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Isra University

Department of English language and literature

The variant of / Ḍ/ in Arabic

Salam Ala’a Al-halaiqah

Supervised by Dr. Atef


The research analyze how social class can influence pronunciation and language variation

within a society. The different patterns of pronunciation observed for the word "ḌRB" among

individuals from different social classes in Jordan reflect the diversity and complexity of

language. Subtle variations in pronunciation can reveal so much about a person's background.

Regarding the phonological aspects, each sound has been studied phonetically in detail to

describe each one of them in different aspects. It is intriguing how these sounds have distinct

phonetic descriptions, and are produced differently in each language. This highlights the

importance of understanding the phonetics and phonology of different languages when studying

language variation and pronunciation. Language can vary between societies and individuals. As

for different accents, they can be influenced by a variety of factors. In some societies, certain

accents may be associated with higher social status or education, while others may be

stigmatized or linked to lower social class. This association can be shaped by historical, cultural,

and socioeconomic factors. Social class can also affect pronunciation through factors like

education, exposure to different dialects, and the environments in which people grow up.

However, it is important to remember that individual variations exist within each social class.

Language is a primary in our daily life. We cannot live without it because we use it as a

means of communication. Through which can we express our feelings, thoughts, desires and

many things, so the question here what is the language? How it can be different between

societies and individuals?

According to Sapir (1921, p. 7) “Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method

of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced

symbols”. We have in the world many different languages, and the reason behind these

differences is the populations spread around the world and isolated from each other, languages

evolved independently. As there are different languages, we also have different dialects within

one language. An accent refers to the way someone pronounces words and phrases based on their

regional or cultural background. What is the reason of different accents?

Different accents is a complex and debated topic. In some societies, certain accents may

be associated with higher social status or education, while others may be stigmatized or

associated with lower social class. This association can be influenced by historical, cultural, and

socioeconomic factors. Social classes can influence people's pronunciation through various

factors. For example, individuals from higher social classes may have access to better education

and exposure to prestigious dialects or accents, leading to more standardized pronunciation. On

the other hand, individuals from lower social classes may have limited access to educational

resources, resulting in non-standard or stigmatized accents. Additionally, social class can affect

the environments in which people grow up, interact, and learn language, further shaping their

pronunciation patterns. It is important to note that these are general observations and individual

variations exist within each social class.

This Research is focusing on the variation of / Ḍ/ among native Arabic speakers in

Amman. It is studying how individual pronounce this sound in different ways by using different

sounds. These differences has many different reasons and it depend on the individual dialect.

Statement of problem

/ Ḍ/ has many variant pronunciations, and there is many social factors behind this

variation and it occurs in specific places. Therefore, the main problem here is the variation of the

sound / Ḍ/. This variation affects the meaning of the words.

Objectives of the paper

The objectives of the paper is to find out how many variants / Ḍ/ has, explore what is the

social factors behind this variation, where does it occur and how this variation affect the meaning

of the words.

Questions of the study

What are the variants / Ḍ/ in Arabic?

How many variant Ḍ has?

What social factors are behind the variation?

Where does it occur?


When studying the variations of the / Ḍ/ sound in Arabic dialects, it involve investigating

the factors that contribute to the different pronunciations. It could explore the influence of

historical, geographical, or social factors on the development of these variations. It provide

insights into the patterns and reasons behind the diverse pronunciations of the /d/ sound across

Arabic dialects.

The research on the variant / Ḍ/ sound in Arabic dialects is important for several reasons.

Firstly, it will help people to understand the linguistic diversity within the Arabic language itself.

By examining the different pronunciations of / Ḍ/ across dialects, they gain insights into the

historical, geographical, and social factors that have shaped these variations.

Significance of the study

Additionally, this research contributes to our understanding of language change and

evolution. By studying how sounds change over time and across different communities, we can

uncover patterns and processes that are crucial for understanding language development.

Furthermore, this research has practical implications for language learners and educators. By

identifying the specific variations of the / Ḍ/ sound in different dialects, language learners can

better navigate and adapt to the linguistic nuances of specific regions. Educators can also

incorporate this knowledge into language teaching materials to provide a more accurate

representation of the Arabic language as it is spoken in different contexts. Overall, the research

on the variant / Ḍ/ sound in Arabic dialects enriches our understanding of language variation,

cultural diversity, and the intricate nature of human communication.

Definitions of terms

According to D Crystal, CL Alan (2023) “Linguistics is the scientific study of language

and its structure, including the sounds (phonetics and phonology), words (morphology),

sentences (syntax), and meanings (semantics). It explores how languages are structured, how

they evolve, and how they are used in communication.”

Ehri, L. C. (2020) “Phonics refers to the method of teaching and learning the relationship

between sounds and letters. It focuses on the connection between the sounds of a language

(phonemes) and the letters or letter combinations that represent those sounds (graphemes).”

A dialect is a variation of a language that is specific to a particular region, social group,

or community. Dialects can differ in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, reflecting

the unique linguistic features of a specific group.

An accent refers to the way someone pronounces words and sounds based on their native

language or regional background. It involves the specific speech patterns, intonation, and

pronunciation characteristics that distinguish one group or individual from another.

Pronunciation refers to the way words are spoken or articulated, including the sounds,

stress, and intonation patterns used in a particular language. It focuses on the correct production

of individual sounds and the overall rhythm and melody of speech.



A qualitative approach was used to design the study of the variant of / Ḍ/ in Arabic.


Tia is the owner of a beauty center, holds a university degree in cosmetology, and is 27

years old. Lillian is a high school student studying science. Ahmed is 24 years old and works in a

store. Hamza is a 26-year-old young man who works in carpentry.

Data sources

Data sources included interviews, observations, focus groups, documents, and audio or

video recordings. Conduct interviews with experts in the field or individuals who have

experience with the topic. Observations involved directly observing and documenting behaviors

or interactions related to the research question. Focus groups allow for group discussions and

interactions among participants, providing a collective perspective on the topic. Documents, such

as books, articles, or official reports, was also serve as valuable sources of qualitative data.

Audio or video recordings can capture real-life conversations or events, preserving the richness

of the data. Each source has its own strengths and limitations.

Data collection

Data collection involved conducting phonetic interviews or recordings with native

Arabic speakers. In these interviews, participants asked to pronounce words or phrases that

contain the /Ḍ/ sound, to allowing researchers to analyze the pronunciation patterns, variations,

and any contextual factors that may influence the production of this sound. By collecting

qualitative data through these interviews, researchers gain a deeper understanding of how the /Ḍ/

sound is realized in different dialects or regions, as well as any social or linguistic factors that

may contribute to its variation. This approach provide valuable insights into the phonetic

characteristics of the /Ḍ/ sound in Arabic.


Jordanian society is mixed with many nationalities and this is due to many reasons,

including economic, political and social. This friction led to many differences in the

pronunciation of some words that contain certain letters, such as Q, K, and Ā. These differences

vary between changing the sound to another sound, softening the sound, amplifying the sound, or

adding an extension to the letter.

The Arabic language is called the language of Ḍād because it is distinguished by having

such a letter. Arabic speakers are considered among the most skilled speakers, with their ability

to pronounce all sounds. This study will focus on the difference in pronunciation of this letter

among members of Jordanian society and analyze it phonologically from several aspects.

In many areas, there can be different accents or variations of pronunciation within the

same region. It is fascinating how accents can develop based on factors such as geography,

history, cultural influences, and even social groups. These accents can differ in terms of vowel

sounds, consonant pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. It is interesting to explore the diversity

of accents within a single area. For example, Amman contains citizens from almost all parts of

the Middle East. This is the reason why the pronunciation of one word differs in more than one


As mentioned previously, the Arabic language is characterized by the letter Ḍ, and this

letter appears in many words. It is pronounced in several forms depending on the origin of the

speaker. One word that contains the letter Ḍ has several forms of pronunciation, the number of

which may reach four sounds. There are many reasons behind these differences, which will be

detailed later, and it will be mentioned where each pronunciation occurs.

The differences of the letter Ḍ in the Arabic language, which can be heard clearly by

native Arabic speakers with different accents, can be counted in four sounds. Each sound has its

own characteristics, and its speakers have different backgrounds, whether social or other. These

sounds vary as follows: ḌḎDẒ .These are examples of each sound to explain it in detail , Ḍ in

ḌḤK "‫ "ضحك‬, Ḏ in ḎYL "‫"ذيل‬, D in DLW "‫ "دلو‬,Ẓ in ẒHR "‫ "ظهر‬.

Accents are shaped by a variety of social factors. For example, geographic location plays

a big role. People in different regions develop distinct accents due to isolation, migration, and

historical influences. Cultural heritage also plays a part, as the languages and dialects spoken by

different cultural groups can influence accents. Socioeconomic status can also be a factor, as

accents may be associated with certain social classes or levels of education. Peer groups and

social identity can influence accents too, as people may adopt certain speech patterns to fit in or

identify with a particular group. Media also has an impact, as exposure to different accents

through television, movies, and music can shape the way people speak. It is fascinating how all

these factors come together to create the diverse range of accents we hear around the world.

When it comes to accents, political aspects can sometimes come into play as well. In

some cases, accents can be associated with certain political ideologies or movements. For

example, certain accents may be seen as markers of regional pride or resistance against dominant

cultural or political forces. However, it is important to note that accents themselves are not

inherently political. The political aspects of accents usually arise from the social and historical

contexts in which they exist. So while there can be connections between accents and politics, it is

not a universal rule and varies depending on the specific situation.

When it comes to accents, war can sometimes have an impact on language and dialects.

During times of conflict, language can become a way to assert identity and resist outside

influences. In some cases, war can lead to language shifts or the emergence of new dialects or

pidgins as people from different regions come together. However, it is important to remember

that war is a complex and sensitive topic, and its effects on language can vary greatly depending

on the specific historical and cultural context.

Cultural diversity plays a significant role in shaping accents and languages. Different

cultures have their own unique ways of speaking, which can result in a wide variety of accents

and dialects. This diversity is influenced by factors such as history, migration, cultural traditions,

and even the blending of different languages through contact and interaction. Cultural diversity

in language is something to be celebrated as it reflects the richness and uniqueness of different

communities and their ways of communicating. It is amazing how cultural diversity contributes

to the tapestry of human language.

Parents play a crucial role in shaping our language skills and accents. As we grow up, we

tend to adopt the language patterns and accents of our parents or primary caregivers. This is

because we learn language primarily through imitation and exposure to the language spoken

around us. Therefore, if our parents have a particular accent or way of speaking, it can greatly

influence our own accents and language abilities. Of course, other factors like peer groups and

the broader community also have an impact, but parents are often the initial and most influential

language models in our lives. It is fascinating how our upbringing and the people closest to us

can shape our language skills.

Jordanian society consists of several social classes, each of which differs in their place of

residence, speech, and even their pronunciation. These social classes are divided into 4 classes:

Higher upper class lower upper class, middle class, and working class.

I tested several people on the pronunciation of the word (ḌRB) (hit) from several regions,

and the test results showed the following:

I found four patterns of pronunciation of the word: DRB, ḌRB, ḎRB, ẒRB.

 Tia lives in Amman Dabouq; she is belonging to higher upper class pronounced it

in this way: DRB.

 Lilian lives in Amman Swefieh, she is belonging to lower upper class pronounced

it in this way: ḌRB.

 Ahmad lives in Amman Madaba; he belongs to middle class pronounced it in this

way: ẒRB.

 Hamza lives in Jerash; he belongs to working class pronounced it in this way:


When it has come to phonological aspect, we find the following:

 The phonological description of the letter "d" in English is a voiced

dental/alveolar plosive sound. It is produced by placing the tip of the tongue

against the upper teeth or alveolar ridge and releasing a burst of air. This sound

can be found in words like "dog," "day," or "door."

 The phonological description of the letter "Ẓ" in Arabic is a voiced

pharyngealized /zˁ/ sound. It is produced by constricting the back of the tongue

against the pharynx while voicing the sound. This sound is distinct from the

regular /z/ sound in Arabic, as it has a pharyngeal quality to it. It can be found in

words like "‫( "ظالم‬ẓulm) meaning "darkness" or "‫( "ظرف‬ẓarf) meaning


 The phonological description of the letter "Ḏ" in English is a voiced dental

fricative sound. It is represented by the letter "Ḏ" in the International Phonetic

Alphabet (IPA). This sound is produced by placing the tip of the tongue against

the upper teeth and allowing air to pass through, creating a buzzing or vibrating

sound. It is similar to the "th" sound in words like "this" or "that".

 The phonological description of the letter "ḍ" in Arabic is a voiced

pharyngealized /dˁ/ sound. It is produced by constricting the back of the tongue

against the pharynx while voicing the sound. This sound is distinct from the

regular /d/ sound in Arabic, as it has a pharyngeal quality to it. It can be found in

words like "‫( "ضوء‬ḍawʾ) meaning "light" or "‫( "ضحك‬ḍaḥk) meaning "to laugh".


When it comes to measuring the variant of /Ḍ/ in Arabic, reliable measurement tools and

techniques are crucial for accurate data collection. The tool used is spectrograph, which analyzes

the acoustic properties of speech sounds. Spectrograms help me in visualize the specific

characteristics of /Ḍ/ and provide objective measurements of its pronunciation. Another

technique was used auditory perception tests, where trained listeners assess the presence and

quality of /Ḍ/ in spoken language samples. These tools and techniques provide researchers with

reliable ways to measure and study the variant of /Ḍ/ in Arabic.

In the context of studying the variant of /Ḍ/ in Arabic, pilot studies can help researchers identify

any difficulties in data collection, transcription, or measurement techniques. They allow

researchers to test their methodologies, refine their procedures, and make any necessary

adjustments to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their findings. By conducting pilot studies,

researchers can anticipate and address potential issues, saving time and resources in the end. In

the studying the variant of /Ḍ/ in Arabic, inter-rater reliability ensures that different researchers

or linguists who are transcribing or analyzing the pronunciation of /Ḍ/ are consistent in their

interpretations and judgments. This helps enhance the validity and credibility of the findings.

Literature reviews

Phonetics of the Arabic Ḍ Sound: A Comprehensive Analysis

Javed, F. (2013) this literature review delves into the phonetic characteristics of the

Arabic Ḍ sound, exploring its articulation, acoustic properties, and variations across different

Arabic dialects. It provides an in-depth examination of the tongue and vocal cord movements

involved in producing this unique sound.

Sociolinguistic Perspectives on the Perception of Ḍ in Arabic

Al-Mubarak, G. (2016) Examining the social implications of the Arabic Ḍ sound, this

review investigates how speakers perceive and utilize Ḍ in various linguistic contexts. It explores

any social connotations associated with the correct or incorrect pronunciation of Ḍ and its impact

on communication within Arabic-speaking communities.

Historical Evolution of the Arabic Ḍ Sound: A Diachronic Study

Al-Ani, S. H., & Woodhams, A. J. (2015) Focusing on the historical development of the

Arabic Ḍ sound, this literature review traces its evolution over time. It explores linguistic

changes, influences from neighboring languages, and the factors contributing to the stability or

variation of the Ḍ sound in different periods of Arabic linguistic history.


Sapir, E. (1921). An introduction to the study of speech. Language, 1.

Crystal, D., & Alan, C. L. (Eds.). (2023). A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics. John

Wiley & Sons.

Ehri, L. C. (2020). The science of learning to read words: A case for systematic phonics

instruction. Reading Research Quarterly, 55, S45-S60.

Al-Mubarak, G. (2016). An investigation of sociolinguistic variation in al-ʾAḥsāʾ Arabic

(Doctoral dissertation, SOAS, University of London).

Javed, F. (2013). Arabic and English phonetics: A comparative study. The Criterion: An

International Journal in English, 4(4), 1-13.

Al-Ani, S. H., & Woodhams, A. J. (2015). The Evolution of Ḍād: A Synchronic and

Diachronic Analysis of the Emphatic Arabic Ḍād. Journal of Educational Sciences, 27(3), 517-



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