Course Overview

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Course Overview

Thinking is a natural process and we cannot avoid it but we can definitely change our

way of thinking. It is our brain which processes our thoughts when we look at any situation,

object, data, person etc. We have a set of preinstalled assumptions, reasons, logics biases which

construct our thoughts and we can definitely change or control them to build an effective

thinking skill which is called Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking is the ability to think clearly

and rationally, comprehending the logical connection in a situation. It has been the subject of

much thought for a lot of centuries and has continued to be a subject of discussion in today’s

modern world. This Critical Thinking Training Program provides you the mindset needed to see

a situation in a completely different way and will help you in making effective decisions based

on right logics and evaluations.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this ‘Critical Thinking Training Program’ successfully, participants will

be able to:

1. Understand key concepts of critical thinking

2. Clarify the difference in cognition, reasoning and logics

3. Improve their decision making based on facts, assumptions, arguments etc.

4. Able to see a problem with a logical approach to find a quick solution

5. Understand the importance of bias in critical thinking

6. Apply Critical Thinking in practical situations

7. Self-assess their thoughts and change them as per the requirement

Teaching Methodology

This Critical Thinking Training Program will comprise the following training methods:

1. Lectures

2. Seminars & Presentations

3. Assignments

4. Group Discussions

5. Case Studies

Course Outline
1. Chapter 1: Introduction- Critical Thinking

1.1. What are the types of thinking?

1.2. What is critical thinking?
1.3. Importance of critical thinking

2. CHAPTER 2: Cognitive Thinking

2.1. Definition of Cognition

2.2. How does your Brain Work?
2.3. Evolution of Human Brain
2.4. Left Brain Vs Right Brain
2.5. Importance of Cognition in Critical Thinking
2.6. Limitation of Cognition

3. CHAPTER 3: Reasoning

3.1. What is reasoning?

3.2. Importance of Reasoning in Decision Making
3.3. Impact of Reasoning in Critical Thinking
3.4. Is reasoning always, correct?
3.5. Fallacious Reasoning
3.6. Good and Bad Reasoning
Limitations of Reasoning
CHAPTER 4: Logical Thinking

What is logic?
Importance of Thinking Logically
Inductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Impact of Logics in Critical Thinking
CHAPTER 5: Statements and Arguments

What is a Statement?
What is the Argument?
Understanding Assumption
CHAPTER 6: Six Thinking Hats Model

White Hat
Red Hat
Black Hat
Yellow Hat
Blue Hat
Green Hat
Application of 6 Hats Tool
CHAPTER 7: Cognitive Bias

What is Cognitive Bias?

Myths about Cognitive Bias
Some Examples
How does it impact Critical Thinking?
Debiasing Strategies
CHAPTER 8: Parts of Critical Thinking

Self- Assessment
CHAPTER 9: Time to Apply

Case Studies and Story Telling

Understanding the practical application of Critical Thinking
Developing a powerful, positive leadership mindset
Applying the tools and theories to improve Critical Thinking
Session One: Course Overview
Session Two: Understanding Critical Thinking
What is Critical Thinking?
Characteristics of a Critical Thinker
Common Critical Thinking Styles
Making Connections
Session Three: Where Do Other Types of Thinking Fit In?
Left- and Right-Brain Thinking
Whole-Brain Thinking
Session Four: Pitfalls to Reasoned Decision Making
Session Five: The Critical Thinking Process
The Critical Thinking Model
The Standards of Critical Thinking
Identifying the Issues
Identifying the Arguments
Clarifying the Issues and Arguments
Establishing Context
Checking Credibility and Consistency
Evaluating Arguments
Case Study
Session Six: A Critical Thinker’s Skill Set
Asking Questions
Probing Techniques
Pushing My Buttons
Critical Thinking Questions
Active Listening Skills
Session Seven: Creating Explanations
Defining Explanations
Steps to Building an Explanation
Making Connections
Session Eight: Dealing with Assumptions
Session Nine: Common Sense
Session Ten: Critical and Creative Thought Systems
Techniques for Thinking Creatively
Creative Thinking Exercise
DeBono’s Thinking Hats
Session Eleven: Putting It Into Practice
Presenting and Communicating Your Ideas to Others
Pre-Assignment Preparation
Recommended Reading List
Post-Course Assessment
Pre- and Post-Assessment Answer Keys
Personal Action Plan
In this course by PD Training, you’ll get hands-on experience with a wide range of practical
tools to help
you make critical thinking an indispensable part of your skill set and management style. You’ll
learn things
about yourself that you didn’t know and make internal, personal discoveries that can literally
change the
way you think about and approach your life.
Instead of concentrating on far out theories, you’ll be working with an expert instructor to get
with a concrete set of tools. After practicing things like left brain and right brain thinking
patterns, asking
probing questions and analysing potential outcomes, you’ll be prepared to to benefit from your
critical thinking skills immediately.
After completing this course participants will be able to:
 Explore real-world examples of why critical thinking is so important in business
 Learn to use critical thinking skills when making business decisions
 Choose the right techniques to recognise assumptions and draw conclusions
 Translate an abstract idea into something tangible
 Minimise the impact of job pressures on your thinking processes
 React with curiosity instead of emotion
 Get a roadmap for developing your critical thinking skills
Lesson 1: Course Overview
 Introduction
Lesson 2: Introduction to Critical Thinking
 Benefits of critical thinking in the workplace
 Critical thinking as a management skill
 What are the characteristics of a critical
 Module Reflection
Lesson 3: Other Types of Thinking
 5 Different thinking styles
 Module Reflection
Lesson 4: A Critical Thinker’s Mindset
 Can you develop a critical thinker’s
 Module Reflection
Lesson 5: The Critical Thinking Process
 Step 1 - Identifying the problem
 Step 2 - Gather and evaluate your
 Step 3 - Generate alternative solutions
 Step 4 - Select and implement a solution
 Step 5 - Evaluate your solution
 Reflection
Lesson 6: Developing Critical Thinking Skills
 Asking questions
 Active listening
 Challenging assumptions
 Module Reflection
Lesson 7: Creative Thinking Techniques
 Brainstorming
 Imagining the opposite
 Mind mapping
 De Bono’s thinking hats
 Module Reflection
Lesson 8: Root Cause Analysis Techniques
 Identifying the cause of a problem
 Ishikawa Diagram (Fishbone Diagram)
 5 Whys technique
 SWOT analysis
 Module Reflection
Lesson 9: Using Your REACH Profile to Support
Critical Thinking
 Adapting your profile
 Module Reflection
Lesson 10: Presenting Your Recommendations
 Seeking approval from decision makers and
 Module Reflection

Current study was conducted to evaluate the effect of critical thinking skills and

reflective practices on students’ higher order thinking skills at undergraduate level. . Relevant

studies on different aspects of the present study conducted both nationally or internationally were

searched and reviewed. Review of research studies highlighted the research questions answered,

methodology used and gaps in the previous researches and also the need for further research.

Literature provided the insight and direction of the research problem needs further investigation.

The relevant studies also helped the researcher to avoid the duplication of any previous research

done and choose appropriate methodology to conduct study. Review of relevant literature not

only provides the theoretical background of the study, it also gives researcher knowledge and

understanding of work done in the field so far. Literature review section is focused on concept,

of Critical thinking, Reflective Practices and Higher Order thinking skills, The aim of the present

study is to form a conceptual framework for critical thinking studies by defining terms and sub-

components of critical thinking and highlighting potential key points of such studies. Review of

mentioned studies will facilitate the reader in understanding the attainment model of concept

through instances and discriminating it from the other concepts.

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