other equipment that comes into
studies have been performed using these new extraction contact with samples must be rigorously cleaned to avoid
procedures [14, 19]. Several studies have compared the contamination. All glass and plastic ware was washed with a
efficiency of extraction of PAH using these techniques [5, common detergent, thoroughly rinsed with MilliRo quality
10, 11], but only for soil, sediment, and sewage samples. All water (Milli-Q Model 185, Millipore; Bedford, MA, USA),
these studies concluded that, once optimized, these extrac- and soaked in clean dilute (15%) HNO3 for 24 h. The
tion techniques are comparably efficient, with similar equipment was then rinsed with Milli-Q (Millipore) quality
standard deviations. water and then soaked for another 24 h in acetone (HPLC
Ultrasonic probe-assisted extraction is a relatively new grade, Scharlau; Barcelona, Spain). Finally, glassware was
technique being used with success for analysis of a variety of placed overnight in an oven at 150°C and plastic in an oven
compounds [20–23] including PAH in soil [24]. In this at 90°C.
technique solid–liquid extraction occurs as a consequence of
cavitation phenomena—implosion of cavitational bubbles
leading to extreme temperatures and pressures. Furthermore, Reagents
when a cavitating bubble collapses near the surface of a solid
sample particle, micro-jets of solvent propagate toward the Working standard PAH mixtures were prepared by suitable
surface at great velocity, causing pitting and mechanical dilution of stock standard solutions (Supelco; Barcelona,
erosion of the solid surface, and leading to particle rupture. Spain) with acetonitrile. HPLC-grade n-hexane (Scharlau;
This is the main characteristic of focussed ultrasound, and it Barcelona, Spain) was used. Other chemical reagents, for
makes this extraction method unique, because the smaller the example methanol and acetonitrile (Carlo Erba; Milan,
particle size, the higher the total area exposed to the solvent Italy) were also of HPLC purity. Commercial acetone was
[24]. purchased from Dismadel (Madrid,Spain). Water was
For complete development of an analytical method, purified with a Milli-Q system (Millipore).
optimization of all the variables involved in the analysis is
fundamental [25, 26]. Most optimisation procedures,
however, are conducted one-factor-at-a-time. Generally Stock solutions and certified reference materials
speaking, optimisation procedures that alter all variables at
the same time are more advantageous, because interactions Stock solutions, Dr Ehrenstorfer PAH mix 64 (17 PAH
among them are considered. Use of an experimental design each at 2,000 μg mL−1), were purchased from Supelco
(e.g. full factorial, fractional factorial, Plackett and Burman (Walton-on-Thames, UK), in a 1:1 mixture of HPLC grade
designs, central composite, face-centred cube, routable dichloromethane and benzene. The stock solutions were
central composite, Doehlert, etc.) combined with analysis stored under refrigeration and protected against light.
of variance (ANOVA) is much more reliable, and avoids Intermediate dilution of this stock solution was performed
the limitations mentioned above, but, surprisingly, is still for calibration. More dilute solutions (∼1,000 ng mL−1)
not extensively applied in analytical applications. Multi- were prepared weekly by appropriate dilution of the stock
variate methods involve simultaneous combination of solution with acetonitrile. These solutions were used to
several conditions enabling evaluation of the interdepen- produce calibration solutions, following the standard
dence of variables and their effect on the response, and addition method.
optimization of these influential factors. A certified reference material was used to check the
The method proposed here is based on use of static accuracy of the proposed method and for validation. NIST-
ultrasound-assisted extraction for leaching of PAH from 2977 mussel tissue was provided by the National Institute of
natural contaminated estuarine biota before separation and Standards and Technology (Gaithersburg, MD, USA). The
determination by HPLC–FL. This analytical procedure was mussels (Perna perna, edible brown mussel) used for the
then applied to a reference material, a mussel tissue (NIST- preparation of NIST 2977 were collected in Guanabara Bay,

Brazil. Certified values are given for 10 of the 16 EPA-PAHs Sample collection, storage, and preservation
and indicative concentrations for another 16 PAH.
Oyster samples were collected manually at the coast, stored
in sealed plastic bags, transported to the laboratory in cold
Instrumentation boxes and frozen until lyophilisation. Lyophilisation of the
oysters was performed at −45°C and 0.05 mbar for 24 h.
A Cryodos-50 laboratory freeze dryer from Telstar The lyophilised samples were ground and sieved through a
Instrumat (Sant Cugat del Valles, Catalonia, Spain) and a 63-μm metal sieve and stored in hermetically closed Pyrex
Pulverisette-6 agate mortar (Fritsh, Idar-Oberstein, Ger- vials at 4°C until analysis.
many), respectively, were used to lyophilise and grind the
samples. For PAH extraction, a Bandelin sonifier ultrasonic
cell disruptor/homogeniser (20 kHz, Bandelin Electronic, Analytical procedures
Berlin) equipped with a 3 mm titanium microtip was used.
The energy of ultrasonic irradiation was fixed at the desired Extraction
level by using power settings up to 40%.
PAH analysis was performed with a Spectra System P For ultrasound-assisted extraction, 0.1 g lyophilised oyster
4000 (Thermo Electron Corporation, San Jose, USA) tissue was weighed and placed in a 10-mL vial with 5 mL
HPLC chromatograph equipped with an FL 3000 pro- n-hexane. The vial was immersed in an ice–water bath
grammable fluorescence detector (Thermo Electron Cor- (0°C) and the sample was exposed to ultrasonic irradiation
poration). The 16 PAH to be quantified were separated on a for 2 min, with the titanium tip of the probe 1 cm from the
Hypersil Green PAH (200 mm×4.6 mm; particle size, upper surface in the slurry (output amplitude ∼15% of the
5 μm) column by gradient elution. Acetonitrile–water nominal amplitude of the converter, applied power 200 W).
mixtures were used as mobile phase at a flow-rate of Extracts were filtered through 0.22 μm Millipore Millex-
1.2 mL min−1. The composition of the gradient started with HV filters (Scharlab) into amber flasks, the solvent was
40% water and 60% acetonitrile; the acetonitrile content evaporated with a stream of argon, and the residues were
was then increased to 65% (0–10 min) and later to 100% reconstituted in 0.5 mL acetonitrile.
(10–40 min). This level was held constant for 4 min and
finally reduced to 40% at the end of the analysis. Analysis
was performed at room temperature and excitation and HPLC analysis
emission wavelength pairs were programmed to change
during the analytical run to optimise the detection of each Approximately 20 μL of the reconstituted samples were
component. Data collection and integration were con- injected into the high-performance liquid chromatograph.
ducted using HPLC ChromQuest software version 4.1- As already mentioned, acetonitrile–water mixtures were
Surveyor LC systems (Thermo Electron Corporation). used as mobile phase at a flow-rate of 1.2 mL min−1. The
column was maintained at room temperature. The fluores-
cence excitation and emission wavelengths were changed
The area studied during chromatographic separation, a powerful technique
for enhancing sensitivity and selectivity (Table 1).
The Urdaibai estuary is in the centre of the Reserve and is
formed by waters mainly from the hydrographic basin of
the Oka river, but also from the mouths of the rivers Results and discussion
Golako, Mape, Artike and Laga. The estuary is 13 km long,
has an average width of 500 m, and approximately 80% of Chromatographic separation
the surface belongs to the inter-tidal zone. A variety of
industrial activity can be found (metallurgic, shipyards, A Spherisorb ODS-2 column from Waters and a Green
treatment of surfaces, dies, manufacture of cutlery), mainly PAH column from Hypersil were evaluated for separation
in the surroundings of the town of Gernika. Two of the 16 PAH under different gradient elution conditions
monitoring programmes (spring 2003 and spring 2004) with acetonitrile–water mixtures. This study was con-
were conducted at three sampling points (A≡Kanala, ducted using a high-concentration PAH standard solution
B≡Murueta, C≡Gernika) in the Urdaibai estuary (Fig. 1). (1 μg mL−1) and with a fluorescence program using non-
These programmes were designed to evaluate the impact of specific excitation and emission wavelengths (λexc=280
the breaking up, in heavy seas off Galicia on the Northwest and λem=390) [4]. Only the second column (Green PAH
coast of Spain, of the large oil tanker Prestige, in November from Hypersil) enabled complete separation of all 16 PAH
2002, spilling more than 77,000 tons of crude oil. Its at room temperature, as shown by the chromatogram in
composition, according to analysis by the Superior Centre Fig. 2. The chromatographic cycle for the complete
of Scientific Research of Spain (CSIC), was 50% aromatic separation of the 16 PAH was 45 min, including 5 min
hydrocarbons including PAH, 20% saturated hydrocar- for the equilibration of the column. This time is suitable for
bons, and 35% resins and asphaltene [27]. economic and routine analysis of the 16 PAH.

Fig. 1 Location of the sampling points in the Urdaibai estuary

When the chromatographic separation had been opti- 10 ng mL−1 PAH mixture was used; the optimized program
mized, a study of the most appropriate excitation and is summarized in Table 1. Problems arose with the last
emission wavelengths for each PAH was conducted, using eluted PAH, indenopyrene, which could be determined at
data from the literature [4, 10, 11]. For this study a very high levels only.

Table 1 Fluorescence detector wavelength program used in this study

Retention time (min) λexc (nm) λemi(nm) PAH determined

0–7.0 226 330 Naphthalene, acenaphthylene

7.0–9.5 276 324 Acenaphthalene, fluorene
9.5–13.5 250 390 Phenanthrene, anthracene
13.5–15.8 280 466 Fluoranthene
15.8–20.0 270 388 Pyrene
20.0–28.0 260 420 Benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene
28.0–40.0 290 430 Benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene
40.0–44.0 290 418 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene
44.0–45.0 300 464 Indenopyrene
Fig. 2 Typical chromatogram
obtained from the 16 PAH in
the mixed stock solution
(100 ng mL−1 each) using a
Green PAH column and aceto-
nitrile–water mixtures at
1.2 mL min−1

Optimization of the extraction analyzed using a microwave-assisted extraction technique

which in turn had previously been optimized and validated
It is well-known that recoveries obtained with spiked [29].
compounds may not be representative of those obtained Using the ultrasonic probe and taking into account
with native compounds. Analytes spiked in real-world previous experiments, it was assumed the conditions
samples are neither situated on the same binding sites as affecting extraction that must be optimized were: the
those of the native analytes nor adsorbed in the same manner. extractant, the ultrasonic energy (for the ultrasonic device
Spiked analytes are usually lightly coated on the surface of used, this is defined by the percentage of ultrasonic
the matrix whereas native analytes can be strongly adsorbed amplitude), sonication time, and the external temperature
inside a porous matrix [28]. Thus use of spiked analytes in of the sample. For further optimization it was important to
recovery studies may overestimate the efficiency of extrac- keep in mind that a total of 16 analytical responses must be
tion methods with real samples. It is, therefore, clearly evaluated and the areas of each peak corresponding to each
necessary to validate the extraction procedures with certified PAH determined. Occasionally, because of the methodology
reference matrices, when available, or at least with unspiked used, these responses were evaluated one by one and
matrices. Because of the high price of the certified reference compromise conditions had to be finally chosen.
materials, however, optimization of the extraction tech- As the first extraction optimization step, a solvent study
niques was performed with biota material collected as was conducted to select the most appropriate extractant. As
described in the experimental section and previously is apparent from Fig. 3, different solvents used in previous

Fig. 3 Recovery obtained for Recovery

three of the 16 PAH using 1,6 (refered to
different extractants. (Ultrasonic Hexane)
probe amplitude 15%, external Anthr
temperature 0°C, and extraction Benzop
time 2 min)





Hexan Aceton Hexane- Methan Toluen Dichlorom Dichlorome
(1:1) Hexane
Table 2 Factors and levels considered in the full-factorial design to Table 4 Variables and levels for the central composite design
check the effect of ultrasonic probe amplitude (A), external
temperature (T a) and extraction time (t) on analyte response Variables Levels
−α − 0 + +α
Variable Low (−) Central (0) High (+)

A (%) 10 15 20 Ultrasonic probe amplitude, A (%) 7,9 10 15 20 22,1

External temperature, T a (°C) 0 5 15 25 30
T a (°C) 0 15 30
t (min) 1 2 3 Extraction time, t (min) 1 2 3 4 5

studies [10, 12, 30] were tested, and it was concluded that Further optimisation was attempted by means of central
hexane provided the best results for all PAH. For this composite design (CCD). The central composite design
particular study the other variables were maintained constant included the points of a factorial design (2n) augmented
at standard values (Ultrasonic probe amplitude 15%, exter- with six points located at -α and +α from the centre in a star
nal temperature 0°C, and extraction time 2 min). design (Table 4) [25]. When the experiments defined by the
When the best solvent had been chosen, three other CCD are conducted to find the optimum values of the
analytical conditions—ultrasonic probe amplitude (A), ex- variables, it is necessary to define the response surface of
ternal temperature (T a), and extraction time (t) were each PAH. Results obtained are fitted to a general
optimized using a chemometric approach. First, a full- polynomial equation (Eq. 1) where β are the adjustable
factorial design with three factors at two levels and four parameters.
replicates of the central point (2n+1) [25], involving 12
experiments in random order, was used to establish the effect Y ¼ β 0 þ β 1 A þ β2 t þ β3 T a þ β11 A2 þ β 22 t2 þ β33 ðT a Þ2
or lack of effect of each of these variables on the response to
þ β 12 At þ β 13 AT a þ β23 tT a þ β 123 AtT a
the PAH. In each experiment, an oyster sample was analyzed
as described in the experimental section, but using the A, T a, (1)
and t defined by the experimental design using the levels for
each factor shown in Table 2. Results obtained in each
experiment of the design and ANOVA of the results
calculated also by means of the YATES algorithm, [31] are For each PAH response, fitting of data to Eq. (1) was
summarised in Table 3. These results confirmed that the performed using the multivariate non-linear regression
three variables considered have a statistically significant analysis program NLREG [33], and the β parameters for
effect on analyte response for most of the PAH (F>10.13 at a which the statistical probability of being zero was greater
95% confidence level) [32] and, consequently, all were than 10% were sequentially eliminated from the model. For
considered in the optimization process. each PAH, a different model was finally selected which
was able to explain between 95 and 98.65% of the total

Table 3 Design matrix, response values, main and F factors obtained from the factorial design for one of the 16 PAH (anthracene),
developed to investigate the conditions of ultrasonic assisted extraction
Combinations Levels Anthracene peak area (a.u.) Main factor F

1 − − − 1.38
A + − − 0.93 0.046375 3.76
Ta − + − 0.669 −0.113875 22.6
AT a + + − 0.7 −0.148625 38.6
t − − + 0.8 0.256375 114.9
At + − + 0.76 0.191125 63.8
T at − + + 0.71 0.351375 215.8
AT at + + + 1.18 −0.073875 9.5
Zero1 0 0 0 0.81
Zero2 0 0 0 0.85
Zero3 0 0 0 0.87
Zero4 0 0 0 0.9
Factors in bold were found to be statically significant after ANOVA of the results (F >10.13 at a 95% confidence level)
Peak area Table 5 Recoveries and RSD (n=6) obtained from a standard
solution evaporated to dryness using the developed extraction and
determination method
PAH % Recovery %RSDs
2,5 Naphthalene 97.55 24.38
2 Acenaphthalene 6.2 5.05
1,5 Acenaphthylene 41.55 15.6
1 Fluorene 43.74 12.7
0,5 Phenanthrene 73.93 9.54
0 5 0 Anthracene 74.02 7.79
15 10
0,2 0,5 25 20 Fluoranthene 96.68 18.98
1,5 2
3 35 30 Temperature (ºC) Pyrene 73.16 21.9
Time (min) 440
Benzo(a)anthracene 92.22 9.93
Fig. 4 Response surface estimated from the central composite Chrysene 95.85 16.8
design for optimization of extraction conditions. Results for
anthracene maintaining the amplitude of ultrasonic probe (A=15%) Benzo(b)fluoranthene 98.61 14.86
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 94.96 9.54
Benzo(a)pyrene 102.84 8.86
variance of data. As an example, the equation obtained for Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 90.22 11.12
anthracene, an PAH of intermediate molecular weight, was: Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 86.58 18.2
Indenopyrene 93.85 11.63
Y ¼ 4:9  0:26A þ 5:2  102 t  02 t  3:2  102 T a
þ 3:9  102 A2  0:11t2 þ 3:52  106 ðT a Þ2 þ 1:1 Sample treatment recovery
 102 At þ 6:9  103 AT a þ 8:0  103 tT a
The whole procedure includes sonication, filtration, and
 1:2  104 AtT a evaporation of the biota extract before its analysis. Losses
(2) of PAH during these steps are evaluated in this section. A
solution of the 16 PAH at a concentration of 10 ng mL−1 in
5 mL n-hexane was sonicated, filtered, and evaporated to
The response surface predicted by this model can be dryness under a stream of argon. The recoveries are
visualized (Fig. 4) if one of the three variables is reported on Table 5. For the least volatile PAH (from benzo
maintained constant. Variable values that maximize the (a)anthracene to indenopyrene), losses are below 14%. But
response obtained can be calculated mathematically. The losses are more important for the more volatile PAH
optimum conditions were: 15% of maximum amplitude, species (from naphthalene to pyrene), reaching values up to
2 min extraction time, and external temperature 0°C. A 51% or even, exceptionally, 93% for acenaphthalene. This
typical chromatogram obtained from analysis of the sixteen almost complete loss of acenaphthalene is because of
PAH in an oyster sample under these experimental decomposition by the ultrasonic radiation [30]. Taking into
conditions is shown in Fig. 5. account these losses, calibrating solutions were exposed to

Fig. 5 Chromatogram obtained from an oyster sample after optimized extraction with hexane and using the ultrasonic probe (15%, 2 min, 0°C)
Table 6 Results obtained from analysis of the 10 PAH for which has been estimated for the proposed method for PAH
amounts in NIST-2977 mussel tissue are certified (number of determination. When 0.2 g dried mussel sample is processed,
analyses, n=5)
the detection limit is equivalent to approximately 0.5 ng g−1.
PAH Measured value Certified value (ng g−1) This detection limit enables the analysis of most contami-
(ng g−1) nated oyster and marine biota samples and is well above the
reference values established by the Agence Française de
Fluorene 10.2±3.2 10.2±0.4 Sécurité Sanitaire [36] and the Agencia Española de
Phenanthrene 33.6±8.1 35.1±1 Seguridad Alimentaria [37] after the oil spills of the tankers
Fluoranthene 33.1±8.0 38.7±0.8 Erika and Prestige respectively (0.5 mg kg−1 dry mass for
Pyrene 42.1±7.1 78.9±3.5 bivalve molluscs).
Benzo(a)anthracene 21.9±4.3 20.3±0.8
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 12.0±4.3 11±0.3
Benzo(a)pyrene 6.8±2.1 8.35±0.7 Analysis of Urdaibai samples
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.7±0.5 1.41±0.2
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 7.0±1.5 9.5±0.4 Oyster samples were collected in different points (Fig. 1) of
Indenopyrene <d.L. 4.8±0.8 the Urdaibai estuary from May 2003 to March 2004 and then
analysed for PAH content using the method proposed here.
The results, summarised in Table 8, are all averages from
the same procedure (sonication, filtration, evaporation, and three independent measurements. The results were also
reconstitution) before analysis by HPLC–fluorescence. compared with those obtained by use of another analytical
method (microwave assisted extraction (MAE) and GC–MS
determination) [29]; these data also are included in Table 8.
Validation of the method Despite of the large repercussions on the scientific and
civil community of the Prestige oil spill [38], very few
The accuracy of the method was checked by using a reports on the PAH content in oysters and other bivalves in
certified reference material suitable for marine biota, NIST- the Cantabrian zone have been published [14, 18, 27, 39,
2977. The results (Table 6) prove recovery is satisfactory– 40]. One of these studies deals with the PAH content of
between 80 and 105% for all the PAH except pyrene and bivalves (mussels and oysters) in the Urdaibai region, but
indenopyrene, for which recovery was only 53% and 0% before the Prestige disaster (sampling from July 1996 to
(the value found was below the quantification limit), February 1997) [39]. The other studies evaluated the
respectively. Consequently, it can be stated that the method impact of the oil spill on mussels, but centred on other
is valid for the other eight PAH only. These results are regions in the north of Spain (Galiza) [14, 27, 39].
similar to those from other studies using much more Because of the few sampling points considered in this
complicated extraction procedures [3, 10, 11, 34, 35]. study the results obtained should be interpreted with
The precision of the analysis was evaluated by repeating extreme care. Looking at the results, however, and taking
the analysis of the certified reference material. Three into account other results obtained from similar samples
measurements per day were repeated on three consecutive before and after oil spills, and also previous values
days (Table 7). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the obtained for oyster tissue in the Urdaibai estuary
results indicated that both within-day and the between-day (Table 9), it can be concluded that the preventive acts
precision were statistically comparable (Fcalculated<Fcritical) taken just after the spill and before the first black oil-laden
[32]. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for all the tide reached the estuary, were efficient—the values do not
determinations was 14.44%. reach the high concentrations found in regions where the
A detection limit of below 0.2 ng mL−1 in the extract, spill directly affected the biota. A slight decrease of PAH
calculated as the concentration corresponding to the blank content occurred between the two sampling programmes.
signal plus three times the standard deviation of the blank,

Table 7 Precision of the proposed method for PAH determination:
analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the results obtained for fluorene in
NIST-2977 mussel tissue certified reference material The proposed ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of
dried, homogenized samples by use of an ultrasound probe
Sample Day 1 (ng g−1) Day 2 (ng g−1) Day 3 (ng g−1)
enables efficient extraction of PAH from biological marine
1 11.48 9.17 9.46 samples. The optimized ultrasonic extraction procedure was
2 12.42 8.43 10.52 found to extract these aromatic hydrocarbons from NIST-
3 8.52 10.46 12.03 2977 with recoveries higher than 80% for most analytes.
Although some losses occur in the evaporation step,
X 10.8±2.0 9.3±1.0 10.6±1.3
application of the same analytical procedure to the calibra-
Results of analysis of variance
tion solutions enables correction for these losses in
Variance between days Fcalculated=0.1 Fcritical=6.94
quantification of PAH in oyster samples. The good results
Variance within a day Fcalculated=2.38 Fcritical=6.94
obtained for the NIST certified material and the comparison
Table 8 PAH content (ng g−1) of oyster samples from the Urdaibai estuary sampled in the two different programmes and analysed using two different methods (method 1: US–HPLC–FLa;
method 2: MAE–GC–MS)
March 2003 March 2004
Method 1 Method 2 Method 1 Method 2 Method 1 Method 2 Method 1 Method 2 Method 1 Method 2 Method 1 Method 2

Naphthalene 8.1±2.2 19.2±2.8 19.0±3.5 234.4±34.5 16.8±3.3 68.9±10.1 4.5±0.9 4.04±0.6 67.3±10.5 57.7±8.5 18.2±3.5 30.1±4.4
Acenaphthalene n.db <d.L.c n.d <d.L. n.d 3.7±0.5 n.d 6.2±0.8 n.d 1.9±0.3 n.d 6.3±0.9
Acenaphthylene 70.4±5.9 0.7±0.1 22.8±2.5 6.9±1.1 86.1±6.9 16.1±2.7 14.3±1.3 13.8±2.3 22.1±4.7 12.0±2.0 17.5±4.0 8.3±1.4
Fluorene 17.2±4.5 1.6±0.3 54.2±6.7 38.7±6.0 19.6±1.2 16.6±2.6 28.5±7.8 30.8±4.8 13.1±0.8 10.0±1.5 51.2±5.8 28.6±4.4
Phenanthrene 40.8±2.0 24.8±1.3 61.9±8.5 61.5±3.3 58.1±5.8 78.8±4.2 44.1±5.0 46.0±2.5 29.5±5.0 41.1±2.2 61.7±7.8 75.1±4.0
Anthracene 7.2±1.9 3.3±0.2 9.0±0.8 <d.L. 8.2±0.8 7.8±0.4 <d.L. 5.3±0.3 2.1±0.8 2.8±0.2 6.9±3.0 7.0±0.4
Fluoranthene 48.4±3.4 56.3±3.7 69.8±3.5 148.8±8.2 127.6±9.8 139.1±9.2 25.8±6.0 52.0±3.5 78.2±3.5 32.7±2.1 46.3±6.7 23.5±1.5
Pyrene 22.6±2.3 46.8±3.2 144.1±12 125.7±8.4 58.6±5.3 178.7±12.2 17.5±3.5 35.6±2.4 50.9±4.9 25.7±1.7 57.1±2.5 73.8±5.0
Benzo(a)anthracene 7.9±0.9 8.1±0.7 19.8±3.9 17.3±1.2 30.5±2.2 31.8±2.6 12.3±2.5 14.9±1.2 10.7±3.1 4.4±0.4 15.7±1.5 41,2±3.4
Chrysene 17.6±2.6 34.1±2.7 28.1±3.5 42.9±3.5 14.5±2.2 79.4±6.4 22.7±5.0 29.7±2.4 30.7±3.5 16.5±1.3 26.0±2.5 54.5±4.4
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 29.8±3.0 25.3±2.2 26.8±3.5 56.6±4.5 27.5±5.5 45.9±3.9 16.6±1.3 31.7±2.7 42.2±3.5 9.2±0.8 33.8±3.1 64.6±5.6
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 7.9±2.1 13.4±1.5 11.8±0.9 13.9±1.2 8.9±1.5 24.6±2.6 3.5±1.1 14.4±1.5 12.9±1.0 2.6±0.3 10.5±2.5 21.1±2.3
Benzo(a)pyrene 0.96±0.1 14.2±1.0 5.1±0.5 17.6±1.9 1.7±0.7 31.9±2.2 6.1±2.7 9.7±0.5 10.5±3.0 1.0±0.1 3.3±0.8 19.9±1.3
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 19.7±3.1 < d.L. 27.1±5.6 3.86±0.3 29.0±6.7 22.6±3.6 2.3±0.9 2.8±0.4 7.4±1.5 1.5±0.2 11.7±2.3 0.60±0.1
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 7.8±1.5 < d.L. 3.5±0.3 < d.L. 8.6±2.3 < d.L. 7.8±2.0 2.1±0.2 13.4±2.0 2.1 ±0.2 7.5±1.0 1.4±0.15
Indenopyrene < d.L. < d.L. < d.L. 3.1±0.6 < d.L. 6.4±1.2 < d.L. 3.5±0.7 < d.L. 2.3±0.4 < d.L. 6.7±1.3
ΣPAH 306.6 247.7 503.3 771.6 495.9 752.4 220.4 302.8 391.6 223.7 367.2 462.4
n.d=not detected;
<d.L.=below detection limit
Table 9 Total PAH content (mg kg−1 dry weight) of some bivalve samples from other locations affected by oil spills
Location Sample Date Oil Spill Σ PAH Refs.

Ría de Arousa (Galiza-Spain) Mussel July 2002 Before Prestige 0.82–3.27 [14]
Ría de Arousa (Galiza-Spain) Mussel July 2003 After Prestige 2.45–9.8 [14]
Betanzos estuary (Galiza-Spain) Mussel October 1995 After Aegean Sea 1.6–45.7 [39]
Betanzos estuary (Galiza-Spain) Mussel July 2003 After Prestige 16.9–17.0 [27]
Prince Willian Sound (Alaska-EEUU) Mussel 1990–1993 After Exxon Valdéz 9.9–15.5 [40]
Urdaibai (Basque Country-Spain) Oyster July 1996 Before Prestige 0.15–1.09 [18]
Urdaibai (Basque Country-Spain) Oyster March 2003 After Prestige 0.2–0.5 This work

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17. Oros DR, Ross JRM (2005) Marine Environ Res 60:466–488
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