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Communist-led peasant uprising in central Luzon, Philippines (1946–54). The

name of the movement is a Tagalog acronym for Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon,
which means "People's Anti-Japanese Army". The Huks came close to victory in 1950
but were subsequently defeated by a combination of advanced U.S. weaponry
supplied to the Philippine government and administrative reforms.

During the 1930s central Luzon became a focus for Communist and Socialist
organizational activities. The contrast between the wealthy few and the poverty-
stricken masses was responsible for periodic peasant revolts during the Spanish

Filipinos offered strong resistance against the Japanese. After Bataan to the
Japanese (April 1942), organized guerrilla bands carried on the fight. The Hukbalahap
organization proved highly successful as a guerrilla group. By the end of the war they
had seized most of the large estates in central Luzon.

Philippine independence from the United States was scheduled for July 4,
1946. Tension between the Huks and the Philippine government arose over the issue
of surrender of arms. The Huks had gathered an estimated 500,000 rifles and were
reluctant to turn them over. During the next four years, the Manila government
steadily slipped in prestige while Huk strength increased.

In 1954 Taruc emerged from the jungle to surrender, and the Hukbalahap
Rebellion, for all practical purposes, came to an end. The Huks suffered a crucial
setback when government agents raided their secret headquarters in Manila.
President Harry Truman, alarmed at the worldwide expansion of Communist power,
authorized large shipments of military supplies to the Manila government.

The Huk movement and its leadership persisted, however, operating

primarily from a stronghold in Pampanga province on Luzon Island.

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