Krupa Mari Phase1 Abstract 2

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The advancement of aquaculture technologies has paved the way for improved techniques in
fish farming mariculture. In this project, we present a comprehensive system for ubiquitous
monitoring, leveraging state-of-the-art technologies to ensure optimal conditions for aquatic
life. The primary focus is on monitoring key environmental attributes, namely turbidity,
conductivity, temperature, and pH levels, to maintain an ideal habitat for fish cultivation. The
proposed system employs a network of high-precision sensors strategically positioned across
the mariculture facility. These sensors continuously collect real-time data, providing valuable
insights into the water quality and conditions. This data is then processed using machine
learning algorithms to predict the status of the aquatic environment. The attributes of
turbidity, conductivity, temperature, and pH serve as crucial indicators of the water's
suitability for fish growth and development. Turbidity levels indicate the clarity of water,
while conductivity measures its salinity. Temperature plays a pivotal role in regulating
metabolic activities, and pH levels influence the physiological well-being of aquatic
organisms. The integration of these attributes into the monitoring system enables precise and
dynamic control over the mariculture environment. To predict the status of the aquatic
environment, various machine learning algorithms are employed, including regression
models, decision trees, and ensemble methods. These algorithms are trained on historical
data, allowing for accurate and timely assessments of the conditions. The resulting status
predictions facilitate proactive interventions, ensuring that any deviations from optimal
conditions are swiftly addressed. The benefits of this ubiquitous monitoring system extend
beyond improved fish health and growth rates. By maintaining an optimal environment,
resource utilization is optimized, leading to increased operational efficiency and reduced
environmental impact. Additionally, early detection of suboptimal conditions mitigates the
risk of disease outbreaks, further enhancing the sustainability and profitability of the
mariculture operation.


This satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of this project would be
incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, without whose constant
guidance and encouragement would have made efforts go in vain.

While presenting this Project on “WATER QUALITY PREDICTION FOR SMART

MARICULTURE”, we feel that it our duty to acknowledge the help rendered to me by
various persons.

Firstly, we thank God for showering his blessings on us .We are am grateful to our institution
City Engineering College for providing us a congenial atmosphere to carry out the project
phase-1 successfully.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Thippeswamy H N, Principal, CEC,
Bangalore, for extending his support.

We are very grateful to our guide , Prof. Vibhavi R N , department of Computer Science and
Engineering for her guidance and valuable advice at every stage of our project which helped
us in the successful completion of project phase -1 .

We would also in debt to my Parents and Friends for their continued moral and material
support throughout the course of Project Phase-1 and helping me in finalize the presentation.
We heartly thanks to all those who have contributed bits, bytes and words to accomplish this
Project Phase-1.




1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................01

2 LITERATURE SURVEY .........................................................................................03

2.1 Related Work ...................................................................................................09

2.2 Problem Statement ...........................................................................................10

2.3 Existing System ..............................................................................................10

2.3.1 Drawbacks of Existing System ...............................................................11

2.4 Proposed System ..............................................................................................11

2.4.1 Advantages of Proposed System .............................................................11

2.5 Objectives ........................................................................................................12

2.6 Methodology ....................................................................................................13

3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION ....................................................15

3.1 Functional Requirement ..................................................................................17

3.2 Non Functional Requirements..........................................................................18

3.3 Hardware requirement …………………………………………………..…...19

3.4 Software Requirement …………………………………………………..…...19

GANTT CHART .........................................................................................................20

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................22


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