Kayali Sayadi2000

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Fresenius J Anal Chem (2000) 368 : 697–701 © Springer-Verlag 2000


M. N. Kayali-Sayadi · S. Rubio-Barroso ·
C. A. Díaz-Díaz · L. M. Polo-Díez

Rapid determination of PAHs in soil samples by HPLC

with fluorimetric detection following sonication extraction

Received: 9 May 2000 / Revised: 17 June 2000 / Accepted: 23 June 2000

Abstract A rapid method for the determination of PAHs pressurized fluid or accelerated solvent extraction (PFE or
in soil samples based on their extraction with methylene ASE) [4, 7, 14], sonication [5, 10], Soxhlet [4, 6], or super-
chloride by sonication and subsequent separation by HPLC critical fluid extraction (SFE) alone or with modifiers [8].
with fluorimetric detection is proposed. A Hypersil Green Some of these procedures require high solvent volumes or,
PAH column was used with a gradient of acetonitrile/wa- and as a result, highly expensive instrumentation.
ter as the mobile phase, together with a program of nine In this paper, the development of a rapid and economic
excitation and emission wavelength pairs. Recoveries method for extraction of PAHs from soil samples is de-
were in the range 70–98%, except for acenaphthene and scribed which is only based on solid-liquid extraction
naphthalene, at concentration levels 1.08–442 µg/kg with (SLE) by means of ultrasonic agitation using low solvent
relative standard deviations in the range 2–15% (n = 4). volumes. The clean-up step is not necessary. The determi-
Total PAHs found in soil samples were in the range nation of PAHs is carried out by HPLC using a program
15–282 µg/kg. The results were compared with those ob- of pairs of excitation and emission wavelength for fluori-
tained by applying the 3540 EPA method for two samples. metric detection.

Introduction Experimental
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are well known pollu- Apparatus and materials. A chromatographic system equipped
tants in environmental air [1], water [2, 3], soils and sedi- with the following components: a Milton Roy CM 4000 high-pres-
ments [4–6]. Due to their high toxicity and potential car- sure gradient pump (Rivera Beach, Fl); a Perkin Elmer LS 30 lu-
cinogenity they have been the subject of intense analytical minescence spectrometer (Norwalk, CT) and a Milton Roy CI
4100 integrator. A Hypersil Green PAH column (100 × 4.6 mm,
research in environmental studies. The sources of envi- 5 µm particulate size) by Sandon (England) was used for the sepa-
ronmental PAHs are due to a variety of processes, both ration of PAHs; a P-Selecta Precisterm bath was used to maintain
natural and human-controlled [1]. the column temperature below 22 °C (Barcelona, Spain). A P-Se-
The analytical determination of PAHs in environmen- lecta ultrasonic bath was used to prepare all the PAHs solutions
and for the extraction of PAHs from samples. A Barna vacuum
tal samples is carried out by gas chromatography (GC) pump, a Visiprep vacuum manifold system (Supelco, Bellefonte,
with flame ionization (FID) or mass spectrometry (MS) PA) and a P-Selecta Meditronic centrifuge able to apply up to
detectors [7–9] and reverse-phase high performance liq- 4800 rpm (3700 g) were also used. The mobile phase solvents
uid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with photometric (UV) were filtered through Nylon Lida membrane filters (Kenosha, WI)
with 0.45 µm pore size; the organic extracts were also filtered
or fluorimetric (FL) detectors [2, 8, 10–13]. through PTFE membrane filters, with a 0.5 µm pore size (MFS,
While straightforward solid phase extraction (SPE) on Dublin, CA). The soil samples were screened through a sieve
cartridges or disks is used to extract PAHs from liquid en- (Cisa, Spain).
vironmental samples [2, 3], the extraction of these com-
pounds from solid environmental samples is carried out by Chemicals. Independent stock standard solutions of PAHs were
prepared by solving solid compounds (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) in
methanol at concentration levels 35–790 mg/L. Working standard
PAH mixtures were prepared by suitable dilution of the stock stan-
dard solutions with methanol (each standard mixture solution ob-
M. N. Kayali-Sayadi · S. Rubio-Barroso () · C. A. Díaz-Díaz · tained independently from the individual stock solutions). HPLC
L. M. Polo-Díez grade acetonitrile, methanol and cyclohexane (Scharlau, Barce-
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, lona, Spain) were used. Other chemical reagents were also of
Complutense University of Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain HPLC purity. Water was purified with a Millipore Milli-Q system
e-mail: kayali@eucmax.sim.ucm.es (Milford, MA).
Procedures using the ultrasonic bath for 5 min. The solution was filtered
through a PTFE membrane filter of 0.5 µm and analyzed by HPLC
1. Soil sample collection by injecting 20 µL into the HPLC system and applying the cali-
bration procedure.
The soil samples were collected during the 1999 winter from five
zones in Madrid city, three urbane (samples 1, 2 and 3) and two
residential urbane (samples 4 and 5), affected by different pollu- 3. HPLC method and calibration
tion levels of cars and central heating. In all the cases the 1 mm
fraction was taken. Although, the samples were initially quite het-
erogeneous, the fractions were sandy in aspect with a grey color All data for quantification of the PAHs were obtained by applying
and a high organic content in the range 120–150 µg/kg for samples the mobile phase gradient shown in Table 1 at a flow rate of
1, 2 and 3, and low organic content 50–80 µg/kg for rest of the 1.0 mL/min and 22 °C. For fluorimetric detection of PAHs the pro-
samples. gram of excitation and emission wavelengths pairs detailed in
The number of cars in Madrid city is about 2.5 × 106 moving Table 2 was used. The working standard mixtures of PAHs in the
with a car frequency of about 1.6 × 105 per day through Glorieta de range 1.08–885 µg/L were injected at four concentration levels to
Cuatro Caminos in continuous traffic jam, Paseo del Prado which obtain the calibration graph. The injection volume was 20 µL. The
is near of the Retiro park, and Plaza del Cuzco which is a landscape integrated peak areas were used to quantitate the PAHs. The mo-
square (samples 1, 2 and 3, respectively), and of 2.7 × 104 cars per bile phase was degassed with helium.
day in Ciudad Universitaria and Dehesa de la Villa which is a quite
green zone (samples 4 and 5, respectively). Sample 6 was collected
in Almagro village (Ciudad Real), with a car frequency of about Results and discussion
1.0 × 103 per day.
Samples were collected as grab samples using wide mouth jars
and maintained at 0–4 °C from the time of collection until their Optimization of experimental chromatographic
preparation. parameters

2. Soil sample preparation On the basis of previous studies [12] the mobile phase
gradient of acetonitrile/water was optimized at a flow rate
Firstly, the soil samples were screened through a sieve with 1 mm of 1 mL/min and at 22 °C; the program of excitation and
pore size and then dried at 40 °C for 24 h. Then, in a glass tube of
10 mL volume size, portions of soil (1 g), spiked or non spiked emission wavelength pairs was also optimized. Both pro-
with PAHs in the range 1.08–442 ng, were suspended in 3 mL of grams are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively; separa-
cyclohexane and the PAHs were extracted in an ultrasonic bath for
30 min. The mixture was centrifuged at 4000 rpm and the super-
natant liquid was decanted. Another 3 mL of cyclohexane were
added to the residue and the extraction and decant processes were
repeated. Both extracts were collected in a glass tube and a fraction
of 4 mL was evaporated for 15 min by means of the vacuum man-
ifold system; then the residue was dissolved to 0.5 mL in methanol

Table 1 Mobile phase gradient

Time, min Acetonitrile, % Water, %
0.0 45 55
5.0 45 55
22.0 73 27
30.0 100 –

Table 2 Program of excitation and emission wavelength pairs

Detected compound Time, min λex, nm λem, nm
Naphthalene, Acenaphthene, 0 280 324
Phenanthrene 17.2 250 365
Anthracene 19.2 254 402
Fluoranthene 20.6 285 465
Pyrene 22.5 270 390
B[a]a, Chrysene 25.0 270 384 Fig. 1 Chromatogram of a standard mixture of thirteen PAHs.
B[e]p 30.3 290 390 Conditions: Hypersil Green PAH (100 × 4.6 mm) column; temper-
B[a]p 33.3 295 405 ature, 22 °C; mobile phase, gradient of acetonitrile/water, see
Db[a,h]a, B[ghi]p 35.3 290 418 Table 1; flow-rate, 1.0 mL/min; fluorimetric detection, see Table
2; injection volume, 20 µL. Peaks: 1, Naphthalene; 2, acenaph-
B[a]a, Benzo[a]anthracene, B[e]p, Benzo[e]pyrene; B[a]p, thene; 3, fluorene; 4, phenanthrene; 5, anthracene; 6, fluoranthene;
Benzo[a]pyrene; Db[a,h]a, Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene; B[ghi]p, 7, pyrene; 8, B[a]a; 9, chrysene; 10, B[e]p; 11, B[a]p;
Benzo[ghi]perylene 12, Db[a,h]a; 13, B[ghi]p

Table 3 Analytical character-

istics of the chromatographic PAH Linear rangea, µg/L RSDb, % DLc, µg/L tR, min RSDb, %
Naphthalene 29.5 –885 4.4 0.448 9.2 1.1
Acenaphthene 9.25–278 2.5 0.200 14.6 0.95
Fluorene 6.81–204 4.1 0.150 15.7 0.82
Phenanthrene 5.35–160 7.5 0.128 17.7 0.60
Anthracene 1.78– 53.4 2.2 0.037 19.7 0.33
Fluoranthene 1.25– 37.5 8.7 0.028 21.7 0.38
Pyrene 3.03– 90.9 7.6 0.055 23.0 0.27
B[a]a 1.71– 51.3 8.4 0.050 28.0 0.30
Chrysene 1.80– 54.0 8.2 0.046 28.9 0.29
B[e]p 10.1 –303 8.6 0.063 30.8 0.22
a Studied range B[a]p 1.08– 32.4 6.7 0.023 33.4 0.13
b Relative Standard Deviation Db[a,h]a 5.57–166 3.7 0.100 34.9 0.23
(n = 4)
c Detection Limit, DL = 3 S/N B[ghi]p 2.71– 81.3 9.0 0.055 35.6 0.36

Table 4 PAH recoveries from soil samplea

PAH c1 R1, % RSD c2 R2, % RSD c3 R3, % RSD c4 R4, % RSD
Naphthalene 29.5 – – 59.0 – – 177 – – 442 13 15
Acenaphthene 9.25 49 12 18.5 62 10 55.5 34 11 139 21 13
Fluorene 6.80 77 8 13.6 85 7 40.8 76 9 102 48 10
Phenanthrene 5.35 88 3 10.7 78 4 32.1 74 4 80.0 67 7
Anthracene 1.78 86 4 3.56 90 2 10.7 80 6 26.7 68 3
Fluoranthene 1.25 74 7 2.50 85 5 7.50 97 4 18.8 91 7
Pyrene 3.03 71 3 6.06 91 4 18.2 84 8 45.4 80 8
B[a]a 1.71 86 8 3.42 95 2 10.2 96 4 22.6 98 3
Chrysene 1.80 93 6 3.60 89 9 10.8 89 7 27.0 86 4
B[e]p 10.1 88 6 20.2 92 2 60.5 84 5 152 91 6
B[a]p 1.08 95 8 2.16 93 5 6.50 81 5 31.2 83 4
Db[a,h]a 5.55 89 9 11.1 86 2 33.3 82 3 83.0 90 3
B[ghi]p 2.71 78 2 5.42 70 7 16.2 78 8 40.6 79 7
a Soil sample number 6: 1 g; R, %: percentage recovery
c1, c2, c3 and c4 (µg/kg): PAHs concentration in spiked soil sample RSD, relative standard deviation, n = 4

tion and resolution from the baseline of 13 PAHs was at- Optimization of variables for the extraction of PAHs
tained. These PAHs were selected due to their abundance from soil samples by mean ultrasonication
in car pollution, central heating and their toxicity. Figure 1
shows a chromatogram of a standard mixture of PAHs. 1 g of soil sample and 2 mL of solvent were used for the
extraction of PAHs.
Two solvents, methylene chloride and cyclohexane,
Analytical characteristics of standards were tested as PAH extractants from soil samples. Cyclo-
hexane was chosen because with methylene chloride more
Table 3 shows the analytical characteristics obtained for interferent compounds were extracted.
the studied PAHs. Linearity between fluorescence re- Additionally, different lengths of ultrasonication cycles
sponse (peak area) and PAHs concentration in the range (20–80 min) were applied. The highest chromatographic
1.08–885 µg/L was verified. The regression coefficients peak areas were achieved for 60 min, where the mean ar-
were 0.9992. The relative standard deviations (RSD) at a eas were around 30% or higher.
concentration level in the middle of the calibration range The recoveries were a function of the number of ex-
(13–354 µg/L) for n = 4 were between 2.2–9.0% and all traction stages and of the extractant volume. These pa-
the values were below 1% with respect to retention time. rameters were thus also optimized in the ranges 2–6 mL
Detection limits (DL) defined as three times the signal to for cyclohexane volume and 1–3 for the number of ex-
noise ratio (3 S/N) were lower than 0.2 µg/L except for traction stages. The best results were obtained using 3 mL
naphthalene (0.45 µg/L). The table also shows the reten- of cyclohexane twice in an ultrasonic bath for 30 min; us-
tion times of the PAHs with RSD values in the range ing these conditions the mean recoveries were increased
0.1–1.1% (n = 4). at about 20%.
Fig. 2 Chromatograms of soil samples: (a) Glorieta de Cuatro
Caminos; (b) Ciudad Universitaria; (c) Almagro village. Condi-
tions: Hypersil Green PAH (100 × 4.6 mm) column; temperature,
22 °C; mobile phase, gradient of acetonitrile/water, see Table 1;
flow-rate, 1.0 mL/min; fluorimetric detection, see Table 2; injec-
tion volume, 20 µL. Peaks: 2, acenaphthene; 4, phenanthrene; 5,
anthracene; 6, fluoranthene; 7, pyrene; 8, B[a]a; 9, chrysene;
10, B[e]p; 11,B[a]p; 12, Db[a,h]a; 13, B[ghi]p

The amount of soil sample collected (0.5, 1 and 2 g)

was also evaluated. The best results were obtained with 1 g
of soil. Higher amounts gave adsorption problems of the
extractant agent, and lower amounts gave lower chroma-
tographic peak areas.
Finally, a 4 mL extract aliquot was evaporated to dry-
ness by means of the vacuum manifold system and the
residue was dissolved in 0.5 mL methanol.

Recovery studies
The PAHs recoveries were determined from the low pol-
luted soil sample number 6. 1.00 g of the soil was spiked
with PAHs at four concentration levels in the range
1.08–442 µg/kg, applying the experimental procedure.
The results of the analysis are shown in Table 4. In gen-
eral, recoveries were in the range 70–98% except for ace-
naphthene and naphthalene due to their volatility, spe-
cially during the concentration step of the extracts. The
relative standard deviations were in the range 2–15% for
b four replicates measurements.

Determination of PAHs in soil samples

The proposed method was applied to determine PAHs in

the six soil samples specified in the experimental section.
c Figure 2 a, b and c show the chromatograms from samples

Table 5 Determination of PAHs in soil samples (µg/kg)

PAH 1 RSD, 2 RSD, 2a RSD, 3 RSD, 3a RSD, 4 RSD, 5 RSD, 6 RSD,
% % % % % % % %
Acenaphthene 1.47 14 12.3 12 5.13 12 6.63 9 – – – – 0.59 16 – –
Fluorene – – 6.45 14 – – 7.45 12 – – – – – – – –
Phenanthrene 60.9 3 68.8 4 55.8 6 49.0 7 40.2 9 9.76 9 12.1 10 – –
Anthracene 4.85 8 1.42 3 – – 19.6 10 10.3 7 – – – – – –
Fluoranthene 10.7 7 5.26 8 4.37 9 3.64 4 6.71 3 4.65 9 6.67 5 – –
Pyrene 18.8 8 28.7 4 20.2 4 3.24 6 7.39 7 7.30 6 4.05 7 – –
B[a]a 34.2 8 9.82 10 10.2 2 6.41 4 4.58 8 21.0 9 4.34 9 – –
Chrysene 43.8 10 10.9 7 12.1 8 8.48 7 10.5 4 9.82 8 1.83 7 0.82 8
B[e]p 32.0 6 9.10 7 7.23 7 7.57 2 9.27 3 12.3 9 7.32 10 7.39 7
B[a]p 32.8 5 7.60 6 9.71 7 10.1 4 8.73 2 3.43 10 3.78 8 1.83 5
Db[a,h]a 23.4 2 8.07 8 7.24 9 13.9 2 16.1 8 4.60 2 4.18 3 3.74 2
B[ghi]p 19.3 9 6.35 8 8.58 9 6.91 3 5.21 8 4.95 7 4.42 7 1.32 10
Total PAHs 282 175 141 143 119 77.8 49.3 15.1

1–6: samples number; 1, Glorieta de Cuatro Caminos; 2, Paseo del RSD: Relative standard deviation (n = 4)
Prado; 3, Plaza del Cuzco; 4, Ciudad Universitaria; 5, Dehesa de la a Applyingthe 3540 EPA Method
Villa; from Madrid and 6, Almagro village (Ciudad Real)

number 1, 4 and 6, respectively. The results are summa- with the pollution levels from the sampling areas. PAHs
rized in Table 5, which also shows those obtained by ap- with 4–6 aromatic rings were detected in all samples.
plying the 3540 EPA method to samples 2 and 3. In gen-
eral, the results obtained by both methods were of the Acknowledgements Financial support from the Spanish DGI-
same order. However, the results for acenaphthene and CYT, project PB 96-0642, and the Servicio de Espectrometría de
Masas del Centro de Espectroscopía de la U.C.M. are gratefully
fluorene found were low when the 3540 EPA method was acknowledged.
used because they could be lost in the concentration step
due to the high solvent volume used for PAH extraction in
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