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“Gen Y has a lower ego than other generations and they are
inferior because they grew up in a failed parenting education”
→ Millennials are not so bad.

▪ Most of the characteristics and personality of a person are inherited

from their parents.
▪ The parent's upbringing is only a part of the influence on the
personality traits of people.
▪ The assessment of all Millennials will be slightly influenced by Gen X.

▪ “What Millennials want from work”, they aren’t lazy, incompetent.

▪ Famous people of Generation Y.

→ Simon's views of Gen Y still seems to have a negative bias towards Gen Y people.
“The mood will change when Millennials use social media and smartphones”
→ Simon Sinek's way of looking at the problem from this scientific
perspective is quite reasonable and convincing. Facebook interaction

▪ This is not a problem of only one generation.

▪ Everyone has an "addiction" expression, not just gen Y (Millennials).
Gen X
▪ Evidence: The New York Times newspaper 42%
Gen Y
Other generation
“Millennials' overly liberal access to social media, smartphones. Thus,
they don’t know how to build deep and meaningful relationships”
→ Simon Sinek's claim is not wrong, but it's not entirely true.

▪ Neither millennials use social media or smartphones nor know how to

build deep relationships
▪ This freedom of access not only has consequences, it’s an advantage for
millennials over other generations.
▪ Thanks to this freedom of access, millennials also have easy access to
information in many different fields.
→ As such, having free access to social media is not always a harmful
“Imbalances in the use of social networks are the most basic
cause of technology becoming harmful”
→ Agree with Simon Sinek's point of view

▪ Perhaps because of "addiction" that generation Y has formed a

characteristic of infocus, laziness.
→ This factor not only affects the personality of generation Y but
also all generations.
“Patience seemed to be scarce in the 1984 generation onwards. Since
everything they want is quickly met by technology or utility services”

▪ Many people will have negative thoughts about the effects of

electronic shopping tools, online platforms.
▪ It’s difficult to deny the benefits that electronic shopping tools,
online platforms brings to human life.
→ The lack of patience: many different factors.
→ Has only a partial impact, not to mention development.
“They crave success at first instead of patiently learning and
are afraid of failure”
→ This opinion of the author is generally quite correct.
→ It would be short-sighted to impose this view on an entire generation.
“Young people should know everything is met by the technology or
utility services except job satisfaction and the strength of
→ Completely agree.
▪ For some things, don't rush and try your best.

▪ The author's comments have some rather subjective parts.
▪ Imposing an entire generation, as well as stating the negative
effects of the Internet's convenience, isn’t entirely satisfactory.
“The corporate environment completely lacks the right leadership
to help Millennials in building confidence, collaboration, overcome
the challenges of the digital world and find a balance”
→ Completely disagree with the above point of view.

a. Enterprise environment:
▪ For Millennials, they care more about their own interests.
▪ The business accepts them into the company and begins
to exploit their value, but neglects to train them with skills.
→ Forgetting how to cooperate and work together.
→ Not satisfied with the job
▪ The businesses both focus on investing in training Generation Y
and exploiting their potential.
→ More effective for both parties.
→ Satisfied with the job.
b. Individual:

▪ Each individual has different personality traits but the same direction.

▪ Actively communicate and interact with other individuals to build co-

worker relationships.

▪ Cooperate with each other to be able to support and compensate for

each other's shortcomings.

→ Nothing is impossible, the important thing whether you want to or not?


▪ Businesses should not take advantage of this but exploit excessive capacity
with this object.

→ The more they take advantage, the more pressure they put on them.
→ The more indifferent it is, the less satisfied they are with their work.
▪ Gen Z is a young adult borned between 1997 and 2012.

▪ This is a dynamic, passionate, creative and personality-filled generation

and the most convex.

▪ The characteristic traits of Gen Z can be seen as openness, extroversion,


▪ Gen Z likes to learn but is afraid of criticism and comments, working

responsibly but not good under pressure, adapting quickly but less
comfortable if there are too many changes.

▪ Some parents today tend to force their children to live and

follow their arrangements

→ And so in the future as adults, they will have less faith in

themselves when solving problems that arise in life.

▪ But it is also only a part of life, there are also parents who
have a more open mind.

▪ Their technological insights are also particularly profound than previous


▪ Gen Z is attracted to them by a virtual cyber world

▪ Children are less likely to talk with their parents, around them, and only
immersed in their own world.

▪ Technology and social media today become an integral part of them.

▪ For Gen Z, "always being yourself" is the most important thing.

▪ Gen Z is very comfortable making personal points, especially on social media.


▪ They always want everything to be ready and fast.

▪ Many businesses complain that when they have their Gen

Z employees jumping constantly when they do not find
comfort in their work.

▪ Impatience also leads to the fact that if they do not

see the results first. They will inevitably not commit,
and don’t accept to do it.

▪ Gen Z is innovative, proactive and undeniably creative thinking,

private ability and dynamism of Gen Z.

▪ Set in an enterprise environment, Gen Z enjoys working in a

highly educated environment and has a variety of work skills.
▪ In the world, there are about 2.6 billion people belonging to
Generation Z.
▪ in Vietnam, Gen has about 15 million people.
→ Gen Z will make a huge contribution to the local labor market.
▪ Youth and adaptability to all changing conditions are the most
prominent characteristics of this generation.
→ They are gradually becoming world leaders, expected to bring the
world the best preparation for the transformation of the way of
living and working in the future.

▪ Gen Z passively receive information, but receive information

intelligently and put too little trust from sources on the Internet.
▪ A mindset about currency and economics.
▪ Know how to recognize dangers and be careful with transactions
in cyberspace.
▪ The ability to receive information quickly.
▪ Analyze selectively, know how to navigate information at will.

→ Gen Z is expected to be the "captain" in the process of changing

and building the developed world.

▪ Generation Z are considered as possessors of strong personalities

and high ego.
▪ Dynamic, open-minded, creative, not wanting to be confined within
a certain framework.

→ Gen Z is expected to create leading trends and great innovations in all

areas of their interest.

▪ Devoting a great deal of attention to global environmental and

social issues.
▪ Willing to deduct a large part of their finances to support charitable
activities, help those in difficult and unlucky circumstances.
→ This generation is expected to be a trailblazer in the struggle to
change the negative things in society, creating a new and better society.
▪ DIFFERENCE: the difference is low and internal.

→ He dates 5 girls, they have completely different characteristics and this is his own internal.

▪ CONSENSUS: low and internal.

→ While he is just a passerby with 5 girls, they are very honest with him. And this also comes
from their individuality.

▪ CONSISTENCY: high consistency and also internal.

→ With all 5 different girls, he is not sincere with any of them.

→ And this also comes from his love.

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