Assistant Director of System Co-Ordination and Oversight - Rev5pl

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Education/qualifications: I am studying for a Global Executive MBA and have a Postgraduate

Certificate Diploma in Health & Social Care Management and a BA (Hons) Psychology & Linguistics. I
have 20+ years’ experience in leading large, complex transformations and service redesigns in
healthcare settings, gaining senior-level provider, system, and commissioning experience.

My knowledge of transactions, mergers and acquisitions comes from helping NHS organisations
tosupporting transitions, including Strategic Health Authority to NHS England, Primary Care Trusts to
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) and CCG to ICB. I have also worked on in-housing contracting
services from a CSU to a CCG and led work to bring additional services into a CSU.

I have delivered strategic service change across multiple NHS areas. As deputy director, urgent care
Buckinghamshire for Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire Berkshire West (BOB) ICB, I supported
development of the urgent care service strategy and service improvement plan by introducing data-
informed resource allocation. I and also redefined team roles, responsibilities, plans, and processes
to improve performancetoo.

I have worked in regulatory environments, supporting organisations with CQC inspections and
responses to inspection outcomes. At FedBucks, I ensured CQC readiness was embedded in ‘business
as usual’ processes.

Planning: I have helped teams and departments to shape and deliver cohesive strategies and plans. I
am known for helpinghelp stakeholders to get a grip on what is happening, regain control, and
initiate and manage service change. By implementing resilience frameworks and plans, I have helped
to adapt practice and protect service continuity in face of strikes and unplanned events.

Performance: I optimise performance by steering and managing programmes that drive efficiency
and service standards. I helped acute trusts to improve front door A&E performance by making use
of available data and changing clinical pathways. I have also implemented same day urgent care
models and collaborated with acute trust and ambulance trusts to improve performance as part of a
wider emergency care programme.

Commissioning: I understand all elements of the commissioning cycle, having commissioned new
services, managed existing services, and worked with providers to review and improve performance.
As lead urgent care commissioner for BOB ICB, I recommissioned a £multi-million same day urgent
care model (NHS 111, urgent treatment centres, out of hours) across three counties. Working for
BLMK CCGs, I acted as commissioning lead for ambulances/non‐emergency patient transport (NEPTS)
during COVID-19. For

Provider experience: I have worked with urgent care, emergency care, primary care, and community
service providers to design and commission services. I positioned urgent care service provider,
FedBucks, to retain 75% of its income by supporting a complex retender that combined four existing
services into a single contract. My work as programme manager for Bedford Luton and Milton Keynes
(BLMK) CCGs and as deputy director, urgent care Buckinghamshire for BOB ICB both involved
creation of same-day urgent care models and integration of NHS 111, out of hours, and other urgent
care provision.

Quality Improvement: As a six sigmasix-sigma green belt qualified practitioner, I am an SME in

quality improvement techniques (e.g., process mapping). I set up and delivered a quality
improvement training programme training hundreds of staff. At CSU, I created a quality
improvement handbook for staff. I designed FedBucks’ continuous improvement structure to
complement their existing quality management process.
Partnership working: Much of my work has focused on the contribution of and link to primary care
and wider community services and working with the GP population to reach the right solutions. For
BOB ICB, I established and chaired an ICB-wide service development group to optimise NHS 111
pathways meeting winter demand. I previously created private sector partnerships including
pharmaceutical companies to support the national dementia strategy.

Leadership: Since my promotion to a director-level role in 2012, I have have led multiple urgent
care programmesgained extensive leadership experience, including my work a. As head of urgent
care, where I led ten people to establish and deliver a portfolio of work.

Continuing professional development: I am studying for a Global EMBA and undertake recent CPD.
Training includes PRINCE2; Managing Successful Programmes (MSP); and LEAN Six Sigma.

Policy knowledge: I keep updated with policy changes and am often required to translate national
policy into local strategy, e.g., during urgent and emergency care reviews and changes to NHS 111.

Healthcare landscape: I understand the relationship between the Department of Health, the NHS
England and individual provider and commissioning organisations, and the requirements to provide
assurance on performance. In senior roles (Bucks, Sussex, Berkshire), I have provided assurance to
NHSE and DoH by coordinating NHSE return responses across winter periods, including during

Budget management: I have managed winter budgets (£3m to £10m) and have supported
management of a system-wide urgent care budget to ensure appropriate allocation of funds.


Challenge, influence, and relationships: I can engage, challenge, and influence individuals to secure
support and drive achievement of goals. Urgent care roles require the ability to engage organisations
including acute trusts, local authorities, community providers and mental health. I have led urgent
care boards across multiple systems where there is an opportunity to hold up mirror up and
challenge performance and improvement. As regional lead for the National Dementia Taskforce, I
persuaded GPs to deliver unpaid keynotes and negotiating with private sector organisations to share
resources. I build credible and effective relationships with senior leaders too. At FedBucks, I reported
directly to the board while supporting athrough a complex retender, process. I was able to
highlighting organisational challenges, opportunities, and threats and recommending remedial

Service improvement: I improve services by fixing challenging problems, strengthening processes,

and empowering teams to drive necessary change. In a programme that aimed to improve
emergency department performance, I supported clients to define their goal: to improve wait times
and reduce A&E footfall in A&E departments. I then helped to identify the right tactics to deliver this

Ability to pProvide and receive complex, sensitive and/or contentious information to large groups:
I empowered BLMK CCGs to enact national guidelines on discharging people from hospital during
COVID-19 by creating a gap analysis template that enabled providers to baseline their position and
plan action. I communicated the guidelines to providers and answered any questions to ensure
everyone was on the same page.

Communication: I can communicate on highly complex matters and in difficult situations. Working on
cComplex recommissioning projects like NHS 111 involved public meetings to describe plans and
benefits to the public. Messaging needed to be clear and accessible without diluting the issues.
Managing system resilience during COVID also called for clear messaging and a calm, measured
response. As a consultant, I work quickly to build and develop relationships with diverse stakeholders
(nurses, doctors, managers, clinicians, directors, and support staff) in new environments, supporting
achievement of goals.

Analytical skills: I identify and draw qualitative and quantitative data from a wide range ofdiverse
sources and present it in a clear, concise manner. For BOB ICB, I developed real-time data collection
systems and dashboards, making it easy for internal stakeholders and regulators to use. I analyse and
assess verbal, written, and numerical data and assess and draw appropriate conclusions. I recently
redesigned and recommissioned a critical urgent care services by transforming 500,000 lines of data
into meaningful analysis that informed the service strategy and service improvement plan.

Reporting: I have led production of papers, forward planners, and reports across multiple
organisations. At BOB ICB and in Luton, I created full reporting processes for NHS 111 dispositions
and outcomes.

Sound judgement: I have used sound judgement to manage unique challenges in urgent care roles,
where best practice exists and when first-time issues needed addressing, especially during COVID-19.

My leadership, vision, strategic thinking, planning, and political skills have helped me to create
urgent care strategies, collaboratively developed visions, and programmes of work. I have also led
less popular solutions including closure of out-of-hours primary care bases in face of public and
political pressure, requiring political and leadership skills.

Board liaison: At FedBucks, I reported directly to the board while supporting a complex retender that
will help this urgent care service provider to protect 75% of its income.

Senior leadership: I have 15+ years of experience in senior management across multiple
organisations at different levels of the NHS (local, regional or national).

Initiative and organisation for deadlines: I am often brought into new teams and environments
where there is a problem to solve. I need to work quickly to understand the context, build
relationships, and negotiate the time and resources required to get the job done.

Autonomy: I worked work autonomously in every role, with delegated authority to make decisions
on behalf of multiple urgent and emergency care systems, determining action based on my
interpretation of policy and guidance.


Quality and high standards: I am fully committed to and focused on quality, promoting the highest
standards in every situation.

Benefitting patients and the public: I have always included benefits realisation processes in all
programmes to ensure a tangible link between the actions taken and impact on service users.

Value-driven approach: Working in a large, complex, and diverse organisation like the NHS requires
emotional literacy, empathy, self-awareness, and authenticity. We are shaping an organisation which
has a direct impact on people’s lives. It’s work that matters and how we communicate and
collaborate can help or hinder its goals. I only work for organisations that share my values (including
honesty, transparency, quality) so that I can work in a meaningful way.
Diversity and difference; operating with integrity and openness: I value diversity and appreciate
working in organisations that reflect the populations we serve. I appreciate being part of diverse
workforces that leverage the talent, culture, and insights of all demographics.

I work well with others and take care in listening to, respecting, and learning from others too. When
representing the NHS at public meetings, I recognise the importance of listening and empathising
with service users, acknowledging that their perspectives represent their reality, and must be
spoken, heard, and understood.

Innovation and improvement: I am well-read on improvement methodologies and implemented a

knowledge management process within the CSU improvement team to capture good practices and
adoptable improvements.

Developing self and others: My self-development is shown by my ongoing EMBA. I encourage and
support others to develop too. I have trained junior doctors preparing for overseas medical
placements andalsando ran a project management skills development programme for 250
consultants. I was part of NHS South East’s leadership coaching academy, too facilitating coaching
practice and feedback for leaders across the NHS.

Equality of opportunity: I am committed to promoting and driving equal access across all contracts

Self-awareness: As a consultant, it is importantIt helps to be self-aware, especially when managing

well-established teams or ones challengingwith embedded services or entrenched processes. I
strengthen my self-awareness by seeking positive/ and developmental feedback.

I embrace and enjoy change particularly when linked to a tangible and ambitious goal. I have led
projects that support organisational closure,, and though this impactingted my employment., I fully
supported change always and embraced new beginnings. I understood the purpose of the change
and fully supported it.

Honesty and integrity: I deliver am honest, professional advice and use integrity even when
messages are not easy to receive. At FedBucks I articulated required organisational changes and
helped teams to understand that the problem was not the people but the process itself.

Ability to travel: I have a full driving licence and am willing to travel across multiple sites.

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