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Polynomial regression is a form of regression analysis in which the relationship between the

independent variable x and the dependent variable y is modeled as an n-th degree polynomial
Polynomial regression is a type of regression analysis where the relationship between
the independent variable �x and the dependent variable �y is modeled as an nth-
degree polynomial function. In simpler terms, it means fitting a curve (instead of a
straight line) to the data points.

Here's a simple explanation of polynomial regression:

1. Linear vs. Polynomial Regression:

 In linear regression, we assume that the relationship between �x and
�y can be represented by a straight line.
 In polynomial regression, we relax this assumption and allow for more
flexibility by fitting a polynomial curve to the data.

Linear regression assumes a linear relationship between the independent and dependent
variables, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. In contrast, polynomial
regression can capture non-linear relationships by introducing higher-order terms such as
When the relationship between variables is non-linear, linear regression may result in poor
model fit and inaccurate predictions. Polynomial regression, by allowing for curved
relationships, can better represent the underlying patterns in the data and provide more
accurate predictions.

Polynomial regression offers greater flexibility in modeling complex relationships between

variables. By allowing for the inclusion of higher-order terms, polynomial regression can
capture a wide range of patterns and variations in the data.
In real-world data, relationships between variables can often be complex and nonlinear.
Polynomial regression provides a versatile framework for modeling such relationships
without imposing strict assumptions about the functional form of the relationship.

o perform polynomial regression, we select the degree of the polynomial (e.g.,

linear, quadratic, cubic) based on the complexity of the relationship between
the variables.
While polynomial regression offers advantages in modeling non-linear relationships and
providing flexibility, it also comes with several disadvantages that should be considered:

Overfitting: One of the primary concerns with polynomial regression is overfitting. As the
degree of the polynomial increases, the model becomes increasingly flexible and can capture
even the smallest fluctuations in the data. However, this can lead to the model fitting the
noise in the data rather than the underlying true relationship. Overfitting results in poor
generalization performance, where the model performs well on the training data but poorly on
unseen data.

Increased Complexity: Polynomial regression models with higher degrees can become very
complex, making them more difficult to interpret and understand. With each additional
degree in the polynomial, the number of parameters in the model increases, leading to a
higher risk of overfitting and multicollinearity. Complex models may also suffer from
computational issues and require more resources for training and inference.


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