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The Blackdragon Dating System: Special Report



Several Reports Regarding Real-Life Nonmonogamous

B L A C K D R A G O N R E L A T I O N S H I P R E P O R T S 2

Blackdragon Relationship

Reports originally written in 2008 - 2009

Current Revision 1.0 / August 2018

Published By
DCS Inc.
19363 Willamette Drive, Suite 119
West Linn, OR 97036

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Years ago, back when I used to post on PUA (pick-up artist)

forums, I had a regular series that was very popular called
my “State of the Union.” This is where I would update
everyone with relationship reports on all the women I had
been seeing over the last six months or so.

This document is a “super” State of the Union that I wrote

back in July of 2011. It covers most of the women I dated
from April 2010 to July 2011. I have cleaned up the
formatting and added “Update” sections to each woman to
tell you how that woman ended up as of this writing (August

Remember that this document was written a long time ago,

before I formulated many Alpha Male 2.0 concepts, as well
as the techniques I describe in my Blackdragon books. You
will see that I actually violate some of the rules and systems
I talk about today, since this was back when I was still
formulating that system. These reports will give you a good
glimpse into my formative stages with these techniques.

I also used several terms and acronyms that were (and

perhaps still are) common to the PUA community back then.
Just Google any reference you don’t understand.

My writing back then was also much more raw and

immature. Just keep all that in mind when reading this stuff.
I was a much younger, hornier man back then.

Here it is! Enjoy!

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State of the Union – 15 Women On

Rotation Over 12 Months

I’m not going to talk about every woman I’ve had sex with,
just every woman I’ve had a “relationship” with over the
past 12 months. My definition of “relationship” is any
woman I’ve had sex with at least three times within a short
period of time, say under five or six weeks or so, even if it’s
just an FB. Anything shorter-lasting or less frequent than
that really isn’t a relationship in my book and falls more into
an almost ONS category.

This particular state of the union is more momentous than

most. Lots of very big things have happened to me in my
woman life over the last 12 months, and it’s been a wild
ride, and it’s been an entire year, so just to warn you, this is
going to be longer than my typical RR’s / State of the
Unions. Some of the women below are new, some of them
are carry-overs from the last State of the Union.

Here we go!

HBM (formerly known as HBMyspace)

21-year old Asian
Relationship Type: Strong MLTR / almost an OLTR
Current Status: Active and regular

It’s been two years straight. Zero LSNFTE’s, which is

extremely unusual. A few quick soft nexts on my part to deal
with her girly-girl drama, but that’s it. Since my last state of
the union, I have moved her, very slowly and carefully, into
an “almost” OLTR status. Most of the week she’s with me
three days, two nights. Lately she’s almost been “living”
with me part-time, as a Virtual Live-In OLTR arrangement.

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She has met my entire family and I sometimes take her with
me to family and holiday events. It took almost two years to
get there, but our feelings for each other are strong.

Introducing HBM to my extended family caused a shitstorm

of “Why don’t you marry her BD? She’s perfect! She’s
nothing like your ex-wife! You need to stop fucking all these
women and marry that girl!” and similar crapola from my
sisters and my mother.

I didn’t expect such a strong reaction from them like that

which was a serious error on my part. As is usually the case,
all my female family members are dying to marry me off
and HBM is as cute and sweet as they come. I’m not
marrying anyone of course, but this is yet another reason
why you WAIT to introduce any woman to your family until
A) you know she’s going to stick around and B) you have a
strong enough frame to fight off the inevitable wave of
emotional and irrational Societal Programming that’s bound
to come from your family. Seriously, it took a full year and a
half of dating me for HBM to get to the point where I was
cool with her meeting my family. Compare that to the
typical guy who wants a girl to be his girlfriend after the
third date.

By the way, gentlemen… during this marriage talk with my

family, I discovered something very interesting. I have two
sisters (that’s not the discovery). Both married for many
years, both with kids. One has a great marriage (been
married 5 years now), always smiling, laughing, and joking
around with her husband who is a cool guy. The other sister
has a miserable marriage, constantly fighting, nagging, and
nitpicking at her husband, and is constantly in counseling,
marital and otherwise. Her husband is a hopeless beta who
has constant health problems because of stress. Him and I
are the same age, and he’s more physically fit than I am by

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far, but I’ve been to the hospital exactly twice in the last 15
years, and he’s in and out of there with health problems all
the time. (Physical health is important, but lack of stress
trumps physical fitness every time.)

I discovered for the first time, that the happier sister and her
husband have an OPEN MARRIAGE. They’re swingers. I
swear to you, I had no idea all this time, because they are so
discreet about it. (See guys? A discreet open marriage. It can
be done.) My sister revealed it to me during all of this
“Marry HBM” talk. I was both surprised and very
impressed. My younger sister with the horrible marriage is
traditionally monogamous. (Of course.)

I’m sure the fact that my sister with the open marriage is
happy and content and my sister with the Disney
monogamous marriage is miserable beyond belief is a
complete and total coincidence.

Moving on. This three-day a week thing with HBM has been
a wonderful arrangement for me. Three days a week, I can
have a “wife” who I can hang with, fuck, who brings me
other girls to fuck (more on this in a minute) and who cooks
my meals and cleans my house. The other four days a week,
I can be a man and do my thing: work on my Mission, spend
time with my kids, fuck other chicks, and travel. It’s perfect
for me in every possible way. The setup I have now with
HBM is the best of all worlds. I could possibly expand this
into a Dual Live-In OLTR (as I describe in the above link)
either with her or someone else (more on this in a minute).

But… it gets better. Last year she discovered that she LIKES
GIRLS. Last summer she revealed to me she had her first
sexual experience with another woman, a girl (HBModel, a
very cute half-black half Asian who had just turned 18 years
old, who I’ll talk about in a minute). They both had full-on
sex with each other after a little bit to drink, and she was

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amazed how much she loved it. “I like girls more than boys
now,” she told me. Nowadays, when we go out, she finds
herself checking out women as much as she does men.
(Though she still loves men. She’s really into black guys.)

As of this writing she’s fucked six different girls that I know

of. HBM is extremely cute, and lots of white women have an
“Asian girl” fantasy, so chicks pick her up all the time and
she can pick these chicks up very easily. Sometimes even off
Facebook(!). And even though she lives at home with her
dad, he has no problem if her “friend” spends the night with
her. He figures since it’s a girl (or sometimes girls for
threesomes) he figures they’re safe. Mwwwahahaha!

So of course, when this all started, I told her to bring

HBModel over to my place one of these nights so we could
have some fun. And she did. And HBM experienced her first
threesome with me and HBModel that lasted all night long.
To her surprise (and mine) she told me the next morning that
watching me fuck little HBModel was actually very hot for
her. Perfect! Since then, HBM and I have had multiple
threesomes with a few other gals, though it’s nothing
regular. (I’m actually not that into threesomes; I prefer the
domination achieved by one-on-one sex. Usually my
“threesomes” just end up with me taking turns on girls.)

Around this time (summer of 2010), HBM asked me to

marry her. She was serious. She said I can still fuck other
girls, and that she’s happy to sign a prenup. When I didn’t
say yes, she even added that we can keep the three-days on,
four-days off arrangement after we’re married (but that’s
complete girl-bullshit and would instantly change as soon as
we got engaged I’m sure). She also assured me that she does
not want any children until she turns 25, so she’s in no rush
for those (though she did say she wanted babies with me
someday, and how beautiful Asian-white mixed babies are,
etc). As women usually do, she had our entire wedding all

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planned out… on the beach in Hawaii, flowers, sunsets,

wedding dresses, and other chick-crap.

So I finally said yes, and we’re getting married next month.

JUST KIDDING!!! What, you think I’m a MORON? Please.

I told her I loved her and cared for her deeply and that
traditional marriage was not something I’m comfortable with
(something she already very well knows). We had a very
deep and serious and romantic conversation and it was
wonderful. She touched my heart in a very profound way
and actually… I hate to say this… I cried a little. First time
I’ve cried in about a decade. It was nice. Since then, she
brings up the marriage thing regularly. Sometimes more than
once a day. Sometimes she does it in a fun and joking way
and sometimes she’s serious. She’ll probably keep this up
forever until her first LSNFTE. I know that Shannon Tweed
still bugs Gene Simmons about getting married after living
with the guy for 25 years, so if it still happens to him, I
consider this a normal and expected thing.

I have taught her well. She now knows how to cum instantly
either vaginally or with her clit, and usually cums at least
four times whenever we have sex (her record is 17 orgasms
in one session). After years of practice on me, her blowjob
skills are now fantastic. I mean seriously, I should send her a
bill for attending Blackdragon Sex University.

But it’s not all heaven and paradise. Here are some of the
bumps in the road we’ve had…

As always, this is an open relationship which means she can

fuck other guys if she wants. Now since she started as a
near-virgin, and I was only the second guy she had ever been
sexual with, she never wanted to fuck any other men. But
since her sexual awakening a while back (much of which I

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talk about in the last state of the union), that all changed, and
changed fast. A few weeks after telling me she first fucked
another girl, she finally mustered the courage to tell me she
fucked another guy for the first time since we started seeing
each other. A “really hot” 20 year-old black guy with six-
pack abs (HBM has a HUGE thing for muscular, young,
black men). Per our agreement, she made him use a condom
the entire time. He put on the condom, entered her, and came
within three seconds. She actually complained to him about
it, and then made him go down on her so she could cum too.
That’s my girl!

There was no jealousy when she told me. I was actually

happy about it. I spent most of the time asking her about
specifics, like how did she feel, how was it, etc. She said he
was very hot but young guys “Don’t fuck well like you do
BD.” Yes, I know Sweetie.

A few weeks later, she musters up the courage to tell me she

fucked another black guy. Young, hot, chiseled, just like the
first guy. Unlike the first guy, this guy was better. Fucked
her pretty well and made her cum once. This time, I had a
slight twinge of jealousy for a few seconds, but then nothing.
I was happy she was fucking guys (and gals). It levels the
playing field for me a bit.

Then… she drops the bombshell. One night, while she was
drunk, she admits to me, very reluctantly, that in the last six
weeks, she hadn’t fucked TWO other guys like she said, she
had fucked EIGHT other guys. Ho-ly shit. I had trouble
processing it. Innocent little HBM. Wow. They were all
young, all black. Usually the sex happened at parties, usually
while she had been drinking. She swore to me that condoms
were used every time. She said she didn’t perform oral sex
on any of them, and wanted to keep that “special” with just
me. I believed her on both counts, but since drinking was
involved I decided to get a STD test anyway. Statistically,

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black men tend to carry more STDs than white guys (that’s
not racism, that’s just a fact, look it up). I was a little pissed
because I had just gotten a full screening the month before.
So I had to do it all over again. Oh well. Thankfully, I came
up clean. (If I had gotten Chlamydia or something like that
from her via one of her dudes, I would have been furious.
I’m glad it didn’t happen.)

HBM is extremely cute and some of these guys were her

orbiters way back from high school, who have been trying to
fuck her forever. With the help of her newfound sex drive,
and some alcohol, and my permission that she’s allowed to
fuck other men if she wants to, she just… fucked them. It
wasn’t some big decision she made. She just did it. One after
the next. I was stunned as I listened to her story. Six pack
abs. Big cocks. Orgasms. Fucking one guy at a party she had
just met within 20 minutes. Even a threesome with two guys
who “took turns” on her. I asked her if she really enjoyed it
all, and she said yes, but then she said it was weird because
whenever she fucked one of them, she saw my face on them
during sex. My pasty white chubby face on a young black
body? I’m sure that was a sight to behold.

There’s been a lot of talk about jealousy and M/w here

lately. I doubt many of you are ever going to be in a
situation where the woman you care about fucks eight other
guys in a six-week period, all of whom have better bodies
than you. So let me talk about this in a very honest way. As
most of you already know, I never get jealous (beyond
perhaps rare tiny twinges), but of course this was a little
different. Little innocent HBM, going from zero other men,
and being that way for over a year, to fucking eight other
guys, all in six weeks. I’ll be honest, it was overwhelming to
hear all at once. A guy or two would have been no problem
(and it wasn’t), but eight? It was a great opportunity to walk
my talk.

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There’s a difference between not feeling any feelings, and

being aware of your feelings, knowing what they are, and
controlling them. As she spoke about her story, for the first
time in many years, over a decade in fact, I could feel my
obsolete caveman DNA slowly arise from its slumber,
grabbing a caveman axe, and wanting to kill some guys.
Also for the first time in years, I could feel my Societal
Programming arise from its prison deep in the back of my
mind, wanting me to feel hurt and betrayed.

But neither of those things happened. I could feel the

feelings coming up, but I know what they are, and how
inaccurate they are. I told them to calm down and shut up.
And they more or less did so. That was step one. Step two
was to put it all in perspective. Almost all women I have
known went through a little “slut” phase in their teens where
they fucked a lot of guys in a very short time. HBM just
delayed it until she was 20, and did it in a very concentrated
manner. Additionally, she didn’t love these men. She loved
me. That was clear. And she was responsible enough to
make them wear condoms. So she broke no rules. Also she
has never lied to me to my knowledge. And lastly, I want my
women to be fucking other men. Maybe not eight other men
while drunk, but she was a beginner at all of this and at least
she started the process, and I was very happy about that.

The bad news was that a lot of this was alcohol-related. She
was drinking to avoid the stress in her life (caused by her
family and work…long story but suffice to say she has a lot
of it). Big problem. But one thing at a time.

We had a conversation about it the next day once she

sobered up. Now to deal with the fallout that I knew was

The problem was not that she fucked eight guys. As long as
condoms are used, I could care less. But now, she has to

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manage these fuckers. All of these guys were her age, and as
I’ve said many times, men age 23 and under are the WORST
when it comes to getting needy and oneitisy way too fast.

She showed me texts on her phone from these bastards, and

just as I expected, just about all eight of these guys, most of
which she fucked only once, were now totally in love with
her. Her phone was chalk-full of texts from needy young
betas saying things like “I love you,” “I’m missing you,”
“Leave your BF and be with me,” “I’ll be with you forever
baby,” “I want to hold you in my arms again,” “I’ve never
met a girl like you”, “Your BF’s an asshole. You should be
with me,” etc.

I mean pages and pages of this stuff. I am so ashamed of my

gender sometimes. She had told them all, prior to having sex
with all of them, that she had a boyfriend that she loved and
was committed to but that she was allowed to have sex with
other guys. Of course they didn’t care. One guy introduced
her to his parents as his new girlfriend. Two others asked her
to move in with them. Etc, etc. Good Christ it was pathetic,
but the same predictable shit I’ve seen young men (and some
older ones) do over and over again.

As an aside, I’ve got to say this. It still amazes me that a

man can have sex with a woman one time and BAM! fall in
love and get horrible oneitis for her.

Sweet Jesus, I was NEVER like that, even in my young AFC

days. What the fuck are these guys thinking? What kind of
mindset does that take? Wow. (Don’t answer that. I know
the answer. Lack of confidence, lack of Mission, lack of
self-esteem, and many other things.) I see a lot of the same
dynamic with younger guys on these boards (and some older
guys too!) and it’s just alien to me. What a pain in the ass
way to live.

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Poor little HBM had unknowingly created an entire sea of

oneitis from eight needy AFCs that was now consuming her
life. She hated it, because to her, they were all FBs, except
for one possible exception… one guy she started having
feelings for. And she had zero experience in managing this
kind of thing. Fuck. I knew this was going to be a problem,
and it was. She was getting 50 texts a day from these guys.
Three of the guys started showing up at her work, bringing
her flowers and shit. One of them became a stalker,
harassing her in person and frightening her, forcing me to
get involved personally.

I could go on and on about this but I don’t want to fill up this

state of the union with just this one situation. To summarize,
her and I came up with a plan of attack to deal with these

1. She was to cut back on the drinking to just once or twice a

month, since really it wasn’t sex she was after, it was the
drinking she was after to deal with her massive stress from
work and family… and the sex came with the drinking. A
very bad habit to start. She acknowledged this and promised
to only get drunk around me or other people in very small
groups who she trusted. This was not some “rule” that I told
her to follow. This was something I had her come up with
herself. As I expected, she did not follow through on her
promise, but the drinking did decrease a lot. She turned 21
(legal drinking age in the US) a while ago.

2. This one was her idea: She sent a text to all of the dudes
saying that they were not allowed to say anything negative
about me and not allowed to get any feelings for her beyond
just sex (like that will work, but her mind was in the right
place). And if they violated either of those rules, they were
gone. As expected, pretty much ALL EIGHT GUYS
violated one or both of those rules after receiving her text.
So she proceeded to ignore all of their texts and phone calls.

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Since then she has resumed communicating with a few of


3. She had to double-ensure that condoms were being used at

all times whenever she fucked someone who was not me.
That was and still is my only “rule.”

4. She promised to maintain her no-blowjobs policy on all

the other guys. I did not ask her to do this. This was another
thing she came up with on her own.

From sexless near-virgin to fucking guys and gals,

threesomes all around, all in less than two years. What an
amazing transformation HBM has gone through. Most of
which was because of me. I’m such a stinker.

Since then, she as only fucked two guys in the last several
months (and lots of girls), but she does continue to hang out
and go out with other guys. Which is fine. Lately, her
pressure to get married has increased. She really pushes hard
for it often now. I just laugh it off like a broken record. It’s
become a joke between us at this point. But she still wants it.
She has also started complaining that when she goes out
with other guys, they “treat her better”. i.e. they hold her
purse, buy her whatever she wants, kiss her ass, etc. I
respond with “Of course they do. That’s why you like me
and not them.” Also, several months back she started
complaining, completely out of the blue, that it would be
nice if I stopped “fucking other girls.”

Uh-oh. Her betaization had finally kicked in.

In addition, her drama frequency has noticeably risen over

the past few months. It’s gone from once or twice a year to
about once every other month. Uh-oh. As the guy in Mortal
Kombat says, “I HAS BEGUN!”

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My long-term prediction is that HBM will continue to be

with me for another year or so as her betaization and drama
increases, resulting in more small soft nexts from me, until
she will become so exasperated that I won’t marry her or
kiss her ass like other men do, she will very reluctantly
LSNFTE me for a guy who will. My guess is she will then
get married and crank out babies with Mr. AFC very
quickly. And then of course, the marriage will crash and
burn, and she’ll be back. That entire process may take 2 to 3

Update: My prediction was exactly correct. In late 2013, we

stopped seeing each other, mostly due to increasing drama
because of her need for traditional marriage and kids.
Within a year she was dating a beta male and they married
about year after that. She had sex with me a few times,
cheating on her husband. I haven’t seen her in several years,
but we’re still friends. She’s still married to her husband.

25 year-old blonde Russian
Relationship Status: Fluctuates between MLTR and FB,
usually FB
Current Status: Soft Next

The wealthy, super-hot, super-smart, super-dramatic, super-

jealous HBSocialite is off again, on again, off again, on
again. For about two years now. We’ll fuck for a few weeks,
then either I will soft next her for drama, or she will
LSNFTE for some temporary boyfriend, and a few weeks
later, after they’ve either lied to her or “gotten boring,”
she’ll be back to me again. She’s the most “consistently
inconsistent” relationship I’ve ever had. Which is fine, but
that reduces her to FB status. She’s very smart, ivy-league
educated, blonde, hot, big tits, etc, so having her around is
fine, even if it’s inconsistent.

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As always, she stalks my Facebook page like a vampire.

Because of her “research,” she knows about HBM, HBTen,
HBSpunky and several other of my women via my Facebook
page, and hates that I’m fucking all these “teenage bitches.”
“Oh my god BD, every time I see your Facebook page,
you’ve got more women on there! I’ve never seen a man do
that! Will it ever be enough?”

I stupidly tried to logically explain the difference between an

FB and an MLTR/OLTR, and the difference between a
variety guy and a frequency guy, and how a frequency guy
like me requires quantity not because he likes quantity, but
because of how women like to LSNFTE all the time… but
you can probably guess how effective all that logic was. (I
might as well just have farted in her face, it would have been
as effective.)

Which brings up a point I’ve seen in HBM, HBSocialite, and

a few other women I’ve been with regarding the ownership
mentality and M/w of women. Once a woman starts to really
like you, she irrationally suddenly starts to believe that all
other women you fuck must “mean something.” For some
reason, in her eyes, you as the man lose the ability to have
meaningless FBs as soon as she falls in love with you. But,
if you ask that same woman, “Don’t you have guys you fuck
right now who are just sex and nothing else?” And she’ll say
“Of course.”

If you respond with “So YOU have the ability to have

meaningless sex on the side, but I suddenly don’t?” It’s
logic, so it doesn’t work, but it does demonstrate how silly
women (And men! Men are worse!) can be about this open
relationship stuff.

Another point. You might be noticing (as I started noticing

in myself) that I have become not only more emotional with

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my women, but I also don’t mind getting more logical with

them as well. Under normal conditions, I would never be
logical with a woman, but because of my success and
lifestyle in the woman arena, my abundance mentality and
outcome independence with women has skyrocketed to such
insane levels, I really don’t care anymore. I’m a logical guy,
so I get logical with my women now, even if I know in
advance it won’t work at all. Conversely, if I feel emotional
with my women and feel like opening up or getting really
lovey-dovey, I just feel it and get lovey. I’ve pushed and
widened the envelope of my personality in both directions. (I
guess this is what they talk about when they say you should
become the best “version” of yourself that you can become,
like Bradley Cooper in Limitless.)

I can do this now because I know if ALL of my women

(including the women of my dreams like HBM, HBSocialite,
HBShort, HBTen, and others) all got hit by a bus tomorrow
and died, I would be very sad for a while, but within a few
weeks I’d have another three to five women on rotation
again, and within a few months I’d have a deep loving
connection with one of them, again.

At one point I started to think my outcome independence

and abundance mentality couldn’t get any higher, but I was
wrong. It’s a wonderful place to be.

Update: I kept seeing her off and on for many years, until
she finally moved away to the East Coast. We are still
friends and text occasionally. She is an avid reader of my

34 year-old blonde
Relationship Type: MLTR
Current Status: Active and regular

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HBShort was a very serious relationship of mine years ago,

and after my longest LSNFTE yet (3 years and 3 months)
she’s back.

I now see her about once a week, briefly (since our

schedules are both tight) and we always fuck multiple times
when we see each other. All the love and feelings she had
for me way back when came suddenly rushing back to her
very quickly, prompting to even ask me if I was “seeing
anyone” very quickly (usually women wait weeks to pop
that question, but she popped it within one week because of
our history). I gave her my standard answer that I had 14
girlfriends, and she just rolled her eyes and dropped the
subject, which is what women always do when you
confidently refuse to enter that topic. She did “stay up all
night and think about that” that evening, but she still sees
me, so I don’t care. She texts me constantly, which is a
problem, but very normal for these traditional serial
monogamist types.

HBShort is very smart, very sarcastic (which I love), great in

bed, and one of the best kissers I’ve ever kissed in my life
(right up there with HBKiss, who I also describe further
below). Big ass too, which is a huge plus in my book. I’m
currently trying to teach her how to cum vaginally and with
her G spot, since she never has (34 years old and never cum
vaginally! A tragedy!).

It’s been a few weeks now, but I don’t expect her to last past
a few more months. She’s 34 and a monogamy lover. Soon
my lifestyle will be too much for her to accept, and she’ll be
on to the next guy. But damn, I’m having a lot of fun with
her while it lasts!

Update: I was right. She vanished just two weeks after me

writing this about her. As an over-33, her not being an

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OLTR was just too hard for her. We saw each other again,
briefly, in 2014, and had sex a few times, and she left again.
I consider her a friend but we haven’t spoken in over a year.

18 year-old blonde personal 10
Relationship Type: Started as MLTR, had to downgrade to
Current Status: LSNFTE

She originally got on the dating sites because her open-

relationship boyfriend (age 27 at the time) was going to
move away, and she didn’t want to pursue a relationship
with a guy she was in love with and who was going to be
unavailable soon. Smart, at least in a feminine way.

After a few weeks of us seeing each other, she tells me that

this same guy still hasn’t moved away yet (it had been
months since declaring he was moving away, which tells me
there’s something more to this “move” story) and she had
started seeing him again, but just as a fuck-buddy only, she
assured me. I immediately knew that this would soon result
in her LSNFTEing me, but I said nothing about that. Instead
I said that because she still loves him, is still fucking him,
and is now fucking me, this is all going to get very
complicated for her. She assured me that wouldn’t happen
and she could handle it.

Sometimes I hate being right all the time. It all played out
exactly as I predicted. About a week after that conversation,
one night she tells me he suddenly wanted to be
monogamous and now she “didn’t know what to do.” In
other words, both her and him where behaving very
predictably and normally. I gave her some logic (which was
totally ineffective of course) and said that whatever she
decided, I would be cool with, which is true. Her response
was more emotional “I don’t know what to do!” stuff. I

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knew then her days with me were numbered. Attraction is

not a choice, and love isn’t either. You can’t compete with
another man a woman loves, and I learned many years ago
it’s a waste of time to try. Instead, you let her go, let her
LSNFTE you, and she’ll eventually figure it all out.

In some ways, HBTen was my dream come true. But like the
guy in Blade Runner says, “The light that burns twice as
bright burns half as long.” Within a week after that
conversation, she was gone, back with the ex again. Within a
few weeks after that, she was on to yet another guy, this time
a teenager like her. She’s since broken up with him as well.

Maybe she’ll be back in my life at some point, maybe she

wont. If not, I guess I’ll have to find another 18 year-old
HB10 to replace her.

Oh wait…I already did. (More on this in a minute)

Update: She shortly moved to Southern California after this.

I haven’t kept up with her and haven’t spoken with her for
many years.

20 year-old cute geeky girl
Relationship Status: FB
Current Status: Active but very infrequent

She went through a bout of depression where I didn’t see her

for a few months. Then we just resumed fucking (she just
texted me out of the blue one day and said “I really want to
see you!”). She’s very smart and fun to talk to, but a little
brooding and morose. It’s like dating a female Batman. But I
love that ass, tight pussy, beautiful long hair, and how that
cute little face looks as she’s bouncing up and down
underneath me.

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What’s really nice is I moved 45 minutes north (to save

money on taxes) and instead of being 45 minutes away, she
now lives 3 minutes away, literally down the street. She has
a child so her schedule isn’t as flexible as I would like, but
her availability has gone way up since I moved. A nice extra
bonus to my tax savings.

HBGamer has the unique distinction of being the only

woman I have EVER been with who has NEVER asked
about other women. We’ve been seeing each other off and
on for over a year, and not once has she ever squeaked a bit
out asking about other women I might be seeing or fucking.
Amazing. It’s even more amazing when you consider the
last real boyfriend she had she seriously betaed, I mean bad.
It seriously baffled me for a while, but it’s nice. This is
highly unusual, but it just goes to show there are always odd
exceptions to the rule if you put in enough numbers like I do.
If only all women could be like that. Ah, a man can dream…

A while back she gave me some ASD chick-logic about how

“I think I want a real boyfriend now, but I can’t go out and
start dating other guys to possibly be my boyfriend if I’m
still having sex with you, so I kinda need to stop having sex»
with you.” I said her logic was insane, but did it with a smile
on my face and glint in my eye, and gave her a big kiss. We
both laughed but since then she’s gotten even more spotty in
my schedule.

My prediction is soon she’ll get a “real boyfriend”, beta the

shit out of him (which is what she did with the last
boyfriend) get bored, and come right back.

Update: I was right. She LSNFTE’d me a few months after

this. About two years later she came back, and we resumed
our relationship. She was/is one of the nicest women I’ve
ever dated.

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18 year-old half-black super-hottie
Relationship Status: FB
Current Status: LSNFTE

Asian and black heredity, which means she looks like a

black chick with Asian features. In other words, HBModel is
insanely beautiful… almost a perfect 10. She’s physical
perfection. HBModel is HBM’s longtime friend from high
school. Tall, dark-skinned, very beautiful and exotic-
looking, with HUGE tits. This was the one that HBM
revealed to me she had sex with. Of course, the first words
out of my mouth in response were, “Invite her over!”

So about three weeks later, HBM and I meet up with

HBModel at the local Asian grocery store. Exactly two
hours later, with barely seven or eight sentences exchanged
between me and HBModel, my cock was inside her, just two
months after her 18th birthday. We had a threesome that
night that lasted on and off for hours. This is another huge
advantage to dating VYW (Very Young Women). The ASD
is so low with younger girls, you can fuck their friends and
it’s not a problem.

Since then I have fucked HBModel a handful of times, either

in a threesome with HBM or one-on-one with HBM in the
vicinity. Since she was HBM’s friend first, I have deferred
to HBM’s wishes that I only fuck HBModel when she gives
permission, and that’s only when she’s around.

Although very sweet and has a good heart, HBModel is a

god damn freak in every sense of the word. She loves
watching porn and cant get enough of it. She drinks often
and smokes pot daily. Often tries new boyfriends and
quickly either discards them or cheats on them. The last time

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her and I had sex she had a boyfriend (a 17 year-old needy

Asian guy). Currently, she’s on a new boyfriend and in the
honeymoon phase and has thus temporarily LSNFTE’d both
me and HBM.

Something tells me that won’t last long.

Update: I was never able to resume any sort of relationship

with her because a year or two after this, HBM and her got
into a huge fight and “hated” each other. When I tried to
hang out with HBModel again, she somehow associated me
with HBM and refused. Oh well.

21 year-old crazy redhead
Relationship Status: Was an MLTR three years ago, now FB
Current Status: Active and regular

Yep, she’s still around. Last year she moved back to my part
of the country to have her third baby (all three of her babies
from different men of course, all by age 20). So we resumed
having sex last summer, fucking her at her hospital-provided
apartment while she was 8 months pregnant. That was

Massive freak, a lot has happened to her over the months

and years. Babies, angry ex-boyfriends, violent and gun-
wielding ex-husband, moving in and out with different guys,
losing her kids and then getting them back, drama, violence,
alcohol, drugs… it’s almost tiring watching her life from a
distance. But she’s still cute and we still fuck (I make sure to
roll that condom all the way to the bottom if you know what
I’m sayin’). I see her about two or three times a month at the
moment, which is her usual activity level when she’s not on
LSNFTE mode, and LSNFTE’s from her are frequent and
common, but never last long. (She’s always trying to

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reconcile with ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands. But inevitably

they fight, or she cheats, or they cheat and it’s over again.)

Update: I continued to have sex with her, off and on, for
many years. She has been one of my longest inconsistent
relationships. The last time I saw her was about two or three
years ago. She’s moved to the East Coast since then and has
gotten married (though I’m sure she’s cheating on him left
and right). At the time of this writing she is, and I’m not
kidding, running for public office.

Relationship Status: FB
Current Status: LSNFTE

This one I can’t talk about AT ALL. Too risky (mostly for
her) for a number of reasons. Sorry. What I can say: She’s
young. Been in my life off and on for about three years. Best
blowjobs of all my women. Sex is hot as hell. Lives a
somewhat chaotic life. That’s about it… any more info and I
might get people in trouble. I see her infrequently, and she
currently has moved in with a boyfriend so I’m on a (very
temporary) LSNFTE.

Update: HBSecret was HBPunkRocker’s best friend. :) We

had sex a few more times sporadically throughout the years,
until I stopped seeing her because she gained way too much

27 year-old engaged and then married fitness chick
Relationship Status: Was a strong MLTR a few years ago,
now FB.

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Current Status: Recent LSNFTE due to her getting married

and moving away

Another gal who’s been in my life a long time, off and on.
Although she’s one of these athletic, high-sex-drive types,
she started getting more and more depressed every time I
saw her. Her life was on a slow downward spiral while she
always was very nice and treated me very well, her negative
energy was not something I wanted to be around often. I
eventually made a decision to take a break from her and
when she asked to hang out with me two subsequent times, I
made sure I was “busy” and couldn’t see her. This was a real
shame, since she’s one of the few women I’ve experienced
who has never given me any real drama to speak of.
(LSNFTE’s, but never drama.)

A little while after that, she announces on Facebook she’s

engaged. To a guy she had been dating for… wait for it…
five weeks. Her excuse when I implied insanity: “Well, I’ve
known him as a friend for years.” Yep, in her depressed
state, she went provider-hunting and snagged herself a beta
dipshit. You can probably guess what I told her about the
wisdom of her decision making process, and you can
probably guess what her response was.

Later she reveals that he’s in the military. Ah ha. That

explains a lot. Just like what HBPunkRocker did years ago,
HBRunner agreed to a shotgun military marriage. Which is
usually a financial arrangement, but no one ever actually
admits that. She was going to marry the guy and move to
California the following day.

So two evenings before her wedding night, she texts me, and
within about two hours I was fucking her on her couch and
came inside that perfect pussy (while wearing a condom of
course) while her fiancé was out of town. Four days later,
she was married and gone. Knowing how high-sex-drive

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HBRunner is, and knowing the guy she married was the
typical AFC Provider, I set my watch as to when she would
be texting me next.

It took… wait for it… less than TWO MONTHS.

I get a text out of the blue from her in California

complaining about how she “just realized I have to be
monogamous now!” and how sex with him is “okay, but not
exciting or anything” and how much she missed getting
fucked by a “manly man.”

At some point she’ll be visiting her parents back here. We’re

going to make sure we meet up then.

I give it about two years, perhaps three, before she gets

divorced and moves back here. The pussy, uh I mean guy
she marred, didn’t make her sign a prenup and has some
good savings and retirement from the military, so hopefully
she’ll get some cash out of the deal. And then maybe he’ll
learn. (Though I doubt it. I further predict that after getting
his ass raped in the divorce, within four years Mr. Provider
will be married once again to someone else…without a
prenup again.)

Update: I’ve spoken about HBRunner a lot in various other

places, and I was more or less correct. She did indeed
divorce that dumbass after about two years with tons of
drama, but not before having another kid with him. We had
sex, off and on, for many years. Later, she got herpes from
another guy. She had just two breakouts and then never any
more ever again (to my knowledge). A few years after that
we had sex a few times, and I did the “armor up” technique
where I wore a condom and poked my cock through my
underwear so there was no skin-to-skin contact. She never
remarried, but had a third kid. Crazy. We’re still friends and
talk occasionally via texts or Facebook.

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40 year-old married MILF
Relationship Status: FB
Current Status: Recently resumed after LSNFTE, still very

Was seeing her last year and things just got a little too
dangerous for her so she cut it off. She also stopped fucking
her husband around that same time. As usual, women are not
static, they’re dynamic. They go through waves of wanting
sex and waves of not wanting it. Oh well. That’s a serious
problem for her husband, but not me! Thank god I’m not

One day my phone beeps and I snap it on to see a text pic of

her trim hot naked body and her perfect green eyes. Yeah,
she’s 40, but hot and trim and in good shape, with big perky
tits and amazing eyes. And a few texts and a few days later, I
was fully cumming inside her tubes-tied pussy. OMG it’s so

There’s a much larger, much more amazing story

surrounding HBMarried that I can’t talk about. Maybe I’ll
do the traditional thing and write some big tell-all book
when I’m an old man and none of this shit matters any more.

Update: She was very short-lived, which was fine by me

because of her married status. I haven’t seen or talked to her
in many years. She was a lot of fun while she lasted though.
She is still married to the same guy, but she has cheated on
him with more men since then (of course).

31 year-old Russian blonde

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Relationship Status: FB
Current Status: Permanently Hard Nexted

One of those very-short but very-amazing relationships. One

of the best kissers in my life, which is great since most
women are horrible kissers. HBKiss kissed the shit out of me
on our day2. Usually when you kiss a gal for the first time,
you’re like “Yeah, whatever, I need to get her clothes off,”
but every once and a while you get a gal like this where
you’re thinking “HOLY SHIT!” and get an insta-boner like
you’re in the 7th grade again. That’s HBKiss.

She was blonde, smokin’ hot and we were very sexually

compatible. I mean it was fantastic with her. After having
sex a few times, the fucking was so good I almost got my
version of oneitis (my version of oneitis is when I upgrade a
woman from FB to MLTR when I know I shouldn’t).

But there was trouble in paradise. Like most Russian

women, she showed strong signs of gold diggerish, high-
maintenance behavior. She finally threw major-league drama
at me for not buying her something (that cost over $100 US,
BTW). No specifics here but suffice it to say she did it in a
very uncool way.

I don’t do gold diggers. And I REALLY don’t do drama.

Hard next. I will not be seeing HBKiss ever again.

But damn, fun while it lasted!

Update: Never saw her again, thank goodness. She was one
of the many reasons I later stopped dating Russian women.

19 year-old super hottie
Relationship Status: FB

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Current Status: Inactive (moved away)

When HBTen left, I had a new and ravenous hunger for

another personal 10. It felt so good being with her, I wanted
that feeling again. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so soon
I found a new one. This is one that I can’t talk about too
much…can’t even describe how she looks. God do I want to
brag about this...for so many reasons… but I can’t. I will say
this… HBSilly is related to another woman described in this
state of the union. I will not say which, so please don’t ask.
(BD is fun for the whole family.)

I can’t go into detail, but HBSilly was a long game sarge.

But I was finally able to close last year. And oh, was it worth
it. Threesomes too.

Sadly, she’s since moved away. She’s only 19, so I don’t

expect her to be there forever, but we’ll see. And she’s still
within easy travel distance…

Update: I still can’t give more detail on her, but we are still
friends to this day, and she even attended my wedding to
Pink Firefly.

19 year-old blonde redhead
Relationship Status: FB
Current Status: Active and regular

My newest addition to the harem. This cute, spunky,

strawberry blonde 19 year-old was SO reluctant to meet up
with me from OKCupid! It took about five weeks of
occasionally texting her for her to summon up the courage to
meet me in person (I’ve never had a younger gal be that
frightened). But once we did, it was a three hour meet-to-lay.
Cute body, tight pussy, makes lots of noise during sex,

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perfect hips. Heaven. But she has some oddball sexual

hangups. She does not want any guy going down on her.
(Huh? That’s a new one.) Just fingers. Well, okay. She also
has a thing about kissing. She only wants to be kissed during
sex. Outside of sex, no kissie. That, I’ve seen. HBGamer is
like that too. She’s just an FB at this point so fine with me.

She has a nose ring that I absolutely hate (the kind in the
middle of the nose, like a bull), so I make her either take it
out or “roll it up” inside her nose so I can’t see it when she’s
with me. Very artsy, high-energy, colorful personality. For
example, she wears brightly-colored, mismatching socks. On
purpose. (You know the type.) I like her. A lot. She’s brand
new, only been around for a few weeks now. Not sure which
direction this will go.

As a side note, I have been thinking about establishing a

solid Primary replacement in case HBM decides to LSNFTE
me, which I have a feeling will happen sometime in 2011.
Maybe HBGold could be it, but that could just be the NRE
talking. (I would like HBShort to be it, but long-term
nonmonogamy is not something she’d go for. Frankly,
HBMarried would also be amazing, but she’s…married.
HBTen would be great, but she’s gone. So at the moment,
that leaves HBGold. We’ll see.) Anyway, the search and
qualification process for an OLTR candidate/replacement

Update: I had high hopes for her, but she LSNFTEd me

really fast, about a month after I wrote this. She came back a
year later, then came back a second time a year after that. I
haven’t spoken with her since.

25 year-old blonde
Relationship Status: FB

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Current Status: Active and regular

One of the other newer additions from the big online game
blitzes I did earlier in the year. I can’t really give too many
specifics on this one, but I can give some. One of my fastest
lays ever, two hours from meet-to-lay, likely my record. On
our online first date, just as I was going to write her off
because she wasn’t hot enough, she reveals that she can’t
have children due to a tubal ligation.

Add to that her perfect platinum blonde hair, and her tiny
build which I just love (can almost wrap my hand around the
circumference of one of her thighs), and I said yes. Used
condoms on her initially, but I had her get an STD test with
written results (which she did…she has lots of money so it
wasn’t a problem) and show me paperwork on the tubal
ligation so I knew it was real (which she did). Just to be fair,
I showed her the hardcopy results of my regular STD tests
well (100% clean as usual! Yay!).

So now, I fuck her without a condom and cum deep inside

that tiny pussy. “Oh glory glory halleluuuuuuuu-jah!
Teeeeeeeecher hit me with the ruuuuulllla!” So GOOD!
She’s one of those pure FB’s, in that she’ll just text me
around 8pm saying “Doing anything tonight?” If I’m not, I’ll
swing by her place around 10pm, fuck, and then get the hell
outta there and be home for bed by midnight. That’s all she
wants, all she needs. (For the time being at least…she’s a
girl so I expect that to change soon.)

Not sure for how long I can do this, but for the time being,
HBWhip gets an A+ in my book.

Update: We saw each other for a long time, several years.

After that she just vanished. I think she moved away.

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29 year-old blonde HB8.5
Relationship Status: FB
Current Status: Active and regular, but recently became

HBLonghair and I go way, way, back and I’ve posted about

her before. But it’s a very long story and I’m getting a little
tired of typing. She’s another gal who had a very long
LSNFTE… two years dorking around with needy older AFC
men (those men over 40 are almost as bad as those young
guys under 24)… before she came back to me.

The one interesting thing about her is that even though she’s
29 years old, has had plenty of sex and boyfriends in her life,
she has never had a man go all the way inside her. “Just the
tip” or “halfway,” but never all the way. A number of
reasons for this but I’m not going there.

So after a few discussions about trust, I was given the honor

of “breaking her in,” She knows me well, is well aware of
my lifestyle, hates monogamy like I do, and is a serious
playette in her own right. This may sound odd, but these
similarities between us engender a trust I don’t think she’s
had with a man for a very long time.

I could now segue this into an entire conversation about how

there is more trust in open relationships than in monogamous
ones, and how monogamous relationships are inherently less
trusting. But maybe I’ll save that lecture for another post.

So anyway, the last several times we’ve had sex, I carefully

went deeper and deeper inside her. It’s tricky, because she
winces in pain and actually pushes me away. But when I
stop, she tells me, through the tears, to keep going. It’s been
interesting. There’s been some bleeding, let me tell you. It’s
like fucking a 29 year-old virgin. And in a way, it is.

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Normally, I would not take the time and effort to do this, but
I want to give her this gift. She wants it so badly. “I want to
get fucked hard like normal girls!” she says to me. Cool! I
do it as a public service, my love.

About two months ago, we finally got there. I was all the
way inside her for just a few thrusts. I have to admit…
dominating her is so nice. Watching her little pained face as
I forcefully push inside her and squeeze her perfect C cups,
listening to her whimper in pain…oh, it’s a good thing. I
love to dominate.

Sadly, she was recently transferred to Europe (she’s a

corporate type). But it’s in her contract to come back to the
States at least once every 60 days, and she wants to hang out
again then so I can keep “stretching her out” (her words).

Update: She was another long, inconsistent relationship,

with several LSNFTE’s (but she always came back). She
finally hit age 33 and demanded I marry her. When I said
no, she married someone else, and I haven’t talked to her
since. That was several years go.

Honorable Mentions

That concludes the relationships now and in the last 12

months. In terms of new or resumed sexual relationships
there were a few near-misses in the last 12 months that I can
talk about as well.


From my last State of the Union, my redhead 27 year-old ex-

MLTR. She LSNFTE’ed me for an AFC boyfriend who
gave her monogamy last April or so. That only lasted about
five months (of course). Last month, I had her over at my

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house, got her on my bed, made out with her, was feeling her
tits and her ass, but that’s as far as I got. Okay, I’ll just
completely ignore her for about three weeks and then try
again. We’ll get there.

Update: We eventually had sex again. About a year after

that, she became a hardcore lesbian and married a woman.
A few years after that she divorced her (monogamy doesn’t
work, even for lesbians) and married another woman. She’s
still married today, and we’re still friends. I was the last
man she ever had sex with.


A super hot (for her age) blonde 39 year-old model/actress

who has been in lots of nationwide commercials. We fucked
around a very long time ago and resumed talking a while
back. We’ve been out, briefly, a few times and have been
sexual to a degree, but like HBSpunky, her ASD is very
strong (primarily because of her age). I recently nicely
nexted her. Like with Spunky, I’m going to have to ignore
her for a while and see what happens. She’s used to men (the
over 40 types again) drooling and fawning all over her
constantly, and as the only man in her life who doesn’t do
that, she has a strong attraction for me that confuses her and
that she can’t explain. But the ASD is still strong.

Update: A year after this, she married a guy who looked just
like me. No joke. They’re still married as far as I know. I
have not seen her since, but we’ve talked on Facebook a few

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