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Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

Original scientific paper

UDC 637.12.047:577.161.1/.3(497.751)


Ilmije Vllasaku1*, Julijana Tomovska2, Naser Kamberi1
Faculty of Food and Biotechnology Sciences, University of Business and Technology,
Kalabria nn, 10000 Pristina, Kosovo
Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences, University ”St. Kliment Ohridski”,
Partizanska nn, 7000 Bitola, Macedonia


Abstract 1. Introduction
Vitamins A and E in have oxidative effects on the health The inclusion of antioxidant and lipid sources in the
of dairy cows, as well as on the milk production. Hence dairy cows’ diets has been recommended as a method
the main goal of this study was to determine the for increasing the production and quality of milk, and
content of vitamins A and E in animal feed - concentrate has beneficial effects on the human immune system
and raw and pasteurized and packaged raw cow milk and health [3, 4].
from the region of Tetovo, Macedonia.
Benefits of milk consumption and the nutrients present
Analyzed were samples of feed, raw, and packaged raw in milk and dairy products are many, but basically these
cow milk. High performance liquid chromatography products represent sources of calcium and vitamin
(HPLC) was applied for analysis of the vitamins with D, as well as proteins and other essential nutrients. In
extraction methodology - on Perkin Elmer, pump: addition, dairy products are supply for human body:
200LC series, self-sample; ISS - 200, detector LC - 135 phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A,
/ LC -235 C DA. For determination of the gained data B12, and riboflavin [6].
for concentration of vitamins A and E in feed and milk
ANOVA statistical analysis was used. The content of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and E in milk
is strongly influenced by the dairy cows’ food ration
It was determined that the vitamins A and E composition [1].
concentrations in the feed concentrate from the region
of Tetovo were 26.21 mcg/100g and 26.234 mcg/kg, Vitamin A and vitamin E, on the other hand, have to
respectively. As for the amount of vitamin A determined be obtained from external sources. A daily serving of
packaged raw cow milk it was 35.82 mcg/100g, and the 244 mL of cow’s whole milk contributes with 7.6% to
amount of vitamin E was 0.87 mcg/100g. A significant the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin A and
statistical difference was found among the values of only 1% to the recommended dietary allowance for
vitamins A and E in milk (p < 0.001). vitamin E. Despite the lesser nutritional contribution,
vitamin E in milk helps to slow down peroxidation of
In conclusion could be stated that the concentrations lipids and thus enhances the bioavailability of vitamin
of vitamins A and E determined in the concentrates and A as well as other fat-soluble vitamins [5, 7].
the packaged raw milk were low compared to those
found in the packaged raw milk standard samples. Common signs of vitamin A deficiency in cattle
include: reduced feed intake and growth, rough
Key words: Fodder, Fodder concentrate, Vitamin A, hair coat, night blindness, edema, diarrhea, seizures,
Vitamin E. increased susceptibility to infection, abnormal

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

sperm, abnormal bone growth, low conception rates, at lunch time, and with concentrate in the evening.
abortion, stillbirths, and weak calves. Vitamin A is a fat- Milking was performed with a machine, three times
soluble vitamin which is involved in many important per day in the summer period, and twice per day
biological functions. As a lipid soluble antioxidant, it during the winter period.
is considered that it acts primarily on protection the
polyunsaturated fatty acids and related substances - 2.2. Methods
products from peroxidation and from rancidity [9].
2.2.1 Methods for analysis of vitamin A (retinol) and
Vitamin A (retinol), E (tocopherol), and the carotenoids vitamin E (tocopherol) in feed concentrates and milk
are important micronutrients that are found in various
foods such as vegetables, fruits, meets, and animal • Extraction method 1 (Chem Elut)
products. Higher content of vitamin A is found in fish
-liver oils, liver, butter, egg yolks, and cream. Rich source of 20 g of the sample (closest to 0.01 g) were weighted
vitamin E are also nuts and seeds [14]. Some carotenoids into a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask, than 1 g of ascorbic acid,
are named as provitamin A that are found in colorful 150 mL of ethanol (95%), and 40 mL of a 50% aqueous
fruits and vegetables and they are metabolized in the solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) was added. The
body to vitamin A. This bioconversion of carotenoids to condenser was added to the flask and placed in a water
vitamin A differ from person to person [10]. bath with temperature approximately of 95 0C.

The most potent among at least eight naturally The time of hydrolysis was 30 minutes after the start
occurring tocopherols is alpha tocopherol. Gamma of the reaction, after what the sample was cooled to a
tocopherol is less active from of vitamin E that is room temperature. 50 mL of distilled water was added.
plentiful in the diet.
Hydrolysate was transferred to a 500 mL volumetric
Vitamin E has been also found to be essential for the flask and diluted to the mark with ethanol (50%).
integrity and optimum function of reproductive, Than 10 mL were transferred to a Chem Elut column
muscular, circulatory, nervous, and immune systems, (20 mL) and waited about 10 minutes. The sample
and it is also involved in arachidonic and prostaglandin was eluted using 100 mL n-hexane. The eluate was
metabolism [2]. Numerous studies have shown that collected in a 500 mL flask. Evaporation to dryness was
vitamin E and other antioxidants are absolutely critical done with rotary centrifugal force (RCF) and by use of
for neutrophils to function properly. When neutrophils butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) granules. After that, the
are functioning properly, cows are less likely to sample was dissolved in n-heptane and transferred to
succumb to mastitis and retained placenta [8]. a volumetric flask of 5 mL and was diluted up to the
n-heptane mark.
Vitamin E is clearly an integral component of immune
function and is especially critical during the transition • Extraction method 2 (separation funnel)
period when cows are more susceptible to retained
placenta and mastitis. This procedure is similar to that of the Extraction
method 1. 20 g of the sample (closest to 0.01 g) were
The main objective of this research was to analyze the weighted into a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask, than 1 g
vitamins A and E in fodder concentrate and cow milk of ascorbic acid were added, as well as 150 mL of
from a farm from region of Tetovo, Macedonia, in terms ethanol (95%) and 40 mL of a 50% aqueous solution of
of their content, and to compare them with a standard. potassium hydroxide (KOH) in water.

2. Materials and Methods After finishing the hydrolysis, the sample was cooled to
a room temperature and 50 mL of distilled water were
2.1 Materials
added and transferred to a 500 mL volumetric flask, and
Samples of cow feed and samples of raw and raw then diluted with 50% ethanol to the mark. 20 mL were
cow pasteurized and packaged raw milk that were transferred into a separating funnel and diluted with
analyzed were taken from the same cow farm. The feed 100 mL n-hexane. The funnel was shaken for 1 minute,
samples comprised of two types of concentrates that cleaned and washed (hexane phase, 2 times x 50 mL
were produced by Animal feed factory “Agroinvest” 1 M potassium hydroxide in ethanol (40%) and with
from Prilep, Macedonia. It was feed for dairy cows was 2 x 50 mL distilled water). Than followed evaporation
containing at least 18% raw protein. to dryness of the hexane phase with a few granules
of BHT, and 8 mL of ethanol (99%). The sample was
The cows were fed three times per day: with the dissolved in n-heptane and added to a volumetric flask
concentrate in the morning, with alfalfa and straw of 5 mL and was diluted up to the n-heptane mark.

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

After finishing the extraction, analysis by HPLC was that found in the packaged milk was drastically lower
applied (apparatus of Perkin Elmer with pump of series (18.48 μg/100 g). The amount of vitamin E in raw cow
200LC, auto sampler, ISS - 200, detector LC - 135 / LC milk was 0.87 μg/100 g, compared with the packaged
-235 C DA). milk (0.12 μg/100 g) was also drastically lower. Our
results in accordance with results of many studies, such
3. Results and Discussion as Haug [13], who found 280 mcg of vitamin A in per 1
L of milk, as well as 0.6 mcg of vitamin e, per 1 liter of
Many factors such as: the health of mammary gland,
milk, and Mogensen [12], found 23 mg/per kg of dry
age, feed, and milk frequency, affects the milk quality.
matter (DM) of vitamin E.
Milk quality also depends on the mastitis presence, as
well as from milk with a low somatic cell count (SCC),
The determined values of amounts of vitamins A and E
and normal visibly appearance (no clots). The definition
in fodder concentrate and milk from region of Tetovo,
of the milk quality can be expanded according to Weiss
Macedonia, are shown on Figure 1.
[17]. So, the milk quality should also be based on the
amount of antioxidants that milk contains that protect
the milk reducing the oxidation.

In this paper we present the results of determination

the amount of vitamins A and E in fodder concentrate,
packaged raw cow milk, all from the region of Tetovo,

The value of vitamins A and E were determined

according to Cop Rice [11], as standard that is used
for examination of the concentrates composition in
Australia (Concentrate Au). This standard contains
examination of: dry matter, protein, fiber, fat, urea, Figure 1. Concentrations of vitamins A and E found in
mineral elements such as calcium, phosphorus, feed and milk from region of Tetovo, Macedonia
magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium, as well as
vitamins A, D and E. Table 2 present the statistical analysis on concentrations
of vitamins A and E in fodder concentrate and milk made
In Table 1 are shown the amounts of vitamins A and by the Statistical analysis ANOVA, t-test. The statistical
E determined in fodder concentrate in Tetovo region. analysis showed a significant difference between the
values of vitamins A and E in the concentrates and milk
Amounts of determined vitamins A and E in fodder (p < 0.001).
concentrate in Tetovo region were 26.21 mcg/100
g, and 27.00 mcg/100 g, respectively. The amount of These results are not surprising since many nutrients as
vitamin A in raw cow milk was 35.82 μg/100 g, and in vitamins A and E, and immune-enhancing components

Table 1. Concentrations of vitamins A and E in concentrate and milk from region of Tetovo
Concentrate Concentrate (Au) Raw cow milk Packaged milk
(mcg/g = IU/kg) IU, mg) (μg/ 100g) (μg/ 100g)
А 26.21 26 IU 35.82 18.48
Е 26.234 90 mg 0.87 0.12

Table 2. Statistical data of vitamins A and E determined in concentrates and milk

Comparison parameters Arithmetic mean Standard deviation Significance -
(Vitamins A and E) in t-test
(s) (P)
concentrates and row milk
Vitamin A
Concentrate 35.82:
9.240 0.000
Vitamin A t = -96.333 P < 0.001
17.910 0.127
in packaged milk
Vitamin A Concentrarte 35.82:
17.910 0.000
Vitamin E 0.87 t = (+inf.) P < 0.001
0.435 0.000
in packaged milk
Legend: t = (+inf ) test Infinity is that which is boundless, endless, or larger than any number.

Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design

are degraded or destroyed by exposure to high heat [12] Mogensen L., Vestergaard J. S., Frette X., Lund P.,
and the temperatures used during pasteurization. Weisbjerg M. R., Kristensen T. (2010). Effect of toasting
field beans and of grass-clover: Maize silage ratio on milk
production, milk composition and sensory quality of milk.
4. Conclusions Livestock Science, 128, pp. 123-132.
- It can be concluded that the determined concentration [13] Haug R. (2007). Some leading issues in international
of vitamin A in raw cow milk (35.82 mcg/g) was higher agricultural extension, a literature review. The Journal of
than that found in fodder concentrate (26.21 mcg/g). Agricultural Education and Extension, 5, (4), pp. 263-
The amount of vitamin E determined in fodder
[14] ThomasR.G.,GebhardtS.E.(2006). Nutsandseedsassources
concentrate (26.234 mcg/g) was higher, while that of alpha and gamma tocopherols. ICR/WCRFInternational
found in raw cow milk was lower (0.87 mcl/L). Research Conference, Washington, USA.
- The comparison of the amounts of vitamins A and E <URL:
determined in feed concentrate with the standard Cop 54500/Articles/AICR06_NutSeed.pdf. Accessed 12 June
Rice (2018) showed similar results for vitamin A, while 2021.
vitamin E has lower amount in the concentrate.
- A big difference was found between the determined
concentrations of vitamin A in raw milk (35.82 mcg/g)
with that of vitamin E (0.87 mcg/g) in raw milk. It was
also found a big difference between the concentrations
of vitamin A (18.48 mcg/g) found in packaged milk and
with that of vitamin E found also in the packaged milk
(0.12 mcg/g).

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