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1. Name the forms of tourism based on purpose

 There are many forms of tourism categorized by purpose, such as adventure
tourism, cultural tourism, beach tourism, ecotourism, cruise tourism, medical
tourism, etc

2. Advantages and disadvantages of independent tour

 Advantages: freedom of choices, private space, more flexibility, gain experience
(research, plan, money, time management and problem solving)
 Disadvantages:
- Unsafe
- Requires detailed planning and is at your own risk
- More expensive than going on a package tour

3. Advantage and disadvantage of package tour

 Advantages: convenient and stress free, great value for money, all – inclusive
services, safe travelling, educational, making friends
 Disadvantages:
- Lack of flexibility and independence
- Time limit
- Limit privacy and experience

4. Rule of TA, TO
 TA is a broker, connecting customers with Tour Operator and receiving
commissions from Tour Operator.
 Rule of TO: They buy in advance and in bulk from the principles: airlines,
shipping lines, hoteliers, and so on. Then they convert this bulk into individual
packages known technology as inclusive tours. These are marketed to the
consumer through TA or by other systems.

5. Why are packaged tours cheaper than independent?

 Because TO buy components of packaged tour in bulk from principles, so they pay
a much lower price for them than an ordinary member of the public.

6. Components of a package holiday

 The necessary components of a package holiday include transportation (transport
to and from the destination); transfers (transfers between the airport/station/port
and hotel); accommodation (food and accommodation of the destination) and other
services such as a guide or holiday reps.
7. How many types of tour operator are there?
 There are 4 types of tour operator. They are Mass market tour operators, Specialist
Operators, Domestic Operators and Incoming Tour Operators

8. For examples about personal touch?

 Before: tour operator consults customers on a package holiday, the tour operator
asks for information related to the customer such as what food the customer is
allergic to, then notes it and removes it from the meals during the trip.
 During: Provide 24/7 support and assistance to guests throughout their journey
 After: send an email and ask open-ended questions and actively listen to feedback.

9. What information do TA need to know from TO?

 Brochure of tours, price include transfer or hotel, price of tour, use local hotel or
near the city center, discount for group, TA’s commission and how much?
Do you have brochures of your tour?
Does the price include transfers?
What type of accommodation arrangement do you offer?
Do you provide insurance for this tour?
How long is the tour?

10. What products and services does TA provide?

 Products that TA provide include package holidays, traveller’s cheques, air/train
and coach tickets and insurance. Services such as guiding and advising customers,
giving advice on visa and passport applications, planning itineraries and costs and
Representing a client in a complaint procedure after an unsatisfactory holiday

11. What skills and quality that a TA sale consultant need?

 A travel agency sale consultant is required a wide range of different skills and
qualities, such as: very wide knowledge of geography, a detailed knowledge of the
products that the agency offers, high level computer skills especially for using the
Internet to research destinations and using computer reservation system to put
together airfares or make other bookings. In addition, excellent personal skills,
especially good listening skill is also required. And the last one is the ability to
determine a client’s need accurately.

12. How many stages of sale process? What are they?

 There are 6 steps of a sale process. They are raising awareness, establishing
rapport, investigating needs, presenting products, closing the deal and after-sales

13. In which stage does a sales consultant do most of the talking?
 In stage 4 – presenting products, the sale consultant has to talk most. Because in
this stage, sale consultant will present about the features, advantages and benefits
of the products in order persuade customer choose that product.

14. Which stage listening a lot?

 Stage 3 – investigating needs. Because in this stage, the sale consultant has to clear
many information about the guest’s needs, including where a client wants to go,
when they will travel, who with and so on. That’s why a sale consultant need
listen carefully in order to avoid missing the needs.

15. What should you notice to during the product presentation stage?

16. Leave them alone?

Because at this point in the process, many customers will need time and space to
think. Therefore, travel agencies should not disturb them. The best thing to do is to
get their contact and invite them to take the brochures home and browse through
17. What elements of the product are presented?
TA need to present products in terms of:
- Features: these are what a holiday has, such as the hotel facilities, transfers
from the airport, excursion, etc
- Advantages: these are what make the holiday better than other similar holidays.
- Benefits: why a particular feature is good for the customer you are talking to at
that moment.

18. Advantages of buying through TA

 Inclusive package tours
 More details, saving time, consultancy
 Convenient for large groups

19. Advantages of buying through the Internet

 Research info, make comparisons
 Customization, flexibility
 24/7, money-saving
20. Benefits of the internet for travelers and the travel profession?
 The Internet gives travelers the ability to shop for attractive offers or packages. It
has also helped many travel agencies, hotels, resorts, and other travel-related
suppliers to grow by bringing in business through websites.

21. Types of accommodation of our country?

 There are many types of accommodation of our country, such as hotel, resort/villa,
homestay, bungalow, hostel, camping/glamping (glamorous + camping), motel,
apartment, cruise ship, etc
 Serviced accommodation: bed and breakfast, country house, cruise ship, guest
house, hotel, lodge
 Self-catering: apartment, campsite, caravan, chalet, log cabin, motorhome, villa
 Rural: country house, farmhouse, lodge, log cabin, mountain refuge
 Urban: apartment, villa, campsite, caravan, hostel, hotel, motel
 Static: motel, hotel, hostel, apartment, villa, bed and breakfast, farm house, guest
 Mobile: caravan, motorhome, cruise ship

22. What is the difference between full board and half board?
 Full board: includes all breakfast, lunch, and dinner
 Half board: includes breakfast and lunch or dinner. The remaining meals
are for guests to choose.

23. List some expectations about hotel of a leisure traveller?

- Kj
24. List some expectations about hotel of a buiseness traveller?
 Business facilities
 High quality hotels
 Location in city center and close to airport and transportation

25. Name of the facilities and services in the hotel?

Facilities Services

1. Karaoke rooms 1. Housekeeping

2. Casino 2. Room decorating

3. Private golf course 3. Currency exchange

4. Airport transfer
4. Bars
5. Ticket booking service
5. Kids’ club
6. Bike/Car rental
6. Cinema
7. Photography
7. Lounge
8. Welcome drinks
8. Fitness center/Yoga
9. Guest service
9. Game center
10. Chauffeur limousine services
10. Terrace 11. Valet parking
11. Entertainment 12. Catering service
12. Sky view 13. Interpreting/Translating

13. Souvenir shops 14. Concierge service

14. Light & sound system 15. Site inspection

15. Luggage storage 16. Guided tour

16. Ironing kit

17. Toiletries
18. Coffee and tea

19. Smoking room

20. Private beach (coastal)

26. Which information that customers may ask about the hotel?
 Location of the hotel
 Facilities and services
 Access to the airport or the downtown
 Restaurant and bar
 Entertainment
 Other services: car rental,…

27. Which of these documents do you need for a holiday abroad?

 Passport
 Visa
 Flight ticket
 ID
 Travel insurance

28. How many stages of booking procedure? What are they?

 Kj

29. CRS, GDS stand for?

 CRS stands for Computer Reservation System
 GDS stands for Global Distribution Systems

30. Tasks of CRS and GDS

Task: CRS is a computerized system used to store and retrieve information and
conduct transactions related to travel
→ Designed and operated by airlines, TA
GDS: help customers through Internet gateways for hotel, rental car, and other
services as well as airline ticket

31. What happen when customer cancel booking?

 If a customer wants to cancel the booking, the person who made the booking must
inform tour operator in writing and customer may be aked to pay cancellation
charges. And TO will not refund any insurance premiums that customer have paid.

32. Purposes of business travel:

 Attending a conference, convention, or trade show.
 Considering, examining, inspecting, or assessing new markets.
 Evaluating a project site.
 Going for a job interview far away
 Installing equipment for a customer.
 Meeting with colleagues (from the same company) at a faraway location.
 Negotiating with suppliers.
 Networking.
 Promoting a product or service.
 Visiting customers.
 Meeting prospects (contacts who could turn into customers).

33. Different between leisure travel to business travel

- Budget is higher and price is not a matter
- Schedules are fixed, lack of flexibility
- Time travelling: short, not tied to any climate or season
- Accommodation: business facilities, high quality hotels, location in the city
center and close to airport and public transportation
 Leisure travel
- It depends a lot on the climate and season.
- Prefer locations close to tourism destinations or popular local destinations.
- Allowing individuals to escape the stress of everyday life and explore new

34. Types of conference room seating plans

 There are 6 popular types of conference room seating plans. They are boardroom,
classroom, theatre, circle of chairs, clusters and U-shape.
 Boardroom is good for full involvement and face to face communication where
there is no need for a dominant leader, such as board meeting
 Classroom is effective for one way communication and large groups. It provides a
work surface for notetaking and reference materials. It is often used for lecture,
training sessions, workshop, etc
 Theatre is good for one way communication, audio visual and lecture style
presentations where note taking is not so important. It is often used for speech,
press conference, lecture, presentation, seminars, etc
 Circle of chairs is good for small groups where close interaction and a lot of
discussion is expected. The shared table creates a sense of unity. It is often used
for gala party, year end party, customer appreciation, etc
 Clusters is good for large numbers needing to work on small group discussions
and projects. It allows maximum participation within groups. It is often used for
workshop, wedding banquet, etc
 U-shape is good for close interaction and working in pairs. It gives sense of equal
status at same time as allowing up-front presentation. It is often used for signing
ceremony, collaboration, etc

35. Equipments and facilities can be seen in the conference room include digital
projector, flip chart, audio visual, break out room, lamination, laptop,
teleconferencing, videoconferencing, wifi, etc

36. When you learn about a conference center, what information do you need to

When I learn about a conference center, some informations that I need clarify
includes capacity, dimension, equipments, facilities and services can be offer,
seating plan and extra entertainment

37. How can business traveler benefit from tourism industry?

 There are 2 ways that business travel benefits tourism industry. The first way is
that it increases the level of leisure and recreational activity at the destination in 4
ways include extending their visit by adding a number of days to enjoy the
cultural, shopping or sightseeing resources of the destination, business travelers
are accompanied by guests (usually spouses or families) who engage in leisure
tourism activities while at the destination, engaging in leisure or recreational
activities as part of the social, networking, or relaxation element of the event
attended and returning with their spouses or families for holidays or short breaks
or encouraging other to do so. The second way is that it creates more jobs at the

Talking to tour operator (TA – TO)

TO: Good morning. How may I help you?
TA: Yes, I hope so. I’m a travel agent from Danang. I’m looking for tours of
TO: Well. The [name tour] is a [tour area + type]. What more details would you like to
know about this tour?
TA: Are there any departures for beginning of 2024?
TO: Yes. This tour departs on 1st and 15th every month. So, you can choose based on your
TA: great. What is the basic price of the tour
TO: The basic price of the tour is 100 dollars/pax
TA: Does the price include all food and meals?
TA: Does the price inlcude entry costs to monument?
TO: Certainly. You can entry to all of monuments of this tour without any charges
TA: What types of accommodation arrangement are provided?
TA: Doo you accept group?
TA: Is there a minimum size for groups?
TA: Is there any discount for group? How much is the discount?
TA: How much is the travel agent’s commission?
TA: Do you provide insurance. What will it cover
TA: What is your cancellation and refund policy?
TA: Will there be a guide on a tour?
TA: What services do you offer at the destination?
TA: What additional expenses should I expect?

Investigating a client’s needs

TA: Hello. Welcome to Travel Well Company. Take a seat, please
Cus: Thank you
TA: I’m Thu, sale consultant. How may I assist you today?
Cus: Hello. I would like to book a tour to Korea for a couple but I haven’t chosen one
yet. Could you suggest me?
TA: Absolutely. May I know your name first?
Cus: I’m Jennifer
TA: Yes, Ms Jennifer. Have you ever booked any of our tours before?
Cus: Yes, I have. The trip to Singapore last 2 months was so wonderful, which is why I
have returned today.
TA: Thank you so much! I’m so happy to hear that. So now, let’s get back to our main
focus. You’re looking for a tour for a couple to Korea. Have you chosen your expected
departure date yet?
Cus: I have a paid vacation next August for a week, beginning the 6th. My husband and I
would like to travel at that time.
TA: Yes. The duration of the trip will be less than 1 week and there are 2 persons will
join the trip - you and your husband, right?
Cus: That’s right.
TA: Great! Ms. Jennifer. Do you have any destinations in mind?
Cus: Actually not. We both prefer somewhere of worship.
TA: Yes. Spiritual destinations such as temples, pagodas will be considered. Something
else, Ms Jennifer?
Cus: We also would like to experience activities together. A few of my friends have tried
making kimchi when they travelled in Korea.
TA: uh hum. Actually, we have exploited this activity on many previous tours. Our
customers could also experience wearing traditional Korean Wedding costumes. Do you
need me to note anything else about the destinations?
Cus: That’s enough. Thank you.
TA: Yes. Ms Jennifer. What kind of accommodation do you prefer?
Cus: We would like a type of hotel which is decorated romantically.
TA: Uh hum. Would you like to stay in a luxurious or comfortable hotel or just need
romantic decoration?
Cus: A luxurious one, please
TA: Great! A luxurious hotel with romantic decoration. How about the meals? What meal
option do you prefer? Full board or half board?
Cus: Half board, please. We prefer to experience the local cuisine
TA: I got it. Our tours usually leave guests free to visit in the evening, you can take
advantage of this time to experience local food. Are there any special interests that I need
to take note?
Cus: Uhm, yes. My husband is allergic to seafood. Therefore, could you give him a
special treat?
TA: Absolutely. I’ll note this. Do you have any further requirements?
Cus: There’s nothing right now. I will notify you if there are any changes.
TA: Okay, Based on your preferences, there are 2 tours that are suitable for you; here are
the brochures for your reference.
Cus: Thank you, I will discuss it further with my husband and get back to you soon.
TA: Thank you so much. Hope to see you soon, Ms.Jennifer.
Giving information about hotels
TA: hello, welcome to travel well company. How may I assist you today?
Cus: hello. I’ve already booked a tour to .. of your company and I see that we will stay at
hotel.. could you give me more details about this hotel?
TA: Absolutely. What more details would you like to know about this hotel?
Cus: What is the location of the hotel?
How about the restaurants and bars?
Is the hotel far from the airport?
Does the hotel provide facilities and services for children?
Does the hotel provide car rental service?
Does the hotel have any nighttime entertainment?
Talking a telephone booking
FO: Name of hotel – Thu speaking – may I help you?
Cus: Hello. Would you have a room for next week?
FO: For next week mam. When would that be exactly?
Cus: from .. to
FO: and would that be a single room?
Cus: ..
Fo: would you prefer a twin or 2 singles
Cus: A twin, pls
FO: smoking or non smoking?
FO: So that arriving on Monday the 12, departure on Thursday the 15, 1 twin room, non
smoking? That’s right?
Cus: That’s right?
FO: just a moment. I’ll check the availability. Yes. We can do that. May I know your
name please?
Cus: …, It’s …
Fo: repeat
Cus: that’s right
FO: we need you to confirm this, Ms … by fax, or email, or you can give us your credit
card details?
Cus: credit card is the easiest.
FO: Could you give me the number of the card?
Cus: Yes. It’s 537583
Fo: so that’s 38563
Cus: Yes.That’s it
FO: is that visa
Cus: yes/no
FO: And what’s name of the card, pls
Cus: My own name…
FO: ok, And could you tell me the expiry date
Cus: Its expiry in tháng 2008
Fo: thank you. Your reservation number is GHT65765
Cus: 44784
FO: Could I ask you to use this if you need to notify or cancel your booking
Cus: yes, of course
FO: and we’re looking for you on the 12. Thank you for calling
Cus: thank you

Have you decided where to go

Tour operator: I'm delighted that you're excited about the "Kore Romantic" tour! To proceed
with booking and secure your spot, we just need a few details. May I have your full name?

Customer: My full name is Jennifer Nguyen

Tour operator: You have 2 special requests that you want a hotel decorated romantically and
your husband is allergic to seafood, right?
Customer: Yeah that's right! Please note them

Tour operator: Fantastic! I got it. Do you need anything else?

Customer: No. I think that's all!

Tour operator: I need your passports and your contact details. Additionally, we'll require a
deposit to confirm your booking. The deposit amount is 30% of the total tour cost, which is
4.797.000 per person and total is 9.594.000 for 2 people
What method of deposit payment do you want?

Customer: I want to pay by credit card. Here are my passport and credit card
Tour operator: Okay, Here is your receipt. Sign here please!

Customer: Okay.

Tour operator: The rest payment must be paid two weeks before the trip. Could you let me
know your email so that we can send you the confirmation, the invoice for the remaining
amount, and detailed information about the trip? You can write here!

Customer: Okay

Tour operator: Thank you so much! I will send you an email within 2 days. !
Customer: Okay. I'll keep an eye on email box and completing full payment. I really
appreciate your assistance!

Tour operator: It's my pleasure! If you have any further questions or need assistance with
anything else, don’t hesitate to contact me . We’re looking forward to hosting you on our "Korea
Romantic" tour and ensuring you have an unforgettable experience!

Customer: Okay, thank you. I can’t wait to experience my Korean trip.

Tour operator :Thank you so much! Have a great day!

Explaining booking conditions

Cus: I would like to know more about your booking conditions
TA: Yes, mam. We’ve already given you informations of booking conditions. So, what
informations make you confuse?
Cus: Are the prices in the brochure all correct?
TA: the prices were right when the brochure was printed, but if they are different now,
the tour operator will tell me when I make the booking. And if the prices have changed,
I’ll tell you before you sign the booking form.
Cus: ok. What happens if we cancel our holiday?
TA: If you want to cancel your booking, we may ask you to pay cancellation charges as
And we hope this doesn't happen to you, Ms Ha.
Cus: Do we need insurance or is that included in the price?
TA:… And if you have a medical condition, please tell our sales when you make your
Cus: Can we change our booking if we have to?
Cus: Will we definitely get the hotel we asked for in the booking form?
Cus: What happens if there are flight delays?
TA: We try hard to avoid flight delays and always want our customers to have the best
experience, but they do sometimes. And in that case, we will …...

Taking a conference booking

Hotel guest check in

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